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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 42

  1. #1
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Naruto Shippuuden Episode 42

    Yeah... with the 42nd release, "Wakatta-bayo" was at it again!

    Edit: Quite a disappointment. I expected more from this fight. Orochimaru stayed bad-ass to the end, but Naruto's part was whack... What an ugly Kyuubi that was... Overall, this ep was not what it could've been with a little more effort.
    Last edited by Killa-Eyez; Fri, 01-11-2008 at 12:47 AM.

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  2. #2
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    The issue I have with watching Naruto fight is that he always fights like a total brute. At least this time he had excuse for doing so but I still felt rather bored watching him. He just isn't a ninja to me. Thankfully Orochimaru is all about technique so as usual it was a pleasure watching him and his grotesque moves... though I couldn't help but cringe when that gigantic sword came about. Talk about putting Sephiroth to shame there, Orichimaru.

    I quite liked the episode despite all the staring contests which by now seems to be a trademark of Shippuuden. I like suspense as much as anyone but there could have been less stalling here. The next episode seems to involve Sakura's tears ( I wonder how I realized that? ) so let's hope she has a good reason to cry. Like Kabuto kicking her in the fucking ass. Oh, who am I kidding.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  3. #3
    It was all worth it for the Dragon Ball Z homage Kyubimeha. Plus Oro being badass, of course. If you look at the things that he was hit with that he simply shrugged off without a second thought there's little question he is badass beyond all measurement.

    The preview looked depressing though, I really don't want another 'Hero Goes Berserk But Comes Back Due To The Pleading Of Sappy Female Character' scenario, especially not with Sakura. She's been steadily losing all the cool points she gained by participating in Sasori's death and if she makes some heart felt speech to calm the beast she's going right back in the shitty characters drawer. Hopefully Naruto will just pimp slap her and continue fighting.

  4. #4
    Had that kyuubi did less staring/crouching and just went at orochimaru melee style, this battle would have been over already..

    Instead, kyuubi swipes oro one good time, and then watches oro kinda piece himself back again.

    Seriously Kyuubi's got all the brute strength and unpredictability in this battle, so why not put up his dukes like what Sasuke did against Oro during the Jounin exams???

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    The Rasengan the Kyuubi used was fucking awesome.

    e: spelling

  6. #6
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    *grasping for air while making squeeky sounds*



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  7. #7
    Missing Nin
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    Well this was a half decent episode and I mean exactly that had it been half a episode it would of been absolutely amazing as it stands it was still pretty good but not quite amazing. Orochimaru licking the floor for you know a minute or so was among the most useless footage but I guess licking dirt lets you spit up lots of snakes.

    Anyway as long as the scenes were moving this was greatness so would someone please go steal the remote from the animators and rip off the pause button already.

  8. #8
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The episode was the shit, you people are retarded!

    I didn't even notice any long staring contests this episode. Maybe that's because I think the Kyuubi is so badass looking that I don't notice if a shot of him goes long.

    And unlike the previous episode, the majority of it was action.

    The chakra blast was soooo sweet! It was all like, CHOMP! And then doors. And then PREEEOOOWW!!

    So fucking awsome...

    The new ending has a nice 80s rock sound too it. Were those pictures fanart or something?

  9. #9
    Student Fighter Fei's Avatar
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    spoilers for the episode, just in case

    THIS was what the special should have been like. Not an hour of transformations, little (mostly worthless IMO) dialogue, and just very all pretty low quality (reminiscent of the Clone Wars). I mean, this is the first episode that actually had me pumped in a long time. It was fairly quick-paced, we didn't see animation recycling (at least I didn't pick up on any... -cough, Gai clone fight, cough cough-), and what dialogue there WAS in the episode didn't feel like it was worthless. It was well done and kinda reminded me of the spirit of Old Naruto.

    The way Naruto fights now isn't as a ninja, because the Kyuubi is not a goddamn ninja--and it's quite clear he's the one in control of Naruto's body and conscious right now. So of course, he's going to fight like he knows how to--with Kyuubimeha's, chakra arms, and a little melee. You shouldn't expect him to fight like a ninja.

    Plus, the new ending actually doesn't suck. I was pleasantly surprised!
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  10. #10
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Good episode indeed. For some reason, I like the whole Sakura character and how she's caring.

    The way Oro was left upside down was rather weird. Looked like a comic-relief moment.

    Anyways, I'm not sure Naruto will be able to change back though even if Sakura was all crying to Naruto. If anything, I think Yamato will be the one to stop Naruto.

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    The way Oro was left upside down was rather weird. Looked like a comic-relief moment.
    It did look that way but it was probably intentional so that he could make the head-first underground attack that he did.

  12. #12
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fighter Fei
    It was fairly quick-paced, we didn't see animation recycling (at least I didn't pick up on any... -cough, Gai clone fight, cough cough-),
    Wait what no recycling? There were several back and forth scenes like the kyuubi vs Orochimaru licking the floor in the start or you know when the episode managed to flash back on itself and other scenes we have seen several times already such as Sasori when he was stabbed by his puppet parents.

    On the other hand the actual fight didn't contain reused scenes if thats what your talking about specifically. The fight was great as were all the moves from Orochimaru and the 4-tails its just the stuff outside of that was mostly reused footage or just dragged out.

    It wasn't terrible the action was in fact great for the most part its just what they used to tie it together that was boring.

  13. #13
    that episode made me hate naruto more. we waited for more than 2weeks for this shit.before,we had full boring episode of story progress now we have HALF of story progress/episode,i think the next episodes will be ONLY stairing.

  14. #14
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I liked this episode a lot. One of the best Shippuuden episodes so far in my opinion. It had some of the old Naruto feeling as well, maybe partly due to the fact so much previously unseen was presented, like actual Kyuubi powers as well as serious Orochimaru fighting. Plus it looked like every form of attack was bigger than the previous, with no upper limit.

    This was also actually the first time we got a small taste of what manner of terror those facing the real Kyuubi must have experienced, and why so drastic measures were required to save Kohoha from it. And this was but the tip of the iceberg.

    What comes to Sakura, I didn't mind what happened or what the preview showed. That's her character. It might have many flaws, and she was certainly nothing but useless a crybaby in battles in the past, but if they suddenly completely changed that, it would either break consistency or it would require something very dramatic happened to her during the time skip to change her personality. And as far as we know, nothing like that happened. So, it makes sense. She cried when Sasuke disappeared, and while Naruto doesn't mean as much to her as Sasuke, now it probably seems to her she will lose him as well.

  15. #15
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Compared to previous episode, this episode is great. Good fights and another reason to love Orochimaru for his badass-ness. Next week should be interesting o_O.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  16. #16
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode wasn't bad. I can see where these comments are coming from, but it held my attention for the duration of the show. I wonder if the Kyuubi actually knew the Kyuubimeha before he met Naruto. And since Sai can't get anywhere near them, I guess his real mission probably won't revealed until later on in the show.

  17. #17
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    What it comes down to is this.

    If you didn't like this episode. Just stop watching Naruto. At this point, you have yourself so thoroughly convinced that Shippuuden sucks that when an episode is great, you can't even see it anymore.

    You are never going to enjoy this show again, so you might as well give up and find something else.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    What it comes down to is this.

    If you didn't like this episode. Just stop watching Naruto. At this point, you have yourself so thoroughly convinced that Shippuuden sucks that when an episode is great, you can't even see it anymore.

    You are never going to enjoy this show again, so you might as well give up and find something else.
    I agree, these forums seems to be riddled with negative comments, and complaining over every little thing.. BOO HOO there was a flash back, get over it, it's been going on for almost a year and a half now, stop watching the show if you don't like it.

    I on the other hand enjoyed this episode, and thought they did a good job with the 3 gates Oro summoned, simply badass.

  19. #19
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    This episode was great. Naruto attacks reaching DBZ proportions which I don't think is a good thing but I don't expect we will ever see stuff like that again. Anyway yes there were a few recycled scenes and ofcourse your completely unnecessary flashbacks but as others have said that is the norm in Naruto by now so get used to it.

    Since I'm in love with Oro I don't think I need to say anything about him and his greatness however I will call out all those idiot naysayers who thought that someone like Sasori would've beaten him.

    Its funny no one talked about the animation because I watched that scene where Oro spit up all those snakes out of his mouth over and over again just because the animation was so good.

    I'm not really a fan of the new ending. The song is "okay" but really didn't need to see all the fan art since looking at it only makes me think more and more about DBZ and I detest that Naruto is moving more and more in that direction. Yes this battle is great and everything but I watch Naruto to see ninja if I wanted to see people transforming into their uber berserk forms and powering up which in itself causes gigantic craters and spitting energy beams out of the mouth, freaking energy beam WTF, I would be watching DBZ.

    @ Kraco I don't get what you said about Sakura. She doesn't have to go through any traumatic events she was a broken character and she got trained by the greatest kunoichi in existence. While that isn't saying much she should have greatly improved if its always going to take some great traumatic event just for her to improve then she should quit being a ninja.

    Now speaking of traumatic events there were plenty infact the reason they had a time skip was because a major event happened that being Sasuke leaving the village and running off to the man who had killed the hokage. In any case Sakura is a horrible character and a waste of screen time if Naruto does anything except cut her in half with one swing of his arm I will be very disappointed. Just goes to show all you guys that thought she had become some sort of ninja how wrong you were. She is still useless and incompetent and still always needs saving even though its her job to save the other members of the team. Unless you have someone like Chiyo literally pulling her strings she would be useless in a battle.

    What the hell is she thinking running up to Naruto and crying for that matter. Very unbecoming of a ninja. Not to mention that Naruto is currently in berserker mode and in a battle with Oro of all people which is why Yamato couldn't even try to intervene. If he did not only would he face the possibility of being attacked by Naruto but by Oro as well but Sakura in her blind emotional fit is ignoring all of that. Now I'm not really that disappointed with Sakura because she is a kunoichi and I don't expect much from any female in Naruto certainly not her so it isn't really a disappointment. Its alot better when she does than when Naruto does it. Freaking emotional ninjas...........

    There is alot more to talk about like the awesomeness of Kabuto but I'll save that for later. As for now bow to the greatness of Orochimaru-sama.
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  20. #20
    I thought the episode was fine. The one thing I thought would have improved it dramatically would've been better music while Orochimaru was attempting to defend against the chakra attack. (the music they played when Sai attacked Naruto/Shikamaru/Chouji for example)

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