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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 42

  1. #41
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDBen
    While I don't really disagree with this statement I'm not completely sure the Kyuubi could pull off that particular move if not for Naruto or atleast another source of chakra. The reasoning being those blue balls were not Kyuubi chakra and it seems odd it would have used two types like that if it didn't need to do so. As such I assume the blue balls are actually Naruto's natural chakra as its always been shown blue with the Kyuubi being red instead.

    Purely speculation of course as we have no way to prove or disprove it,
    While it's pretty obvious that the blue chakra is Naruto's and the red the Kyuubi's, I still really don't think he would've need Naruto to do the move... He could've just used his own chakra instead of combining it with Naruto's. He prolly used Naruto's because the Kyuubi is not in his original state, meaning he doesn't have his usual amount of chakra making Naruto's chakra usefull to make the blast a little more powerfull.
    I seriously doubt he would need Naruto for this. Though all I'm stating is not fact, just based on what I see in the anime... I think it's time for me to finally read the manga.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Give me a break. Oro was even less serious in his fight against the Third. Maybe the moment when his hands began to rot he was serious for the first time in that fight. Before that, he just smoked his cigars at leisure while the Third was fighting against his deus ex zombies.

    And it surely didn't seem to me like he would have had any special ways to immediately defeat four tails. He didn't have any super zombies at hand and as we saw the mini-kyuubi was perfectly capable of disintegrating anything it touched. Oro was never in any truly real danger because he could have withdrawn at any point as the kyuubi was content at standing still, but that doesn't mean defeating it would have been that easy.
    Kay, Oro might've not been that serious against the Third, but he was serious enough to get him killed... Also the Third was weak, and he was fighting his formal desciple and the mixed emotions that comes with that. That just made the work for Oro easier. So if he would get truly serious against the Kyuubi...

    Kay, he might not have defeated the Kyuubi with ease, but defeat him, I think he would've. I'm not talking about killing the Kyuubi but I'm sure Oro's got a couple of sneaky Jutsu's up his sleave. Oro up till now has been a great example of a Ninja. And I think a Ninja isn't just about killing each other, but to get their goals accomplished using any means necessary. Oro would do just that.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    He said best battle in Shippuuden, not best battle in Naruto.
    I think using "Naruto" he meant both Naruto and Shippuuden, as a whole.

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  2. #42
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I don't think Oro is playing around, he just seems to be, well, enjoying it. He did, after all, take notice that the Kyuubi's attack had the potential to kill him and subsequently summoned a defense that wouldn't be considered a product of "playing around."

  3. #43
    I liked that ep...

    to everyone saying that kyuubi could move pretty fast. its been quite clearly said that he couldn't. The chakra is preventing his movements. that's why he didn't move at all during the fight (only the chakra attacked)

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    You would think the normal situation is that when the chakra is running out a person could do nothing but stand still and pant... Until now lots of chakra certainly has hindered nobody. Naruto has been considered a monster because he can keep moving despite using vast amounts of chakra and strength.

    Yay for the forgotten consistency...

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killa-Eyez
    So it's that obvious? Or are ya just spilling out some spoilers? Because the chakra balls didn't look like a high-levelled skill such as the Rasengan, but they just looked like... ehhm... "chakra balls".

    See any differences? Maybe because the Kyuubi is that powerfull, it is capable of shooting big-ass purple chakra balls at any given time? Sure as heaven that blast was not taught the Kyuubi by Naruto.
    Yes, it is obvious. We already know chakra is "explosive". The only way we know of to make chakra balls is to compress and rotate it randomly, using the image training Jiraiya gave Naruto to control it. Chakra won't stay looking like a ball unless someone is compressing it. It will blow up, like it did in Naruto's mouth cannon when he stopped compressing it.

    We also already know that the Rasengan changes color depending on the size and amount of chakra used. Remember the purple Rasengan Naruto used against Stage II Sasuke?

    Yamato and Orochimaru recognized the chakra balls as Rasengans. As Yamato explained, the Kyuubi's chakra was essentially spilling out of its container (Naruto) and trying to take the shape of the real Kyuubi. The fact that Naruto was able to

    I didn't say that Naruto taught it to the Kyuubi. I said Naruto did the attack, using Kyuubi's chakra. Sure, it wasn't even exactly all Naruto, since his instincts were to become more like the Kyuubi. Obviously Naruto alone wouldn't have been able to pull of a Rasengan of that scale. And he might not have even thought of it without the Kyuubi's instincts. But it seems very clear to that they need each other to pull off that move.
    Last edited by Munsu; Sun, 01-13-2008 at 10:42 PM.

  6. #46
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Dude that is not Naruto and those were not rasengans. They recognized the balls as chakra just chakra not rasengans. The fact that the rasengan changed color during the battle with Sasuke was because he was using the Kyuubi and if it was Naruto it would still be blue. Naruto has not taught anything to the Kyuubi nor is the Kyuubi able to do such an attack because of Naruto its all Kyuubi.

    God somebody makes a ball of chakra and it must then be a rasengan. Medical ninjas make balls of chakra all the time in different colors too, so what. The relationship you are suggesting exists between Naruto and the Kyuubi simply doesn't. Naruto may be useless without the Kyuubi but the Kyuubi certainly doesn't need an idiot like Naruto. The Kyuubi is sentient chakra and using its chakra it can do whatever the hell it wants it can use the chakra however it wants in whatever shape or form.

    The Kyuubi's chakra comes in many shapes and forms for example. it can form a cloak of armor around Naruto, it can form separate arms, heads, tails what have you, sometimes it appears in the form of normal chakra as in Naruto's battles against Neji and Gaara or it can come in a solid form like it is around Naruto now or it can be in a liquid form like during Naruto's battle with Sasuke or when his tails just begin forming. It can even come as it did in the last episode when Naruto attacked Kabuto or back when Naruto fought Sasuke, as wind. When Kabuto was attacked here he made it a point to say that Naruto attacked him with just his chakra and when Naruto was fighting Sasuke he literally blew away Sasuke's fire jutsus and again they made a point in saying that it was using just chakra although it appeared to be a white gust of wind. Its sentient chakra it can do whatever it wants if it wishes to take the form of a ball of chakra it has nothing to do with the fact that Naruto happens to know a technique that is a ball of chakra and I've already told you why this technique isn't the rasengan.

    I've noticed that someone said that the blue balls of chakra were Naruto's chakra, wow. Uh its not that is not how it works there isn't and never has been any "mixing" of the chakra. Its the Kyuubi's chakra and its Naruto's chakra either or never both. They cannot be simultaneously used and they never have been. I could go into a long explanation but instead I'll just give you some example's, when Jiraiya first taught Naruto the summoning he had to make Naruto use up all his chakra before he could use the Kyuubi's and during Naruto's battle with Neji, Neji sealed Naruto's chakra but Naruto could still use the Kyuubi's that is because they are separate. The seal allows Naruto to gain access to the Kyuubi's chakra but they don't mix he can't use his chakra then use the Kyuubi's then go back to his or use both at the same time it doesn't work that way. Once he uses up his chakra and begins using the Kyuubi's then its the Kyuubi's until whatever amount he took is all used up then he is out of chakra that simple.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    You would think the normal situation is that when the chakra is running out a person could do nothing but stand still and pant... Until now lots of chakra certainly has hindered nobody. Naruto has been considered a monster because he can keep moving despite using vast amounts of chakra and strength.

    Yay for the forgotten consistency...
    There is no inconsistency here Naruto is not considered a monster because he can move using vast amounts of the Kyuubi chakra. He is considered a monster because he has access to the Kyuubi's vast amount of chakra. Until now using lots of chakra hasn't hindered anyone while that is "true" but for one exception that I don't care to talk about, there is a reason for that. Until now no one has used the amount of chakra that Naruto is currently using but more importantly the other people's chakra has been naturally generated. We've seen guys using large amounts of chakra but all their chakra with the exception of Gaara has been naturally generated. Meaning its their own chakra so not only is their body used to the chakra itself but its their chakra they produce naturally meaning they aren't able to generate more chakra than their body will be able to handle.

    Not only is the Kyuubi chakra "foreign" to Naruto, there is far more chakra than he could ever produce naturally meaning its more than his body can handle, not only that but the chakra surrounding his body as was stated before is a solid cloak of armor. Not only would anyone have trouble moving in a cloak of armor covering their entire body but the Kyuubi's armor as you can see is very dense. It was also stated that not only is it a cloak of armor but the armor as was shown is destroying the very body it is protecting, the reason Naruto is able to move at all is because while the Kyuubi's chakra is destroying his body it is simultaneously repairing it.

    Where there is and always has been inconsistency is in the coloring of chakra in Naruto. Its something that has always bothered me and I never understood why they did it and since some of you are making a point about it now I think I should talk about it. Example the blue balls of chakra you saw floating around Naruto aren't supposed to be blue. Though the manga is in black and white there are often colored pages included and in one of those the balls around the Kyuubi were red and purple. Red being the chakra's normal color and purple the color it turns into when condensed. There are many other examples such as when Naruto used the Odama rasengan against Itachi, it was red in the manga which it should be since Naruto was clearly using the Kyuubi's chakra but they chose to make it blue.

    I don't know how it could be blue since Naruto was using the Kyuubi's chakra his whiskers were prominent as it always gets when he is using the Kyuubi's chakra and even his eyes had turned red but yet the rasengan was blue. Even in the moments just before the attack when Naruto was trying to break out of Itachi's genjutsu he was using the Kyuubi's chakra which was red. I think that that was a major slip up in the anime not that slip ups are uncommon in Naruto.

    A few other examples when Akatsuki were sealing Gaara Skukaku's chakra appeared to be red but I was always under the impression that only the Kyuubi's chakra was red. Another early example and this was way early was when Kakashi was fighting Zabuza. Other than the Raikiri which is blue Kakashi's chakra is supposed to be white because his dad had white hair, a white blade(I think) and white chakra hence the name White fang and Kakashi was supposed to have inherited that from his father. Yet in his battle with Zabuza when they were releasing chakra getting ready for battle, the chakra around him was blue and that was not the only time.

    Since I mentioned the raikiri another example of mis-coloration was when CS2 Sasuke used the chidori against Naruto low level chidori is or can be white and higher levels are blue. For some reason they decided to make Sasuke's chidori black which didn't make any sense to me and I think that was only done to emphasize that this one was stronger than his normal one which was obvious. Naruto's rasengan turning purple didn't make sense either especially since later on the Odama rasengan was shown to be red and the Kyuubi itself, which is greatest condensation of its chakra, was red.

    This just goes to show that you can't really base anything off of the color of chakra in Naruto, hell in the first two Narutimate games the chakra was yellow you would think that someone would have noticed that earlier.
    Last edited by Abdula; Mon, 01-14-2008 at 12:42 AM.
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  7. #47
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the new ending is/was nice :O

  8. #48
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    @ Abdula:

    First off, stop making these long-ass posts! Damn!
    Second, I don't really know about the colouring of chakra, but I've always stated the obvious by thinking Naruto's chakra was distinctively blue as the Kyuubi's was red. So by mixing the 2 it would turn purple yes. I pretty much still think of it as I said in my previous post. And remember, Naruto has been training for 3 years, wich could mean that the Kyuubi and Naruto could have come to some sort of understanding and found a way to mix both chakra's.

    @ poopdeville:

    Abdula pretty much said what I was going to say, because it really isn't that obvious... As you said yourself, compressing chakra by rotating it is called the Rasengan. Sure it kinda looks like it, but I still don't see any rotating in the balls surrounding four tailed Kyuubi.
    Though I've read somewhere that the rotating could've been that fast that it looks solid, but that has yet to be proven. Yes, Rasengan is pretty much the only way we know how Naruto, Jiraiya and the Fourth? control chakra into a ball... But ask yourself, how much do you know about the Kyuubi? What makes you think he can't form a ball of chakra? Have you ever seen him fight without being sealed in some boy? All I'm saying is that I don't see where you're basing this on, so there for it is not obvious to me that those balls are Rasengans. I'm not saying that they aren't cause that hasn't been proved (yet) in the anime, but it also hasn't been proved it was. How about waiting a couple of ep's to find out?

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  9. #49
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I highly doubt that during Naruto's training that he would have come to some agreement with the Kyuubi. One if he did he should be able to better use and control the Kyuubi if indeed their chakra was mixing which isn't the case since we've seen this situation and what happened when he was trying to rescue Gaara.

    Another reason why I don't think they will ever mix is because of the seal, the seal is there to prevent the Kyuubi from overpowering Naruto because Naruto can't do it for himself. So if they were indeed mixing not only is the Kyuubi's chakra more powerful that Naruto's but there is such a large amount of chakra that the Kyuubi would completely overpower Natuto's chakra and take complete control of him.

    Much like what we're seeing now the two chakras don't "cooperate" Naruto uses his own chakra to fight off and suppress the Kyuubi's. So despite the benefits of having the Kyuubi, there is a battle going on inside Naruto for control, a battle that the Kyuubi is winning in spite of the seal. So I highly doubt there is any mixing of chakra because that is the purpose of the seal to prevent the mixing of the chakras so the Kyuubi can't take control of Naruto.

    About those blue balls of chakra, lets just think of it this way. The Kyuubi is a demon fox that produces limitless amounts of chakra. Why in the four tailed form where the Kyuubi has complete control of Naruto would it need to use Naruto's chakra even though it has its own limitless amount of chakra at its disposal. I mean the very reason Naruto relies on the Kyuubi is because not only is the Kyuubi's chakra better but there is so much of it, a limitless supply in fact. So if the very reason Naruto relies on the Kyuubi is for the chakra why would he then in Kyuubi form use his own.

    Not to mention that just by looking at the blue balls of chakra you can obviously tell that its not normal chakra. Despite the color, from the way its looks, moves and acts it obvious that it is the kyuubi's chakra and not Naruto's. Plus from the number of the blue balls alone that would be more chakra than Naruto could produce again meaning that its the Kyuubi's chakra.

    Again balls of chakra aren't uncommon. We've have seen many different people form them, Kakashi, Tsunade, Sakura, Chiyo and Kabuto all have made balls of chakra in the past. If you think of it even Neji's rotation is a ball of chakra. He releases a large amount of chakra and surrounds his body with it in the the shape of a large sphere and then spins his body to rotate it.

    So balls of chakra aren't anything special plenty of people have done it, even before Naruto learned to use the rasengan to first thing Jiraiya taught him, using those balls was to turn his chakra into the shape of a ball and that was before he could even use the rasengan. Even the Chidori when its just forming is a ball of chakra in Kakashi's and Sasuke's hands. All it is, is manipulating the shape of your chakra and anyone can do that.
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  10. #50
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    About those blue balls of chakra, lets just think of it this way. The Kyuubi is a demon fox that produces limitless amounts of chakra. Why in the four tailed form where the Kyuubi has complete control of Naruto would it need to use Naruto's chakra even though it has its own limitless amount of chakra at its disposal. I mean the very reason Naruto relies on the Kyuubi is because not only is the Kyuubi's chakra better but there is so much of it, a limitless supply in fact. So if the very reason Naruto relies on the Kyuubi is for the chakra why would he then in Kyuubi form use his own.
    i only read your posts partly because they are so freaking long and actually they are only filled with suggestions stated as facts.. however this jumped in my eye...

    i think this is because he does drain a fixed amount from the kyuubi and that is what you said earlier too.. so he doesn't have an unlimited amount.... lets make this clear with numbers

    naruto has 500 chakra points now he drains power from the kyuubi and has 2k chakra points.. so he got like 1500 chakra points from the ninetails.

    he can use techniques which take up to 1500 chakra points as much as he wants as long as he can stand the pain of letting the kyuubis chakra go through his body.. however if he wants to make a technique which takes 2000 chakra points he has 2 options.

    he can drain even more chakra from the kyuubi which will have side effects(loosing control for example).. or he uses his own chakra... i can't agree on the comment that the kyuubi's chakra and naruto's can't mix... i won't accept that because we can't be sure.. if what you say is correct and naruto's chakra supress the kyuubi then why can he transform into it even though he hasn't made a single technique which used up his chakra?

    what we are doing right now is pointless... even though i think you have your points there..but still these are only suggestions and so are mine.

    btw i m pretty sure that they said something during the chuunin exam or at some point earlier that a part of the kyuubi's chakra flows constantly through naruto's chakra veins... i can't give you the episode or scene though...

  11. #51
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    He hasn't made techniques that uses his chakra as you put it because at this point Naruto himself just doesn't have the amount of chakra that it takes to fight an opponent like Oro or Deidara.

    Also what you said before goes against my first point. As with the summoning jutsu or when he was attempting to break out of Itachi's genjutsu if Naruto has 500 and needs more he has to rely on the Kyuubi. The down side to this is instead of teaching his body to create more chakra when he needs it his limit will always be 500 because he relies on the Kyuubi if he requires more. However his limit has and will increase naturally simply because he is growing so his body is getting bigger but its no where near the amount it could be if he trained.

    Again as in his battle with Itachi or his battle with Gaara would be a better example if he takes 1500 from the Kyuubi and that turns out to not be enough he can't go back to using his own chakra he has to take more from the Kyuubi. The problem is that their is a limit to much chakra he can control and there is a limit to how much chakra he can actually take from the Kyuubi.

    The reason why Naruto can transform is obvious, sometimes to fight he requires more chakra than he can produce so he can fight so he then relies on the Kyuubi.

    The reason he transformed here even though he hasn't used his own chakra is as Jiraiya said when Naruto gets angry he loses control and instead of relying on his own chakra and his own strength he taps straight into the Kyuubi. The reason he can't use both is pretty simple as you see when he uses the Kyuubi chakra it fills up his body with chakra and the chakra then pours out of him. So if the Kyuubi chakra begins essentially overflowing from him it would ofcourse push his own chakra out first which is why Naruto couldn't use the Kyuubi in the beginning when Jiraiya tried to teach him the summoning. His own chakra was in the way so he needed to use it up first but as Jiraiya said when he pushed Naruto off the cliff his body would learn to be able to use the Kyuubi's chakra without Naruto needed to expend all off his own chakra first and now that Naruto is able to use so much of the Kyuubi's chakra it simply pushes his own out of the way.
    Last edited by Abdula; Mon, 01-14-2008 at 03:32 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  12. #52
    Something off topic, but I propose a 200 word limit per post. Anything more is too long to read.

  13. #53
    but then abdula would have to leave his house or something.

    please, think of the children.

  14. #54
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    as long as i don't have to scroll down to see the full post, its fine...

  15. #55
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Once again I'll have to ask why you guys are on a forum if you have a problem reading. I'm guessing most of you agree with my last post since I don't see any rebuttals, just you guys complaining about lengthiness.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  16. #56
    As I stated earlier, I felt that this episode lacked the sort of adrenaline rush I am used to getting when watching great fights in Naruto. So, I tried watching the episode starting at the part right after Orochimaru says "so that's how you're going to fight after having swallowed all of that chakra.. blah blah blah". Anyways, it shows Kyuubi Naruto again, and at that part I started playing the song "Anger" from the Naruto Shippuuden soundtrack. (I felt this episode lacked good music during the fight) So, I had that song playing in the background while watching. It fit almost perfectly, and made that part of the episode much more enjoyable, at least for me.

  17. #57
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    @ Abdula

    Seriously, enough with the long posts man, your making it boring for us to post! Cut us some slack dude! Let's just wait a few eps and see what happens? And no, I don't agree with some of your points but let's keep it at that.

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  18. #58
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    nah he seems right.. its just that nobody listens to him becuase of the length of his posting (dude that is not good :P)
    he's basically saying when naruto drains power from the nine tails, his own chakra will be "thrown out" by the nine-tail's (if there is any left)
    so that's why there can't be any blue chakra balls since *naruto* himself has no chakra left.

    the rest was not so important.. maybe the part with the training.. naruto wasn't angry when he tried to summonthat big frog, thats why he always tried to use his own chakra which was simply not enough..

    when he was out of chakra jiraya threw him down the cliff so that naruto has to use the chaka of the ninetails.. because otherwise he couldn't survive that fall.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 01-15-2008 at 10:05 AM.

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Once again I'll have to ask why you guys are on a forum if you have a problem reading. I'm guessing most of you agree with my last post since I don't see any rebuttals, just you guys complaining about lengthiness.

    I don't read your posts.

  20. #60
    Fantastic episode, enjoyed the battle sequence, fluid animation, high tension, Oro pulling out some disgusting awesome techniques and finally we see some new techniques from the Naruto/Kyuubi synthesis.

    Abdula: As I doubt you have any contact with the authors or writing team behind Shipudden you should really stop arguing your points as if they were based on fact (also known as Constructionism). Your opinions are just that, opinions (not fact). Perhaps you should allow others the privilege of holding differing opinions without always criticising them and proposing your own views as superior.

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