That weapon the purple haired girl in black/white outfit is wielding is more than impressive. Looks just like the Deathscythe's. . . scythe, but the beam saber part only extends once she strikes.
That weapon the purple haired girl in black/white outfit is wielding is more than impressive. Looks just like the Deathscythe's. . . scythe, but the beam saber part only extends once she strikes.
Looks uninspired, generic and slow. And why the hell does a 3 round match last for 5.5 minutes, that's pretty terrible. Lack of diverse normals, lack of mixups..yeah pretty meh.
The only thing I did like was how the stage changed between rounds, that's cool.
I love to play games online specially i love to play puzzle games and Fighting games my favorite fighting games are
Taken 3
Street fighter etc..
as a download title.
Torrance, CA (Februrary 14th, 2010) – Aksys Games, a publisher of interactive entertainment products, is proud to announce that the fighting game Arcana Heart 3 will be coming to the PlayStation®Network this Spring. Arcana Heart 3 combines fast-paced aerial action with a unique cast for an extraordinary fighting experience never before seen in North America!
Chaos and disorder are threatening to rip apart the very fabric of Japanese society as planar rifts appear throughout the country. It is suspected that the Drexler Institute, the instigator of the Great War many years ago and creator of the Divine Celestial Weapon, is somehow involved.
In the midst of this confusion, a mysterious rumor arises, claiming the existence of wish-granting “Celestial Stones” within the chaotic planar rifts. As a result of these rumors, a number of individuals have converged on Japan in the hopes of obtaining one of these fabled stones – either to seal them away or to see for themselves if the rumor is true. Each person has their own reasons for seeking these rare and valuable stones, and they won’t let anyone stand in their way, be they foe…or friend.
Full Press Release
Is it still coming to EU as a retail disc? cause I was kind thinking of getting it.
I want this game... not a fan of download only though.
No idea. A guy from Zen United mentioned packaging in an interview, so it seems like it will be retail.
Frost: About the european release for the game, will you guys be remaking the cover for the game as well? Similar to the European releases of Blazblue?
Geraint: We have no plans to at the moment. We’ve recently recieved a MASSIVE amount of artwork from Arc and Examu – so much stuff in there is abslutely stunning, so we’re currently going through it all and deciding what direction we want to go with packaging etc…
Frost: HMV have a release date for the European release for the 10th of June, and that was put up way before this announcement. Is that release a real release date or just a rumor at the moment?
Geraint: That’s a rumour at the moment – we’ll announce the specifics on the release date further down the line. At this point, we just wanted to let everyone know that we’re working on it – mainly because so many people have been asking – we just wanted to put them out of their misery!
Frost: haha put people out of their misery :3 So …when do you think you’ll be able to get us a release date?
Geraint: Haha, tough one! You know, one of the things we got a lot of stick for last year was BlazBlue’s delays. While a lot of things that happened surrounding BB were genuinely outside of our control, ultimately we were in the firing line for letting people down on release dates. We REALLY don’t want that to happen again – so we’ll only announce a date when we know 100% that it’s going to happen.
I may import that version instead of the download only. Only question would be the online play... ugh
Looks like Jun Kazama makes an appearance in Tekken Tag 2, no word on if shes a playable character yet though.
"Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)
Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)
There's a new 2D fighter called Skullgirls coming to Xbox Live and PSN this Summer. Official Site
The debut trailer was posted yesterday.
Out-of-control debut trailer for Skullgirls
Edit: Here's an older video.
A Look at SkullGirls as of (8-9-10)
Destructoid's Hands On With Skullgirls
Skullgirls is crazy, hot, and rad
Skullgirls Preview from Joystiq
Skullgirls preview: Strong foundation
DualShockers In Depth Skullgirls Preview
PAX East 11: Hands-On Impressions: SkullGirls
No infinites.![]()
No idea. That wasn't there when I made my post.
Also, new Skullgirls preview.
SPECIAL! Inside look at Skullgirls! [HD]
Arcana Heart 3 Breaks Loose On April 19th
The same day as Mortal Kombat. It's going to be $30 on PSN.
A week after release, look out for DLC containing additional character colors and an Arcana Heart 3 theme!
Whoa...check this out. It's a fighting game with Tears to Tiara and Utawarerumono chars. This is the 4th promo vid, apparently. I hadn't even heard of this game until now. It has To Heart chars too, but I've never seen that, so I don't know them.
lol, wtf...Yuki from White Album is in it. Hopefully that means Rina-chan is in it as well. Hell, throw in Menou and Yayoi-san too. (Edit: Rina in the background. <3)
ap4.jpgap1.jpgap3.jpgap2.jpgAquapazza is a crossover 2D fighter from Examu. It features characters from franchises like Tears to Tiara, To Heart and Utawareru Mono. Gameplay features a partner system, where you call upon a support character to assist.This latest video shows main characters Morgan (Tears to Tiara) and Konomi Yuzuhara (ToHeart 2), along with support characters Ulthury (Utawareru Mono) and Yuki Morikawa (White Album).
Official Site - It has all 4 PVs on it in the movie section.
Heh... I'll have to hunt down that game when it comes out. I love this Doujin-Games. I still have Queen of Hearts 97, Queen of Hearts Queen of Hearts 98, Queen of Hearts 99, Queen of Hearts 2001, Eternal Fighter ZERO Blue Sky, Eternal Fighter Zero Memorial, Kanon and Air Smash, Fatal Fake and the very first Melty Blood.
That actually looks really good, like a mix between arcana and vanguard princess.
Seeing Karura getting thoroughly trounced by a To Heart character made me sad.
What it is for? PC or consoles?
NESiCAxLive a digital distribution system for arcades. BlazBlue Continum Shift II was the first game to use it.From the makers of Arcana Heart comes a new arcade fighting game in which young girls beat each other up. AquaPazza, by Examu, will feature characters from AquaPlus. It runs a tag team battle system, and will be published on the NESiCAxLive system in Japan this Spring.
Taito Announces Arcade Download System