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Thread: The Question Game

  1. #501
    Quote Originally Posted by saman
    q: what is your favourite movie, and why?
    A: I rewatched Independence Day and it was great, lots of sci-fi and action going on, with a little bit of comedy and drama. The sound effects were awesome and the story was decent, although they could have came up with a better plot, but it was satisfying.

    Q: Do you use an old ball mouse, the usb laser mouse, or the wireless laser mouse? Which one do you think is better and why?
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  2. #502
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    A: Corded G5 laser mouse. i don't like wireless ones because i have sometimes trouble with PC wireless stuff, pad was working weirdly - like, 1 sec break in connection for every 2 seconds of connection, my friends keyboard was not working, lucky that all ps3 stuff works well. And laser mouse - i hate to clean ball-mouses and its damn annoying in rts when one of axis suddenly stops working. optical mouses have problems with colored mousepads(older mouses), and laser ones are more precise. Downside is price. Plus G5 ideally fits into my hand, while G9 sucks hard, and same goes to the razor.

    Q:Have you ever have been holding drumsticks in you hands?
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
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  3. #503
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    A: The only kind of drum sticks I hold usually end up in my stomach. Seriously, I would love to learn.

    Q: Which upcoming movie are you looking foward to in 2009?
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  4. #504
    A: No doubt Terminator: Salvation at this point. Hopefully Christian Bale takes the franchise to another level.

    Q: Do you fart in the classroom/office or do you excuse yourself out of the room to handle your business?

  5. #505
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    A: I hold it in, then discretely discharge it when I'm in the open. You can't always excuse yourself from where you're at, like on airplanes or in meetings.

    Q: Do you mind reading books in electronic format, or does it have to be printed on paper?

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  6. #506
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    A) I prefer it printed. Books just don't seem like books. Holding a book in printed format just seems get me into "that mode". It's possibly the posture, or the strain on the eye, brightness of the monitor etc that makes book-reading distinctly different. And I like that.

    Q) When did you first learn how to swim, if you can swim. What was your experience like, scary, fun? Ever nearly drowned?

    If you don't know how to swim, would you find an opportunity to learn?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #507
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    A: My father thrown me into the deep 3.5m pool in Tunisia, then i after diving to the bottom and going to the surface i started to swim instinctively. I didn't mind being thrown at the pool - i loved and still love water and lakes. It was fun!

    Q: What sport are you best at?
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  8. #508
    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair
    Q: What sport are you best at?
    A: Tennis. I've participated in a lot of tournaments, singles and doubles. I managed to win the 1st Division Battle, but lost with my partner in the Doubles Relay. Regardless, it was a lot of fun.

    Q: What kind of batteries do you trust? Are they expensive or cheap? Do they last long?
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  9. #509
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    A: I've always liked Duracell. They had the best commercials in the 80s, and now they have the best current slogan about who vital services trust when they need dependable batteries.

    Q: If you have a portable hard drive with decent capacity but it's on its last legs, do you continue to use it and risk losing your stuff, or throw it away and get a new one?

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  10. #510
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    A) If I know it's on it's last legs, I'd replace it without hesitation. Lost data may be unrecoverable, and depending on what it is, it'll could be a great inconvenience. Even if it's just anime, it's a bitch to lose it all. How much do hard disks cost nowadays anyway? If you know how, you can buy your own HDD and stick it in the same casing rather than buying a completely new external drive.

    The key point here was "on its last legs", meaning drive failure is just around the corner.

    Q) What's your most valuable possession? Give two answers, one for monetary value and one for personal value. Note: identical answers are allowed.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #511
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    A: My pet polar bear, adopted from my sister is the personal one. My bank account(s) is the monetary one.

    Q: Would you rather be an amazing lover or a kick-ass fighter?

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  12. #512
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    A: Amazing lover, cause it has it's perks

    Q: Would you rather be blind or deaf??
    "The End Justify The Means"

  13. #513
    Quote Originally Posted by paper mache
    Q: Would you rather be blind or deaf??
    A: If I had no choice, then I would rather be deaf because seeing is believing. You get to see all the spectaticle colors that flow through your everyday life while being blind only allows you to hear the musical world. There are advantages and disadvantages, depends on how you take each stance.

    Q: Do you prefer glasses, contact lens, or laser eye surgery for better vision, if your vision was poor enough already? If not, what do you do to maintain the good eye-sight?
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  14. #514
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    A: Dead, i love reading and I'm audiophile.

    Q: How often do you watch tv?

    after refresh i see that Nadoku answered that one, so here is anwser to his/her question

    I would prefer laser eye surgery - but they cost a lot, i would go for contact lenses because no one have seen me with glasses, and it would be awkward.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  15. #515
    ...hmmm. Often. But not seriously. I tend to let it play in the backround.

    Question: Do you prefer sweet candy or sour candy? (yes, sour does exist...just in case)

  16. #516
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    A) I prefer sweet. Like, normal candy. Sour ones can taste nice too, but I do think sweet ones have more variety to choose from. I'm a savory person to begin with, but I like chocolate, and it carries on to sweet candy. Not too sweet though.

    Q) How do you take care of your teeth? Floss? Brush twice a day or after every meal? Ever had cavities?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #517
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    A: Brush once a day in the morning, drink lots of water during the day, chew gum a lot, and floss when stuff gets stuck between my teeth.

    Q: At work, do you prefer to be the "go-to guy" who gets a lot of work and responsibility, or the slacker who coasts but makes the same pay as the "go-to guy"?

    For God will not permit that we shall know what is to come... those who by some sorcery or by some dream might come to pierce the veil that lies so darkly over all that is before them may serve by just that vision to cause that God should wrench the world from its heading and set it upon another course altogether and then where stands the sorcerer? Where the dreamer and his dream?

  18. #518
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    A: Brush once a day in the morning, drink lots of water during the day, chew gum a lot, and floss when stuff gets stuck between my teeth.

    Q: At work, do you prefer to be the "go-to guy" who gets a lot of work and responsibility, or the slacker who coasts but makes the same pay as the "go-to guy"?

    A.I'm the slacker. I take my job serious, don't get me wrong especially since the economy is struggling. As you may notice in most job the "go to guy' usually get piles of work and double the work and projects and still underated, with just a thanks and a pat on the back, trust me I know I use to be the "go to guy" then I stop exceling cause it held little to no meaning.

    Q.Were do you see yourself in 5 years? Things you will like to accomplish within that time frame.
    "The End Justify The Means"

  19. #519
    Quote Originally Posted by paper mache
    Q.Were do you see urself in 5 years? Things you will like to accomplish within that time frame.
    A: I see myself as a professional gamer in five years. I would like to accomplish a lot of things, like be recognized from my tournaments. But a dream like that gets sucked away in a black hole, 'cause I know it'll never be achieved through hard work and dedication alone.

    Q: What is your opinion on the so-called "name brand" electrionics (like Sony)? Do they meet your expectations, surpass them, or undermine them?
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  20. #520
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nadouku
    Q: What is your opinion on the so-called "name brand" electrionics (like Sony)? Do they meet your expectations, surpass them, or undermine them?
    A: To be honest, I don't buy enough electronics to be pass judgment. I really just look at critical and user reviews to decide what I'm buying. In the past, brand names always inspired confidence, but that's not so much anymore.

    I do somewhat prefer "name brand" stuff to generic factory knock-offs, but I don't believe in "THE name brand". If it's been on the scene for a a year or two, and people generally say some good things about it, I'll look into it.

    Q) What's your favourite mode of transport? Doesn't have to be practical (does have to be considered a mode of transport though ), just something you enjoy.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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