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Thread: Bleach Chapter 312

  1. #21
    I still don't see how Kenpachi can just go and beat the 5th espada

    I'd assume Ichigo's hollow mask was a significant upgrade from his previous power level. The fact that he beat grimmjow means that Ichigo is now on another plane of power, which is established by how easily Grimmy owned bankai Ichigo.

    What is really unbelievable is that Kenpachi, having matched Ichigo Pre-bankai, can now beat someone above Grimmjow, just because he used TWO hands instead of one. If that's the case Ichigo was lucky Kenpachi didn't seem to remember kendo in their last fight.

    There's nothing that justifies Kenpachi being so powerful in my book. Not that he isn't awesome but the writer is stretching my suspension of disbelief here.
    Last edited by DeathscytheVII; Sun, 03-02-2008 at 03:32 PM.

  2. #22
    True. There needs to be an explaination of how both him, the medic captain and Byakuya are suddenly so much stronger now.

  3. #23
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I don't see any need to explain why any of the others are stronger, none of them have shown any shocking increase in strength and the explanation could be as simple as they were training. Based on what Yoruichi said they are all relatively young compared to her so its safe to assume that unlike Aizen none of them are near their peaks therefore they can get stronger. I mean she did call Byakuya a baby.

    What I want is for Orihime to die, her powers are just a poor plot device and it makes everything boring when she can just reverse everyones damage in a few minutes.

    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    you just said kendo requires no skill, grit and determination, way to go
    Taking things personally aren't we? Anyway its not that kendo doesn't require any, its just that compared to the other captains Zaraki's skill is nothing. Seriously the dude's swordskill is no better than a 4th or 5th seat probably worse and he is not refined at all he acts like a complete amateur. He doesn't know his zanpakuto's name, he doesn't know any kido and he doesn't show any skill or strategy when fighting really he is a pathetic excuse for a swordsman. That is probably why Ichigo was able to fight evenly with him before because once you can generate as much power as he can or more, he is nothing.

    I mean who the hell just stands and lets people slash away at them. Aren't they using swords and aren't they supposed to be trying to attack vital points so they can either kill their opponent or take away their powers. Really I want to see Kenpachi get his ass handed to him.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 03-02-2008 at 08:02 PM.
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  4. #24
    It is possible that Ichigo could beat Byakuya and Kenpachi before...because at that moment all the captains haven't released their limit yet. So their powers were only 20%.

  5. #25
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Anyway its not that kendo doesn't require any, its just that compared to the other captains Zaraki's skill is nothing. Seriously the dude's swordskill is no better than a 4th or 5th seat probably worse and he is not refined at all he acts like a complete amateur.
    Dude, zaraki said yamamoto taught him kendo, but he REFUSED to use it, which clearly shows in the way he has been fighting all this time, which is obviously because the bastard wants to enjoy his fights like some crazy madman, if he uses kendo there is no more fun in it for him, since kendo = one hit, one kill philosophy.

    And that slash alone was perfomed with almost perfect skill, his form was perfect.

  6. #26
    Dont try to get too logical guys ... It's ... you know ... Kenpachi.

  7. #27
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Dude, zaraki said yamamoto taught him kendo, but he REFUSED to use it, which clearly shows in the way he has been fighting all this time, which is obviously because the bastard wants to enjoy his fights like some crazy madman, if he uses kendo there is no more fun in it for him, since kendo = one hit, one kill philosophy.

    And that slash alone was perfomed with almost perfect skill, his form was perfect.
    Wait didn't I say my problem with him is that he doesn't show any skill or strategy when fighting, the fact that he was actually taught how the fight properly only makes it worse. Like I said the dude "acts" like a complete amateur. I guess thats why Kurotsuchi called him a degenerate, its not that he can't be better its that he is choosing not to be.
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  8. #28
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Dude, zaraki said yamamoto taught him kendo, but he REFUSED to use it, which clearly shows in the way he has been fighting all this time, which is obviously because the bastard wants to enjoy his fights like some crazy madman, if he uses kendo there is no more fun in it for him, since kendo = one hit, one kill philosophy.

    And that slash alone was perfomed with almost perfect skill, his form was perfect.
    That still doesn't change the fact that we waited like 12 weeks just to see him slash with 2 hands.

  9. #29
    I was thinking I wonder if the new oppent that appears might actually be Nel.

    That would be quite the plot twist. I have not worked out why but something along the lines of Orohime restoring her alliance with Aizen while restoring her health.

  10. #30
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Nell will problaby fight against Ichigo, just to check his current skill.
    She will not really say (maybe) that she's on Aizen's side but it will act if it was.

    It still sounds bullshit. She will waste his time and strength. Sure, Orihime is there but still.

    Hey, will Nell then fight Ulquiorra?
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  11. #31
    Ulquiorra is number 4, and Nel couldn't defeat Nnoitora who was 5. I don't think it would be much of a fight.

  12. #32
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Thanks for clearing that up. She still might be "cannon fodder" so save some time for Ichigo to continue.

    Cliché as it may be.

    Damn, I have no idea really were this manga is doing nowdays. As far as I know, the only rememberable scene is the one were Inoue says fare the well to Ichigo before she leaves.
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  13. #33
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    problem is that this fight was a hybreed fight.
    every fighting movie has this one enemy who has really flashy skills, but goes down with one hit. like the Katimachi Joe who fought Ishida in SS. once Ishida decided to win, he won.
    same with Kenpachi, the fight required him to use a skill that always had, and didn't cost him anything.
    it's like playing mortal combat as Subzero ("the temprature drops below subzero", "there's no such thing as below subzero") and freezing your enemy and uppercutting, not much of a climax, right?
    there's no reason to drag this fight for so long, two chapters would be enough, since it's just a "pussy fight".

    if a fight draggs on for so many chapters, then it better end good. if this was only a sword fight, then it should at least be mutual, hack & be hacked. mad vs madness (SPARTA!) and a battle of who cares less for his wounds.

  14. #34
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    So, the long awaited Kenpachi fight is finaly over...

    Serioulsy, what now to look forward to?
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  15. #35
    Ulquiorra will eventually be back, Unohana hasn't really done anything but scare the piss out of the Exequias, Mayuri's discovered something of interest in Szayel's closet, Grimjow is still alive, and there are still the three most powerful Espada who haven't been ranked.

    However, at the moment Orihime is pretty much free and everyone else is safe too, so we may be able to look forward to this arc finally being over. Once they go back to the Human World we will hopefully see the Vaizards again, and perhaps learn some more random crap to spice up the whole King of SS pot some more.

  16. #36
    I got the feeling that no-no ... Orihime gotta fucks things up before that arc ends. Like getting the magic ball thingy stuff that Aizen stole from Rukia's body into the key to SS King's place

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