I totally forgot the about the King. The only person I remembered was Rena. Bad memory LOL.
I totally forgot the about the King. The only person I remembered was Rena. Bad memory LOL.
<3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.
Damn... now I can't wait for episode 3...
Interesting things to see... (and no... Im not referring (mostly) to Rena's assets). So... are they implying Rena is both an Otome and a HiME?
Yes....mostly. The reason that Miyu protects both Rena and Arika is because they are descendants of Alyssa. There was point in Mai Otome when Miyu looked at Arika and her hair glowed gold the same way that Alyssa's always did when Miyu looked at her or if Alyssa was using her synthetic-HiME powers to blow shit up with the satellite that held her Child.
Yeah, I remember that about Arika.
I wonder... Rena got the mark while Arika got the golden hair...? I don't remember Arika having the mark. Of course, this could go to the drain if Rena's hair glows.
And I wonder if that guy will become Arika's father... he obviously is from the same tribe as those that wear the armors (forgot the name...), since the little brother's name was Reito.
Well...the hair glowing only ever shows up in Arika when we are seeing through Miyu's eyes. I imagine the same for Rena. But Arika definitely didn't have a mark. Arika also doesn't shatter Meistar gems just by wearing them...
Didn't they say his last name was Yumemiya, or did I just imagine it because of the hair color?
Those 2 columns resembled Mai and Mikoto or was that only me? And this soon to be spouse/lover of Rena resembles Takumi right?
But I can't tell who the current principle resembles for the life of me.
Surprise! Last episode is out!
Must get it ASAP when I get home...
Absolute PWNGE.
Total and utter dominance.
It also tacked on one more confirmation that Rena/Arika are direct descendants of Allyssa from Mai Hime. Same Child, Artemis.
I didn't understand a single thing that was going on, except for a naked breast.
Fantastic Ownage. Rena completely ruled.
The last comments of Rena's power and 'another story' makes me wonder if we will be getting another Sifr set of OVA. I definitely liked Rena and Sifr more than their daughters, Arika and Nina.
wow, watched it and all i can remember is....tits
Oh Rena, you pwn so good and on so many levels. The exposed breast was of course excellent but the copious gainaxing and multiform beatdowns were great fun as well. I definitely enjoyed this OVA more than Otome Zwei, though one thing they have in common is I couldn't explain the plot of either of them again if I wanted to. But one thing I did notice and liked about S.ifr other than breasts was that we saw lots of Robes that we'd already seen in Otome and Zwei particularly those of the Five Columns Gems used by other people. Plus Ms. Maria.
I wonder if Arika will ever be that uber. She's still much younger at the end of Zwei than Rena was here, plus she was indeed showing a dramatic amount of jiggle herself at the end of Zwei. Hmm...probably not.
She should probably have the same heriditary traits Rena has (capable of using Allyssa's Artemis).
Who was the "Princess" Otome? I know she was tied to the leader of Artai (Nagi and Nina's country) but was she royalty in her own right? Maybe even from Mai's country? A lot of the other Otome feared her. Maybe they introduced her in another part, but it has been so long I don't remember.
According to the HiME and Otome universe, the more jiggles you can produce, the more asskicking you shall give.