The next one: [DB] Naruto Shippuuden 043.
The next one: [DB] Naruto Shippuuden 043.
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
is it just for me or is the file corrupt/broken?
Tried to play it with VLC, MPC, Zoom Player, Windows Media Player, Winamp & Crystal Player...all of em said file corrupt, redownloading it just in case it was some error in the download..
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
There have been numerous reports that the file is fucked up.
Azureus gives me a blue icon.. and that supposedly means that the tracker is down..
Download goes very slow for me...that's abnormal for DBs releases for me.
and here's the new link:
Last edited by Harima Kenji; Thu, 01-17-2008 at 08:51 PM.
New torrent:
Correct crc of file:
lol quite funny.
quote by DB.
Regarding Naruto Shippuuden 043
For the 2nd time in 3.22 years, Dattebayo Fansubs, LLC is proud to announce that YES WE DID RELEASE SOMETHING THAT DID NOT WORK. How this passed by our amazing QC department is puzzling, but here we have it, the original file was so screwed up, even WE don't know what happened to it.
If you were one of the ~2000 lucky users who managed to download it, and you have ANY insight on what has actually happened with the file (we use the same software that we run for the last 3.22 years to create this weeks release as well), feel free to hit that contact button.
To summarize for those with low IQ:
* If you were downloading the '[DB]_Naruto_Shippuuden_043_[DD0A6E13].avi', the torrent is now deactivated
* If you receive "Unauthorized torrent" messages, re-download the torrent.
* If you are just now starting to download, none of this applies to you
P.S. While we were there, we made a change which a number of you have been complaining about, that is, not being able to view our releases on your {insert shitty standalone divx player here}. We changed something that might affect this, so if YOU ARE ONE OF THE WHINERS, try episode 43 on your player and let us know how much it sucks.
Dattebayo, only two failures in 3.22 years
is the new torrent working for you guys?
i just get a 6 second clip with the D26E23DB version.
Interesting episode. wished though that the 4-tailed miniature kyuubi would stop growling and just attack already.
And seriously Sakura are you stupid....
....oh sorry ya'll, that was obviously a silly question.
Yes and yes she is a complete idiot, that was decided a long time eps 1
But Captain Yamato's is getting cooler each eps.
Not much action, but still a great episode. I think the Gaara Arc was as low as it could have gotten so every episode so far after has been really good and entertaining.
Sakura isn't an idiot, she just really cares. She just wants to help Naruto as much as she can.
As for the sealing Yamato used, that must have been what the 1st had. The reason that the 1st could control bijuus was probably that skill. It looks like it was somehow extracting the chakra from Naruto and weakening the Kyuubi or something. I'm not sure if the spiked barrier had anything to do with it, but it seems to be a last resort sort of thing if Yamato couldn't save Naruto.
Too bad it doesn't work with mplayer anymore. Or maybe I just miss something?
As for the episode, I thought it was pretty good. One thing I don't like though is the "sad" music, heard it too many times now.
Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
I don't think that's what it was. The chakra we saw was blue, so it was Yamato's, not four tail's. I think it was it the name implied: A technique specifically meant to subdue the possessing demon. And judging by the amount of chakra Yamato was pumping in, it isn't a cheap technique. Also, I think the spiked barrier might have been there to make sure the mini-kyuub didn't run away or attack. The technique probably had a very limited range so it was important to keep Naruto from moving too far away (not that he was moving at all anyway but Yamato probably hadn't realised it).
And I also think Sakura wasn't an idiot. A bit foolish certainly, but that's nothing new from her. Besides, I think it's important to notice the four tails didn't kill her. I mean, it's a thing that could fight full powered Orochimaru on pretty much equal terms. There's no doubt it could have killed Sakura instantly if it had wanted. Instead it only broke a humerus or something. And considering its power level, that might equal to saying: "Get out of my way." But then again, who knows. The Kyuubi is an entity of destruction.
The thing I hope Sakura takes from all this is that making 12 year-old make vows on their lives to do things can turn out really badly for them.
Also glad she's finally realizing that Naruto's not just a funny little kid and is actually really fucked up.
Just saw the episode here on the office (hehehe).
A great one I must say... or maybe that is just me.
Liked the fact that Kabuto healed Sakura just because that way 'maybe' they kill another Akatsuki.
Sai's true purpose surfaces.
And if I remember correctly last episode people were saying they did not want Sakura hugging Naruto to stop him, as it happened with Sasuke on the Forest of Death. Some will be pleased with her gotten slapped by the kyuubi, and others are already saying she is stupid.
For those that watch the preview... nice way to 'suggest' things...
Sakura is an idiot not only because she ran up to Naruto when it was obvious that just getting close to him, much less hugging him which I'm sure she was going to do, is dangerous. Again ninjas aren't supposed to be idiots I mean if Yamato didn't save her again she would have just stood there looking at Naruto and got cut in half which would have been funny as hell.
Yamato's sealing technique was weird I don't quite understand the mechanics but it appears he was pumping his own chakra into Naruto in order to suppress the Kyuubi's. I don't think the pillars were there simply to prevent the Kyuubi from running away because it wasn't even attempting to run away and if it was those certainly wouldn't have stopped it. I don't think Naruto can even walk in that form much less run away. The spikes won't hurt him and those little wood pillars certainly couldn't stop him, I think there is more to it.
The way they did it was confusing though and I don't understand why he would need to touch it, think about if this was used on the Kyuubi that would mean that he would have to actually make direct contact with it, thats suicide.
Kabuto = Awesome. I never even thought people could heal like that I thought it was always a close range thing but he did it from a distance and it was really fast too and even so he still said it took longer than he thought it would. I think that may be because the wound was caused by the Kyuubi's chakra, I mean when Oro touched it with the snakes they immediately caught fire. If there is a god in Naruto, he should get rid of Sakura because Kishi ain't gonna do it.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
I remember back when they put Yamato on the team they mentioned something about the First's necklace and how it would somehow help Yamato in controlling the Kyubii. When Yamato did his palm thrust the scene changed and focused on the crystal underneath the chakra armor and it seemed to be resonating or something. I would imagine the crystal acts as a catalyst for whatever Yamato was doing and the trail of chakra was connected to Naruto through the crystal. Having a catalyst like that would make it a lot easier to subdue an actual bijuu, since tossing a kunai with a crystal tied to it would be a lot easier than trying to run up and make direct contact with it.
And despite her well meaning intentions and emotional stress Sakura's actions were still foolish. Naruto clearly wasn't in his right mind (when have we ever seen Naruto sit still for that long in the midst of a fight) yet she decides to just run up to him and talk to him like he's regular old Naruto. Either she was foolishly thinking that she could some how reason with him in that state, or she was just not thinking at all, in either case her actions were stupid and she suffered an appropriate, albeit underwhelming, consequence.
She naively thought she was saving curse seal Sasuke, nothing more.
All we missed there was "that's gonna teach you... b*tch..."![]()
I wonder if Naruto can actually remember afterwards anything that happened while in the four tails mode. Well, it's not like Oro would have told him anything or anything would have been revealed in the battle of Oro's fighting methods that would much help Naruto, but if he learns he hurt Sakura he might not be too pleased.
Think that's the first episode where emo bullcrap didn't save the day.
Corn chips are no place for a mighty warrior!
The technique seemed almost comical to me. It was basically a big chakra leash and the seal on his hand said "be seated" which might as well say "Sit boy!"
Of course you don't because it contradicts your "bijuu controlling powers are directly related to his wood element powers" theory.Originally Posted by Abdula