I don't suck at it, that's exactly why I want it to be harder, timing should be stricter; right now it just sucks, it's not fighting, just playing a glorified game of rock paper scissors.
I don't suck at it, that's exactly why I want it to be harder, timing should be stricter; right now it just sucks, it's not fighting, just playing a glorified game of rock paper scissors.
You could argue that most fighting games are complicated, glorified versions of Rock Paper Scissors. So many of them have the system (any that have a high/medium/low hit system, which is most) where :
- normal block counters high and med but not low
- low block counters med and low but not high
Or: Combo A of Character Q will always have a frame advantage over anything that Character R can open with.
Or: Player 1 intentionally used a pattern during the first round always followed Kasumi's teleport with a low jab. Player 2 goes to counter, and Player 1 throws them instead.
Counter or blocking heavy games (DOA, VF, SC, Melty Blood) have always been about the mind games between two opponents. It's the 2D fighters where execution takes first priority. There's less to work with, less freedom for fake outs.
I really need to play this myself...I had no idea what was going on with the camera and all those quicktime events..
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Final Boss Footage: **Spoilers**
Tekken Tag 2 - Final Stage
Tekken Tag 2 vs CPU (Final Boss)
Street Fighter III Online Edition Patch InformationThanks to your excellent feedback, we have created a patch that will address a few bugs that you may have run into while playing Street Fighter III Online Edition. The patch will update the following items -
- Fixes a bug that made it difficult to get into a Ranked Match, especially during times of peak traffic.
- Fixes a bug that could cause players to have very large disconnection percentages (> 100)
- Fixes a bug that could cause characters to become invisible online, or to be displayed with incorrect colors.
- Fixes a bug that sometimes caused Hugo’s combo trial #2 to not detect correctly
- Fixes a bug that permitted an exploit in Trial mode when using "stun" settings
- Fixes some rare crashes
- Improves network stability
- Adds support for additional DLC packs
- Raises the online level cap
The patch is currently going through the submissions process, and we are targeting a 9/27 release date. Make sure to check back as we will have more news about this update.
Also, we are working on another patch that will address some additional items, as well as add some new functionality to the game (hello dummy recording in training mode!).
It looks cool, but I'm still worried about the combo system, also it doesn't seem like you can just shoot an attack anymore; everything seems to become cinematic as soon as you fire it..
Yeah, not very Budokai Tenkaichi like. Don't think I'll cop it.
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
When I saw that Dragon Ball trailer I was wondering when the gameply would start... I thought I was watching an animated cutscene.
FFFFFF it got delayed? WTH are they thinking releasing it in the same window as UMVC3; I was really looking forward to playing it hardcore for at least a month before UMVC3 got released :[.
Yeah, that got delayed and Skullgirls got delayed until 2012. I was really looking forward to teaming up Parasoul and Peacock.Well, at least they're adding things like a custom soundtrack option for PS3.
- Gameplay speed changes – 10% faster!
- Lots of new effects and overall presentation improvements
- Upgraded backgrounds to 3D
- Additional music from Michiru Yamane
- Requested color palettes
- Accidental pause prevention option – hold Start for 15 frames to pause
- PlayStation 3 custom soundtrack option
- Button macros to help when playing on a pad
- Innumerable balance and gameplay tweaks
- In-game art galleries
Gonna be a busy 2012..
Street Fighter X Tekken
SoulCalibur V
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown
Dead or Alive 5
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend
Hudson Soft announced today, via their twitter, that a new installment in the Bloody Roar series is in production. They note that more will be revealed soon, and use the hashtags #BloodyRoarProject2012 and #BloodyRoar5. This leads me to believe that they are aiming for a 2012 release date, making them just another game in the massive list of fighters set to debut in the next year and a half. Lets hope they can achieve something special with their were-beast-brawler.
Hudson: New Bloody Roar title 'in production'
Well the bloody roar thing was a hoax.
Anyway I've been playing the ougon musou kyoku x demo and it's pretty awesome I really like beatrice. Battler is pretty cool too, this should definitly get localised.
Yeah, ANN had an article on it two days ago. Bloody Roar Game Sequel Not in Production
GameTrailers posted an Exclusive Dead or Alive 5 Trailer. Carl White (Perfect Legend) seems pretty hype about it. Hopefully, DOA5 makes it to EVO, so he came become a two time DOA EVO champ.
GameTrailers: Dead or Alive 5: Exclusive TGS Gameplay Trailer HD
Also, the 360 exclusive fighter, Phantom Breaker is listed on Amazon. Hopefully, it's not fake and will actually be released here.
Phantom Breaker Special Edition @ Amazon
Update: Southpeak Are “Looking At The Possibility” Of Publishing Phantom Breaker
Can't say that I'm surprised by this.
Edit: Some more info from the PS3 Live Blog.
PS3BlogLive: hint: "our life is made by the death of others" - new guest character on SCV!!!
("our life is made by the death of others" is a quote from Leonardo da Vinci.)
PS3BlogLive: Collectors Edition comes with artwork, DLC, two characters exclusive to CE
PS3BlogLive: worldwide launch: Jan 31st, 2012!
Note: There are also 3 more NEW characters on the select screen.
~New Characters
Ezio Auditore (Guest)
Leixia (She is the 15 year old daughter of Xianghua)
New unknown male character
Comment From Mintia This is what we got. Worldwide release: January 31, 2012. Guest Character is Ezio from the Assassin's Creed series. Collector's Edtion of the game comes with artwork and two exclusive characters (Boo!). A character select screen was leaked showing Nightmare, Leixia, and a new character wearing a hat and semi-hidden in shadows.
January 31st can't come soon enough. I'm hyped for this. That remixed theme is nice.
Edit: WTF! Trailer for some pre-order dude.
SOULCALIBUR V delivers exhilarating 3D fighting mechanics, breathtaking visuals, and new characters alongside expanded online and character creation modes. In addition, Dampierre from SOULCALIBUR: Broken Destiny will be available as an exclusive pre-order bonus playable character, and a feature-packed Collector's Edition is coming to retailers across Europe. SOULCALIBUR V is poised to become the preeminent fighting game experience on its release in Europe on February 3rd 2012.
Aside from being crazy hot, Viola actually looks a lot of fun to play with, her "super" reminds me of aegis reflector.
Ezio however really fits the game nicely, I can already see myself using him a lot when I get this game eventually; shame he doesn't actually speak italian though.