dattebayo release is out :P
dattebayo release is out :P
DB's release:
[DB] Naruto Shippuuden 045
& Espada Fansub's has subbed episode 45 as well if anyone would like an alternative:
Last edited by Vash72; Fri, 02-01-2008 at 10:36 PM.
"I got lost on the path known as life today." - Kakashi
"Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." - Anon
The audio seems to break off for the DB version. Did this happen to anyone else?
I never thought of DB as douchebags or 'client seeking' subbers before, i mean, they justs ub. I was quite surprised to see that they shut down because of one nagger, which is suspiciously fishy. No matter how good you are, there are always going to be those flaming 12 year olds.
Another thing, does DB announce the exact times of their releases? because the "suspiciously well written" flame said the guy had waited for 2 hours, meaning that he knew the scheduled time of release.
Oh well, there are other subbers out there.
As for the episode itself, either my standards for Naruto have fallen so low or I just sympathize with the whole Naruto liking Sakura thing now that she actually likes him, I actually enjoyed this episode! I'm shocked myself. Oh well, if lower expectations lead me to enjoy watching an ep of shipuuden, I'm all for it.![]()
It was somewhat to be expected there would be episodes like this after the somewhat intense battle of the previous eps. It even makes sense. It's not like Oro would let himself be caught that easily. Even Akatsuki hasn't managed to find him, and we know in anime villains always miraculously find whatever they are looking for while the heroes must spend ages gathering clues piece by piece.
Other than that I have to agree that Yamato's speech about the importance of not tarrying was funny when all they did was stand still and talk while Oro was escaping fast. I guess the dude relies on the wood clone heavily. But still one would think it would pay off to catch Oro before he reaches the hide-out. It could be a little hard to dig him up from there with just the three of them. And considering Oro's past habits, I've no doubt he would switch locations if they just followed him there and then went back to Konoha for reinforcements.
Their goal isn't to catch Oro though. In fact I'm sure they would've preferred to have avoided him in the first place. It's more advantageous for them to let Oro retreat to his hideout because that's where Sasuke will be.Originally Posted by Kraco
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Speaking of the Wood Clone, is it me or is that thing way more competent than other clones?
Yeah, but knowing where Sasuke once was is nothing new to them. Since Oro already knows he's being followed, or was being followed, it's logical he won't stay in his current hole. And then the Konoha dudes will be back in square zero.Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
Unless Oro really wants to have Naruto and Sasuke fight each other, in which case he might leave Sasuke behind just for that purpose (like the very beginning of Shippuuden might have suggested).
uh dur, they probably already do. DB simply wants to limit that occurrence to the morons who are either stupid enough to use their real email address, or losers who have nothing to do but create a new email address to avoid DB's spam feedback.Originally Posted by KrayZ33
it has quiete the opposite effect.. now that they are even mentioned by DB themselves they will do it more often in order to get an appearance again...
well i bet it was because they had some problems with the RAW's of this episode... the quality really sucks this time.
to the content:
well actually it wasn't "that" boring, however it wasn't worth waiting a whole week. btw did they just made a flashback for a scene which happened like 2 mins before?
(the part when yamato said that he isn't like kakashi)
to the woodclone: could it be that he is somehow "living" on its own?
as far as i m informed kage-bushin and normal bushins are connected mentally with the original am i right? however this woodclone has to communicate with a headset and has a much bigger range than the water-clones from zabuza or naruto's kage-bushin.
I'm having the same issue anyone else?Originally Posted by Everon
Is there a fix?
It does seem that the wood clone is more independent. Not only does it have to use a radio for communication, but it thinks on it's own too. What makes me wonder is if he really knew that the corpse was fake, then why did he bother taking it down? And yes, DB did have a shitty raw this time, though it's probably not their fault.
yamato is said to be a master tracker and well has the dna of the first and can perform a bunch of his techniques. So i am guessing that its safe to let this slide... Also the clone didn't appear outa thin air like water clones or shadown clone it came directly from his body. That might be something to look at remember he is the result of an experiment.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
There is nothing special about Yamato's clone other than its made out of wood. I think you guys are making too much of this because the clones you're normally used to seeing are Naruto's and since Naruto is an idiot his clones are too.
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I've never heard about Kage bushins having any mental connection with the original. When Kakashi fought Itachi his clone purposely got hit with Itachi's genjutsu for that very reason.Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Clones are a complete copy of the original despite whatever they are made from, the only thing here is that normally we have only seen clones being used in close range battles.
As far as I know the only clones that don't think on their own are water clones.
Anyway Naruto is an idiot so you can't judge what clones can or can't do based on what he does. He was never properly taught the technique he just saw some hand signs in a book and this is Naruto we're talking about even if he was taught it properly that doesn't mean he would be able to use it properly.
-I remember it being said that the primary use of shadow clones was for reconnaissance so it would make sense that clones would be able to be used that way and Yamato did say that that was his specialty. Like I said from the very beginning Naruto isn't able to utilize clones properly though he has made some improvements.
Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 02-03-2008 at 01:26 AM.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
well but if they aren't mentally connected normally then i wonder why yamato had to give commands to his woodclone but when kakashi or naruto use kagebushin, then they do everything naturally, like attacking from 3 different sides or saying everything at the exact same time like the original or even use rasengan without a word like its naturally... the woodclone however waited for commands.
edit: i always thought that this wood style jutsu creates life.. so probably that clone can really live on its own
Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 02-03-2008 at 06:55 AM.
Well, we haven't seen it in battle yet. Maybe it's really weak, we don't know. It does seem to be more competent as far as everything else is concerned, I'll give you that.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
If that would be true Kakashi's clone would have done the sensible thing and not get hit by Itachi. The fact that he did got caught up in the genjutsu to distract Itachi obviously means he has some kind of connection and wasn't operating solo, like Yamato's wood clone is doing now.Originally Posted by Abdula
Oh man, I really wish I didn't have to explain every little detail. Anyway up until the moment the clone is created it has all the thoughts and therefore the plans and intentions of the original.
After the clones are created then they are a complete copy of the original so not only do they know what the originals thoughts were but they are in fact the same person thusly they would use the same fighting style, plans, techniques etc and clones are aware of the fact that they clones okay.
If you remember, Naruto gave his clones orders as well, they have even gone as far as huddling up and creating a plan with him after they were created and like I said before that has to do with the fact that Naruto has never been taught how to properly use the technique.
The life span of any clone lasts only as long as they have chakra. So technically any clone could live on its own up until the moment it runs out of chakra.Originally Posted by KrayZ33
Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 02-03-2008 at 10:56 AM.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
I thought Naruto was taught how to use the clone technique, remember all the school flashbacks of him screwing up? He must have obviously got the hang of it seeing as he can now use his massive chakra supply to create hundreds at a time. Also another thought: When he made clones that time he needed a dump real bad they all faught for the bathroom so they really do have their own minds![]()
Last edited by Uzumaki; Sun, 02-03-2008 at 03:28 PM.
The staring was akward in the beginning of the episode and the flashback reminded me how good Naruto used to be.. <3!
Seeing The Third all red made him look very evil, lol ^^!
It also look like they put all the hardwork animation in those flames....
And I went very "eeew" with a sweaty Naruto. Now that's nasty!
Anything in this episode that asociated with Yamato or TREES were well animated wich is fine for being a talk-talk/buildup episode but I just wished that they atleast could bring a spoon of that in the action scenes....
And don't really know what it is but Yamato just gain more respect points. It feels so girly writing this, really.
Even if your worried about someone/something don't position like Naruto did. That's just even WAY more awkard.. (13:33)
Overall, decent episode to waste time on while downloading 30 Seconds To Mars, the fake Sai body was a nice trap and felt ninjaish and the part were they were running on the water felt also nice but maybe I'm just to sold out on trivial things WHEN ALMOST NOTHING REALLY HAPPENED........
little soul your dreams are waitin'
crapping up...
hold them closely
never let go, never let go... <3
hmm. well, maybe if such future flames are fanned by attention seekers who aren't 100% genuinely pissed, then DB can spot those a mile away just by how amusing they sound, and thus ignore them?Originally Posted by KrayZ33
And nah, I'm not a paid rep for DB. Although I wouldn't mind the compensation..