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Thread: Game: Guild Wars!

  1. #1

    Game: Guild Wars!

    I know theres already a thread for guildwars, don't flame me or die.
    go to #gwguildwars if you play

  2. #2

    Guild Wars!

    can i ask how the hell u guys got past nolani acadamy, ive tried the mission and bonus over 6 times and havent been able to do it, is me and the groups im in retarded or is there a trick to it

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    Originally posted by: basey44
    can i ask how the hell u guys got past nolani acadamy, ive tried the mission and bonus over 6 times and havent been able to do it, is me and the groups im in retarded or is there a trick to it
    Hit the enemies real hard.

    Oh, with your weapon.

    Actually.. I believe that's the mission with the catapult, right? There are a few working catapults around. You should time your shots and take out char with them.

  4. #4
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    The mission with the catapults is Fort Ranik.

    The mission at Nolani Academy is the one that's written out in the guildbook / "Guild Wars Manuscripts" that came with the game: Rurik and the flaming scepter mages are stuck in Nolani Academy and your team exits out the side to sweep around and clear out the sieging Charr. After you clear the Charr you head to the capital city of Rin with Rurik. The bonus is returning a tome of the fallen to its pedastal which some guard removed under orders.

    I don't think there's any "trick" to completing the mission. Just play by a few common sense rules:
    1. Bring a monk that can heal, and try to balance your group's professions. (don't go with four of one class)
    2. Try to attack / draw / pull only one enemy group at a time and start on the edges.
    3. If enemies are fighting each other (ex: spirits and devourers), let them duke it out before going in to clear out the survivors or they'll both turn on you.
    4. Kill enemy heroes last. (usually)
    5. Second part: don't leave Rurik alone although he's probably stronger than any individual in your team.

    The bonus is a bit tough sometimes if you manage to aggravate over 6 spirits at a time because the spirits are pretty strong. I don't think you should have problems on the regular mission unless Rurik attacks 2-3 groups at the same time near the end.

  5. #5

    Guild Wars!

    ok now im gonna ask here...Can I know uhm your INGS?

    Just I might drop in a line or two..and to Y...bah [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    to the kid who had rejections too many and vents off at poeple who made a tiny mistake ^_^

  6. #6
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    In the early beta, the mission for nolani was known as the one where everyone brings a bow. We would stand on the cliffs on each side and kill everything we could reach before moving to the center. If you did it right, only the middle group with the named mob was left. They added arrow collision since then, so it doesnt work as well, but that might help you. With the bonus, just dont charge the ghost warriors, let them come to you and avoid them if possible. The last part of the mission is simply protecting Rurik, its not too hard unless you just suck. =P In Guild Wars, common sense = win. The most obvious and stupid methods often end up being the best.

  7. #7
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    Originally posted by: ES
    ok now im gonna ask here...Can I know uhm your INGS?

    Just I might drop in a line or two..and to Y...bah

    to the kid who had rejections too many and vents off at poeple who made a tiny mistake ^_^
    Tiny? You don't read before posting. Don't cry like I fucked up.

    In game name, by the way, is Gendo Ikari.

  8. #8

    Guild Wars!

    haha dont worry about my question, i managed to pull it off just after i posted here.

    lol ur funny, bring a monk.

    oh i didnt know about arrow collisions, thanks

  9. #9
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    I don't get it, what's funny about bringing a monk?

  10. #10

    Guild Wars!


  11. #11

    Guild Wars!

    If you think Nolani Academy is hard, wait till Elona Reach in the desert. That place is a pain in the ass and you'll be so frustrated that you'll wanna quit after getting raped 10 times in a row with no end in sight. I only beat it because my party had an amazing tank that took nearly no damage the entire time. Unless you got a guy like that, it'll be tough.

  12. #12

    Guild Wars!

    My guys name is papa murphys

  13. #13

    Guild Wars!

    The only reason I had such a hard time on Elona Reach (and most the other desert missions) was because my teams would be full of morons. Instead of drawing groups of two to three like they are they will run right into the middle of them all. But once you find a competent team it is usually pretty easy.

  14. #14
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    KitKat's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    I didn't realize how sweet this game is until my brother sent me some screenshots last night from missions that he's done. I think I'm going to buy it. Not that I really need another game to distract me, but it's the summer, I can afford to be distracted.

  15. #15

    Guild Wars!

    Lol...if you guys think doing those starter missions are hard...try Abaddon's Mouth and Hell's Precipice...or running down at Lornar's with full lvl 20 players... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    Good thing, I pay runners to do my bidding when im lazy and/or bored.

  16. #16

    Guild Wars!

    Guys im having this problem when i start up guildwars, it says connecting to arena net but it stays at 0% and doesn't move.... so i can't play, any ideas? I already tried reinstalling and contacting arena net.

  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Guild Wars!

    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    Guys im having this problem when i start up guildwars, it says connecting to arena net but it stays at 0% and doesn't move.... so i can't play, any ideas? I already tried reinstalling and contacting arena net.
    Have you done anything to your computer since the last time you played? Added any hard/software? Anything that might be reversed by using system restore?

  18. #18

    Guild Wars!

    I have system restore off so i can't do that. And i can't remember if ive added anything or not...

  19. #19

    Guild Wars!

    How's your internet connection?

    it happens to me too once in a while, normally I just turn off the program or my computer and restart again. And it also works for me.

    also Free Chaos axe to anyone that can find me in game.

    IGN Nadarei Karasu

  20. #20

    Guild Wars!

    you close my guild wars topic for an irc topic =( Anyways I'm looking for a new guild to join, my old one isnt very active. I'm mainly support and I have experience on PvP.

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