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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 19

  1. #1

    Gundam 00 Episode 19

    Gundam 00 - 19 - [Shinsen]

    Come on Lockon, save that fool Setsuna before he gets his Gundam completely trashed.

    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 02-18-2008 at 01:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Missing Nin
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    Well I guess we know how everyone else gets gundams now that was certainly a crap load of solar Generators in the last few seconds.

  3. #3
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    Well I guess we know how everyone else gets gundams now that was certainly a crap load of solar Generators in the last few seconds.
    i hope they are somehow flawed or limited other wise that will be the biggest load of bullshit ever
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  4. #4
    Missing Nin
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    Well its not like they can magically build gundams they simply have access to the power source they use, Generally speaking they can't even make a completely new Mech to use a Solar Furnace as they have stated that would take a decade or more. So I imagine they are just going to slap them on existing mecha. Its still complete BS unless Celestial being has something more powerful in reserve.

    Heck at this point it seems that are purposefully escalating war I'm beginning to think the grand plan is to kill everyone so there will no longer be any wars. Thats about all that the actions taking place can result in anyway.

  5. #5
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    God, I hope its not one of those "Armageddon" plots again.

    EDIT: Setsuna and Tieria rocked in this episode. The formation comments were bullshit, but the Nadleeh transformation and Exia slicing up the funnels were really cool.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #6
    Hotblooded Tiera = Awesome
    And I never saw that smile comming.
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    i hope they are somehow flawed or limited other wise that will be the biggest load of bullshit ever
    I think those are knock-off GN Drives like the ones on the Thrones. Otherwise, CB would have sent an army of Gundams in the beginning.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, well, this series surprised me once again. I kept wondering what the three super powers now would do, and saying they should go back to nukes (though even I didn't really believe it), but I can say with 100% honesty it never even visited my mind they would consider disarming themselves and giving up. Seriously, the script writers aren't only devouring dubious mushrooms, they are sprinkling LSD on top of them and eating them with crack.

    Other than that, it's interesting it took other Gundams to be the enemies to get Setsuna and Tieria to work together. Better late than never, I guess.

    No idea where this is heading now that such a vault of GN drives was shown. It's also hard to predict the ultimate purpose of Throne now that it was revealed it's backed by some industrial mogul. The man might be just seeking more riches (by first demonstrating them the power of the GN drives and then selling them for truly outrageous prices or exclusive rights) or he might have turned idealistic in his later days and is actually seeking something else than just more money and power.

  8. #8
    Well, Kraco, about the writers, I think you are right. And maybe that, when they write when they are at home they fuel their fireplace with Cannabis.

    But, having the original CB fighting together decent target was a nice thing to see.

  9. #9, going all fanboy here...

    can we say... GN-Equipped Custom Flag?


    awesome Ep. even the "music video" montage for Saji and Louise. again, the emotional cornerstone of the show, really functioning as a gut-punch of realism.

    i also very much liked that Eins was still missing its arm from when Graham owned on it. i think it's the sort of small detail that, in the past, has been overlooked... implying that they hadn't had time yet to get back to home base for repairs. just another level of realism.

    and... i know Louise was rather vague with her little talk with Saji, but... she mentioned his dream being that he wanted to work in space... and we know he's an engineering student... are we even more leaning toward the idea of him working on Gundam development of some nature later in the series?

    and did we not just see Alejandro and Livonze (sp?) in flight suits before that quick rear shot of some odd gray-colored, four-winged mobile suit? anyone wanna try to snag a screen cap on that?

    since Ep. 13 or so, this series has kept a fever-pitch pace. suffice it to say, it's well on its way to becoming one of my all time favorites...

    only downside of this episode?

    no Graham.

  10. #10
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    What the fuck was with "Is this how to be a human" comment from Tiera? That really applies more fire to a whole lot of theories.
    And Nadleeh, so it's fast and has a "reject" ability but c'mon, that transformation must've been less that seconds. But I guess the Trinities are really dumbheads.

    Considering that this is season one, I guess that there maybe a time skip in the next season. Saji just can't leave her like that, it feels so meaningless. And they might end this one with Solar Energy mass production and start the next one by....showing off the new Custom Flag...myabe.

    CBs actions were just dumb, their fighting based on emotions but what their really are fighting are the representive leader of the world and their tools.
    You might as well say that the "gods" are fighting against each other.

    The series really took a step down going by showing CB more as a "dude, do whatever you want to do!".

    The Saji x Louise part just so totally ruined by the music video. The music during Setsuna, Tiera and Lockons part were just....

    I also think that they did a Halleluja part here on Lockons past part.. It just seems like they just turned a page and now it's finished.
    Last edited by Chiodos; Mon, 02-18-2008 at 03:33 PM.
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm somewhat surprised Saji left her, I expected him to show back up at the door of her room, but he's a pussy after all. I'm just too sentimental I suppose.

    /me thought Japanese were big on that whole amputee fetish thing too....

    Other than this, good combat, interesting stuff going on, etc.

    I hope Soma and Graham don't get one of the fake Furnaces installed. I have a feeling they are flawed or booby trapped. Billy would probably catch it if Graham got one, but Soma would be all on her own (read: vulnerable). It seems all to obvious a way for the Thrones and Ragna/Lagna to finish off the best pilots the three nations have to offer.

  12. #12
    good point, Ryllharu. hadn't thought of it that way, and i'm a bit ashamed, seems like an obvious plot device for the villains (read: Alejandro & Livonze) to exercise further control over the respective governments...

    then again...

    if that's what they were doing, thirty GN drives doesn't seem like enough, when split three ways, to cripple the world governments...

    i suppose, thinking about it further... i'd rather see Billy and Graham develop advanced tech for the Flags independent of these "Trojan Horse GN Drives"... Bill seems like a skilled and knowledgeable enough guy to come up with something awesome... especially if the Professor left some notes on his theories and such somewhere for Billy to uncover...

  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Installing the GN drives will boost all their existing suit's performance, mainly in thrust power and GN powered weapons, as well as stealth. I'd imagine, but they'll need more than that to completely own the Gundams. Unlike Wing, I don't think they've mentioned anything about Gundanium, but the Gundams are obviously made of much tougher material compared to regular units. One thing though, how will they operate with GN particles pumping out of their backs? They won't be able to use thier normal suits without replacing all the equipment with something GN compatible, so I'd expect only our main characters to use these drives for now.
    Now, about these rigged Solar Furnaces.....I think the answer may be in this ep already. We see Tieria has the power to cripple any machine that has links with Veda, possibly meaning any with GN drives. Now we have someone supposedly from CB distributing Solar Furnaces to the enemy....put the two get a suit with one huge weakness.

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    In my opinion it makes little sense Throne would give flawed GN drives. The Gundams own all the other mobile suits under normal circumstances so it's a bit far fetched they would need such elaborate plots for winning. After all, in this ep the wussy world leaders were already considering giving up. Throne's ultimate goal is something else than just destroying military power, I deem. It might be to create a world that is more malleable to whatever the industrial tycoon is planning. I'm beginning to think the CB isn't really a part of his plan - he was just planning to use them, had they still followed Veda.

    The only potential for a trap I see in the new GN drives is that if the deal says the three powers must first take out the old Gundams. So, they would equip a good number of frames with the copy GN drives and best pilots, take out the old Gundams for Throne, and then the Throne would disable the drives leaving the three powers once again at the mercy of the Throne.

  15. #15
    while a GN-equipped Flag would be kinda cool, but I agree with Gunslinger. It would make it so much more satisfying if they came up with their own technology. all in all...
    i really like the beginning of this ep. the rest was, well, nothing special. and what the hell does the Drei do?????

  16. #16
    The Drei is basically a support suit. It's primary ability seems to be pumping out goo gobs of GN particles which can get used for either wide area stealth, increased power for Eins gun, or (probably), a GN shield.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 02-20-2008 at 09:14 PM.

  17. #17
    I that the GNDs allow the pilots to fell less or no Gs.

    Go Graham Go !

  18. #18
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Gundam 00 Episode 19 by menclave.

    1280x720 mkv
    704x400 mkv

    edit: 720p goodness shows the powers using red GN drives.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 02-20-2008 at 10:41 PM.

  19. #19
    Genin Maverick-DBZ-'s Avatar
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    OH, very interesting episode. It looks like they are indeed red GN drives. I wonder if they are aware of the limit they have? Hmmm....

    I count 30...

    Some shots from the preview of the new *knock off* Gundam?


  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    this show is getting good. I'm even able to ignore the blatant stupid stuff, like Kraco said, about huge international power blocs disarming to admitted terrorists, the fact that Johann wears something like stockings and short shorts, and the sudden twist of a bunch of Kurds blowing up some shit in Ireland (wtf people?).

    Music video needed to be thirty seconds shorter for me, or interspersed with some more conversation or action... Too much pure flashback there.

    "Oh yeah, when we let them roam around our command ship wherever they pleased, they stole our data and even got to screw the Nadleeh trump card. Who'd have thought?" More proof Tieria is still stupid despite being a computer and Sumeragi is the dumbest strategist to ever live.

    The Nadleeh's Trial System is gay and lame. Big shining light makes other computers shut down. Weak. I'm glad the Thrones already hacked past that shit. It is interesting though, since it means that all those times Tieria was talking about killing his fellow pilots because they'd done something to piss him off, he wasn't just blowing smoke. He's full out authorized and equipped with a device specifically to render any of his allies' Gundams useless, so he can blow them away without hardly aiming. That's some serious rank. Did Aeolia have his freaking sperm passed down to that nanomachine, hermaphrodite baby or something?

    Guy at Sunrise 1: "Um, we're racking up royalties from doujin sales already, and the new bishounen fanservice ED sold that crappy ass song, but episode 19 doesn't have anything gay in it."
    Guy at Sunrise 2: "Have Sumeragi and crew make a peanut gallery remark about how Setsuna and Tieria are finally working together even to the extent that they're pulling off some of the formations they have listed?"
    Guy at Sunrise 1: "Formations?"
    Guy at Sunrise 2: "Yeah, you know, like sex formations, like doggystyle or bending her over your car. Make it all suggestive when you say it. Form~ations~~!"

    Guy at Sunrise 2 is also the one responsible for Graham Acre always talking like he routinely sticks his wang in his mobile suit's fuselage, and would love to try out Exia's too.

    And then, just when everything looked bleak for the Trinity Thrones, Alejandro Corner's smile flashed on the screen and we knew that there was a reason after all why he is in this show, and it has to do with the fact that villains in high-budget animes always keep timid, docile young boys as their personal servants.

    Episode 50. 12:45 in: Livonze kills Alejandro. Shocker. Heard it here first.

    Stupid sexy Lockon is "stupid" only in show, and that's part of what makes him so smart. The most realistic development of that episode was how he handled the fact that Setsuna has his roots with the group that, for some reason I can't imagine, bombed his shit, aside from the needless "firing a symbolic shot not to kill, but to maybe trap a few more peons to not go to the bathroom for the commerical break" nonesense. As the episode title suggested, we learned alot about him, and that he really is a pretty smart guy. He is, however, still sexy.

    Johann Trinity continues to surprise me with his tactical poise. Almost makes up for the shorts.

    Saji's sister is the awesome. But I can't fucking believe who she's with in the next episode preview!!!

    Oh yeah, there was a decent fight in this episode too. The Trinity siblings didn't look too good, and the teamwork from Setsuna and Tieria makes you think the piloting and hardware edge might still be CB's

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

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