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Thread: True Tears

  1. #161
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    And that is Noe, that is, if her wings are still attached after that fall. Its a good thing the preview didn't spoil anything this time, unlike some other anime.
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  2. #162
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    At this point i think heīll end up with Noe. Though that ruins the imo more interesting ending, where Noe ends up with her brother...yeah, fuck the law, love knows no boundaries, and her brother really didnt seem like some creepy pervert whoīs just after his sisterīs pussy.

    But i really dont see him choosing Hiromi...their last scene together felt so...cold. "Are you angry?" - ""

    I found the dance scenes to be a bit ridiculous, because at one point a guy from the audience said, the lead dancer, Shinichiro, got better...well, i know itīs because of money and development costs, but...THEY ALL HAD THE VERY SAME ANIMATION xD

    Anyway, im excited for the last episode. My perfect, and weird :P ending pairings prediction:

    Shinichiro and Hiromi
    Noe and Jun
    Miyokichi and Ai-chan

  3. #163
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think they were speaking about the dancing in consideration of his previous level or skill, not just in comparison to the other dancers.

    Noe and Jun = MURI
    Shinichiro and Hiromi = almost impossible by now
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  4. #164
    Holy shit, the crazy girl took flight.

    Not going to make any predictions for the last episode. My Harem ending got completely squashed in episode 11.

  5. #165

  6. #166
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The bait and switch!

    They really went all out to make Hiromi a sex object in the last two episodes. First the kimono, now the perfect split for absolutely no reason.

    However, unlike Canvas2 (series I loathe beyond most others) where a Kaori Nazuka-voiced character steals victory from the jaws of defeat set up over the course of an entire 24 episode series, I didn't really hate Hiromi for winning out in the end. The writers did a good job of winning me over in only two episodes.

    I'd be lying if I said the kimono and the 180 split weren't part of that, but this episode did quite a lot in winning me over completely. Take the previous episode were Hiromi was acting like the bitch she's been all season to Noe. Proclaiming Shin'ichiro to be solely hers, saying occasionally nasty things to Noe, acting unlike herself to get Shin'ichiro. Basically living up to everything that Shin'ichiro's mother said she was becoming, even after his mother admitted that was all a total lie. It's hard to avoid becoming what everyone says you are.

    However, Hiromi didn't stop this episode either. The lie with the coffee cup as a method of seducing Shin'ichiro, showing up at his house afterwards, etc. Only here, when he called her out on it, she remarked on her own behavior and called it disgusting. I believe she realized that she was taking advantage of her proximity to him, and simultaneously pushing him away and playing hard to get.

    She redeemed herself pretty fast. I'd still say I'd rather see Noe with Shin'ichiro, (nice little tears at the end seeing the confession he was forced to so adamantly proclaim, now literally scattered) but this is an ending I can more than accept. Hiromi just "fits" a little better than Noe does.

  7. #167
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Well, itīs rather what i predicted last week ^^

    Though it sucks that they didnt really resolve Junīs love for his sister...or what was he doing at the end? Didnt quite get that one.

    Ending is ok, but was presented rather lame, dont could have been presented more dramatic imo.
    Good series overall, still i prefer romantic-anime that fuck around with your mind by having sick twists here and there

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Though it sucks that they didnt really resolve Junīs love for his sister...or what was he doing at the end? Didnt quite get that one.
    He left town so he didn't have to see Noe every day.

  9. #169
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Mfauli - I disagree completely. The ending was lame, but the presentation was just perfect. The suspense was held for a long time, but didnt get tiring, and the fact that a Hiromi hater and Noe lover like me can accept the ending is proof of it being well done.
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  10. #170
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    If suspense is what you wanted i can see how you liked that ending. But just like i wrote, i hoped for a more dramatic ending. Like Hiromi not being able to accept Shinichiroīs doubt of who to choose, Noeīs brother publicy confessing his love to Noe, and so on. It was a very quite ending, though. With suspense, yes. I simply prefer drama over suspense

  11. #171
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I guess that would be the case if you wanted drama that much. I think the ending was more than dramatic enough, with Shinichiro crying while singing his feelings, and Noe trying to pick up the paper planes. The examples you mentioned are a bit predictable, overdone, and in fact too unrealistic for the feel of the entire show, which was indeed quiet, yet moving.
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  12. #172
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    I simply prefer drama over suspense
    You should probably pick up Itazura na Kiss next season then.

    I definitely felt that True Tears was going with the more realistic approach. Sure, I didn't like the idea at first, but it was far more likely that Shin'ichiro was going to pick someone he loved for a long time over someone he just met. That was with the whole 'talking to Noe makes my heart waver,' bit.

    Now, we can take that same scenario with ef - a tale of memories. The only difference, spoiler:[Is that the male lead in that series felt the girl he was still close to for years, Kei, was more of a sister than a lover. So...logically he would choose the girl he just met that fit better with him. He still cared deeply for Kei, but Miyako was the only one he could "love."]
    Here, Noe was more of a close friend that happens to be a girl (much like Ai turned out to be) or perhaps more appropriately, Shin'ichiro's muse.

    Sure, all that drama can be injected, but don't add beyond what is necessary.

  13. #173
    I really enjoyed this series. I wouldn't call it realistic as much as proper development. The animators over the coarse of the show, had each character learn and change. I liked how a number of them would often self-reflect.

  14. #174
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    the ending was beautiful.. well the part with the injured Noe trying to pick up the picture book is very cliche like but who cares. i liked it when shinichro started to sing and cry... that really got me especially when he cried out "inside shinichro's heart is yuasa hiromi" that was just heart taking ^^ that was a nice "farewell"

    i didn't understand the part with hiromi's splitt though? was it mentioned somewhere that she always tried to do that or something? i don't get the metaphor or symbol.. or whatever this was supposed to be... well maybe it was just fanservice, since she looked hot with her ponytail, glasses and her pants

    good thing that he ended up with hiromi, that couple is just more fitting since Noe is so childish and well..small.

  15. #175
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    i didn't understand the part with hiromi's splitt though? was it mentioned somewhere that she always tried to do that or something? i don't get the metaphor or symbol.. or whatever this was supposed to be... well maybe it was just fanservice, since she looked hot with her ponytail, glasses and her pants
    Of course, it was meant to show, how great having sex with her will be for Shinichiro...erm,

  16. #176
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Of course, it was meant to show, how great having sex with her will be for Shinichiro...erm,
    But the problem is that it may break proof of virginity, thus leading Hentaï "True Tears" Sequel to another quagmire. (joking of course, but I thought the same when I saw that scene)

    Regarding that last ep, it clearly lacked something I can't really describe. I wasn't moved at all, maybe I was in a bad day and couldn't catch the atmosphere there?
    The only scene that cheared me up was the very short one with AI chan, sometimes it's hard to understand why you react to something so simple.

    Well, another interresting show is ending. Always a bit sad.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #177
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    i wouldn't mind seeing some hentai-stuff with Hiromi ^_^

    well i think it lacked something like a real drama in the end, everybody excepted a lot of tears and maybe even suicide or something like that... or murder...
    it was a peacefull ending and i don't know why but i liked how noe was able to cry in the end. that was somehow touching, because she liked shinichro but inside is his heart is yuasa hiromi *sing* ^^

  18. #178
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Just got to finish this series. Superb art and animation quality. I certainly like how the series ended, peacefully. The ending is actually what I wanted though (Hiromi being the one chosen by Shinnichirou) .

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  19. #179
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Watched the entire series this sunday morning...
    What can I say? Overall I liked the story a lot, but I did not like he ended up with Hiromi, despite everything that happened between them. I was rooting for Ai-chan at first lol... but I think she is better with the other guy, she just needed to move on. I was hoping Shin'ichiro chose Noe though. I never liked Hiromi, since ep1.

  20. #180
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Last thread I raise from the grave I promise. I just have to ask though, did Noe die at the end? She seemed like she was running full speed on that ledge by the sea, and there were rocks at the bottom, a wave splashing, and then a scene of the mountains which is "close to the sky" and her grandma. That reads like a suicide to me...
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