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Thread: Fighting Games

  1. #1

    Fighting Games

    So Iv been playing fighting games since i was little kid. I love the combos, the supers, and the all around competition it brings to me and my friends. One of my favorite things to do is kick back with my friends have a nice afternoon of kicking each others asses with a combination of punches, kicks, and supers. Im not that great, not tournament level, but I still have fun nonetheless. I decided to make this thread for those of us fighting game lovers. So lets make this the place to discuss your favorite fighting game, favorite moves, fighting game news, etc...

    So some of my favorite fighting games are:
    -Capcom vs. Snk 2
    -King of fighters XI
    -Melty Blood
    -Soul Calibur 1 + 3

    So I just recently bought King of fighters XI, since it only came out in the US not to long ago, and its already one of my faves. Im just looking for some advice about how to go about playing certain characters. If you have a character you think you are particularly good at please share how you play them. Im all ears.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  2. #2
    You ought to try the Guilty Gear series, then (latest installment - XX: Accent Core). In my case, it grew on me due its uniqueness.

    Hehhh, not so much in the mood to discuss it further at this point in time, sorry.


  3. #3
    Lol totally forgot about guilty gear. I never got into though, the battle flow never really clicked with me. But I gotta admit it has the cleanest graphics iv ever seen in a 2-D fighting game.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  4. #4
    Well, the same company's also produced Hokuto no Ken, which is supposedly fun for its stupid, basketball-style, one-combo-into-instant-KO gameplay.

    Or, a little later on, Arcsys will release the spiritual successor to GG, BlazBlue, which might be worth checking out.


  5. #5
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    My list of favorite fighting games:
    Capcom vs SNK 2
    Dead or Alive 3
    Guilty Gear: Accent Core
    King of Fighters (pretty much any of them)
    Soul Caliber II
    Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
    Super Smash Bros (N64, Melee, and most likely Brawl when it comes out ^_^ )
    Tekken 5

    My absolute favorite fighting game goes to Guilty Gear: AC. I just LOVE everything about it! Roman cancels, false roman cancels, air dashes, double/triple jumps, force breaks, etc. So many ways of defeating your opponents!
    My main is Chipp, with Testament and Jam as my back-ups.

  6. #6
    guys, c'mon....nothing beats Mortal Kombat 2. That was the holy mother of all fighting games.

  7. #7
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Street Fighter 2 Turbo
    Samurai Shodown
    Street Fighter Alpha 2
    Soul Blade
    Soul Calbur 2
    Marvel vs Capcom 2

    EDIT: the Guilty Gear series is also pretty good

  8. #8
    Ok I just got done playing a couple hours of KOF XI and my hands freaken hurt. This is the first time Iv really tried to get into a KOF game. But dam its fun, freak the challenge mode is a BEAST. At least I learned a few combos along the way.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Arcade Machines:
    - Street Fighter II: Turbo - Old machine at the local dairy bar. Probably spent $50 on that machine. (At a quarter a piece.)
    - Primal Rage - yeah, not the greatest, but it was a lot of fun at the arcade (back when those existed in the states).
    - Virtual-On: debatable, as a non-traditional mecha fighter, but there are few arcade machines I've loved more
    - Soul Blade: Unfortunately, my last arcade 3D fighter. (most arcades were closed shortly after)

    - Dead or Alive 1, 2, 3, and 4. Solid fighter, fast paced, excellent counter system in 2, broken in 3, not too bad in 4. The first game is HARD with anyone but Kasumi and Lei-fang.
    - Guilty Gear XX: Midnight Carnival and later on the strange experience of GG: Isuka
    - Soul Caliber 2, 3. Never owned the I didn't get to play the greatest of them.
    - Smash Bros. - given, but I admittedly lack practice.
    - Melty Blood: I spent a lot of money just to play one game, and it was worth it.

  10. #10
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I've played a lot of fighting games since the release of Street Fighter II on the Super Famicom (SNES). Some of the games which I've spent a lot of time on include:

    King of Fighters series
    Street Fighter Zero (Alpha) series
    Street Fighter EX series

    Still a big fan of the 2D games, particularly the KOF series which I thought gave better gameplay then any of the other popular fighters. Looking foward to the new KOF98 game coming out soon.
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  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title RedX1z's Avatar
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    Dead or Alive series
    Guilty Gear series
    King of Fighters series, mainly 2002
    Street Fighter series, mainly Alpha 2

    I'll give any fighting game a chance. Honestly, though, I can't think of a fighting game that was so horrible.
    Signature by Lucifus

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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    Still a big fan of the 2D games, particularly the KOF series which I thought gave better gameplay then any of the other popular fighters. Looking foward to the new KOF98 game coming out soon.
    What new KOF98 game? O.o

    Also does anyone know where I can get the new MeltyBlood also im really interested in a game called Big Bang Beat if anyone has heard of it. The best way I can describe it is that its similar to GG/Meltyblood.

    Also as a treat for those who havent seen it yet:

    A Street Figheter 4 gameplay video has been release a few days ago:
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wikipedia says Melty Blood: Actress Again is coming out in arcades in 2008.

  14. #14
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    What new KOF98 game? O.o
    SNK Playmore is releasing a new game, called KOF98 Ultimate Match. It uses the old 98 system, which was a fan favourite, and adds in characters such as Geese, Kasumi, Eiji, etc.

    Check out the official site here.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  15. #15
    Let's see...

    Tekken. Soul Calibur (I remember the old Soul Blade days...), Guilty Gear (I-no is the hottest thing ever), King of fighters, Street fighter Mortal Kombat (The old ones. I'm not a fan of the 3D ones)

    Dead or alive was alright but I only played...the 2nd one, I think. But the gameplay was very smooth. I could control my character very well.

    I think that's it. I know my brother plays Bloody Roar as well.

  16. #16
    Sweet a new MeltyBlood, thats gonna be awesome.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  17. #17
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I live here.
    I've been a Street Fighter player ever since I was a little kid. Now I mostly play 3rd strike. There isn't much local competition here so I just play on kaillera mostly.

    I like the Soul Calibur series too, but I never really got a chance to really get into it because I was lacking money and all that crap at the time. Once 4 comes out, I'll definitely pick it up though. Online play too I believe, that's going to be sweet.

    Oh and Super Turbo HD Remix as well whenever that releases.

    So yeah, SC4 and SSF2THD Remix are probably my most anticipated games. Maybe I'll pick up Tekken too.

    But to just simply talk about fighting games that I enjoy playing, pretty much all the SF games, Alpha 2 being my favorite. I like most of the crossover games too, Xmen vs SF, MvC2, and CvS2. I never got serious with those games though. Just casual play. Those are pretty much the only fighting games I play mostly. I was never exposed to other games like the KOF or GG series so I never got into them.

    On a side note, SF4 looks like crap compared to KOFXII at the moment.

  18. #18
    Anyone have any tips when it comes to quick shifting in KOF XI? Im terrible at it, and I know its a fairly important part of the game.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

  19. #19
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    god KOF12 looks fucking sick

  20. #20
    Melty Blood Actress Again looks nice
    -New Supers
    -A few new characters(Shiki's teacher?)

    heres the trailer:
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
    Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)

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