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Thread: Naruto Chapter 388

  1. #21
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    True I believe I mentioned this a few chapters back but the only reason I think Itachi is fighting Sasuke is because his eyes have deteriorated to the point where he doesn't have a choice but to take Sasuke's now whether he has MS or not.

    As far as Sasuke seemingly owning Itachi while he struggled with Deidara I suppose the big difference is that with Deidara that was a physical battle where as with Itachi its a mental battle. Much like when Sasuke fought Oro he lost the physical battle but when it came right down to sheer will power he was able to overcome him.

    Well I'm looking forward to the next chapter hopefully we will get a proper explanation there, at the very least we will see Itachi get serious for the first time.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  2. #22
    I understand all who didn't liked this chapter. But what have you expected to? A Taijutsu or Ninjutsu fight? We have 2 mighty (Well, there are only 4 alive) sharingan-guys whos greatest weapon the Genjutsu is.

    And i don't think this "arc" will end in the next 2 chapters. So there must come up something great in this fight. It wouldn'd make sense to put a lame end like this to a such large story-arc.

    The thing with MS > Sharingan should only apply for the "standarts" of this 2 eyes. Maybe Sasuke made (with his hate, CS2 and maybe more...) his own unique eyes which surpass the normal sharingan. So maybe the difference between Sasukes and Itachis eyes isn't that huge now. And does MS needs a lot of chakra? In my opinion Sasuke could has more chakra than Itachi. And with that he can break the Tsukuyomi.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    For Sasuke to not die to Diedara he had to go curse seal level 2, Summon Orochimaru's best summon and phase out of the dimension yet with Itachi he just stands there and stares at him.
    Deidara vs Sasuke ---> long range fighter vs Genjutsu and Ninjutsu (or what is his style?) fighter
    Itachi vs Sasuke ---> Sharingan vs Sharingan

    I doubt you can compare these 2 fights.

    Dont fucking double post
    Last edited by Assassin; Mon, 02-11-2008 at 06:38 PM.

  3. #23
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    True Deidara was designed to defeat Itachi.
    Edit button?
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  4. #24
    I would... if I would find the delete button!....???
    Last edited by Garhert; Fri, 02-08-2008 at 04:03 PM.

  5. #25
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    True Deidara was designed to defeat Itachi.
    True but Deidara also knew he had no chance of beating Itachi and Sasuke came very close to death in order to defeat Deidara about 24 hours ago or so. So him effortlessly beating Itachi at his specialty seems absurd.

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The timespan between Deidara and Itachi battles are's assumed that, with oro's power, Sasuke had completely recovered by the time he confronted Itachi....with the exception of his left wing.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27
    Itachi: "How did you break out of my genjutsu?!"

    Sasuke: "Because I hate you!"

    Yeah, I can see why people aren't satisfied with the outcome of this chapter.

    Still, we've all been reading this manga long enough to know that MS is Kishi's cop-out technique. Anything that has occurred that has had any type of shock value involving Itachi has always turned out to be an illusion. We should just continue to expect much of the same from Kishi until he gives us a reason to expect something different by finally showing us something real.

    If Kishi wanted to, he could kill off Itachi right here, bring him back years later, and simply chalk his death up to a MS illusion.

    As far as this chapter goes...

    "An expert with a stone can still beat a novice with a shuriken."

    That may be true, but Itachi is certainly no novice. So it really doesn't apply here or provide a valid explanation for Sasuke defeating Itachi's Tsukuyomi.

    I'm not a fanboy of Itachi or Sasuke (or a fan of either at all really) and I don't have a problem with Sasuke winning (to this point). I would just like some better explanations and plot devices.

  8. #28
    Hang on a second, did Itachi just lose an eye?

    Edit: OK no he didn't.

    A lame chapter story wise. Itachi should have whooped Sasuke's ass.

  9. #29
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    "a child with EMSharingan has the ability to copy movements, hypnotize the human and monster mind alike, shoot hell's flame from his mouth, create mini black holes, make a bitch from the greatest demon alive and also to..."

    "but a master with a rock could beat him"

    can't see it happenning, sorry.

    this chapter is basically the same thing as the earlier one, Itachi is about to pull out a move that will shock and amaze us. they should really get on with this.

    Zetsu uses 'we' to speak, which is always cool, and also displays his cullinary taste, which is better.

    also, did Itachi lose his eye? did anyone lose thier eye? does sharingan work in darkness? if so, is it vunrable to Solar flare?

  10. #30
    Quick question:

    I'm not always up to speed on the exact names of all the jutsus, but have we actually seen Itachi use Amaterasu before or is this something new?

    The name is familiar, but I can't think of when we may have seen it.

  11. #31
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    supposdly, it's the black flame tha ate through jiraya's frog prison of internals organs.
    it's good, but i've never thought it to be a bigger deal than tsukiyomi, guess i was wrong.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Quick question:

    I'm not always up to speed on the exact names of all the jutsus, but have we actually seen Itachi use Amaterasu before or is this something new?

    The name is familiar, but I can't think of when we may have seen it.
    yes we did, it was a long time ago when he fled from Jiraiya's hungry frog's stomach.

    It happened after the fight Itachi Kisame vs Kurenai Kakashi Asuma Gai

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    supposdly, it's the black flame tha ate through jiraya's frog prison of internals organs.
    it's good, but i've never thought it to be a bigger deal than tsukiyomi, guess i was wrong.
    Ah ok, I knew the name was familiar.

    So it seems we will finally get to see the actual jutsu as opposed to just the flaming aftermath.

    I hope the information Jiraiya gathered when he sealed the flames in the scroll will come into play here.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    I hope the information Jiraiya gathered when he sealed the flames in the scroll will come into play here.
    It is highly unlikely for Sasuke to get a hold of info gathered by Jiraiya on this one, sorry.

  15. #35
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    don't count that option out yet, the sharingan still has some new moves to show us, and why would infromation theft be ruled out? it's no dumber than the rest.

    you can always show an old eye new tricks. and we know Uchiha's bag of tricks is almost as inflated as thier egos.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    don't count that option out yet, the sharingan still has some new moves to show us, and why would infromation theft be ruled out? it's no dumber than the rest.

    you can always show an old eye new tricks. and we know Uchiha's bag of tricks is almost as inflated as thier egos.
    If you meant that about Sasuke taking info from Jiraiya by the use of sharingan(not sure if that's what you're referring to) then I would just assume that Sasuke simply didn't know about Itachi's vodka taken by Jiraiya.

    Sasuke wasn't really befriended with Jiraiya and we were never shown a situation where Jiraiya confesses to Sasuke telling him that he fought his brother and Itachi left a gift for him to examine.

  17. #37
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I doubt that Sasuke even met Jiraya, I can only recall the time that Sasuke went after Itachi who was attacking Naruto. but i think that by the time Jiraya got there Sasuke was already out cold. Sasuke probably knows about Jiraya trainning Naruto just becuase Orochimaru told him so, they've never actually met or conversed.

    but heck, It's still possible that the sharingan can steal information on a space/time quantom level. I bet you that Itachi could do it if he really wanted to. and if itachi can do it, so could the 3rd, who knew every jutsu in the bingo book (side note: Sarutobi did have a crystal ball with visionaric powers at the first chapter).

    don't take the post too seriously, though, I mostly being crancky about the sharingan.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentSnake
    It is highly unlikely for Sasuke to get a hold of info gathered by Jiraiya on this one, sorry.
    Perhaps. But, just because Sasuke never actually met Jiraiya (as far as we know), doesn't mean that Oro didn't have eyes on the fight between Jiraiya and Itachi. The elite shinobi always seems to keep tabs on each other and know all of the happenings in the Naruto world and they are always interested in their opponents abilities. So its possible that Oro could have obtained the info through a spy and informed Sasuke of it.

    At any rate, Jiraiya seems to have collected a great deal of information about a lot of people and jutsus. I'd like to see that information put to use. It would be great if all of it was passed to Naruto and he was actually able to make use of it.

  19. #39
    So, since it seems like Itachi's left eye is injured and he's going to use "Tiramisu" next chapter. Does it mean that only one eye is necessary to pull out this move.

  20. #40
    Guh, I hate chapters that you could totally skip and it'd have really no effect on the upcoming ones. This was a pretty prime example of that... 18 pages that basically led up to "hohoh, young brother, i underestimated you and now i'll go super saiyan 4."

    Worst chapter I've read in a long time. And I've always hated the sharingan and Sasuke especially... so I just wish this stupid fight would end.

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