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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 46

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    Is it just me but the animation/art just gets better and better `=D?
    It's you. If you think this animation is good you're a retard. Go watch Spirited Away and Naruto will look like the drawings you made in primary school.

  2. #22
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    ya, compare a movie toa 300eps+ series... well done!

    @ chiodos

    we've seen better in shippudden already.. take episode 35 or even 34 for example

    its very funny though.... they trick you very well (they always do)
    they produce like 10-20 episodes which look like the shit and then 1-2 episodes which actually look pretty good (maybe even movie quality) and everyone is like "OH MY GAWD DID YOU JUST SEE THIS? it looks so realistic!"

    its fine with me because as long as the fights are animated very well everything is alright for me, because that is why i'm watching naruto in the first place (the story is great too don't misunderstand me)

    but trust me.. in like 3 or 4 episodes the quality will go back to that of the fillers for another 5 episodes then again they will start making some better animation from episode to episode until they reach the animation level of Naruto(normal) 30 or 133 and everyone will think that the animation will get better now...

    they just trick you but as i said, i m fine with that ^^

    i predict episode 49 or 50 to be awesome and ~52 to be filler niveau...and i m pretty sure that i'll be right (at least when it gets to animation)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 02-08-2008 at 06:20 PM.

  3. #23
    One of the "You study at a nursery school, right?" eps

    I was completely surprised by the thing with the book, I'm glad they had to explain everything... NOT.

    Sasuke at the end -> he should slip on a banana or something to stop this foolish try of being cool, but "you're late" said to Oro (?) was still fun, it's as if he was a baby tyrant waiting for his dad to come back with a toy.

    Anyway -> I mentioned this a long time ago and it's not an unknown fact, but for those who don't know:

    Every ep is made by different studio, so expect crappy eps to have crappy animation and good eps to have cool animation, that's all there is to it really.

    IMHO best 2 studios are those that made Naruto ep 30 (lots of fight scenes marvelously animated, but image quality was well... does anyone remember those f*ucked up sasuke's face sigs and avatars? :P ) and special sasuke vs gaara ep 66-67 IIRC (helluva good image quality COMBINED with helluva good animation, BUT the amount of fight scenes is cut in half, don't blame the fight itself cause it's just being naive).

  4. #24
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Sai's brother died and Sai didn't know what type of facial expression should be conveyed as a result, therefore he left his face blank.
    Man I didn't even notice that. I was just like whatever when i saw the blank face.

    That's so touching... I'm about to cry. So sad for Sai.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    ya, compare a movie toa 300eps+ series... well done!

    @ chiodos

    we've seen better in shippudden already.. take episode 35 or even 34 for example

    its very funny though.... they trick you very well (they always do)
    they produce like 10-20 episodes which look like the shit and then 1-2 episodes which actually look pretty good (maybe even movie quality) and everyone is like "OH MY GAWD DID YOU JUST SEE THIS? it looks so realistic!"
    Which is exactly the point I made, smartass. It's shocking that when you look at the pre-timejump flashback this ep the animation is just so much better than the new material.

  6. #26
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janusz
    It's you. If you think this animation is good you're a retard. Go watch Spirited Away and Naruto will look like the drawings you made in primary school.
    I actually prefer Mushishi over Spirited Away but that's becuse I liked Mushishis art-style.
    Calling me "retard" becuse I cheaptly get sold on trivial matters when it always looks so damn ugly must of the time...

    Well, that's just dumb.


    Yeah, I know that I've been tricked and it's not the first time they use "slightly" improved animation in a episode like this.
    And yes, it feels so cheap but meh... ^^
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  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    I actually prefer Mushishi over Spirited Away but that's becuse I liked Mushishis art-style.
    Calling me "retard" becuse I cheaptly get sold on trivial matters when it always looks so damn ugly must of the time...

    Well, that's just dumb.
    Well it's just that you were so overly enthousiastic, I thought you were the next fanboy screeming out loud how great Naruto is. Nofi dude Animation might have improved slightly over the crap it was but nothing to be excited about, that's all.

  8. #28
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Argh everytime i come to these threads u guys r always bitching about the episodes XD Just enjoy the good parts and screw the bad ones i say. Nice sasuke is back, but in narutos condition it isnt really gonna b much of a fight. Cant w8 to see how this ends.

  9. #29
    Naruto farts and Sasuke goes wacko just like Kiba, but not because of the smell but because of the nasty view of Naruto's gases incoming(sharingan sees it all!).

    Sorry if I spoiled it for you

  10. #30
    Beyond the Clouds and 5 cm are both leaps and bounds better than Spirited Away in terms of animation. Spirited Away's colorfulness makes it look better than it is.

    I'd say 5 cm has the best animation I've seen in any non-CG movie or series.

  11. #31
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Wait, why are we talking about this?

  12. #32
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    I don't even bother to watch this shit anymore. Manga is so freaking much better.

  13. #33
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I like when people complain about animation and then talk about how much they love the manga(not referring to the above poster). I find that deliciously ironic.

  14. #34
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    No Irony there. I think most manga readers who watch the anime do so specially to see their favorite characters, fights, etc animated so when the animation is bad it pretty much defeats the whole purpose and its completely disappointing. In any case I still don't see the point what does reading the manga have to do with complaining about the bad animation in the anime. Bad animation is bad animation.
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  15. #35
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Because no animation is worse than bad animation? You may not agree but I thought my point was pretty clear.

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    i don't get your point...

    edit: uh nm i just read it in a weird way, sry

    however no animation can be better than bad animation... it pretty much destroys everthing when you read the manga and imagine the fight in your mind and then watch it in a bad animated anime.

    Quote Originally Posted by Janusz
    Which is exactly the point I made, smartass.
    not at all...
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 02-12-2008 at 05:58 PM.

  17. #37
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    What you just wrote can be compared to when you read a...fantasy book or some sort and then watch in on film.
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  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well it possible happens from time to time, but normally thats not the case when its a movie with real-people and persons...

    take lord of the rings for example or even Harry potter... they are pretty good, actually i don't know a single person who was not satisfied even the ones who read the books.. with anime and manga however, ... thats a different case.... most animes trie to be very close to the manga so there are "key pictures" (for example battlestance -> first attack move) very often and the character simply moves from one "key picture" to another... thats simply not worth it.

  19. #39
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I see where Darth is coming from, but I have to take KrayZ's side.

    Like he said, when you read a book, you can sort of picture what is going on. Then when it gets made into a film, specifically the ones who try to stay as close to the book as possible, it just completely wows you. The successful ones at least... such as LotR and Harry Potter like KrayZ mentioned.

    Mangas are pretty much the same, except they also have pictures which gives you a more specific look at what's going on. So when the animation doesn't meet your standards, you complain about how shitty the animation is.

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