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Thread: Naruto Chapter 390

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toonice714
    hahahahahahaha sasuke is gong to reproduce a move?!?! hahahahahaha i hope you all know the unbeatable move he is going to use. lol its the rasengan! lol! how pissed would you all be if he used a naruto trademark with the last bit of his chakra. I think i might laugh so hard i would cry.
    It actually makes sense to use a Rasengan variant. Sasuke's chakra control has improved to the point where it wouldn't require much chakra to make a Rasengan as big as Jiraiya's Giant Rasengan. And if he uses elemental chakra, he could fill the thing with electricity too. Such a Rasen-dori would melt through Itachi with ease, unavoidably in a confined space.

  2. #42
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Please please I will ask that no one ever speak of Sasuke+Rasengan ever ever again.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  3. #43
    There is nothing in rasengan that makes it hard to avoid, it doesn't even require speed like chidori does so this is complete and utter bull...

    It can be sth with lightning, it can be sth out of the ordinary, it can be crap chidori variation, but it's not rasengan :P

  4. #44
    Well look it has to be something that doesn't require any more chakra now, since Sasuke doesn't have any left. You know however jutsu's need chakra, so it must mean it is something Sasuke has been building up to over the course of the fight. And that happens to link in with one of the very earliest explainations given to Team 7 by Kakashi about how ninja's fight - namely they fight each other but during the course of the fight they gather their chakra for their jutsu attack.

  5. #45
    Kishi doesn't care if they are out of chakra or not - presumably finishing blow for Itachi has to be BIG. They always say they are out of chakra to scare us but jutsus still come :P

  6. #46
    I don't think this move takes much chakra, considering the rain clouds hovering over the them...Im guessing he's going to gather lightning out of the clouds and have them strike Itachi.

  7. #47
    ANBU Captain
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    i was totally joking about the rasengan thing. He is going to use "that jutsu" that oro told him not to use. Maybe its a kinjutsu that will sap his strength/life energy or seal one of his sharingan(unlikely).

    ......or a giant rasengan will fall from the sky lol...

  8. #48
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    he is going to use the curse seal connection with Juugo to power up at the expence of Juugo's life, and in the middle he'll have a remincing chapter about the 'hebi' team and team 7, and then he'll stop the power up to save Juugo's life, thus redeeming himself as a 'good guy'. and when Itachi sees this, he'll get all soft and teary and give up his EMSharingan and give it to Sasuke, revealing that he's secretly a good guy and only Sasuke can kill Madare.

    honestly, it'd be one of the stupider ways to end this fight, but totally worth it.

  9. #49
    I think Sasuke will reveal his third sharingan, his penis. He will shoot Itachi in the eye with some sticky stuff and blind him for good.

  10. #50
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Can't you guys atleast try to be serious if you want to post utter bull do it somewhere else.

    I have no idea what "that jutsu" could possible be but given the way Sasuke described it and the visuals Kishi deliberately gave us of the cloud formations above them, I would say that a lightning jutsu that he has been gathering since the very beginning would be plausible but I doubt that would work against Itachi and given the Sharingan's ability to see chakra I think if Sasuke were actually doing something like that Itachi would have noticed by now or atleast Zetsu.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sat, 02-23-2008 at 02:36 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  11. #51
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Ya guyz the internet, and Naruto especially, is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

  12. #52
    man I understand now why ppl are pissed about random sharingan upgrade. Now it can c chakra. wut ever happened to copy wheel eye.

    anyway if wut Abdula says come true, that would be a bigger bull then when sasuke broke out of tuski. He had all the power to fend of Itachi's attacks and gather chakra for this attack at the same time? and when are we going to c CS side effects?

  13. #53
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    man I understand now why ppl are pissed about random sharingan upgrade. Now it can c chakra. wut ever happened to copy wheel eye.

    anyway if wut Abdula says come true, that would be a bigger bull then when sasuke broke out of tuski. He had all the power to fend of Itachi's attacks and gather chakra for this attack at the same time? and when are we going to c CS side effects?
    I doubt we will. It has been stated that Sasuke has mastered his CS, and this is shown with his multiple partial transformations, so I doubt he suffers from side effects anymore, and if he does they're probably minor.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  14. #54
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Well, the sound four (five) had to rest after using the level 2 Curse seal, and they probably mastered it properly.
    sure, maybe they didn't have three years, and were apprantly complete losers (we should have a disscusion about them, sometime), but they couldn't have been THAT bad. and they probably weren't as damaged in the fight as Sasuke is.

    Refernce: chapter 186, way back!

  15. #55
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yeah Kishi just introduced a new plot device to remove his old one. Partial transformation negates CS side effects. I think the only reason he introduced side effects in the first place was the limit the abilities of the CS user, namely Sasuke in his fight with Naruto, so they wouldn't just transform and start owning people from the beginning of a battle.

    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    man I understand now why ppl are pissed about random sharingan upgrade. Now it can c chakra. wut ever happened to copy wheel eye.
    Where were you when Sasuke was watching Deidara's miniature bombs flow around in his own bloodstream.

    - You know Rikudo if you're going to be that kinda poster you could atleast try to make your posts funny or entertaining a la DBZ
    Last edited by Abdula; Sat, 02-23-2008 at 04:09 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Can't you guys atleast try to be serious if you want to post utter bull do it somewhere else.

    I have no idea what "that jutsu" could possible be but given the way Sasuke described it and the visuals Kishi deliberately gave us of the cloud formations above them, I would say that a lightning jutsu that he has been gathering since the very beginning would be plausible but I doubt that would work against Itachi and given the Sharingan's ability to see chakra I think if Sasuke were actually doing something like that Itachi would have noticed by now or atleast Zetsu.

    Atleast Itachi have 3 other options if he can't be a ninja anymore. He can either be a taxi driver, a call-center tech support or a 7-eleven attendant. "Thank you! come again."

  17. #57
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    So if "that jutsu" has to do something with the clouds/rain, then what if it wasnt raining at all? Did Sasuke wait 'til rainy day to achieve his ultimate lifetime goal?

    Damn shit.

    Does CS drain chackra?
    Can Sasuke use Orochimarus chackra? Considering that he seems to be able to use alot of stuff that he got in his
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  18. #58
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    what if the clouds means paine is coming to introduce the ending plot twist of this fight?
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  19. #59
    LOL @ Rikudo

    I'm guessing.. must be some sort type of chidori will come from the cloud!
    just imagine... damn..!

    Last edited by Tobydelaroka; Sun, 02-24-2008 at 03:20 AM.
    You can't compare Bush to Hitler cause Bush is the village idiot and Hitler was border line genius, unfortunately he was border line insane also, so sad such a mind went to waste.

  20. #60
    Sasuke won't be able to mix lightning elemental chakra with rasengan, didn't kakashi or someone try it already and said that only wind chakra works with rasengan?

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