I think the world is going to end in 2012 because of the Mayan calender and the shifting of the poles.
If men could have babies would you?
(hopefully a man responds next)
I think the world is going to end in 2012 because of the Mayan calender and the shifting of the poles.
If men could have babies would you?
(hopefully a man responds next)
A. I think that last question is now obsolete. See this link.. But no. For that to happen, there would need to be me and another ma....no...just no.
Q. What do you think of the justice system in your country, or place of residence? Are the police/laws corrupt? Impotent? Money paves the way? Draconian?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
A: The American justice system... now that's a laugh. I don't think its corrupt or even draconian... it's just highly stupid. Too loose sometimes in my opinion.
q: What is the most illegal thing you've ever done? Why did you do it?
Now 99% disease free!
A Stole a playstation 2 because i wanted one.
Q. What the trait about yourself that you treasure the most?
my fine, accurate memory of things that nobody cares about and jokes that nobody gets.
I talked to my brother about this a few weeks back, and we came to a conclusion that I'm gonna end up as one of those people that keeps refering back to tv and games and nobody gets the joke. like family guy.
Q: What's the name of this song that's been playing on MTV for a while. it goes like "I just want to talk to you and tell you how I feel... What you gonna do, what you gonna do..." and the clip has some british collage kids dancing and some hot black girl showing her panties. it's sort of a rap/dance song.
hey, its' a question, and google doesn't help much, believe me I tried.
A: That sounds like whats it gonna be by h20?
Q: Is there really a reason for me to even vote for the 3 presidential candidates? The candidate I had wanted (and most of the internet as well) was Ron Paul, and none of these guys even come close.
A. If you don't agree with any of them don't vote but then you loose all right to complain about the way your next leader runs the country
Q. Why did you join this forum?
A: Because I am an Anbu-Aone fan forever. Then I noticed that they had cool chats. I think I joined because of the Itachi discussion thread that no one remembers.
Q: What is your favorite place to buy clothes from? What type of clothes?
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
A. Pull and bear
Q. Who's the hottest anime character ever?
Sanzo from Saiyuki *drooooooooools*
Who is your favorite character to use in Super Smash Bros. Brawl? =D
I tried my best...
what is your favorite movie of all time.
A. Heart if a knight/ Sweeney Todd
Q. What's the thing you most regret in your life?
A. After thinking about this I guess I don't regret anything. Anything that I didn't do or something that I did wrong turned in to a learning experience for me, and still ends up serving me now.
Q. Lust or love?
A. That will have to be love.
Q. What's the one thing you want to do before you die but haven't done yet?
A. Make a grave for my Pc
Q.If there is someone who is able to fulfil your wishes. What is your wish then?
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A: Hmmm, being a superhero or something like that would be good... well at least something which gets you out of an ordinary life. I'm not the type who wants to live a peaceful life all the time. I need some action. It's a waste to live the same way every day. Since I'm a fan of knights in full armor + swords or other medieval weaponry, i'd probably wish to be a noble Knight or Samurai,but i would dislike the hygiene in those ages :P). So I'd wish to be a superhero-swordsman nowadays...probably xD and surely I'd wish for a lovely woman at my side *g*
Q: i can't come up with a good one...
hmmm, which time-period do you think was the coolest?
A. The 80's of course, lots of unprotected fun back then
Q. How's a bad day in your opinion ?
A: I think you mean "What makes a bad day," but oh well...
A bad day for me is mostly during times when I catch a cold or the flu. I can't go to school (wow, a guy who LIKES going to school?), or hang out with anyone. It's miserable staying in the house when you live with people like the ones I'm forced to. Huh.
Q: How do you spend vacations most of the time? Do you travel, or do you stay at home?
Now 99% disease free!
A. I usually travel either south of the country or Spain but always where i can find sunny weather.
Q. What's your favorite urban myth?
A.Monster Of Lochness first i thought it was real, but when i downloaded a documentary about the monster of lochness.......it was fake!
Q.When was it that you scared for the first time?
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