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Thread: Naruto Chapter 391

  1. #61
    clean end would be both using MS instead of Sasuke winning with itachi with NO MS and being used on ALL 3 MS TECHNIQUES.

    Honestly -> this fight is bullshit already.

    talent/luck/will power are ok, but all 3 MS techniques countered by plain sharingan user? I know it's Sasuke but...

  2. #62
    Agreed. Don't care who the user is, a plain sharingan should not be able to match a MS.

  3. #63
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Even if it all is bullshit he still got backup from Oro and the CS.

    Well, somehow....
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  4. #64
    Oro < Itachi, and CS level 2 is slightly higher than Naruto on 1 Kyuubi tail. Hardly something that would trouble Itachi.

  5. #65
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    It's never been stated that MS acts like a 4th tomoe of a Sharingan(i.e. increases your sharingan's abilities). All it does as far as we know, is gives you access to special jutsus. I don't see a problem with Sasuke defeating Itachi with just a regular Sharingan. And even if MS does do what was stated, who said Sasuke's CS form was at a fixed level? It has probably improved by a lot. Or Sasuke has improved so much, that the CS form just makes him that much greater.

    Anyways... If I have any problems with this fight, it's the fact that the little brother can beat the big brother. But we don't know that yet.

    I just really hate how the older generation doesn't seem to improve much at all.... Considering most of them are still young.

  6. #66
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    heck. Berserk moves faster than this. Namek took less chapters to explode.

    I don't even care about what stupid move any of them uses, and who has which sharingan eye, one of them should kill the other and eat the heart for juicy courge. and Naruto nitpicking used to be on of my favorite pastime activities.

    also, conquistaDan , I'm really hoping that there isn't a time jump soon, we still haven't seen Naruto winning a fight. we need about five chapters of Naruto/Kyuubi past to catch up to the entire Sharingan Shananigans (I'm going to trademark this one)

  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by conquistaDan
    @AssertN: I have a question. What will you do if Itachi does die? Go out into the streets and yell from the rooftops in joy that you were right because of Kishi's little personal move that when the Akatsuki coats off they die?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #68
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Oro < Itachi, and CS level 2 is slightly higher than Naruto on 1 Kyuubi tail. Hardly something that would trouble Itachi.
    That was like 3 years ago. Sasuke has since basically mastered the CS. I don't know whether it should be affecting Itachi, or the scale of that in comparison to MS, but you cannot compare the one we seen 3 years ago to the current one.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  9. #69
    CS might have somehow interrupted tsukuyomi cause it helps with chakra extraction -> ok

    then we have amaterasus -> unavoidable attack avoided.

    now we got susanou -> wtf jutsu we know almost nothing about apart from the fact it will somehow be countered/avoided by Sasuke :P

    It's not just that MS makes your sharingan BETTER, it's just that the techniques MS provides could be as well named last resort techniques which are foolproof most of the time.

    And of course here comes Sasuke breaks one, avoids second, rapes (?) third with his movie-like fortunate turn of events that are, in fact, highly unlikely otherwise.

  10. #70
    I get the feeling that the following chapters will end the fight between the brothers. But, I also think that neither one will die. I'm guessing that Itachi's "susanoo" jutsu will blast Sasuke to never never land and disappear for a while.

  11. #71

    I'm not guaranteeing or hoping that there will be. I don't want one either. But I do think that Kishi might pay one down soon for some growth in terms of age. And I think we're over due for one. Naruto doesn't suck anymore. We don't need him to get that much better. However besides Shikamaru, Neji and obviously Sasuke. He does have a lot of Kyuubi work ahead of him. That's not going to be easy to write or for naruto to do without a teacher. If Kakashi can't teach him, he's fucked. What his dad gave him would a be a total waste past 4 tails without the right control and maturity.

    Sharingan Shananigans,
    thats not bad man not bad at all.

  12. #72
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    We are not going to see another timeskip atleast not anytime soon. If Kishi feels like he needs to make Naruto better then he could just put him through and off screen training session like he used to. I can't believe that people still want to see more of the Kyuubi( Naruto using the Kyuubi) at this point because frankly its rather boring, it detracts alot from the fact that they are ninjas and nothing good has ever come of it.

    Naruto's Kyuubi history. Used it against Haku, nothing came of that, against Oro again nothing, against Neji once again nothing, against Gaara the only purpose it served was to eliminate Shukaku the battle was a draw, against Sasuke nothing came of that, against Deidara once again nothing, then he used it again against Oro and once again for nothing.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  13. #73
    Why do you continue to judge this manga as if it's supposed to be about traditional Japanese ninja, stealthy assassins for hire. By this point I think it's clear that this story is about mythical Chinese and Japanese folklore repackaged for a younger audience with a flashy ninja fantasy story as a mask. I mean come on, Jiraya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kyubii, the Sword of Kusanagi, Enma the Monkey King, Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi, and Susanoo are all pulled straight out of Japanese mythology. The sooner you accept that the story is as much about Naruto becoming a traditional ninja as it is about Kakashi learning to make wicker baskets with his hands tied behind his back the sooner you can either stop reading it or stop expecting things you're not going to get from the main characters.

    And I guess you don't see Naruto being alive in a manga called Naruto as a good thing, though that is somewhat debatable. In several of those situations you mentioned Naruto was about to either die or be defeated and using Kyubii is the only thing that saved him.

    Kyubii Mode was the only way Naruto could have gotten out of the Ice Mirrors.

    Kyubii Mode was the only way Naruto could continue to fight Neji after his normal chakra had been sealed.

    Summoning Gamabunta with the Kyubii chakra was the only way Naruto could have avoided being killed by Desert Coffin.

    Releasing the Kyubii chakra was the only way he could put a dent in Sasuke after he came out of the box with his level two seal.

    One Tailed Mode was the only thing that allowed Naruto to even touch Sasuke once his Sharingan upgraded.

    Going into a 4th tail Berserker Mode forced Oro to actually use techniques and do cool stuff.

    The times where it didn't actually benefit him at all were the first Oro encounter, the fight against Kimimaro, and against Diedara.

    That said, Naruto has had the Kyubii since chapter 1, it is the reason he is special and the reason he's the main character, for Kishi to simply stop addressing it and evolving the relationship between Naruto and Kyubii would make Naruto's character more shallow than most of the supporting characters in addition to making the story simply terrible. You can't just throw away the beginnings of a story, no matter how lame or boring they may turn out to be further down the road.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 03-05-2008 at 01:34 AM.

  14. #74
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Wow Yuki I'm beginning to wonder if you will ever understand me. What I meant about Naruto using more of the Kyuubi is that people not only want to see Naruto using more tails but some people seem like they want Naruto to completely abandon being a normal ninja and just rely on the Kyuubi for everything. See a shadow in the bushes bust out the Kyuubi and start smacking people, that kinda thing is what I was talking about not Naruto relying on the Kyuubi like he normally does.

    Second thing is that I get that Naruto relies on the Kyuubi during life threatening situations. I get that, I accept that, thats what makes him "special" as Sasuke put it. This may seem contradictory to what I just said but I want Naruto to start to incorporate the Kyuubi more into his fighting style. At this point Naruto doesn't have any balance when it comes to his fighting style. Either its all Naruto or its all Kyuubi, what I mean is that I want him to not have to wait until its a life or death situation to have to rely on the Kyuubi or just when he is really angry. Its kinda hard to explain but to Naruto the Kyuubi is more of a berserker mode than part of his actual power. I want him to start using it as his own power I want him to gain some control over it, something similar to how Sasuke has incorporated the curse seal into his fighting style. I know that is not entirely possible since the Kyuubi itself is a sentient being and not just a power up like the curse seal but I hope you get what I'm saying.

    Kishi evolving the relationship between Naruto and the Kyuubi is exactly what I want. What we've seen from the beginning is Naruto gets himself into a dangerous or life threatening situation and then relies on the Kyuubi and goes into somewhat of frenzy and now that he can use more of the Kyuubi it just becomes a complete berserker mode. I want that to change, I don't want the Kyuubi gone I don't even think that is possible since the entire story itself revolves around the Kyuubi.

    As far as the ninja comment goes I just mean I don't want to see any Naruto 4 tail berserker modes. I mean when Naruto transformed into 4 tails he traveled within the seal so essentially there was no one in control of his body since the seal is there to prevent the Kyuubi from taking over and Naruto going inside the seal meant that he couldn't control his body then either. If Naruto gains control over the Kyuubi's chakra so that if and when he does go four tails or more he will actually be cognizant of whats going on it would be great, would be even better if it was the other way around and the Kyuubi was in control.

    I don't think any of that is expecting too much, in fact that seems to be the direction Kishi is going to take Naruto in so its all good.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Wow Yuki I'm beginning to wonder if you will ever understand me. What I meant about Naruto using more of the Kyuubi is that people not only want to see Naruto using more tails but some people seem like they want Naruto to completely abandon being a normal ninja and just rely on the Kyuubi for everything. See a shadow in the bushes bust out the Kyuubi and start smacking people, that kinda thing is what I was talking about not Naruto relying on the Kyuubi like he normally does.

    Second thing is that I get that Naruto relies on the Kyuubi during life threatening situations. I get that, I accept that, thats what makes him "special" as Sasuke put it. This may seem contradictory to what I just said but I want Naruto to start to incorporate the Kyuubi more into his fighting style. At this point Naruto doesn't have any balance when it comes to his fighting style. Either its all Naruto or its all Kyuubi, what I mean is that I want him to not have to wait until its a life or death situation to have to rely on the Kyuubi or just when he is really angry. Its kinda hard to explain but to Naruto the Kyuubi is more of a berserker mode than part of his actual power. I want him to start using it as his own powerI want him to gain some control over it, something similar to how Sasuke has incorporated the curse seal into his fighting style. I know that is not entirely possible since the Kyuubi itself is a sentient being and not just a power up like the curse seal but I hope you get what I'm saying.

    Kishi evolving the relationship between Naruto and the Kyuubi is exactly what I want. What we've seen from the beginning is Naruto gets himself into a dangerous or life threatening situation and then relies on the Kyuubi and goes into somewhat of frenzy and now that he can use more of the Kyuubi it just becomes a complete berserker mode. I want that to change, I don't want the Kyuubi gone I don't even think that is possible since the entire story itself revolves around the Kyuubi.

    As far as the ninja comment goes I just mean I don't want to see any Naruto 4 tail berserker modes. I mean when Naruto transformed into 4 tails he traveled within the seal so essentially there was no one in control of his body since the seal is there to prevent the Kyuubi from taking over and Naruto going inside the seal meant that he couldn't control his body then either. If Naruto gains control over the Kyuubi's chakra so that if and when he does go four tails or more he will actually be cognizant of whats going on it would be great, would be even better if it was the other way around and the Kyuubi was in control.

    I don't think any of that is expecting too much, in fact that seems to be the direction Kishi is going to take Naruto in so its all good

    Ok, see now I agree with you. I almost feel bad you had to defend yourself like that Abdula. lol Honestly. Anyway, I agree with you 100% on everything in bold that you'd said. Thats actually what I was looking for in terms of someone finally explaining this whole damn series in a nutshell and where that little storyline nugget with Kyuubi wouldshould actually go.

    I also think it'd be best if Naruto learned more on controlling him. The vice versa (Kyuubi being in control) kind of freaks me out. I mean, he isn't good yet. We've only seen him want to kill and barely help Naruto in battle. That's not what Naruto needs. So personally (unless the good Kyuubi can be unlocked and controlled) I think that Naruto should always in be in control. One step further. I think he should become so close to Kyuubi, that they become almost partners in crime to protect Konoha and bring out the best in Naruto and the Fox chakra.

    Heres my other take:
    Once and while people get so caught up in their own almost flame like post arguments, that we forget to look at the most simple things. Heres what I mean. Just go back to the Bijuu capturing chapters All Naruto has to do (granted this is pretty big and almost obvious, but anyway) is become the same as the older Bijuu. We keep forgetting that he's really really young to have one inside of him. The girl who had the two-tailed cat demon was decent and she was even in probably in her late 20's. I mean the only example we have of a really strong one (pending Oro wasn't the 8 tailed one) was the 4 tailed Bijuu Kisame went after. It was said that it was one of Kisames most difficult battles. He had to face 4 types of elemental fusions from him. And this is Kisame folks. Not exactly an Akatsuki light weight. I heard somewhere that at only 30% he has the same amount of chakra as a 3 tailed Kyuubi Naruto. So the old man was the only one who mastered his Bijuu as far as we know. And yes I think he was stronger than Gaara was with Shukaku. Much stronger.

    So I think we should only be talking about Naruto's Bijuu in the presence and remerbrance of other Bijuu's that have been caught. Yes I know Naruto has the most powerful one. But that gives more reason to why we should always compare and contrast.

  16. #76
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Well as far as Naruto goes I don't really compare him to the other Jinchuuriki because they were all very different and had different fighting styles and we haven't seen anything from any of them besides Gaara but if you want to compare him to anyone it would have to be Gaara, who was not only very young(the same age as Naruto) but incredibly strong. In terms of control Naruto isn't anywhere near Gaara's level. Plus when it comes to how strong Naruto should or can be because of the Kyuubi you can't really compare him to the others because Bijuu 1-8 combined < Kyuubi and that is important.

    Quote Originally Posted by conquistaDan
    I heard somewhere that at only 30% he has the same amount of chakra as a 3 tailed Kyuubi Naruto.
    I don't know where you heard that from but that is completely untrue, yes Kisame is probably the most powerful Akatsuki in terms of chakra capacity but he can't generate anywhere near that amount of power. That would mean that fully powered Kisame's strength would be on par with a fully released Kyuubi and that is just not true. We've seen Kisame at 30% already that is what he used to fight Team Gai back when they were trying to rescue Gaara. Kisame may have alot of chakra but when it comes to generating massive amounts of chakra no one can compare to a Jinchuuriki.

    -Yes, I do think that the 4 tails was the strongest one we've seen so far. I don't know why Kishi chose to have that battle take place off screen but I'm hoping when the anime gets to that point we'll get to see more of him and hopefully his techniques won't be too fillerish.
    Last edited by Abdula; Wed, 03-05-2008 at 02:50 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  17. #77
    @Abdula: Now I understand what you were talking about and I agree with what you apparently meant. You seem to have a habit of not declaring the scope with which you refer to things, which is very confusing. The way you worded your statement made it sound like you were denouncing everything involving the Kyubii and Naruto's relationship with it as boring and meaningless.

    Berserker Kyubii isn't very ninja like and I would also find it boring if it kept progressing like that, however I see Kyubii fueled speed and strength boosts as great assets to Naruto's overal abilities. Super speed combined with wind chakra melee attacks would make for a an awesome combination. Though it probably wouldn't help much against genjutsu which has become a staple in high level battles recently.

  18. #78
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    @Abdula: Now I understand what you were talking about and I agree with what you apparently meant. You seem to have a habit of not declaring the scope with which you refer to things, which is very confusing. The way you worded your statement made it sound like you were denouncing everything involving the Kyubii and Naruto's relationship with it as boring and meaningless.
    Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Berserker Kyubii isn't very ninja like and I would also find it boring if it kept progressing like that, however I see Kyubii fueled speed and strength boosts as great assets to Naruto's overal abilities. Super speed combined with wind chakra melee attacks would make for a an awesome combination. Though it probably wouldn't help much against genjutsu which has become a staple in high level battles recently.
    That is exactly what I'm talking about.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  19. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    He's assuming you're 13 and one of those people who feel its necessary to toot your own horn by posting to say "I told you so!" and let everyone know every time you're right about a prediction, not realizing that its actually less of a prediction and more so basic knowledge of the way things work in Shonen manga.

  20. #80
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    that's what happens when the army lets me off a tuesday, I start making crappy MSpaint jokes.

    so here's the first Sharingan Shannanigans "picture". I'm going to use it each time we get an Uchiha heavy episode that doesn't matter to the plot.

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