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Thread: Bleach Chapter 309

  1. #1
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Bleach Chapter 309

    out at FH

    read it and wheep. or scream from joy, whatever shakes your rock, I think it's awsome.

    real suprise.

  2. #2
    OMG ...
    Kubo got me there.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Noritora - Sword dance! then Slash!

    Noritora has already taken down Ichigo and Neriel, and now this?

    he has a perfect record so far. go Nori!

  5. #5
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    HAHAHA Kenpachi got owned, didn't see that coming. Its nice to see a good transformation for once.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  6. #6
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    So how long has the "my upgrade is better than yours" been going on?

    I think it's Kenpachi's turn..

    R.I.P Captain America.

  7. #7
    Wasn't that great of a chapter.

    I think we can all guess that Kenpachi will be unleashing his shikai next chapter.

    Got to admit Nornorta has the coolest looking espada release thus far.

    Seriously they've been pretty lame thus far.

    #9's looked like a giant vagina monster

    #7 was like giant pink pumpkin of lame

    #6 Grimjows release was okay but I honestly wasn't blown away by the design.

  8. #8
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    Wasn't that great of a chapter.

    I think we can all guess that Kenpachi will be unleashing his shikai next chapter.

    Got to admit Nornorta has the coolest looking espada release thus far.

    Seriously they've been pretty lame thus far.

    #9's looked like a giant vagina monster

    #7 was like giant pink pumpkin of lame

    #6 Grimjows release was okay but I honestly wasn't blown away by the design.
    hahahhahahaha nice one... A giant vagina monster.

    Yeah I think Kenpachi is gonna pull out a bankai or something. As said above... even though it's done in an interesting and suspensful way the majority of the time it's "my upgrade is better than yours". After the fight with Ichigo it showed Kenpachi finally try and talk to his sword, and now Nori just insulted the sword, so I think it's gonna be a whole combined thing of Kenpachi finally fighting for the honor of his sword and his sword being pissed off and helping him out. Whether Kenpachi does a Shikai or a Bankai it would be sick, so I hope it happens.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  9. #9
    I want a Shikai... Kenpachi is is way too good of a character to have his bankai wasted on a number 5 espada.

  10. #10
    Well I guess my thoughts of no Kenpachi release are out the door. Sooo, I'll be moving on to his release word.

    I got my money on: sharpen,(insert name here).

  11. #11
    DB_Hunter One thing's for sure, this will finally settle the "Kenpachi Shikai or Bankai" debate going on with his next level. My money's on bankai, we'll wait and see

    I bet his sword name will be "Rip out his guts" or "kick his ass", (insert sword name)

  12. #12
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    What...just...happened? Kenpachi...lost?!?

  13. #13
    No, Kenpachi just got knocked on his back. You know he's probably going to get up saying he loved that.

  14. #14
    Hopefully(or not) in Bleach, people tend to not die.

    All the weaklings went down and will be in the next arc, if Zaraki goes down, and stays down. It'll be (imo) in order to introduce another (uber powerfull) char.
    Yachiru's Bankai ?

  15. #15
    You know its a bad chapter when you can look at the RAW and not need (or want) a translation.

  16. #16
    Beaten?! yea right. He'll just get up and shake it off as usual. He's excited again the fight will continue. I kinda am hoping that Ken will get bored in the end and let Yachiru finish him off or something, lol.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Konohamaru
    Beaten?! yea right. He'll just get up and shake it off as usual. He's excited again the fight will continue. I kinda am hoping that Ken will get bored in the end and let Yachiru finish him off or something, lol.
    I'm sticking with my Theory that Yachiru is somehow connected to Kenpachi's release or bankai.

    I'm thinking shes the physical manifestation of his sword. I mean, she met him after a battle, she was not afraid, he actually cares about her to an extent. Shes ALWAYS there with him, every battle, so I'm thinking shes somehow connected.

    It just struck me a little weird that she was the only vice-captain that didn't show up with the Captain in this arc.

  18. #18
    Genin Darky's Avatar
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    Hmm actually that's a nice theory, and since he named her instead of finding out her name that could also work out. Only thing that got me thinking though is i thought you got your swords name when you'd go into his dimension thingy. And the swords manifestation only showed up in order to learn bankai.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Kensee
    I'm sticking with my Theory that Yachiru is somehow connected to Kenpachi's release or bankai.

    I'm thinking shes the physical manifestation of his sword. I mean, she met him after a battle, she was not afraid, he actually cares about her to an extent. Shes ALWAYS there with him, every battle, so I'm thinking shes somehow connected.

    It just struck me a little weird that she was the only vice-captain that didn't show up with the Captain in this arc.
    Funny, I was going to post something similar to this a day or two ago, but stopped short. Looks like some others out there do have the same idea.

  20. #20
    Kenpachi met Yachiru on his journey of killing everyone in his path. He already had his sword when he met her.

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