Which one is the best? Personally i prefer Vegapunk since they have HD One Piece.
Which one is the best? Personally i prefer Vegapunk since they have HD One Piece.
1st thing: what is Kaizoku vs. Vefapunk - Best Fansub ?
2nd is that there is no contest as Kaizoku done everything from episode 1 - 235 and Movies+Specials although they slowed down they keep on ticking. While Vegapunk done only from 334-339 and I have no doubt that in time they will disappear as LONG list of subbers before them.
"Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender
Lol sorry i obvously meant vegapunk. Im not so sure about that, they're very well organized and the quality is freaking awsome. Also they make the files available thruu direct download and they dont use shity rapidshare or megaupload either, they made a deal with some site who's hosting the files. Btw when i say awsome quality i mean AWSOME quality! I actually get to watch the episodes in full window without the slightes slowdown and the image is... perfect.
K-F is definitely higher quality. But they have the luxury of taking their time with each episode because they aren't in any hurry.
There's a large gap between the last K-F subbed episode and the first Vegapunk subbed one, and I'm a bit dubious of whether the K-F can fill that gap before they give up fansubbing (everybody does sooner or later).
Other than that, Vegapunk's quality is close enough to K-F's to suit my tastes.
I donīt understand why many piks one grupp and stays with them?
I men episodes upp to 341 are subbed so why stay with kaizoku-fansubs or Vegapunk. When there are othere grupps that have subbed more.
like insted of whiting for vegapunk you can go to instantz that also has HD and SD.
And isteed of whiting for kaizoku you kan download from GeruSama and ADC-Elites.
I'm not sure what "whiting" is (unless you mean making something white with hydrogen peroxide, or something), but I think great many if not most people here already watch whatever speed sub available and then possibly download the ep again from the subber they are "whiting" for in order to get a good quality sub in their archive.
I enjoyed myself with kaizoku through episodes 1-200. Back then they really released one episode per week. Now its like one episode in a month. True the quality of their releases is amazing, even better than commercial releases but they take way too much time with their releases. Now im enjoying myself with VP.
Vegapunk has done a lot more than 334-339, which makes it quite obvious you haven't watched their subs and are just a K-F fanboy.Originally Posted by Death13a
Anyways, K-F aren't even "amazing". They're just good fansubs. Sure their special attack subtitle animations might be better than others but it still doesn't account for the 100+ episode gap. They get a 9 in quality, but they get a they a 1 in punctuality and speed. I feel sorry for these people that just don't understand that there're great subs out there, and prettier attack animations just shouldn't cut it for a person to stay on their bandwagon and miss out on 100+ episodes of amazing content.
Archiving their subs and replacing others might be something I'd do, if I still archived OP that is. /end rant
I don't understand why the hell One Piece has such a hard time maintaining fansubbers for current episodes. I mean, its one of the most popular animes.
I wish DB would do One Piece. Then I wouldn't have to use more than one sub group ever.
Actually their portuguese branch does suib one piece, maibe the english one will sub it sometime in the near future ( and drop that shity pokemon crap it releases).
Personally i think that satying with your favourite fansubers honours them and encourages them to keep going dbmmm ... Youre a switcher lol shame on you.
Lol one of the high points of vegapunk is also that tehy're so nice to ppl on their forums
Btw, vegapunk quality OWNS KF quality, period.
can't relay compare the 2, because:
a) they haven't done any of the same episodes
b) HD > all else (well exept HD-DVD or Blue Ray i guess)
c) don't know Japanese
but KF seems to be getting back on their feet and release cca once a week, so gonna use them for archiving till they keep subbing![]()
I wish VP would find an encoder. There's guys doing subs by themselves that know how to encode and VP is like 2 months behind on their encodes.
Softsubs are alright but I'd never archieve a softsub+raw.
Well VP may be a litle late with the episodes but it seems that in the next couple of weeks they're gonna release eps like crazy.
Is there even HD sources available for the episodes K-F is up to? I don't think there is, so the comparison of the video quality is quite unwarranted.
Vegapunk has ep 342 raw in FHD. And they state their encodes starting with 334 will be done using this source (with their SD ones encoded from the FHD). Thus... another point in their favor.
I'm pretty sure my comp won't handle FHD. I tried that with Gurren Lagann and the video ran slow, while the audio and subtitles didn't so it ended up not synching up.
My computer handles HD fine when i use nero show, when i use quicktime it all goes to hell. Anyone knows the requirements for FHD? Also, is it really worth th extra download?
Sweet! We just got 334 to 339 in about all the formats known to man from the vegapunks.
Indeed. I am currently downloading, and already planning to rewatch (at least those non-filler).
My PC doesn't handle the FHD of vegapunk, but my laptop does. But... seeing as the monitor of the laptop is just 1280 x 800 im sticking with HD...
Maybe when I have a high definition tv + ps3 I will get the FHD ones (remember... Vegapunk files are PS3 friendly)