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Thread: Are all dubs shit?

  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Are all dubs shit?

    One Piece, Naruto, Blach (kinda) , Samurai X, etc. all got butchered by theire dubbed counterparts. Honestly i cant remeber of any anime that looked decent dubbed. Anyone?

  2. #2
    Cowboy Bebop and the new One Piece Funimation dub.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by The Archangel
    Honestly i cant remeber of any anime that looked decent dubbed. Anyone?
    Now, I'm generally a proponent of subs-n'-shit, but I must say that Hellsing Ultimate is win regardless of the audio track you choose.


  4. #4
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I havent seen the new one piece dub. How is it? Pls tell me that luffy doesnt sound like a 10 yr old anymore.

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Cowboy Bebop dub is better than the original track. More people than not will agree with this.

    Equal to the Japanese track: FLCL, Evangelion, Black Lagoon, all the Slayers (movies, series, ovas), Iria: Zieram the Animation, any Makoto Shinkai film, any Miyazaki film, and there's some others here and there.

    There are plenty of good dubs out there, but it's the bad ones that get all the recognition. Try watching less shonen garbage, and you'd find some of the better ones out there. Generally, I've found that whatever one you hear first will be the one you like better. It took me a long time to accept the Slayers and Evangelion Japanese tracks.

  6. #6
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Im a fansub junkie so i dont really have to worry about dubs. But you're right now that i think of it the FLCL dub was pretty good

  7. #7
    Missing Nin
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    I'd like to toss Berserk, Record of the Lodoss War and Those Who Hunt Elves as good dubs.

    Some dubs are great the bad dubs usually come from big companies who just use reuse the same cast of voice actors over and over again without even making them change the voice they are using. I Don't dislike the Ranma dub for instance but the Inu Yasha dub is unwatchable because I watched Ranma's dub way earlier. On the other hand Love Hina and Kenshin both contain TERRIBLE dub casts and are unwatchable dubbed.

  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I forgot about the Beserk dub. The original track can't even compare to that one. They did such an amazing job, they blew away the Japanese track. That, and the outtakes. Can't beat those.

  9. #9
    the FMA dub is pretty good...its almost spot on. give that a try.

  10. #10
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Oh goodie, it's this topic again!

    Basically Ryllharu's already summed it up as neatly as can be said. 1.) The average English dub is actually quite good, and it's the bad ones (usually Shounen series) that get a bad rap, and 2.) You will probably prefer whatever language you watched the show in first.

    Currently I'm watching Blood+ and Death Note on Adult Swim and they're dubs are by and large without flaw. I don't care if you think L's voice is too deep, that's the way Alessandro Juliani sounds and it's made of Goddamn win. Also as Bagandscalpel mentioned, Hellsing Ultimate's dub cast is pretty great. Walter sounds like a poor man's John Hurt, and even Norio Wakamoto meets his match in a Scottish Anderson. Gives me chills it does.

    On the other hand I can't stand the Berserk dub aside from Sean Schemmel (Goku/Gaston) and the Outtakes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    It took me a long time to accept the Slayers and Evangelion Japanese tracks.
    It took me a long time to listen to the Evangelion original audio as well. Eva in English was the first anime I ever saw, and for a long time was flawless in my memory. It wasn't until about last year that I realized it wasn't without sin.

    Also no one's mentioned GITS:SAC. It really is so much better in English.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  11. #11
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    It took me a long time to listen to the Evangelion original audio as well. Eva in English was the first anime I ever saw, and for a long time was flawless in my memory. It wasn't until about last year that I realized it wasn't without sin.

    Also no one's mentioned GITS:SAC. It really is so much better in English.
    The reason Evangelion's english is so great is almost entirely due to Tiffany Grant and Amanda Winn's directing. In the Eva manga, Asuka speaks in German quite a bit, but in the anime Japanese track, she nearly never does. Tiffany Grant under Amanda Winn brought that all back, and added a lot of authenticity back to Asuka's character, my favorite to this day. Though you can't leave out Spike Spencer for making Shinji an incredible pussy in English just like in the Japanese.

    Sorry, but no one beats Atsuko Tanaka as Motoko. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn is very good, way better than Mimi Woods in the original movie. Still Atsuko Tanaka did it first, and still does it better. She adds the right amount of sexiness to Motoko that isn't caught in the English.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 02-03-2008 at 11:05 PM. Reason: poor grammar

  12. #12
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Yeah, I was gonna mention that about Eva's dub too. Tiffany Grant obviously brought a lot to the role, and apparently it never left. She seems to have a weird sort-of-obsession thing going with Asuka.

    I think my favorite snippet from the dub is Amanda Wynn Lee's poem-reading as Rei. I can still hear it in my head after 6 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    She adds the right amount of sexiness to Motoko that isn't caught in the English.
    I must be catching everything you miss then, 'cause daaaaamn...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  13. #13
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I agree with Xan and Ryllharu. People seldom acknowledge when they do a good job with a dub but everyone is quick to complain about a bad one. I don't know about you guys but Samurai X and DBZ were some of the best dubs I've ever seen/heard in an anime. They didn't cut or edit any of the scenes and the language and dialogue were as close to a verbatim translation as you could get, obviously I'm not talking about those that aired on American television.
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  14. #14
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I thought Rurouni Kenshin's dubs were pretty good. I first saw this show as a dub so I guess I got more use to it? When I decided to download all the episodes with subs and watched it, I wasn't use to Kenshin's Japanese VA because he sounded more like a kid.

    I eventually got use to both. But still, the dub seemed pretty good even though I only saw a few episodes of the dubbed version.

    Hmmm, I do have the Berserk dvd, maybe I should rewatch the english version. It has been quite awhile, and I have nothing to watch nowadays.

  15. #15
    Huh, Ruroken, eh? I remember that being my first anime series that I fully embraced as a young, impressionable anime watcher. That said, I found the concept of Japanese characters in a Japanese setting NOT speaking Japanese rather unsettling- needless to say, that notion has clung to me and evolved to cover most other animes to this day.


  16. #16
    Princess Mononoke dub was very good. It's been around 6 years since I watched it but I still remember it as being a decent dub job.

  17. #17
    My best experiences in dubbing comes from Ranma ½ where I actually like the english dub better than the japanese... Then there is Escaflowne (the movie) where the dubbers also did a fantastic job.

  18. #18
    ANBU Captain 6Zabuza9's Avatar
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    i only watched dubs on YTV like DBZ, sailor moon, monster rancher, pokemon, etc. when i was like 7 (when i didnt have access to a computer) and they were pretty enjoyable. But, then again i was 7 years old. The only dub which I followed when I was older was Inuyasha.

    ty psj for this sig

  19. #19
    I already answered this question on another forum, so you guys won't kill me if I quote myself right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphi
    American Naruto dubs do suck though, but British ones are worse. So much worse that it's humorous.

    Either way I don't care, I don't have a TV and I download and stream all my anime.

    The only good dubs I've ever seen on Cartoon Network are the Samurai Champloo ones, Cowboy Bepop movies ones. I think the Naruto ones were really bad at first but they got better. For example not trying to throw together their own theme song, which I am sure pissed thousands off. Also, I didn't hear Naruto say believe it during the marathon, unless I just blocked that out. Or maybe I was too entrapped in the awesomeness that is Itachi to notice anything else? I made my dad watch that show for a few hours. Eh heh. Eh heh. I also think they cut less out of Naruto. Because before it was cut so much everyone thought they would cut Jiraiya going to the strip club and getting crunk every day, but they didn't.

    Trinity Blood dubs suck, Bleach dubs suck, but then again, maybe they will get better in time like Naruto ones did.

    Oh Pokemon dubs and DBZ dubs aren't that bad either. If we could higher the quality of VAs, dubs would be much more enjoyable IMO. I've rarely seen a badly dubbed Hentai, but you didn't hear that from me.

    Back in 2004 or something when Naruto came out, I had the same opinion as [Archangel]. But I've seen way, way too many anime to have a pure opinion like that anymore. Sadly, I can't say all dubs suck without loosing all my street creds as an experienced anime watcher. I can say most dubs suck though, at least most of the ones on Cartoon Network, and that if someone thinks they suck the obvious and slightly logical conclusion would be to watch it subbed or learn Japanese. Well, it's less ignorant than just saying you hate all anime from just watching it on TV.
    Samurai Champloo dubs are awesome, got me to download the origianal series. <3 I love any Miyazaki dubs.. They did a pretty good job with Death Note & Cowboy Bepop from what I remember. DBZ/Pokemon dubs haha ok not that bad. The Simpsons dubs aren't too bad either. I think the dood who does Barney is okay even though he scares me.

    Anyway, moving aside from jokes, my friend would bust a cap if she saw this thread. She'd most likely say:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryo-chan
    Here's the big thing about Dubs, and speaking as someone who prefers watching her anime in Japanese, but loves some American VA's and is close friends with some...

    I respect those who work had to dub over anime. It's NOT easy. Especially when you have to cater to a certain audience. Hence why a lot of the anime 4Kids and Dic dubbed was aimed towards kids. It's their target audience.

    However, you have things like (The now almost de-funct) Genon, and ADV Films who not only dub "family-friendly" anime, but also anime geared to a more mature audiance.

    Japan's laws on TV "ratings" (i.e. PG, PG-13, etc.) are pretty much non-exsistent compared to ours. Hence why so many people complain when an anime with "questionable content" is brought over to the states, dubbed, and "watered down", so to say...

    Honestly, your idea of calling American Dubs "Evil" is foolish. Yeah, sure, some may not be the best quality in the world, but that doesn't make them "evil".

    And don't get me started on the whole "Western-izing" of all the Japanese culture references in anime and manga... @_@

    PS - I agree with bagand, H-U dubs are pretty cool
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  20. #20
    I've seen some good dub in my time. =)

    Hellsing, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the shell (Mary <3), Tenjho Tenge (WENDEE LEE IS <3), Bleach, Evangelion was alright...anyway, DBZ, Pokemon, Solty Rei, Speed Grapher, Black Lagoon (Revvy kicked ass), Elfen Lied (Lucy <3), .Hack/sign, Eureka Seven, Negima...*is out* @_@

    I think I had more...

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