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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 43

  1. #41
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    An Uchiha soul might be required to activate the sharingan, like we saw Sasuke do step by step, but I don't think that's enough alone. It must be in the Uchiha clan genes to have a sharingan or anybody could acquire it by the right mindset and training.

    However, Orochimaru might be a realist in any case. If he can only use the sharingan for a time while in Sasuke's body then that's how it is, and it's the best way. Besides, while in Sasuke's body he could take a few women and have a bunch of children, one of which could have sharingan, and then when Sasuke's body wears out, he could possess his own (Sasuke's body's) Uchiha child to get a fresh and young sharingan body.

  2. #42
    Don't you think that the rejection thing was just that Oro was used to a body with more stamina on it and it was only a reference for the fact that the body he's in is not as strong as his own/the other one that wasn't chosen in rush? just like "damn, my old body wouldn't be tired yet, but this one is, it sucks"

    Doesn't make sense, no point in Sasuke as container and it's doubtful he would be able to just awaken sharingan in any other eye, otherwise Kakashi would have his own eye become sharingan as well and there would be no point to Uchiha clan at all.

  3. #43
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I think you guys misunderstood somewhere along the line there. I'm not saying that Oro or anyone would be able to just awaken the sharingan, it is a kekkei genkai so only an Uchiha could do it. The point was that once Oro acquires Sasuke's body he would then be able to transfer the sharingan with him to another body because at that point it would essentially become his own ability.
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  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    I think you guys misunderstood somewhere along the line there. I'm not saying that Oro or anyone would be able to just awaken the sharingan, it is a kekkei genkai so only an Uchiha could do it. The point was that once Oro acquires Sasuke's body he would then be able to transfer the sharingan with him to another body because at that point it would essentially become his own ability.
    How would he transfer the sharingan? Kakashi again -> if he has 1 sharingan/1 normal eye wouldn't he be able to somehow use the "sharingan" in his normal eye then? it's his own ability now, he was even capable of progressing sharingan to MS oO

    He's like an Uchiha now, just better

    Why would soul-eater achieve more? After all, to have this "ability" his eyes would have to be special in a way, Uchihas did grow weird dots in eyes and they spin for a reason, right?

  5. #45
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Wow this is Oro, I'm not talking about Kakashi at all. I was saying that Oro's jutsu may be able the absorb the ability of his previous hosts which would make sense and it would explain why he wants the sharingan so much and why it would be so dangerous if he got it. Imagine if he does and he is then able to use the sharingan indefinitely no matter what body he is in.

    This has nothing to do with the sharingan itself which is why I don't know why you are talking about Kakashi, this is about Oro and his jutsus. In anycase never mind as it may be pointless to try to explain it.
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  6. #46
    I see what you are saying Abdula. After all Kakashi was able to gain a sharingan through some method or another so it's feasible that Oro would have or find a way to take the ability with him to his next body. The question i guess would be how effective it would remain in the next body. After all we've seen several times that using it causes much more stress/damage to Kakashi's body than it does to a true Uchiha's body so there is obviously something in their genetic makeup that at least makes it more efficient for them to use. In short, Oro would have to transfer into a body at least as powerful as an elite ninja like Kakashi for it to even be worth while i think. It might be possible for him to use the ability in another body, but i think whatever it is he wants to use it to achieve would have to be done before Sasuke's body expired.

  7. #47
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Very, very good point but Oro's ultimate goal or atleast the goal he has stated in the past is to learn every jutsu in existence so even if he isn't able to fully utilize the sharingan's full potential in another body using it on the level Kakashi was able to would be enough. Its not like Oro needs more power or anything of the sort he more or less just wants the sharingan's ability to copy everything it sees so that should be enough.
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  8. #48
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Another thing I thought about was Orochimaru's Cursed Seal.

    Supposedly having it connects you to Orochimaru, and he puts the thing on all his powerful subordinates. And all the people he was planning to use as bodies have it also.

    So maybe the only reason its wearing out so fast is because his current body never had a Cursed Seal.

  9. #49
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Its not like Oro needs more power or anything of the sort he more or less just wants the sharingan's ability to copy everything it sees so that should be enough.
    thats what i think too... his "dream" is to know every jutsu in the world and to find the truth behind it..

    well even if he has the sharingan only for a limited amout of time, it is still usefull if you want to learn new jutsus and so on... he doesn't have to waste years of training.. and the sharingan is a jutsu itself if i remember correctly(?). so he simply has to obtain it to fulfill his dream.

  10. #50
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I'm actually wondering if, now that he knows his DNA fusion technique CAN work, if he won't try to use it again now.

    I mean, for a guy that wants to know every technique, there's alot of Bloodline Traits out there that he can't simply "learn".

  11. #51
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Unless his technique allows him to keep and transfer the abilities he acquires such as bloodlines, then it would make sense now wouldn't it.
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  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Wow this is Oro, I'm not talking about Kakashi at all. I was saying that Oro's jutsu may be able the absorb the ability of his previous hosts which would make sense and it would explain why he wants the sharingan so much and why it would be so dangerous if he got it. Imagine if he does and he is then able to use the sharingan indefinitely no matter what body he is in.

    This has nothing to do with the sharingan itself which is why I don't know why you are talking about Kakashi, this is about Oro and his jutsus. In anycase never mind as it may be pointless to try to explain it.
    I do get your point but I doubt that he can transfer a technique that is a bloodline limit with just his knowledge/soul or that it would enable him to artificially create something similar.

    DNA experiments would seem worthless if it was true.

    Imho just the body he's in sucks compared to his former body and he needs a stronger one to sustain him, that's all.

    If he could transfer the technique the way you describe he should have byakugan by now, it's hella powerful after all, I won't even mention that he could do the same with Kimimaro - For sure he could have used him for 3 years and not die by the time AND then keep the technique with him in a new body

  13. #53
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Um the dna experiment he did with the first was done before he left the village his immortality jutsu was completed sometime after. Oro and most other people don't really care about the Byakugan, the Byakugan requires a highly specialized fighting style and seriously Oro doesn't fit and wouldn't need something like the gentle fist, other than that the Byakugans abilities aren't really that special.

    As for transferring to Kimimaro Oro was already in a body and we don't know how long he was in that body for, in any case he was going to transfer into Kimi but he got sick so he didn't which is why he went for an Uchiha body. He himself said Kimi's body would have fit him best and was perfectly to suited to him, he said it was his ideal body but he couldn't have it so he had to settle for an Uchiha.

    Another thing about Oro is that he isn't interested in being able to use every technique, he said he wants to learn every technique that doesn't mean he is going to be able to use each and every one. Like the third who knew every technique in the village but he certainly wasn't able to use all of them.

    In any case although Oro says his ultimate goal is learning every jutsu at this point he seems to be only interested in acquiring a specific few high level abilities.
    Last edited by Abdula; Mon, 01-21-2008 at 12:57 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Um the dna experiment he did with the first was done before he left the village his immortality jutsu was completed sometime after. Oro and most other people don't really care about the Byakugan, the Byakugan requires a highly specialized fighting style and serious Oro doesn't fight and wouldn't need something like the gentle fist, other than that the Byakugans abilities aren't really that special.

    AS for transferring to Kimimaro Oro was already in a body and we don't know how long he was in that body for in any case he was going to transfer into Kimi but he got sick so he didn't which is why he went for an Uchiha body. He himself said Kimi's body would have fit him best and was perfectly to suit. He said it was his ideal body but he couldn't have it so he had to settle for an Uchiha.

    Another thing about Oro is that he isn't interested in being able to use every technique, he said he wants to learn every technique that doesn't mean he is going to be able to use each and every one. In any case although Oro says his ultimate goal is learning every jutsu at this point he seems to be only interested in acquiring a specific few high level abilities.
    Very subjective and not supported with any kind of proof really.

    And Oro does use taijutsu, He could like, bite others and stop their chakra flow haha

    With his skills he could use it for his advantage numerous times so I don't think that Byakugan is to be underestimated here

  15. #55
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    What proof do you wish for and its Naruto its always subjective there really aren't many clearly stated facts. Oro isn't interested in the Byakugan that is true and it may simply be because the Byakugan doesn't have any abilities he would require and the sharingan has one ability that is most important to him which is being able to copy everything it sees among other yet to be seen abilities.

    Another fact is that he was going to transfer to Kimi's body but he didn't because Kimi got sick and not knowing about his body's unique traits they had no idea when he would die and Oro couldn't take the chance of transferring to his body because he may die while he is in it.

    That turned out better for him since Kimimaro died soon after and even though Kimi was sick he still managed to fight against and would have defeated Gaara if not for his illness which goes to show just how strong his body was.

    Another fact is that Oro isn't going around collecting each and every single technique he sees, I suppose much of that is due to the fact that he is sannin and already over 50 yrs old so he must have acquired a substantial amount of knowledge just by that alone not the mention the numerous experiments he has performed.

    I suppose that is why he doesn't appear to be interested in the Byakugan since he grew up in the village he would know all about the Byakugan and its abilities and unlike the sharingan the Byakugan doesn't have any abilities that would further his goals.

    Yes Oro uses taijutsu every ninja does simply throwing a punch is taijutsu. In any case Oro's interest in techniques is knowledge and the byakugan's abilities are common knowledge. Oro won't need the Byakugan because he appears to favor mid to long range battles and he has techniques both offensive and defensive that are far superior to the Byakugan's.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    What proof do you wish for and its Naruto its always subjective there really aren't many clearly stated facts. Oro isn't interested in the Byakugan that is true and it may simply be because the Byakugan doesn't have any abilities he would require and the sharingan has one ability that is most important to him which is being able to copy everything it sees among other yet to be seen abilities..
    We don't really know what he considers useful or not, he's pretty much unpredictable as far as we know, but it's true he won't consider Byakugan useful for sure if he can't copy it for himself the way you described earlier

    I might be wrong, but with the intel we were shown by Kishi you have a higher chance of being wrong on this one -> we don't know what Oro thinks, but as you said - his goal is to achieve knowledge and jutsu. He wants sharingan to help him with that. If after 3 years he would have to abandon the body then why he wanted to use pre-skip Sasuke? He didn't know Sasuke grown 3rd dot in sharingan, so he was ready to take incomplete sharingan-user as his host, which means he would have to waste his time to evolve the sharingan by himself instead of using it to get as many jutsus as he possibly can.

    It's not fullmetal alchemist, it's naruto, apart from 1 english sentence in anime that could be just translated not as specific as we wanted there is NOTHING to support a theory of the body rejecting Oro after 3 years.

  17. #57
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Okay forget body rejection or Sasuke's body that really doesn't have anything to do with this. There can be many reasons why Oro is being rejected by that body and all or none of them could apply to Sasuke and I suspect none do but that doesn't matter. We also don't know that Oro has a time limit of three years in any particular body and that still has nothing to do with this particular discussion.

    Whats important here is this. Oro wants the sharingan's ability to copy the jutsus it sees at that point PTS Sasuke already had that ability also as shown by Kakashi its not unheard of for someone who doesn't have an uchiha body to further develop the sharingan. The major difference between Kakashi and Oro though is that Oro is much stronger and far more skilled so even if it were a mere transplant as it is in Kakashi's case he would be able to go further than Kakashi could.

    Secondly it wouldn't be a transplant of the Sharingan, the sharingan would remain in its host body so Oro wouldn't have any drawbacks so again Oro would be able to take it much further than kakashi could and much easier too because he would have all the advantages without the drawbacks.

    -Oh I've watched FMA and read or I should say I'm still reading the manga but I still didn't get the reference.
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  18. #58
    Read manga chapter corresponding to recent ep (it's 296 IIRC).

    Also, for FMA reference, at least anime wise -> why did the father leave Al and Edward in the first place?

  19. #59
    At first I thought Oro shouldn't be able to bring natural abilities along with him, but if you think about it, Oro's always been pretty snaky, his eyes, his skin, and then his snake techniques. They don't seem to require any hand seals and to my knowledge the only abilities that haven't required hand seals were activated (bone manipulation and sharingan) and pure chakra manipulation skills (Rasengan and Kaiten). I would find it hard to believe Oro can simply manipulate his chakra into a bunch of snakes so I suspect his snake jutsu is something he developed naturally. If the possession technique granted his snak abilities onto his new body then it seems likely that he can transfer physical abilities from one body to another along with his mind and soul, thus I don't see a problem with him absorbing the Sharingan and being able to transfer it when he eventually had to leave Sasuke's body.

    This could also explain the decay. If he's essentially rewriting a body into what he wants it to be with his possession technique (which also didn't require a hand seal) he should be limited to some degree by the available resources of the new body for transformation. If his current body just doesn't have the capacity he needs to be what he wanted to adapt it into, then it would make sense that it would start to fall apart on him as he tries to use more and more of his natural abilities.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 01-21-2008 at 05:44 PM.

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    At first I thought Oro shouldn't be able to bring natural abilities along with him, but if you think about it, Oro's always been pretty snaky, his eyes, his skin, and then his snake techniques. They don't seem to require any hand seals and to my knowledge the only abilities that haven't required hand seals were activated (bone manipulation and sharingan) and pure chakra manipulation skills (Rasengan and Kaiten). I would find it hard to believe Oro can simply manipulate his chakra into a bunch of snakes so I suspect his snake jutsu is something he developed naturally. If the possession technique granted his snak abilities onto his new body then it seems likely that he can transfer physical abilities from one body to another along with his mind and soul, thus I don't see a problem with him absorbing the Sharingan and being able to transfer it when he eventually had to leave Sasuke's body.

    This could also explain the decay. If he's essentially rewriting a body into what he wants it to be with his possession technique (which also didn't require a hand seal) he should be limited to some degree by the available resources of the new body for transformation. If his current body just doesn't have the capacity he needs to be what he wanted to adapt it into, then it would make sense that it would start to fall apart on him as he tries to use more and more of his natural abilities.
    I think he's a Jinchuuriki. Actually, I think "he" is a Bijuu, and that he uses the Cursed Seal/Body Transfer techniques to change his Jinchuuriki. For one thing, he seems to have more chakra than his current body can safely use, leading to the degeneration discussed. Like you said, he's "naturally" very snake-like, which kind of points to Bijuu chakra, just like Naruto's Bijuu chakra makes him kind of fox-like. Also, Sasori planted Kabuto in Orochimaru's organization, which might indicate that Orochimaru was Sasori's target.

    (On the other hand, it's possible that he's a Junchuuriki that does soul transfer or whatever and brings the Bijuu along. Or that the Bijuu warped his mind into something not quite human.)

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