Yeah... that question killed the thread.
A. That's question is too controversial for me to just answer with a yes or a no, it differs with each situation
Q.What's the oldest anime you can think of?.
Yeah... that question killed the thread.
A. That's question is too controversial for me to just answer with a yes or a no, it differs with each situation
Q.What's the oldest anime you can think of?.
A: Oldest I've seen or oldest I know of?
The answer to the first is Superdimensional Fortress Macross (1983), though I missed a few episodes here and there. The oldest I know of is Tetsujin 28-gou, also known as Gigantor (1963).
Q: Are you for or against Nuclear power and why?
What do you mean? How does it differ with each situation? The question is simple: pro-choice or anti-abortion? Do you mean that one ethnicity should be less able to abort than others, or one religion, or one person? It's a simple question, it's just too hot an issue for some people, I guess.Originally Posted by The Archangel
A: Against it, because otherwise, there'd be more stupid Al Gores and other fools around telling us the folly of our ways and spreading their arrogance around as if it was everyone's business to know how awesome they are and how much they care for the world.Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Q: Why is it - in your opinion - that people tend to shy away from controversial topics?
Now 99% disease free!
A: I think they are afraid or reprisal. Being called a racist, bigot, disgusting, etc. It's hard to speak one's mind when you are sure that you would be ignorantly ridiculed simply on the grounds that your beliefs differ. Lynching don't just occur because you are different, sometimes they do simply on the basis you think different.
Still, as long as you can stand by and support your ideas, you should not have any reason to fear speaking your mind.
In short, I think it's an effort to fit in, not rock the boat, and not be viewed negatively because you believe one way on an issue that gets people really agitated and angry.
Q: What's your favorite backyard game that you play with family or friends?
A: When I was younger? "The Ground is Lava" or its variation "The Ground is Lava: and the dog is a lava monster"
More recently: Flashlight tag at night, Soccer, or Baseball.
Q: Do you have a secret aspiration that you someday hope to achieve, but fear it will probably never happen?
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
A. I sort of want to go to Africa, or similar, and volunteer work as a doctor for some time, like probably 6 months or longer. It all depends on if I walk down the practitioner route, or stay on the pharmacy track though.
Q. In recent years, there has been an increased focus on global warming, climate change and foreseen energy shortage. Have you taken up any practices that address this issue due to the coverage? If you do that already, would you like to tell us in what way do you do your part for this planet?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
A. I recycle and walk alot but that's just about it
Q. Who's the hottest girl or guy you ever made out with?
Edit to below: Lighten up![]()
Last edited by Archangel; Mon, 05-26-2008 at 02:22 PM.
sry, I'll edit my post maybe... or some moderator will delete it... but are you serious? what is this question lol? why do you want to know that, and what will you do if I tell you it was Jessica Alba... or some person you don't know... maybe Nataly Quetzcoatl?
Q: What would you do if you are involved (as a hostage) in a bank robbery and they are about to kill another hostage and you know a bit of martial arts... would you try to rescue the other hostage?
edit: to above: there is no need to lighten up its not that I'm angry with you or something like that, its just that it won't help you if I tell you her name was Jessica, so here I answered your question, but you won't get the last name :P
or wait... you don't except me to upload a photo of her sitting naked somewhere do you?
Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 05-28-2008 at 12:43 PM.
A - Yes, if the risk is relatively low, which is dictated by my level of skill in martial arts and the level of skill the robbers have with what they have. I am no hero.
Q - Do you think gender labels should be abolished?
A. You mean stereotypes? I don't believe in them, everyone is an individual but there's nothing wrong with a stereotypical joke now and then.
Q. What's the worst kind of pain you've ever felt?
A: The pain of seeing your posts...
No, but really, my worst pain was probably when I got in a fight and nearly got my nose broken. Interetingly enough, I've never actually gotten a broken bone.
Q: What is your favorite movie; why?
Now 99% disease free!
Funny after seeing your photos i would think your worst pain would have something to do with mirrors python
A. Heart of a Knight, because it's a great movie of the middle ages about a guy that reached for the stars. PS: RIP Heath Ledger
Q. What's your favorite dead celebrity?
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Also, I don't care what people would say. I would wear those pants every day.
Q: Short question: do you prefer hot weather or cold weather?
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
A: Definitely cold. I moved from Florida to Connecticut, and right now the only thing I'm missing is my friends. I'd bring them all up here if I could.
Q: What's your favorite sport to play in summer? In winter?
Now 99% disease free!
A. Winter=soccer, Summer=basketball. I do like volleyball and of late, dodgeball in summer though.
Q.What religion do you belong to? Have you always been that way? Are you what you are now because something happened, or this is just where life got you?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
A) jewish, just cuz i was born that way and have a prominant nose w/ curly hair and good at math and money management.
@python, i live in CT too, what part do u live in?
Q) Would you rather be gay or have a polar bear bash into your classroom in the middle of class and truck you?
.... seriously WTF mizuchiOriginally Posted by Mizuchi
A. I choose all of the above, if i'm gonna be gay i'll at least be a happy one
Q. How twisted is Mizuchi inside going with a scale from Mother Teresa to Freddie Krueger
A: I'll say a notch below The Archangel's. =P
Q: Did you ever have a weird summer job? If you did, what was it?
I tried my best...
A. Never really had a weird summer job. What makes this one interesting though, is that one summer I was hired for a few weeks as a laborer for doing some renovations at a pharmacy. I didn't have any of the technical skills, so I just did the laboring type of stuff. I learnt quite a bit about the pharmacy stock that way. I left with my paycheck after a few weeks when it was all done.
On a summer a year later, I didn't know I'd go back there again, but this time, as an assistant with 2nd year rates. Because of location and time problems though, I only stayed there for the summer.
Edit: assistant=pharmacy assistant, 2nd yr BPharm student rates.
Q. If there's one thing you don't want to die of, what is it?
Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 06-14-2008 at 08:39 PM.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
A: Boredom.
Q: What do you think about suicide? Why?