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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 20

  1. #1

    Gundam 00 Episode 20

    nyoro is up...

    *tapping foot* download faster!


    it's good to see that Graham has the exact amount of pride and integrity that we'd all hoped for...

    granted, his scenes are sparse, but that only allows those sparse scenes to make him a more dynamic, respectable and awesome character...

    and seriously...

    Kinue Crossroad... anyone surprised here? not me... a bit surprised it was Ali to do it, but that just makes him an even cooler villain...
    Last edited by Gunslinger_BlaQ; Mon, 02-25-2008 at 02:04 PM.

  2. #2
    I'd wait for atleast Shitsen tbh.

  3. #3
    ok... i personally think the design for the new suits suck... this said, I actually felt the joy of the HRL people... they've been pushed around for so long it must be like freaking Stalingrad or something for them.

    also... I cheered when Graham said "no"... Flags FTW!!!! and Ali is... well interesting.

    btw, right now, i'm starting to doubt that the Trinity Team will end up being the villains in this (and Veda is the Chouginga Gurren-Lagann!)

    oh and also... seems the CB team is gonna be getting some upgrade soon. I really wonder where the season finale will go...

  4. #4
    CB to me, really need some "Badass Captain char"(Black Lagoon's Dutch) with them backing the gundam with some One man operated GNDrive powered Kickass Battleship.(Uber USS Iowa styled ship).
    And after that his char got developped enough and the big ass ship prooved to be a highly reliable asset I hope that battleship goes down with his captain over some fuckup cause by sumeragi so that everyone will be allowed to stone her to death or cry like an emo.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Man, Ali is one seriously malicious miscreant. But he truly loves his job, that's for sure.

    Saji and Louise are starting to become a pair of uber tragic young lovers... Quite a burden already to bear for both of them. And we also got an answer to the hand question: Looks like the Gundam pilots won't be getting any cheap health insurance plans with having to bathe in such radiation. But I guess people like that would have accepted the position even if they were told they won't be living to see their grandchildren marry. At least Graham doesn't need to worry about that.

    I don't actually have anything bad to say about this episode. It seemed surprising Throne had no idea the GN drives would be distributed but considering what kind of morons two out of the three are, I'm not really surprised after all. This and how things are falling in pieces for most of the CB and Throne makes me think the rail tycoon just might have more mundane plans than any fancy, idealistic stuff Aeolia had in mind. I'm happy I can't see where this is heading right now.

  7. #7
    Poor Kinue, you will be missed...until you show up in S2 and we find out you were saved at the last minute by a mysterious stranger with ties to CB.

    As usual, good pilots in Gundams >>> non-main character angsty teenagers in Gundams. It's kind of sad Graham won't fly one. And the GN Arms sound like the staple Gundam power up we've been waiting for. I just hope CB can get more than one power up before Corner blows up Veda since I'm pretty sure that will lock up a bunch of stuff for CB.

    The new mechs really don't do anything good for me, they have sharp finger tips which automatically makes them bad guy suits anyway. How anyone could produce 30 Drives and 30 suits to go with them without any of the people who actually know about CB and GN drives noticing seems a bit weird, but CB did produce their Gundams without anyone in the world knowing so I'll just chock it up to Intelligence in the future being terrible.

    Also Louise Halevy...Laguna Harvey ???? lonely...ronery ????

    The GN Drives were given right after Louise and her whole family we're blown up, but what if not every family member was there?

  8. #8
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I was thinking that there must be a "Harvey Connection" between Louise and Lagna...I dont believe that shows like this have coincidences that are that glaring. And, so basically there are like 30 new gundams running around, and methinks Liu-min has something to do with that...she seems to be getting around a lot these days.

    Also, I wasnt aware that Louise's had was shot off; i just thought it was crushed irreparably in the rubble. That's pretty harsh, to have your hand shot of by the edge of a giant beam. And for my last point...was the scene with Alejandro and that boy on the ship not one of the creepiest scenes EVER?

  9. #9
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Yes, and that was make it a nice scene. Creepy villians are fine by me, as long as their not utterly dumb, as the some of the Trinities are.

    I guess that having 30 new suits who all look gray, red, evul, and dull...
    Graham will problaby die by taking down some Gundam. But not before they've joined up some "good guys".

    It's pretty sad if Kinue will dissapear, wich she problaby wont becuse she's extremey kickass in intelligence work.

    Well, 5 more episodes go to!
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Poor Kinue, you will be missed...until you show up in S2 and we find out you were saved at the last minute by a mysterious stranger with ties to CB.
    She was a kind of strange character if you think about it. She had a decent amount of screen time, she had a plotline of her own; quite a strong one that you would have thought would bear some significant meaning later on. And she was shown to be resourceful. It was not like she would have just walked from place to place and everything would have been dropped on her lap ready and waiting. And then she suddenly died before she actually reached her goal. It's quite a bold move, though highly realistic one. You can bet throughout the history there have been lots and lots of people who sought answers, found some and then disappeared before they were able to reveal anything.

  11. #11
    Well Graham not getting a GNDrive is a good thing, it'ld be like giving bankai to Kenpachi.
    It's Over Nine Thousand !

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    "ah, yes, this will be your first time time tasting it."

    Sergei was awesome in this episode. It was great to see the HRL beat back the Trinity Thrones, and that scene with Sergei, Soma, and the cheering soldiers really struck me.

    Motherfucking railroad men... always the bad guys... Lagna doesn't look to have the grit it takes to stand up and be a true bad guy. Looks like typical, greedy businessman going too far. But what makes him interesting is that he's connected to Ali (I'm still calling him Ali). We'd heard that the Trinity triplets were getting orders from "Lagna", but Ali working for him also really adds a spin on it, especially because he's involved in distributing the 30 GN Drives and the Thrones had no idea they'd be up against them. I'm nowhere close to even a basic explanation for all of this...

    It certainly answers all those questions from episode 3 though...

    Livonze, Livonze. My little angel, indeed. This kid is starting to really pique my interest. Good to see that his connection with Tieria was openly acknowledged in this episode. The term "Biological CPU" was used in SEED (and it didn't even make any sense in the way it was used...), but it's clear they're both at least part machine, almost certainly something designed by Aeolia... or maybe from the Jupiter project... Let's just hope that whatever he's up to, it's badass, and that he's got a understandable reason for doing it. If he turns out to be a disgruntled clone, I am going to be very pissed off.

    Alejandro Corner.. biggest patsy who thinks he's the shit in those show? Also, it was hinted at as strongly as possible in a mainstream shounen anime that he's gay for Livonze, and in my mind that secures him a death at the boy's hands. Once Livonze has used him, he'll "repay" him alright...

    I really am liking the twist Saji's story is taking. To space indeed... Bring your angst and engineering skills, those usually turn into mobile suit prowess in these shows.

    Kinue, I liked you alot, but you better stay dead! I was hoping Ali would tell her something he shouldn't, even though I knew it meant she probably could wouldn't make it. When I saw them together in the preview for this episode, I was really torn. I liked both of them, and you knew that one would have to get the best of the other...

    When Wang Liu Mei gave no negative reaction to the Thrones, then made a point about how they might actually be a good thing, her character went from plot device hentai fodder to actually interesting character hentai fodder. I'm hoping she stays on the Thrones' side... they look like they could use the help...

    Ten episodes I said this show wasn't doing anything for me. I am very glad I stuck around. This final stretch has really taken off in a way that, provided they finish strong, would make up for the otherwise okay-at-best first quarter, and, well, the sky is the limit.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #13
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Damn, you made me remember the clones...
    ..and the unexplaination of the term SEED.
    No, no clones. I can't really take that.

    The "Angels" part in this show, after tampering with the Veda himself..
    ..well, maybe we'll see another third-party, consisting the origins like Tiera and himself. They're might be this bad guy, who problaby the first nanomachine input human (or "upgraded") that has gone mad and well, want to just have this one race to dominate the "inferior" beings.
    But I just may throwing stones on empty cans here.
    Kinda..very farfetched and damn, I don't want any more Newtype intrigues.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  14. #14
    Seriously though.. is this show officially slated for 50 eps? or 25?

  15. #15
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    edit: It's good to see Sergei and Soma kicking ass now that they're on an even playing field, even if the suits look dull. I'm still trying to figure out whether Trinity is really connected to Alejandro or not. Livonze, rather than Nena, has show that he's a living computer like Tieria, so perhaps it was him who hacked through the security and let her into the terminal, and also disengaged Tieria's program. Thing is, there isn't an obvious connection between L/Ragna and Alejandro yet, only their smug grin when something happenes. Saji's dad has something to do with Kinue's obsession in discovering what's behind CB. Maybe he was a scientist abducted last generation, or he was also a reporter who found some lead on a secret organisation and got assassinated. Ironically, Kinue headed down the same path.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 02-27-2008 at 09:15 PM.

  16. #16
    Missing Nin
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    To me this episode seemed really out of place. In show they stated what 3 days passed? Yet in that time your telling me 30 Gundams were made from scratch in I'll assume 3 different designs and transported to the 3 main powers on earth? Seriously thats just moronic even IF CB gave them suit designs as well as the drives it still seems completely out of plac to have HRL with 10 battle ready Gundams that can completely ignore the thrones and just happened to be stationed at a different base within what a 10 minute flying distance from the random one being attacked? Even if Ragna did it as a setup its at the least bit questionable the suits were complete so fast.

    Saji is still being boiled down into a worthwhile character in this series as so far he's a random side plot thats yet to really manage to accomplish anything. I mean big surprize of all the random characters involved in his story the most girly is likely to become important. His sister being killed should just make the plot quicker as its one less side plot to slow it down.

    Overall this was just alright for me and I actually think they need to slow the plot down a bit or do a bit more extensive time skips in order to make this even remotely able to buy some of the latest plot advancements.

    The rest with Veda being on the dark side of the moon and Wang Liu Mei is just wait and see stuff as the actions of both parties are pretty random and only understood to those involved. Ali is getting a gundam that goes without saying and in the end he's clearly the Char of the series he will live until the end always being a pain and be the final battle opponent for Exia.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    To me this episode seemed really out of place. In show they stated what 3 days passed? Yet in that time your telling me 30 Gundams were made from scratch in I'll assume 3 different designs and transported to the 3 main powers on earth? Seriously thats just moronic even IF CB gave them suit designs as well as the drives it still seems completely out of plac to have HRL with 10 battle ready Gundams that can completely ignore the thrones and just happened to be stationed at a different base within what a 10 minute flying distance from the random one being attacked? Even if Ragna did it as a setup its at the least bit questionable the suits were complete so fast.
    The three powers each got 10 drives and 10 mobile suit frames compatible with the drives (thus they are ugly; they didn't design them by themselves). Even today any important big country would have enough transport capacity to move something like that anywhere in the world in 3 days. I don't see how that's "just moronic" in the future.

    And if Lagna gave the Throne the next target, it's entirely possible he purposefully gave them one right next to where the HRL Gundams were located. After all, by giving the three powers Gundams, he was already planning to have them confront the CB and Throne so what difference does it make when it happens? Even just right away.

  18. #18
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    The three powers each got 10 drives and 10 mobile suit frames compatible with the drives (thus they are ugly; they didn't design them by themselves). Even today any important big country would have enough transport capacity to move something like that anywhere in the world in 3 days. I don't see how that's "just moronic" in the future.

    And if Lagna gave the Throne the next target, it's entirely possible he purposefully gave them one right next to where the HRL Gundams were located. After all, by giving the three powers Gundams, he was already planning to have them confront the CB and Throne so what difference does it make when it happens? Even just right away.
    clearly you didn't read my post based on your comments here Kraco because I didn't simply state they couldn't move them in 3 days. Its the fact they went from nothing to having 10 battle ready mobile suits in under 3 days. On top of that they didn't even take apart one of the suits in order to check out the new technology which is the first thing any nation would do being 10 or 9 suits is likely to get the same results.

    I'd take screen shots but I'm having issues with doing it from media player classic.

    from episode 19
    at 22:14 we see the back and sides of the room with GN drives we see the drives are all close together over little holes each the size of the drive and round. They are not attached to mobile suits.
    at 22:19 we see a closeup and pan of the drives and still no frames or frame weapons in sight.
    at 22:20 we see then entire GN drive from bottom to top and it is NOT attached to a suit and with how the walls are there is no magical adjacent room full of suits.

    rechecking over it they do claim they came randomly came installed in mobile suits but...

    in episode 20
    at 7:02 of episode 20 we do see the GN drive being shipped with a mobile suit that it appears to just plug into the baco of but that suit didn't come from the same place they got the drive and it didn't come installed. The suit is of course MUCH larger then the drive and in no way fit in the room they got the drives from in episode 19.

    Noting when they fight throne they suddenly have all GN weapons the only way thats possible is if they were given the suits and weapons as well. The question remains when and where did they get these suits as it wasn't Antarctica with the GN drives. Plus I find it VERY unlikely all 3 of the earth powers got 10 of the same suit just based on model kit sales I'd assume there are 3 new types of suits.

    I'm sorry but that just feels rushed and I certainly feel we needed another episode and a time skip before this one took place it just feels like a episode is missing.

  19. #19
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, my assessment of the situation was based on this scene:

    As far I can comprehend, it indicates they got both suits and the drives. Whether it was wise of HRL to send all of the ten or just most of them is another matter. Strategically it always makes sense to use clear superiority in numbers and strength. Not only it makes the victory more sure but it can also reduce the chances of casualties. And it's not like after this one interception mission they wouldn't magically anymore have the possibility to take one unit apart to study it. 30 minutes here or there isn't going to change anything when studying such a tremendous thing.

  20. #20
    Since the topic of discussion is about unrealism you guys seem to have forgotten the complete lack of training time. Other than super soldier Soma I find it hard to believe any of the pilots could have become familiar enough with the new suits to fight in them effectively in such a short time. It's safe to assume that the pilots selected were all very experienced (or engineered in Soma's case) so they'd probably be candidates to test new high performance equipment anyway, but is it really wise to send test pilots into combat in untested hardware that they've only had a few days to get accustomed to? And then to have them performing complex maneuvers (Sergei's kick, Soma's dodging) when they don't even know the limits of their just reeks of typical Gundam immaculate piloting skill and I think it deserves some haterade from the realism camp as well.

    And remember when the three powers hatched their 'full proof' plan to capture the Gundams and it got ruined by unknown elements. Prudence should have dictated they hold back something in reserve lest a heretofore unseen element be brought to the battlefield that overpowers even their new squadron. The HRL should have had the plans as well, but they should know that construction of a new suit is certainly not the same as having a working one already built.

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