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Thread: Are all dubs shit?

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    One Piece, Naruto, Blach (kinda) , Samurai X, etc. all got butchered by theire dubbed counterparts. Honestly i cant remeber of any anime that looked decent dubbed. Anyone?
    title of this thread = truth

    Eureka Seven......... Its a Freakin work in the English language... do they use it .. nooooo they call her..

    EUUURRRr - riiikkk-ughhhh ....

    99% of all dubs suck, one exception is probally Princess Mononoke, and the rest of the director's films (of course they all have big name actors actually doign the voice overs so it helps... and even though those dubs don't suck, the Japanese track is still better)

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  2. #22
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    yeah, because all the sub fans would've been really happy if they had called her "yuur-reek-aah". seriously, are you actually putting the dub down for pronouncing a character's name the same way they did in the sub?

    i enjoy most dubs. mostly because i tend to evaluate things like movies and shows in a stand-alone capacity. to me, just because something isn't like the original doesn't mean it's bad
    Last edited by saman; Tue, 02-05-2008 at 02:19 PM.

  3. #23
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    I really enjoyed the English dub of Samurai Pizza cats (I think was originally released in Japan).

    The English version was all Ad-libbed and Improv, cause they didnt make transcripts back then lol. I never did see a Japanese version of the show.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    title of this thread = truth

    Eureka Seven......... Its a Freakin work in the English language... do they use it .. nooooo they call her..

    EUUURRRr - riiikkk-ughhhh ....

    99% of all dubs suck, one exception is probally Princess Mononoke, and the rest of the director's films (of course they all have big name actors actually doign the voice overs so it helps... and even though those dubs don't suck, the Japanese track is still better)
    it sounds better that way. Afterall, it was a name, not a word. They obviously wanted to change it a bit and make it their own.

    I thought it was cute.

  5. #25
    I've watched a few dubs, its rare to see both a faithful translation coupled with talented voicework. I think it boils down to three things really: familiarity, translation, and the voice talent. While we're all familiar with the latter two, the first is a personal thing which I'll explain.

    The biggest problem I have with listening to dubs is that fact I've gotten used to their japanese counterparts . Its hard to suddenly listen to a character that doesn't have the same inflection or voice structure. Its something that the dubbing company can't affect, and its often the reason why I skip dubs.

  6. #26
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    I don't know about you guys but Samurai X and DBZ were some of the best dubs I've ever seen/heard in an anime. They didn't cut or edit any of the scenes .
    uhhm, No.

    they took out 16 episodes from DBZ, and those 16 episodes were from the first 50 episodes, they edited out entire charecters and some "improtant story" scenes (not really important, not really story).

    Edit: if you haven't watched the american version, which version did you watch? the french, swedish, hebrew?

    never cared much for watching dubs, unless i really had no choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDben
    . I Don't dislike the Ranma dub for instance but the Inu Yasha dub is unwatchable because I watched Ranma's dub way earlier
    they have the same face, same charecter, same perssonality, and same voice actor in the original version. why shouldn't they have the same VA in english?

    also, it's not like the japanese studios use new voices for each show, they simply have a bigger crowed to select from, and we (the non-japanese viewers) don't notice it that much, since all japanese look and sound the same to us..

    Benjamin, A rumiko fanboy and a DBZombie since 2003.

    edit: responding to abdula's post below, apparntly I jumped to conclusions too fast, sorry.
    Last edited by Death BOO Z; Sat, 02-09-2008 at 07:49 PM.

  7. #27
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    uhhm, No.

    they took out 16 episodes from DBZ, and those 16 episodes were from the first 50 episodes, they edited out entire charecters and some "improtant story" scenes (not really important, not really story).

    never cared much for watching dubs, unless i really had no choice.
    Um didn't I say it wasn't the American version I watched.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  8. #28
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Dubs > Subs for animation. The only reason I've ever watched subtitled animation is the fact that dubbed is unavailable at that time.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    Dubs > Subs for animation. The only reason I've ever watched subtitled animation is the fact that dubbed is unavailable at that time.
    Isn't that really only if you truly intend to absorb everything in one go, though? Or perhaps it is that you really despise any visual hinderance to the artistic subject matter on-screen?


  10. #30
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    title of this thread = truth

    Eureka Seven......... Its a Freakin work in the English language... do they use it .. nooooo they call her..

    EUUURRRr - riiikkk-ughhhh ....

    99% of all dubs suck, one exception is probally Princess Mononoke, and the rest of the director's films (of course they all have big name actors actually doign the voice overs so it helps... and even though those dubs don't suck, the Japanese track is still better)
    Why did anyone dignify this with a response??

    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    The biggest problem I have with listening to dubs is that fact I've gotten used to their japanese counterparts . Its hard to suddenly listen to a character that doesn't have the same inflection or voice structure. Its something that the dubbing company can't affect, and its often the reason why I skip dubs.
    I think it's important to try and do away with the idea that the Japanese dub is somehow inherently better because it's "original". I mentioned this in the other Dub/Sub thread, but if it's a work based on an existing manga, then both sets of voice actors are giving their interpretation of a character who has thusfar only communicated through text.

    And no, if you don't speak Japanese, then don't try and tell me you think the Japanese voice actors do a better job. I consent that it's nice to watch a show in a different language that you like the sound of, but that does not qualify you to judge the skills of the actors. "inflection" and "emotion" can only go so far.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Sun, 02-10-2008 at 03:28 AM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #31
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    I think it's important to try and do away with the idea that the Japanese dub is somehow inherently better because it's "original". I mentioned this in the other Dub/Sub thread, but if it's a work based on an existing manga, then both sets of voice actors are giving their interpretation of a character who has thusfar only communicated through text.

    And no, if you don't speak Japanese, then don't try and tell me you think the Japanese voice actors do a better job. I consent that it's nice to watch a show in a different language that you like the sound of, but that does not qualify you to judge the skills of the actors. "inflection" and "emotion" can only go so far.
    This is the heart of the argument, and the real reason, whether people are aware of it or not. You hear a character one way or the other, and you associate that voice with that character. Anything else sounds...wrong. There have been plenty of times where I've been reading the manga, created some form of voice for a character in my head, and then pick up the anime. Sometimes, I'll decided "He/She are so wrong for the part. I didn't imagine them with such a deep/high-pitched voice. [characters's] voice should be so much higher-pitched/deeper."

    But you still heard it first with them, and sooner or later you attach their voice when you're reading the manga.

    The second part of your post is also dead on. That's part of the reason for the near-universal acceptance of Cowboy Bebop's English dub as superior. Spike is cooler and even more laid back (Steven Blum is excellent), Jet is played by a black guy (Billingsly) and gives Jet street-cred as well as a bit more suaveness. For all of Megumi Hayashibara's skill, she isn't able to convey both parts of Faye's personality as well as Wendee Lee. Megumi Hayashibara gets all the sexiness down, but she can't portray Faye's outbursts and vulnerabilities as easily or as dramatically as Wendee Lee can.

    (Unfortunately for Wendee Lee, she is often overcast, and my brain can never disassociate her with Faye or the little boy from Kenshin, so most of her characters either sound "too old" or "too boyish" to me. Her voice will always be aged 11 or 30-something.)

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    (Unfortunately for Wendee Lee, she is often overcast, and my brain can never disassociate her with Faye or the little boy from Kenshin, so most of her characters either sound "too old" or "too boyish" to me. Her voice will always be aged 11 or 30-something.)
    It was bad enough she was cast as Haruhi Suzumiya, but when I heard her as Yoroichi in Bleach, I just facepalmed. She's already in that show as Tatsuki, using her "too boyish" voice. Over-cast indeed.

    Yeah, she'll always be "Faye's voice" to me as well.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  13. #33
    What, no love for Rah-Xephon in here? That was another one with a pimp English cast. And as for GiTS, english or nothing for me.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Junior
    it sounds better that way. Afterall, it was a name, not a word. They obviously wanted to change it a bit and make it their own.

    I thought it was cute.
    But The Way Japanese people say Eureka .. is what they were saying in the show Eureka Seven... yeah it was a name and her name was Eureka.

    I mean Seriously They still call a Restraunt ...a RESTRAUNT instead of "Les-tu-lan"

    you think they should start calling T-Shirts "Tay Shitzu" ?

    I just think they make Piss poor choices about what to "americanize" / "replace with american english" and what to leave alone.

    Like all of the Jitsu names in Naruto..... better left alone...

    Of course then again I am the type of person that gets annoyed as hell when english is used in RANDOM places in japanese music (esp the pop stuff...)

    Good example of Kick ass blending of english and japanese in music.... the Theme song from Murder Princess, and most anything from Samurai Champloo (since its used for comedic elements mostly).

    |New Signature 3.0!! Simon now has star glasses..... and lost a lot of my respect......R.I.P. Simon without lame glases...

  15. #35
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    But The Way Japanese people say Eureka .. is what they were saying in the show Eureka Seven... yeah it was a name and her name was Eureka.
    I read this four times and still couldn't make any sense out of what you're trying to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    Like all of the Jitsu names in Naruto.....

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #36
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I believe what he was saying is the dub in Eureka 7 mispronounces "Eureka" because the original Japanese track does in the first place. They are only "mangling" her name by saying it the exact same way.

    Renton in particular uses "ooyu-RAY-ka" in the Japanese, and "yu-RAY-ka" in the English.

    If spoken correctly, it should have been "YU-ree-ka"

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Renton in particular uses "ooyu-RAY-ka" in the Japanese, and "yu-RAY-ka" in the English.

    If spoken correctly, it should have been "YU-ree-ka"
    Ok, I understand now.

    And I had noticed that too in the Eureka dub (and also thought it sounded funny), but I had assumed that Eureka's name was meant to be pronounced that way, and it wasn't originally a mispronunciation.

    If it was a mispronunciation, and the dub had corrected it, I think a situation like Saman imagined would have happened. Sorta damned if they do, damned if they don't I think. They probably made the safe choice by being faithful.

    It's not like that over-faithfulness is extended to all dubs. Just look at Death Note, and how Light is not pronounced "rai-to" since it's obviously a pronunciation of "Light" in Japanese.

    EDIT: On the other hand, "Kira" is pronounced the same way in English, and not as "Killer". Huh...weird.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    Ok, I understand now.

    And I had noticed that too in the Eureka dub (and also thought it sounded funny), but I had assumed that Eureka's name was meant to be pronounced that way, and it wasn't originally a mispronunciation.

    If it was a mispronunciation, and the dub had corrected it, I think a situation like Saman imagined would have happened. Sorta damned if they do, damned if they don't I think. They probably made the safe choice by being faithful.

    It's not a mispronunciation, in Japanese English words which are adopted by the culture are ... well I dunno exactly how to say it.... "Japanese-ified" (?sure..shy not?).

    The other two examples I gave are correct, Restaurant is an example of an English word adopted into Japanese, they say it like "resutoran" with the r's sounding like "le"'s , T-Shirt in Japanese is "te shatsu" but in english its a T-Shirt.

    The way they say Eureka in the original Eureka Seven is probably their best attempt at doing so, considering that nothing (at least that I know of) in the language starts with a similar "Eu" sound, so they just replaced it with a "ur" sound which is prevalent in the language.

    A lot of dubs struggle with the translated version fitting the cadence of the animated characters...and they add words or do crappy translations to fit the animation, they could at least cycle the frames differently or do SOMETHING to make it fit better.

    As for the quality of voice actors in japan? Hell yeah they are better, just like quality of live action actors is better in Hollywood then in Japan. Voice acting isn't as much of a high profile job in the US as it is in Japan, so of course they have a larger pool of talent to draw from; of course with the scripts being as terrible as most of the dubs seem to have its hard to tell if any of the American voice actors that perform in the low quality dubs have any talent.

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  19. #39
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Eureka can be easily said in Japanese with the correct pronunciation.

    In fact they have a name that sounds a lot like it. Yurika. Extending the ri with a - is easy enough.

    They just made a mistake in that one if they say it like Ooyu-ray-ka.

    Eu = Yu.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbstractTheorem
    It's not a mispronunciation, in Japanese English words which are adopted by the culture are ... well I dunno exactly how to say it.... "Japanese-ified" (?sure..shy not?).

    The other two examples I gave are correct, Restaurant is an example of an English word adopted into Japanese, they say it like "resutoran" with the r's sounding like "le"'s , T-Shirt in Japanese is "te shatsu" but in english its a T-Shirt.
    Oh wow, thank you for explaining all that to me, I was so confused!! Thank you for clearing up my misconceptions about Japanese!!

    1. Eureka is not a word, it's a name.
    2. The word you're thinking of is not even an English word, though that's beside the point.
    3. As shinta|hikari, it's completely within the Japanese language to be able to pronounce it correctly.

    If anything happened, it's that the Japanese voice actors/directors did not understand that "Eu" in English is a dipthong. They either mispronounced it, or it was intentional.
    Last edited by XanBcoo; Wed, 02-13-2008 at 11:10 AM.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

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