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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 43

  1. #61
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That's a pretty interesting theory actually. I don't think its the case, but it is possible.

    I actually thought Kabuto might be a Jinchuuriki for awhile because he possesses amazing regeneration and he used to talk about how he might get overtaken by a thirst for battle(of course, that was back in the chuunin exams and it hasn't been brought up since).
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Oro and most other people don't really care about the Byakugan, the Byakugan requires a highly specialized fighting style and seriously Oro doesn't fit and wouldn't need something like the gentle fist, other than that the Byakugans abilities aren't really that special.
    Even if you don't know Jyuuken, Byakugan still provides 360 degree telescopic x-ray vision. I would think that would be pretty useful.

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I always thought all those Oro's snake abilities were very advanced, perfected summoning techniques, aided by body transformations (his specialty).

    Oro was a Konoha ninja for a good while in the beginning, and his appearance has remained pretty much the same since those days. I think we would know already if he was the first Konoha Jinchuuriki.

  3. #63
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Unless THEY didn't know. Muhahaha!

  4. #64
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I don't think he is a Jinchuuriki and I remember having this discussion somewhere before but I'm not sure if it was here. People thought Oro, Kisame and Mr Venus Flytrap were all Jinchuuriki.

    I don't think Oro was because if he was he wouldn't have dared to go near Akatsuki much less join it and they most certainly wouldn't have let him leave alive.
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  5. #65
    I don't get one thing. The only way Oro's arms would stop rotting is if he got that part of his soul back or Tsunade healed it, since Kabuto can't. Yet his arms now seem normal and no longer rotting, yet he still can't do any hand seals... which is kind of stupid because he can use his arms/hands now. After his battle with Sarutobi his arms and hands went limp.

  6. #66
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Its not that he can't do hand seals its just that he doesn't. The techniques he uses don't seem to require hands seals which makes him all the more dangerous and even before his arms were sealed the only time we saw him perform hand seals was to use summoning techniques.
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  7. #67
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    What if the akatsuki's plan involved turning themselves into jinchuuriki using the bijuu that captured? In which case Oro could already have his (isn't one of the bijuu supposed to be a snake?) and that could explain why akatsuki want to retrieve him.
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  8. #68
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    But they don't want to retrieve him they want to kill him and if that indeed was their goal they most likely would have put the Bijuu into new Jinchuuriki right after extracting them instead of putting them into the statue. It would also be alot more logical if they as a group were simply able to control the bijuu rather than having to put them into individual people. That eliminates the threat of a rogue Jinchuuriki and the Bijuu themselves are far more powerful if they are not sealed in a body.
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  9. #69
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think Kisame and Zetsu are akatsuki's jinchurriki too. They both look inhuman. Zetsu is at least two things living in one body. And Kisame has the most chakra in Akatsuki, which I don't think he'd have without a Bijuu.

    Although, there's still, like 5 of them we haven seen, so they could look pretty freaky too.

  10. #70
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    ...and if that indeed was their goal they most likely would have put the Bijuu into new Jinchuuriki right after extracting them instead of putting them into the statue.
    That's not actually true at all. You are forgetting one thing: They are all villains. If they are collecting bijuu in order to make themselves Jinchuuriki, they would indeed need to first collect them somewhere and only when everything is in their hands, they would give all the members their bijuu. There's a simple reason for this: If you give an average villain what he wants, he will already hit the road and you will never see him again, because he doesn't trust you (unless he would try to kill you just to be sure). Thus, with each bijuu the Akatsuki would probably diminish until the last dude would need to get his alone, which would probably be impossible as it looked like using the extraction statue was quite an effort.

    Of course there could be exceptions but I don't know if these dudes would take a risk of trusting anybody. In fact, a too eager member would be all the more suspicious.

  11. #71
    Someone watched the preview for the next episode?
    I have a strong feeling Danzou has something to do with Kabuto as well. And also that picture Sai carried around, doesn't it look a little like Kabuto? 21:47 of episode 43. In the preview they showed the picture again.

    Here' how I see it. Danzou was the man who recovered the child (Kabuto) in a battle and brought it back to Konoha to raise him as his protegé in Medical jutsus. We know Danzou and Oro know each other, Oro confirmed it himself. So, Danzou offered Kabuto as his aid to overpower the hokage (the attack on the leaf) because Danzou wanted to get the position of Hokage (also stated in that ep). Know Sai has a message from Danzou to Oro about their deal or somesorts.

    It sounds pretty reasonable to me.
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  12. #72
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That's not actually true at all. You are forgetting one thing: They are all villains. If they are collecting bijuu in order to make themselves Jinchuuriki, they would indeed need to first collect them somewhere and only when everything is in their hands, they would give all the members their bijuu. There's a simple reason for this: If you give an average villain what he wants, he will already hit the road and you will never see him again, because he doesn't trust you (unless he would try to kill you just to be sure).
    I guess it all depends on how big a badass Zero is. Maybe he's so scary even Jinchuuriki don't want to fuck with him.

    Or maybe, the goal isn't just collecting the 9 Bijuu and whatever they intend to accomplish with all 9 is something they all actually believe in.

    I think they do make jinchuuriki out of them because each member refers to a specific Bijuu as theirs. "I haven't been able to find mine." "Mine keeps eluding me." "I know that one is yours but I'm gonna capture him anyway." etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by ASSpirine
    Someone watched the preview for the next episode?

  13. #73
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Maybe he's so scary even Jinchuuriki don't want to fuck with him.

    Well he is leading a group of guys whose goal is to capture the Bijuu so it would be logical that he could be stronger than any Jinchuuriki or perhaps the Bijuu themselves.

    The Akatsuki members were saying that because they were each assigned a Jinchuuriki to capture, like Itachi was assigned to Naruto or Deidara was assigned to Gaara, I think that is most likely due to which one they would be best suited against in a battle. I highly doubt their goal is to create new Jinchuuriki. One because they originally had ten members so one person wouldn't get a Bijuu and that would be trouble and two because if they indeed were planning on it they would be far more concerned if one of the members died.

    Also as we see here with Naruto, the Bijuu aren't nearly as powerful when they are sealed in a body. If you do create a new Jinchuuriki there is the possibility of that person running away like Oro did or if that person is killed as Sasori was the Bijuu would die with them and I don't see Akatsuki taking that risk after all the trouble they went through to capture them.

    Chiyo expected them to make a new Jinchuuriki because that is the only way she knew of attempting to control a Bijuu but I don't think Oro wanting the ability to control Bijuu and then joining an organization that is hunting Bijuu is a coincidence. If the first could control them then its very likely that the Akatsuki have some way of controlling them too.
    Last edited by Abdula; Wed, 01-23-2008 at 03:00 PM.
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  14. #74
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I dunno. I guess I just don't see Akatsuki as a bunch of badguys just trying to get powerful. Much like I don't see Kabuto as being truly loyal to Orochimaru. I think both have hidden goals that haven't been revealed yet.

  15. #75
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Well I don't think they are simply trying to get power because as a group I think they comprise the single most powerful ninjas in Naruto. I think there is some other purpose for them gathering the Bijuu other than power because we have already seen two Akatsuki or in Oro's case former Akatsuki members go one on one with Jinchuuriki so they don't necessarily need more power.
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  16. #76
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    What if the akatsuki's plan involved turning themselves into jinchuuriki using the bijuu that captured? In which case Oro could already have his (isn't one of the bijuu supposed to be a snake?) and that could explain why akatsuki want to retrieve him.
    Yes, in Japanese folklore, the 8 Tail's name is Orochi, and it's an 8-headed, 8 tailed snake.

    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    I don't think Oro was because if he was he wouldn't have dared to go near Akatsuki much less join it and they most certainly wouldn't have let him leave alive.
    Who says they knew? Who says Orochimaru knew that their goal was when he joined? We already know the Sharingan can look into Jinchuuriki's minds to see their Bijuu. And if you haven't noticed, Orochimaru has fought with a Sharingan using member of Akatsuki, and barely left with his life.

  17. #77
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Yes, in Japanese folklore, the 8 Tail's name is Orochi, and it's an 8-headed, 8 tailed snake.
    Ooh, I didn't know that. That a pretty big contributer to that theory.

    Wait, are there really 9 different tailed beasts in japanese folklore? I knew the 9 tailed fox was but I thought Kishimoto was just gonna make up the rest.

  18. #78
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Really this has been discussed so much since Naruto started that I can't believe anyone who has been watching the show since the beginning is not familiar with the lore. You should look it up, though I would stay away from Naruto related stuff in the interest of avoiding spoilers but its a very interesting read and once you're familiar with it you understand Naruto alot better.
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  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Ooh, I didn't know that. That a pretty big contributer to that theory.

    Wait, are there really 9 different tailed beasts in japanese folklore? I knew the 9 tailed fox was but I thought Kishimoto was just gonna make up the rest.
    Well, Kishimoto seems to be mixing and matching from a lot of legends. Folklore surrounding foxes says that they gain a tail (and power) for every 1000 years they live. So Kyuubi is at least 9000 years old.

    And then there are other differently numbered tailed beasts. Orochi has 8, the Nekomata has two. Isonade, a shark with a barbed tail and a friend named Samehada, has one.

    My assumption as far as this goes is that Kishimoto is using the number of tails to measure strength, but that the "animals" are just creatures of legend. (So Kyuubi > Orochi > Nekomata > Shukaku = Isonade in strength). But who knows?

  20. #80
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Actually, Isonade has three tails and although the Kyuubi and Orochi are the strongest, the number of tails does not represent their strength.
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