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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 43

  1. #21
    Missing Nin
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    Good episode its also nice to see Sakura slapped for moronic behavior. Yes I understand she did it because she cares about him and all that but its pretty obvious even touching him is VERY dangerous.

    I found it fairly clear what Yamoto did considering he jumps in close puts his hand on the necklace and it clearly activates then he pulls back leaving a connection to the necklace. After that the Kyuubi's chakra is being pulled inward to the necklace and I assume being purified.

    Also the fact Naruto ends up pretty much skinned alive after all that takes place is pretty disgusting atleast sakura grows back his skin for him in the preview.

  2. #22
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Of course you don't because it contradicts your "bijuu controlling powers are directly related to his wood element powers" theory.
    Um it was just a theory so who cares and there has yet to be anything that contradicts my theory because one, we don't know how it works and two the wood element was involved so relax okay.

    @Yuki: I don't know if your theory would work cause it appears that their is only one crystal so I don't think he would be tossing it around plus Yamato had to make direct contact with the crystal which was already on Naruto. Afterwards he fell back and the technique continued because the crystal was still on Naruto so I don't think tossing a crystal on a kunai would work. I also get the impression that Yamato's technique is somehow different from what the first used.

    -Wow, I already got three neg reps on my first post.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 01-18-2008 at 02:38 PM.
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  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    it was more like a leash for me... you know, the one you use in the game "black&white" to control your creature. the amulet was the catalyzer for his technique, so he can pin him down and then he summoned these strange blocks out of the earth, which i interpreted as the "sealing technique" he used (however the leash was also a part of it). i mean if these blocks were used to "trap" him why the hell would he have used this chakra leash? obviously. he couldn't move at all and the distance between these blocks were by far toooo big... even an elephant could move through these.

    at least thats the way i saw it.

  4. #24
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Thats pretty good poses the question though, does he need the amulet. I was under the impression that he doesn't I don't think the first used the crystal and they never said either him or Yamato needed the crystal. All they said was that using it made the technique easier, I don't think Yamato would be able to handle the technique without it though.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  5. #25
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well i don't think yamato could do that technique without the crystal.. i m not even convinced about his wood-jutsu.. when they were in the hotel, he had a small green pouch with seeds in it... i don't know why but i thought these were soldier pills at first but now i think it's something he takes to use his wood-jutsu... because he said something like "seems like i ll be very busy from now on" when he had these in his hand.. and when that maid knocked on the door he got sure to hide the "seeds" or "pills" or whatever these things were.. so maybe he can't even use wood-jutsus without this medicine and thats why i think the crystal is the reason for his sealing jutsu to be "good enough" for tranquilizing naruto.. so i interpreted it merely as a catalyzer

    i have to rewatch the hotel part though... because i m not sure anymore

  6. #26
    so, naruto almost killed sakura 3 times. good stuff.

  7. #27
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, thats probably hurting his chances of getting her in bed though.

  8. #28
    No one cares about who neg repped you. Don't go off-topic again... consider this a verbal warning. Useless post.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sat, 01-19-2008 at 12:31 AM.

  9. #29
    I personally thought that at the pace this fight went, it ended too quickly. It didn't even feel like they traded any punches to be honest.

    As for the pillars, I would think it's something that absorbs the chakra out of Naruto. If not, then at least we can hope its explained next episode and not just there for show. :P

  10. #30
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    To quote someone from the former episode thread, reading Orochimaru saying: "Guess play time is over" kinda proved my point, huh...
    Just joking all!
    But anyho, what the hell was that kinda slap about against Sakura?!?! Just kill her already man!

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  11. #31
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Yeah, thats probably hurting his chances of getting her in bed though.
    Pffft... The more he turns into the nine-tails, the more Sakura cares for him.

    I think his chances of getting her in bed are increasing.

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well sakura has probably got a SM fetish... who knows... since she gets beatings nearly everyday from tsunade.. or back at the chuunin exam and now from naruto... and don't forget that she always punshes naruto really hard when she is "upset"

    the most amusing part in shippudden was when she got knocked out by kabuto, when naruto made this "blast-wave" thingy...

    the sound she made was so cool :P

  13. #33
    I'm alot more interested in what message Sai has to deliver to orochimaru...and how he's going to dodge that flying sword quick enough to survive...he's too busy standing there with a goofy grin on his face.

    Also, Yamato's clone is still watching in the tree, so he's going to see everything Sai has to say to Oro, assuming he gets a chance to speak and doesn't die.


  14. #34
    I think the necklace is just a link for Yamato to use to bypass the fox's cloak. Chances are the necklace contains some remnant of the 1st and Yamato can align with it somehow to facilitate the controlling jutsu.
    Last edited by Mhalador; Sat, 01-19-2008 at 02:49 PM.
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  15. #35
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhalador
    I think the necklace is just a link for Yamato to use to bypass the fox's cloak. Chances are the necklace contains some remnant of the 1st and Yamato can align with it somehow to facilitate the controlling jutsu.
    The necklace is infused with the 1st's chakra.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #36
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Another thing we haven't really discussed is that Orochimaru's body is apparently wearing out.

    Wtf is up with that?

    So the body is starting to reject him. Is that because he's overtaxed it fighting the Kyuubi or do all his bodies burn out after 3 years?

    If that's the case...what the hell? He's going through all this bullshit, just so he can get the Sharingan...for 3 years? How much are you really gonna be able to copy in 3 years?

    I dunno, what are you all thinking?

  17. #37
    I don't think so... I'm pretty sure it was mentioned before that he needs some sort of strong body to contain him, and that the one he currently has was simply weak.

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    every body (he has used so far) started to reject him too strongly after 3 years... why that is, is something i can't answer.

  19. #39
    he would prolly use those 3 years with sharingan to take out most of his competition.

    or maybe he just coughed himself up too many times.

  20. #40
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    every body (he has used so far) started to reject him too strongly after 3 years... why that is, is something i can't answer.
    That is not true. This is the only time we have seen a body reject Oro, he was in his previous body for a long time and he was only forced to leave it because of what the fourth did. Oro said that only a strong body would be able to contain him long term which is why he wanted a body like Kimimaro's or the Uchiha's, namely Itachi but he had to settle for Sasuke. He is being rejected now because this body is too weak, remember he didn't plan on transferring to this body he was forced to because of what the third did.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Another thing we haven't really discussed is that Orochimaru's body is apparently wearing out.

    Wtf is up with that?

    So the body is starting to reject him. Is that because he's overtaxed it fighting the Kyuubi or do all his bodies burn out after 3 years?

    If that's the case...what the hell? He's going through all this bullshit, just so he can get the Sharingan...for 3 years? How much are you really gonna be able to copy in 3 years?

    I dunno, what are you all thinking?
    Recently when we were wondering how Oro was able to get his arms back I came across an interesting theory concerning Oro and his jutsu. Apparently the data book describes Oro as a devourer of souls meaning instead of just transferring his soul from one body to another he actually eats that persons soul and absorbs their abilities, think something like Buu. The theory was that Oro actually eats the person's soul so he doesn't just take their body he eats their souls and takes all their knowledge, abilities etc.

    So if Oro were to take Sasuke's body it would mean that after the period of time he is required to remain in the body after the initial transfer he would possibly be able to leave that body and go to another one but retain the abilities, namely the sharingan, he would have gained from Sasuke's body.

    Now this theory makes sense and it would explain how Oro was able to get his arms back by simply switching to another body even though part of his soul was sealed. Plus it also makes alot of sense because other than that Oro having immortality would have been stupid because even if he could stay in Sasuke's body for its entire life span eventually the body would die and then he would have lost the sharingan. This theory makes a lot of sense and it explains why Oro was so feared and why he would go through the trouble of creating the jutsu in the first place.
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