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Thread: Gundam 00 Episode 17

  1. #21
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I thought he was an AEU officer...just like an undercover one.

  2. #22
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    okay episode.

    Can someone tell me what was going on with the Haros? Seriously, Lockon's unit was fucking bleating out to his "brother" about "your memories" and nobody, nobody, nobody goes and looks into it! Come on people! That was one of the most awkwardly comic moments I've seen in a mecha show.

    Bad people come from Jupiter. It's also associated in my head with Zeus / Jupiter, the supposed "king of the Gods" and then that's where the Thrones of Celestial Being have their roots... Not a good sign. More plot via Haros.

    Alejandro Corner's creepiness is confirmed. Livonze looks more and more to me like an 11th hour- out of the blue- late series plot twist...

    Overflags are cool. Fucking old scientist guy dying without telling anyone about the connection to the Jupiter project really puts the odus on Sagi's reporter sister. The Union, as Kraco said, better retaliate with some serious shit.

    Throne psycho Mihael is getting on my nerves, even though I did laugh when he made that crack about Tieria. But, still, that's something you just don't say, because it is a guy. Well, sorta. Half a guy? I really don't want to think about it.

    Did anyone catch Throne leader Johan wearing short shorts in one scene, or was that just some funky part of his uniform that he had on?

    Nena's only good scene was when she got mad at Setsuna and threatened him. that was good stuff. Otherwise she's forgetable big tittied, up-beat, sugary sweet looking but don't forget she's probably evil, anime stereotype. However, she might have the both-gender-sickness too (or just be another plot device enhanced human), because Tieria implied she shouldn't have been able to get into Veda's terminal like that...

    Sumeragi is a dumb bitch.
    You do not let someone you don't know just walk around your ship. You send someone with them as an escort. Goddamnit you stupid bitch, even Nena was smart enough to make a beeline for the Ptolemy's Veda terminal and probably rape you dry for info while the Thrones gave them hardly anything in the way of information.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  3. #23
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Yea, I don't know what Sumeragi was thinking, unless it was a ploy to keep them busy while the mechanic guy checked out the Throne Gundam (I'm guessing that was her plan). But it doesn't seem like they were there for that long, that he could do a thorough inspection of a giant freaking robot (don't know if anyone remembers that; he made a 'secret' report).
    And I wonder if they will keep up not filing reports with Veda. I think she knew Nena (or possibly other people) has/ve some links with Veda. I guess we'll find otu soon enough.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    okay episode.
    Nena's only good scene was when she got mad at Setsuna and threatened him. that was good stuff. Otherwise she's forgetable big tittied, up-beat, sugary sweet looking but don't forget she's probably evil, anime stereotype. However, she might have the both-gender-sickness too (or just be another plot device enhanced human), because Tieria implied she shouldn't have been able to get into Veda's terminal like that...
    Was thinking about that too. She does share the big and yellow eyes like Al' and Soma.
    Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!

  5. #25
    How about this:

    The original solar furnace technology was developed on or around Jupiter, presumably because of either the increased gravity or the nature of the gases surrounding the planet. During early-stage testing, an accident occurred which resulted in the destruction of the ship/station shown in the pre-opening portion of ep. 17 (if it's a ship, it's odd that the pieces of it floating in space, in my mind, could be assembled as Paptimus Scirocco's ship, the Jupitrus). Cue the two dudes who show up to raid the computers... they find what ends up being Nena's Haro 80yrs later... they even openly mention that it's a data storage unit of some sort...


    some separate faction takes the early test data on the Solar Furnaces and GN particles and continue research on their own, in secretive competition with CB, thus resulting in a slightly different final product mobile suit (Thrones).


    they send in their own "Meisters", claim they're part of CB, since the organization is so entrenched in secrecy that even the people IN the group don't know who's in it... and use CB's political and war momentum to move toward their own, more evil goals...


    would explain a rift in ideologies between Thrones and CB... as well as the difference in Gundam designs...

    just a rough theory...

  6. #26
    Pretty well thought out theory.Cept for the on Jupiter part but then again it is supposed to be 300 years in the future so it is possible that they might have the technology to have found a way for at least unmanned machines to perform experiments on the surface of Jupiter.
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  7. #27
    if you compare where mankind is at now, in terms of space exploration, the possibility that they'd have achieved travel to other planets in a bit more than two hundred years from now doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

    most of the hindrance on current space exploration is financial. that could quickly be overcome by a group of coordinated nations funding a space effort, or... even better, an extremely wealthy private organization with a singly-directed goal of space exploration and colonization... especially if that private organization had access to the most brilliant scientific minds of their time... and didn't Saji's sister make reference to scientists disappearing, starting at some certain date after the Celestial Being found vanished?

    what if this other faction's (Thrones) goal were similar to Neo Zeon or other such groups... trying to move humanity away from the confines of their single planet and allowing them, as a species, to evolve further in space...

  8. #28
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was almost positive the disappearance of the scientists was supposed to imply that the Gundams were being developed for centuries, nothing to do with advanced space flight (beyond the Ptolmiaos)

    I agree with some of the rest.

    It does seem more like the core CB has the idea of looking outward to space, but the Thrones (especially that name) gives me the feeling they only want to dominate Earth with Gundam technology.

  9. #29
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunslinger_BlaQ
    How about this:

    The original solar furnace technology was developed on or around Jupiter, presumably because of either the increased gravity or the nature of the gases surrounding the planet. During early-stage testing, an accident occurred which resulted in the destruction of the ship/station shown in the pre-opening portion of ep. 17 (if it's a ship, it's odd that the pieces of it floating in space, in my mind, could be assembled as Paptimus Scirocco's ship, the Jupitrus). Cue the two dudes who show up to raid the computers... they find what ends up being Nena's Haro 80yrs later... they even openly mention that it's a data storage unit of some sort...


    some separate faction takes the early test data on the Solar Furnaces and GN particles and continue research on their own, in secretive competition with CB, thus resulting in a slightly different final product mobile suit (Thrones).


    they send in their own "Meisters", claim they're part of CB, since the organization is so entrenched in secrecy that even the people IN the group don't know who's in it... and use CB's political and war momentum to move toward their own, more evil goals...


    would explain a rift in ideologies between Thrones and CB... as well as the difference in Gundam designs...

    just a rough theory...
    I like this theory, (finally lost patience after shinsen released their HD.) I guess this episode shakes our thought that Veda was a computerized version of the founder. The professor found the link though, as soon as he realized the reason behind the manned mission to Jupiter, which suggests that the company that funded that exploration project had some dark intentions.

    Also, when Sumeragi scanned Throne's ship, they confirmed 4 solar furnaces. Perhaps thie flagship really does have one after all, but I'm still going with the fact that each number is a GN drive, so #4 and #5 make two somehow.

    edit: has anybody figured out what the professor meant by topological dects or something?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 02-13-2008 at 10:31 PM.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by kraco
    If we still see no nukes after this episode, I'll just put this series down to have been written by the same people who write the plots of children's stories. The CB after this episode isn't anymore an organization that tries to prevent wars but one that started a war, and against the most advanced super power, no less. However, the overflags are still so inferior that I doubt even finally swithing to AP rounds would help them. So, it needs to be nukes unless they want to go down like sheeps. And considering we are talking about the nation (at its core anyway) that is the only one ever to have used nukes in the past in a war, I don't see why they wouldn't resort to them again. I would like to see how a Throne Gundam survives a nuclear explosion...
    Somehow I doubt we'll be seeing nukes. Not only is it a waste of military resources, but the amount of damage you will incur on your own territory is not worth the effort of taking down four (now seven) suits. That and the fact that they will probably be spread out throughout the world will mean that the each power will potentially start a nuclear war with the other if they bomb gundams outside their zones of influence. Not to mention that the world opinion will go against the leaders that authorize this. And if this series has highlighted anything, it is that the leaders in this anime are realistic politicians, who make their decisions based on what can expand their power base and interests the most while keeping it within the agreed upon 'unwritten rules', i.e the balance of power and zones of influence of their respective rivals.

    And Although CB is aiming to end war, the major factions know that they aren't crazy enough to take down a country (well not counting the thrones), because what ensues from that? more civil war.

    This isn't a children's story, its political calculation by leaders who have their own interests and reputation to protect. Dropping a nuke will certainly do more harm than good for them.


    That said, I want graham acre to take down a gundam and for Ali to show Michael what a true psychotic badass is really like. Best situation for me is that Ali steals one of the thrones after outpiloting one of the siblings XD

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The Throne has a ship in the space. They fly regularly in space. It's true the EMP from a tactical nuke might fry a bunch of satellites should they take out a Gundam in space but that's about it.

    And what choices do they have? You might think it's likely that they do go down like sheeps but I haven't gotten the kind of an impression from the three super powers in this series. Until now everything was fine for them as long as they didn't send offensive troops to wage war anywhere or didn't breach the space armament deal. But now it looks like they don't need to do anything extraordinary and suddenly Gundams might appear anywhere and destroy property and kill military and civilian personnel.

    I very much doubt neither the public nor the politicians want to let that become the norm. When the terrorists attacked the WTC, the USA quickly took Taliban out of power in Afghanistan and ultimately occupied Iraq. So, real world examples say something is going to change now.

    Still, as much as I talked about nukes, I wouldn't actually mind of they only used conventional weaponry. But this series itself has shown that when the super powers actually use good plans and numbers to take down Gundams, then the plot uses the boring deus ex Gundam method and renders their efforts futile. So what the heck are they supposed to do anymore?

  12. #32
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Somehow, getting their own machine that are comparible to the Gundams? 'Cuz, werent there a professor that supplied Grahams machine and the other Flags? If they intend to, they have a slight chance to upgrade them even more. It's just up to the damn pilot not to do a Joshua.

    And we already know that Graham is already good enough with his machine, though the restrain he gets while using it, as we've seen.

    So, when the time comes, can he even pilot a Gundam?

    I'm also wondering if there are more like Soma, there can't be just her. Every country has it's black ^^!
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  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Wasn't that professor just killed by the Throne? And I don't think this series would make much sense if the super powers suddenly developed their own machines comparable to Gundams. In the end logic would dictate the solar furnace is the decisive factor. We have seen the Gundams can take a lot of punishment without a scratch, but that's more likely due to the fact the power output of the solar furnace can lift much more/heavier armor than that the CB would magically have also better materials than the three powers. That would be too ridiculous even for this epitome of ridiculousness series.

    One (additional) thing that puzzles me about the world of this series, though, is the lack of variety in the resources of the super powers. Sure, there are the latest mobile suits, that makes sense, but surely they should have variable configurations as well as a huge diversity of different kind of weapons to use with them. I mean, we are talking about countries/alliances in the future that are much larger than the current ones. And it's not like the USA would be flying with the same fighter with the exact same missiles and bombs during every mission, nor do the ground troops use only one vehicle with the same gun to drive everywhere. Not even the individual soldiers all have the same equipment and a weapon.

    This series is seriously missing here, and pretty much the only notable exception here is the strange centaur addon Ali was using against Setsuna, and maybe those suppression shields the other group was using. But surely that's not nearly enough. They should throw a hundred different types of weapons and tricks against the Gundams, especially if they are trying to avoid using nukes.

  14. #34
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    I can't see that happening, givin' 'extra weoponary' to ordinarie machines when it looks like they only add those stuff to the Gundams, or such machines that has a pilot with a name.

    Considering Ali, it just seems that they've just thrown a "past-character" just to have the main character someone hardly to fight against. Sure, the factor has been used many times over and over but in this serie it was forced bluntly, seeing him with this "remarkable skills and talent" using a non-Gundam machine, though an customized one. I mean, wtf did he get those 1347 skills? It also supports the wierd theory "only crazy beings may be able to operate machines"...

    Wich provide more to the "no giving weaponary to a random unit", as we've only seen ppl such as Soma, or Graham, having a customized unit.

    So for me, your theory seems out of reach, considering this serie has no freakin' deep...
    wich even makes this must worse for me considering I'm a huge Gundam fan :' <!
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
    crapping up...
    hold them closely
    never let go, never let go... <3

  15. #35
    Kraco's point does have Gundam historical significance though. In both the U.C universe and the CE universe (SEED) there were lots of different mecha types for different situations, water based mecha, land based 4-legged mecha and treaded tank-like mecha, and mecha with the ability to fly etc. In the Anno Domini universe Each of the three super powers seems to only have 1 fairly versatile suit that I can only guess are meant to be jacks of all trades. Either the production team decided to try and save money by reducing the number of different types of mecha to have to animate or they're trying to make a statement that in the future battles will generally be fought by opposing multi purpose weapons platforms that are meant to handle any situation decently well.

    Even in the modern world it's usually preferred to try and get the most use out of the same things. Like all the variantion the basic hummer chassis, or the standard military truck frame that can be used to mount anything from a mobile command center to a missile battery, to a radar station. Reusing parts of designs is good for costs and maintenance, though it can of course bite you in the ass if the base design has flaws.

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    I think the powers have specialized mobile suits. did you see that mobile armor Ali had? Supposedly leftover from some previous war? That looks like some real deal shit to me.

    I don't think they'll resort to nukes in the first half of this one. Maybe not even in the second.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #37
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Something interesting I found.

    NASA eyes dark energy

    From correspondents in Washington

    February 07, 2008 04:45am

    THE US space agency is planning a mission to better understand a mysterious form of energy in the cosmos and an ambitious unmanned journey to the outer solar system, NASA officials said.

    NASA would initiate seven new science missions in fiscal year 2009 that starts October 1 under the budget President George W. Bush proposed to Congress this week.

    NASA's proposed $US17.6 billion ($19.65 billion) budget includes $US4.4 billion ($4.9 billion) for science missions.

    "In fact, we have more new starts in this budget for science than in the last three years combined," Alan Stern, who leads NASA's science missions, said today.

    NASA is planning to begin work on a mission to send a spacecraft to either Jupiter or Saturn - the two biggest planets in the solar system - with the idea of orbiting one of three moons of these two outer solar system giants.

    Launch is seen by 2017, with the mission cost pegged at $US2.1 billion ($2.3 billion).

    Two of the three moons under consideration orbit Jupiter: Europa, which boasts an ice-covered ocean that some scientists think is a candidate for harboring some form of life; and Ganymede, the largest moon in our solar system.

    The third option is Saturn's moon Titan, the second-biggest moon in the solar system.

    "By the end of this year, we will have it down to our final choice," Mr Stern said.

    NASA also is planning a mission involving the launch by 2015 of an Earth-orbiting satellite to study dark energy, a mysterious force thought to cause the universe to expand at an accelerated pace.

    Scientists think dark energy makes up roughly 70 per cent of the universe but do not understand its nature.

    Another science mission being planned envisions a spacecraft being launched in 2015 to study the Solar Corona, a region around the sun where the solar wind originates.

    "The latter half of the next decade is going to revolutionise our knowledge of how the solar wind is accelerated, the corona is heated, and the inner workings of the star that makes life possible on Earth," Mr Stern said.

    "This will be the first mission to ever dive down into the solar corona - much, much closer than Mercury orbits, and to places where the thermal emissions are just hellacious."

    NASA also is planning new robotic missions to the moon and Earth science missions



    Outer Planets Flagship Mission

    The next Outer Planets Flagship mission will consist of a multi-national effort to explore Europa, the
    Jupiter system, or Titan. SMD plans to downselect to a single mission destination around October
    2008. The mission will launch in 2016-2017, arrive at its destination in about 2021-2022, and spend
    at least three years conducting its primary mission.

    reference: NASA Fiscal Year 2009 Budgets Estimate p174

    Now, to find a individual in NASA by the name of Aeolia Schenberg

  18. #38
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    I'm also wondering if there are more like Soma, there can't be just her. Every country has it's black ^^!
    Don't you remember? Allelujah killed them all when CB invaded the HRL station and destroyed the Super Solider research facility. Sergei arrested the scientist asshole for hiding the information about Kyrios's pilot as a result. Soma commented about it in this past episodes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    One (additional) thing that puzzles me about the world of this series, though, is the lack of variety in the resources of the super powers. Sure, there are the latest mobile suits, that makes sense, but surely they should have variable configurations as well as a huge diversity of different kind of weapons to use with them. I mean, we are talking about countries/alliances in the future that are much larger than the current ones. And it's not like the USA would be flying with the same fighter with the exact same missiles and bombs during every mission, nor do the ground troops use only one vehicle with the same gun to drive everywhere. Not even the individual soldiers all have the same equipment and a weapon.
    You don't understand much about military contractors and the direction the armed forces worldwide are going. Which is expected. Unless you are a) In the military or know someone who is. b) Work for a defense contractor. c) Work for or know people in the government.

    The goal is to make everything cheaper, interchangeable (the big one), and multifunctional (like the JSF or interchangeable weapon mounts and rounds).

    If Flags or Overflags are capable of doing the work of an Air Superiority Fighter as well as ground assaults, hence the transformation ability, the Union would not need another Mobile Suit Model.

    Again, Gundam 00 is trying to keep as real-world as possible, and I think they are doing a really good job at it. 00 has mostly been about politics, economics, and small scale military strike-actions.

    As a side note, someone in Japan's Science Ministry has been watching too much Gundam 00:
    Japan's space agency planning space-based solar power arrays

    But this only reinforces my point of the writers trying to keep Anno Domini as real-world as possible.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 02-08-2008 at 07:51 PM.

  19. #39
    Not only this... but the AEU Hellions were different suits. also, by this point in SEED, you hadn't seen much of the different types of suits.

  20. #40
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    You don't understand much about military contractors and the direction the armed forces worldwide are going. Which is expected. Unless you are a) In the military or know someone who is. b) Work for a defense contractor. c) Work for or know people in the government.

    The goal is to make everything cheaper, interchangeable (the big one), and multifunctional (like the JSF or interchangeable weapon mounts and rounds).
    Give me a little bit more credit, man. I may not have been in a war (my home country was last time in a war in the WW II), but I do have a military leadership training.

    And where exactly did I say they should have lots of different mobile suits? In fact I said the exact thing you oh-so-sagaciously said yourself. I said they should have different configurations. Like the latest 4th generation APC produced here in my home country: It's a modular platform that can be configured for a vast array of different missions, fitted with many different kinds of weapons or other equipment. But I fail to see anything like this in this series. They are just the same Flags (or Overflags) or Enacts or whatever those HRL hulks were called with their stupid same antipersonnel weapons that wouldn't penetrate a brick wall.

    Whereas, incredibly ridiculously, like Chiodos said, the tiny terrorist organization, on the contrary, produces a very good array of totally different Gundams equipped with very innovative and effective weapons of even larger variety. And then we get yet another terrorist organization, even smaller than the previous one, possible, and they have, again, different Gundams and, surprise surprise, different yet equally deadly weapons for all of their units.

    And you still fail to see what I am talking about, eh? The bloody super powers with their incomprehensible resources can't produce a single bloody weapon (in fact they only seem to produce a single type of weapon anyway) that would take down a Gundam, yet the terrorists have god alone knows how many different weapons that all take down mobile suits with a single hit unless they miss.

    Give me a fucking break before you start to talk about where the armed forces our of world are going.

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