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Thread: Bleach Chapter 310

  1. #1

    Bleach Chapter 310

    Last edited by Xyches; Fri, 02-15-2008 at 07:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    'This is what happened this chapter:

    Nnoitora: What's this? why aren't you powering up?
    Kenpachi: I'm fine like this for now.
    Nnoitora: Ok....well I'm just gonna power up again and hurt you, is that cool?
    Kenpachi: S'okay......AAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHH

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  3. #3

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Last week I was thrilled that something unexpected happened, now it's just dumb.
    Noritora keeps on doing "Sword Dance", and Kenpachi still acts the same, we'll just need to wait until Nori pops out the rest of his arms and then Kenpachi will call out his sword Shikai (that's right, inital release, not Bankai) and have his sword ubered up so he could break everyone of nori's blade while defending.

    so exicting, I think I'll put a diaper before reading the next chapter, in case I can't control myself.

  5. #5
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    This is getting pointless. Its like the mangaka is stalling for time while he thinks of a Shikai for Kenpachi. This has gone on for the better part of a month, and no progress has been made.

  6. #6
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Damn, if Kenpachi gets Shikai then that means the day he gets Bankai....

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  7. #7
    If Kenpachi gets Powerup, manga readers maybe injured while reading.

  8. #8
    I don't think Kenpachi will get a release as much as he'll end up getting some "Void Engine" capable of tearing holes through existence, doing the laundry, buying groceries, and yes, much like Inazuma said, kicking you in the god damned face so hard you pass out till the next weeks manga chapter comes out.

  9. #9
    I actually want Kenpachi to be on Aizen's level. I don't think we he is that far off. Aizen could force Grimmjow on to his kness just by his reiatsu alone, and Kenpachi has caused Noitora to power up without himself getting any sort of power up. Of course Aizen is still stronger for now, but I think that once Kenpachi gets around to releasing his shikai (yes, not bankai), he will move up a level overall himself.

  10. #10
    Kenpachi removed his eye patch, which is definitely a powerup.

    It's funny though; Kenpachi fought Tousen with the eyepatch and kicked ass, Tousen totally embarrassed an unreleased Grimjoww, Grimjoww is only one rank below Nnoritra, Kenpachi couldn't hurt and unreleased Nnoritra with the eyepatch on.

    So does this mean the gap in power between rank 5 and rank 6 is quite large and that Tousen fits in it?

    I would assume Espadas are ranked in terms of peak power, so Tousen might have had a tougher time against a released Grimmjoww but stiill, it seems weird.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 02-21-2008 at 01:44 PM.

  11. #11
    I don't think I would consider the eye patch removal a "power-up". He wears the patch to purposefully degrade his power, so taking it off just brings him to his "normal" level.

    I also assumed that Gin and Tousen have gained some strength then when we saw them in SS. They seem to keep an eye on the Espada for Aizen. If they can police the Espada they are probably more powerful then they used to be.

    Edit: Maybe Gin and Tousen are considered Espada? #1 and #2?
    Last edited by Bleach4Me; Thu, 02-21-2008 at 01:32 PM.

  12. #12
    I'm not talking about long term power boosts like training for a month in 100x gravity. I'm talking about mid-battle power ups, which I define as an instance of a character willfully increasing their power from its baseline towards their theoretical maximum in the midst of a battle.

    When a Bleach character releases their sword in a fight their fighting ability goes up compared to what it was before they released (their baseline), hence it's a power up. Zaraki doesn't release his sword, but taking off his eye patch increases his fighting ability from his baseline, which is calculated with the eye patch since he normally has it on, hence it's also a 'power up'.

    Anyway, the problem is that Tousen fought Kenpachi some time in August and struggled, then in September he completely emasculated Grimjoww, who was #6. Now it's October and #5 appears he may be stronger than Kenpachi (though of course he isn't). And we're supposed to buy that Tousen is also stronger than all the Espada as well.

    Two months for a Villian shouldn't be enough time to improve that much. Villian power curves just aren't supposed to behave like Hero power curves.

  13. #13
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    True but the very reason Aizen left SS and went to HM is because he had supposedly reached the limit of his abilities and he wanted to become more powerful. So I don't see a problem with their power rapidly increasing over a very short period of time since that was their original purpose for leaving, especially if they are using the Hōgyoku even if it isn't fully activated yet.
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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I'm not talking about long term power boosts like training for a month in 100x gravity. I'm talking about mid-battle power ups, which I define as an instance of a character willfully increasing their power from its baseline towards their theoretical maximum in the midst of a battle.

    When a Bleach character releases their sword in a fight their fighting ability goes up compared to what it was before they released (their baseline), hence it's a power up. Zaraki doesn't release his sword, but taking off his eye patch increases his fighting ability from his baseline, which is calculated with the eye patch since he normally has it on, hence it's also a 'power up'.

    Anyway, the problem is that Tousen fought Kenpachi some time in August and struggled, then in September he completely emasculated Grimjoww, who was #6. Now it's October and #5 appears he may be stronger than Kenpachi (though of course he isn't). And we're supposed to buy that Tousen is also stronger than all the Espada as well.

    Two months for a Villian shouldn't be enough time to improve that much. Villian power curves just aren't supposed to behave like Hero power curves.
    Eh, could be wrong, but, two months in the world of the living is several hundred years in the afterlife (SS and Hueco Mundo). The whole Nell and Nnoitora incident seems to show this, as well as the Privaron Espadas.


  15. #15
    That could help explain it, but did they ever confirm that time passes at a different rate in the alternate worlds or just in between worlds? I remember the crew went 'back in time' relative to SS when they transitioned but when they came back I assume they went 'forward in time' relative to SS and it balanced out that the week or so they spent in SS was a week or so in the human world. It was still the same summer they left, with only a little while before school started up again when they came back to the real world. The time discrepancies might work both ways, or it could just be a plot device to make the characters more interesting. In the end I don't read Bleach for the properties of the world it takes place in.

    As to the Privaron Espada though, I have always been under the impression that Arrancar can be born naturally and Aizen had just been working with the naturally occurring ones for a while. The Hogyoku seems to be a catalyst for the Arrancar transformation helping to ensure it occurs as smoothly and completely as possible, but I think the Privaron's, and probably even some of the current Espada came to be naturally even before Aizen even started working with Hollows.

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