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Thread: The Question Game

  1. #1

    The Question Game

    Get to know people in Gotwoot!

    I don't know if this already exists or not, so feel free to lock/merge if it does. Basically, the object of the game is to ask and answer questions.
    I'll start off by asking something, and someone else has to try to answer it. And then they ask a question. Try not to ask stupid two word ultimatums like 'peas or shoes?', or answer with one word.

    For example.

    Q: What country have you always wanted to visit?
    A: I've always wanted to visit Russia! I wonder what the Vodka tastes like there..

    Q: What would you do in a situation where you were kidnapped?

    (Now you answer! And ask a question in return..)
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  2. #2
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    a: devise a clever plan of escape and then beat up the kidnapper. ooooor huddle in a corner and cry until someone rescues me.

    q: do you believe in reincarnation?

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    A: I think it is a really nice thought, but I definitely do not believe in reincarnation. That would go under the idea that there is a set limit of "souls" (or prana if you want to use the Hindu idea). I'm more of the school of thought that relies on infinite number of those, maybe they repeat, maybe they don't, but there are far more of them to ever determine it one way or the other.

    Q: What is your favorite picture book from when you were little (or even today)?

  4. #4
    A) Ummm the one with the ants and/or caterpiller and the tree. I don't really remember, but it had a lot of cool colors. It's like a classic. And if you give a moose a muffin. And those tree house timetraveling ones. *So many* Wait does Naruto count as a picture book? >.>

    Q) If you could have any superpower what would it be?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  5. #5
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    A) Control over time hands down; Hiro Nakamura anyone?

    Q) What is your favorite past-time? Dont you dear answer anime. ^^
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  6. #6
    A) Writing. I like to write stuff.

    Q: If you're given the opportunity to become an "immortal ghost" after you die, would you do it? By this, I mean you become a being with no physical form and can't interact with anything in this world. All you can do is observe the world for all of eternity, and there is no way for you to ever die or cease to exist. Would you want this kind of "immortality" at the cost of losing all social/material interaction forever as you live in solitude?

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A: No. I'm pretty sure existence without any social or material interaction would drive even a monk clinically crazy in not so many years. There's only so much you eagerly can observe without any interaction. I mean, you couldn't even use the net or open a book or turn on a TV. And if you became crazy, it wouldn't really be you anymore, rendering the deal pretty meaningless.

    Q: If you had an equal 50-50 opportunity to, in only a year or two, make a billion dollars/euros (clean, legit) or die, would you try your luck?

  8. #8
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    I would most definitely take the opportunity. I mean.....firefighters, soldiers, police officers do the same with worse odds for even less ya? If one wouldn't take such a chance, I'd say one doesn't deserve to live; life's all about risks.


    Say you got your hands on say $10,000 with no effort on your part; you won a raffle.A friend of yours with no financial support gets into some serious debt with no way of paying it off. A close friend mind you, one who you've known for sometime and shared good times with.With this $10,000 you could pay off all your friends expenses and give them another chance at being somewhat successful throughout their lifetime.

    So what would you do?
    Would you spend or invest said money; or would you give your friend a helping hand?
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  9. #9
    A) Depends on what they did to get in debt. If they got 10000 or whatever in debt from gambling and buying shoes, then screw them. If they got in debt by say, cancer treatment, I'd give them a few k, invest the rest, and possibly give them more if they still need it, after I've made more money.

    Q) If you could take 10000s of dollars from a safety deposit box, would you do it, or push the money further into the box? Mind you, the money is probably money from a business, large or small.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  10. #10
    A). Push it back in the box and tell the owner. It doesn't belong to me, and I don't steal.

    Q) Would you follow a set of beliefs if you were intellectually convinced by them, even if that meant going against how you have lived your entire life?

  11. #11
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    A: Yes, because i believe that life is a learning process. It is better to accept what you truly believe in and change your ways than to live a life of lies.

    Q: If you can solve one single problem that exist in the world today, what would it be?

  12. #12
    A) Mortality. At least mine.

    Q) Would you risk your life for another?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  13. #13
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    Hmmm, quite an intriguing thread; and an even more stimulating question, posed by DB_Hunter. I hope I can do such a thought-provoking question justice with my simpleton answer.

    Recently I've been reading up on Transhumanism and related works (Raymond Kurzweil, FM 2030, Nick Bostrom)

    For those who don't know, Transhumanism is a particular train of thought that supports the use of science and technology to enhance human mental and physical capabilities. This movement derives the name "Transhumanism" from the basis that continued modification of a human will have an end result of something "more than human", something better, thus, "Trans-human".

    Transhumanism intrigues me. It piques my curiosity and stimulates me intellectually by posing questions like: how far we can push the human limit; if such things are even possible, and if so, what the world would be like in such a future.

    However, transhumanism is also rife with controversy. A lot of the things proposed by it can be deemed morally grey. So, whlie the topic of Transhumanism remains an exceptionally captivating prospect intellectually, I find myself hesitant in following it completely. However, this may change when I'm older, wiser, and more learned.

    Haha seems like I went a bit overboard there. But, the length of my post is a testament to the quality of the question. Thanks DB_Hunter.

    If someone were to put a gun to your head and threaten to take your life unless you agreed to follow their religion for the rest of your living life, would you do it? For the sake of argument, this religion is different from your own and you would have to observe all of its traditions and values.

    Edit: Damn, it seems my lengthy post didn't come out quick enough. Just ignore my question and answer Sapphire's.
    Last edited by High Wind; Wed, 02-27-2008 at 11:52 PM.

  14. #14
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    A: Depends on who you're risking your life for.

    Q: What should one value the most in life?
    Signature by Lucifus

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  15. #15
    A: Life itself is the most important, I think

    I'll ask High Winds question for him:

    Q: If someone were to put a gun to your head and threaten to take your life unless you agreed to follow their religion for the rest of your living life, would you do it? For the sake of argument, this religion is different from your own and you would have to observe all of its traditions and values
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    A: oh man thats difficult... first: it depends which relegion, you know there arn't only good ones out there and it depends on the traditions.. i don't want a religion where i have to kneel every and so on..

    well if it is something i totally disagree with i would probably let myself be killed.. but then again i can't possible know how i will react when it comes to this situation, at the moment i feel like "dying standing is better than living on your knees"

    edit:ahh question

    Q: What is the best way to die in your eyes? (for example as a hero in pain so everyone will remember you, or painless while sleeping, in the hospital with your family around you etc. etc.)

  17. #17
    A) Hellz no I would never want to die near people alive and well. I would prolly just want to die suddenly of old age. Not in an old folks home though, omg, or in Hospice.. *this is depressing, pushes from mind*

    Q) Roughly how many anime (without listing all of them) have you seen?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    A: i think about 50 (24 currently on the PC wtf, and i thought i don't have that many)
    its probably even more than 50 then

    Q: Downloading anime is illegal, are you scared to get caught ?

    (btw sapphire i think dying of old age is boring, getting old in general is boring xD "the one who does not want to become old, must hang himself young" or so :P)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 02-28-2008 at 09:25 AM.

  19. #19
    Q) I'm more scared about getting caught downloading American stuff. XD I discovered a long time ago that no one cares about anime, ahah. Also, I don't think it's illegal until it gets licensed, but who cares enough about that to keep track? Funimation? (Oh snaps, sued by Funimation)

    ...Reminds me of a dream I had last night. I got caught movie hopping the Dr. Suess movie, so the owner chased me around, caught me, and dragged me by the hair. And then I threatened to sue them. ((Edit: Kray, I don't want to die at all, I want to live as long as possible ^^; But come to think of it, dying in an epic batle sounds pretty cool. But then you're dead infinitely, and that sucks. If I ever become old, I will be one of those crazy old people from either Kekkaishi or Denno Coil))

    Q) What's the wackiest dream you've ever had?
    Last edited by Sapphire; Thu, 02-28-2008 at 09:34 AM.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    A: well i have a lot of crazy dreams... one for example involved the death of nearly everyone i know, they died in the most crazy ways, in that dream i killed my father and was really sad after i did so, i was on the top of a small mountain and my weapon was a harpoon, my father had a catapult (or is it called sling? you know, the thing the arabic people used to throw small stones more effectivly)

    well i dodge nearly every of his attack and we actually had a lot of fun until i accidently pulled the trigger of the harpoon and hit my father, who was dead then i suppose.. at least it looked like it and my brother and me cried.... well i don't remember everything in the dream but some time later me and my friends were swimming in a reservoir... for some reason nobody of us was able to swim but we kept moving into it deeper and deeper until a friend of mine drowned.

    well i dream a lot and mostly they don't make any sense at all however i can remember only a few (i had that dream i just described like 8 years ago for some reason i m able to remember some scenes and i don't know why... then on the other side i even dream of computer games or even books/anime/manga if i keep watching/playing till its late and go directly to the bed after doing so... thats pretty cool actually and i would like to have more of that kind. there was this one cool dream where i was an EVA pilot for example. geez
    and then i had a dream about Elfen Lied too... i was a soldier who was killed by Lucy *sigh* oh man, i m weird

    Q: Imagine a situation where you have to choose... between the live of your love or 100 other victims you don't know personally.. what would you do?

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