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Thread: True Tears

  1. #61
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I wonder what happened with the encode.
    The video seemed a bit blurry on the edges.
    The sound was clearly a problem with trebles going to metallic compression.

    Everything other than that was already written

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #62
    Fake Tears - 07 [Abridged Version]- [m.3.0.w] - (NOTE: MASSIVE COCKTEASE/SPOILER)

    This is essentially a commercial made of a couple scenes from episode 07 with semi-serious subs, however what it reveals is so epic I wanted to share. Watch at your own risk, but I'll tell you that I think a Nice Boat ending is looking more and more possible!
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 02-17-2008 at 09:00 PM.

  3. #63
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    True Tears 07 XVID

    True Tear 07 H264 HD

    It's beggining to become a little too complicated for my One Neuron Brain...

    I'll try to think about it after a good night of sleep, it's beggining to be late... and work will be harsh tomorrow.

    Have fun with this ep!
    Last edited by David75; Sun, 02-17-2008 at 05:07 PM.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #64
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I like where this is going right now. It might end with Hiromi, I suppose that would be kind of traditional, but for now I can still believe Noe will be the winner. She's the most interesting of the three. Hiromi could quit her sulking and become a decent sister.

  5. #65
    I don't think they'll ever get over the fact that they're siblings. It's too much to overcome.

  6. #66
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Ugh, Ai just ruined any chance she had of getting with Shinichiro. I was routing her in this too.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  7. #67
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    what the hell....

    Noe wins the "cuteness" award
    Ai wins the "i feel so sad for her" award
    Miyokichi wins the "poor guy award"Shinichirō wins the "haha you are owned!" award
    Hiromi wins the "i can't come up with another award" award
    but she definitively wins something because i like her somehow

    man,Shinichirō is in a reaaaaaally bad situation right now, 3 nice girls are longing for him (well 2 girls are to be exact, but its clear that Hiromi likes him too) i can't possible imagine the winner of Shinichirō heart right now.

    Miyokichi has cleary lost his girlfriend to his best(!) friend now, but he knows that he can't be angry with Shinichirō because he never intended to take Ai away from him. It's good that he understands that.

    its such a mess..... and i totally like it! awesome! outragoues! gorgeous! awkward! unbelievable! more,more,more!
    i love it!

    btw whats this "hey are you hungry?" - "no i don't feel like eating now.." - " OH MY GAWD, YOU SHOULD GO TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!" about? its always funny to see that reaction in a anime when someone declines a request for eating something together.

    edit: btw, this anime is licensed in the US right? what happens to me if i, who lives in germany, keep downloading this anime? is it actually legal or illegal??
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Tue, 02-19-2008 at 12:53 PM.

  8. #68
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Is´ nicht legaler oder illegaler als bisher


    Decided to watch this series, episode 1 yesterday, the rest up to episode 7 just now.

    First of all, once again i have to say something about girls in "such" anime: I cannot stand (well, i can, since i watch it, but you get it) the behaviour of girls in all those romantic anime series. Be it Myself Yourself, Clannad, School Days or now this one.

    I mean, i LOVE how they behave, but it´s just too unrealistic, in about any way. Girls in real life simply arent THAT cute and most importantly, obedient.
    I´d love to know such girls, but i dont, and even then i doubt that about every Japanese girl is like that, which these anime shows at least imply.

    Back to True Tears:

    It´s enjoyable, but it lacked that something "special" within the first few episodes. Well, now it seems we´re having 2 cases of incest and one real bitch.
    Really, im near tears with poor Miyokichi. I mean...WHY?!!?!?!?!
    He´d do ANYTHING for stupid bitch Ai-chan, but she...betrays him.
    It´s the worst when nice guys lose.
    The bad thing is, that most likely, Ai-chan will be rejected by Shinichiro, then realizes how nice Miyokichi acutally was and returns to him...and the poor fool even will accept that kind of dirty play. :-(

  9. #69
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Its a miracle but I actually agree with you about Ai-chan. Betraying miyokichi makes me lose all respect for her. I really dont understand the "go out with the bestfriend to get close to the one you like" strategy anyway. It doesnt make much sense. Getting swept away by the situation has its limits, and she clearly went over and above those when he agreed to date miyokichi (who is an incredibly nice guy, nicer than the main character IMHO).

    The reason why they make harem shows is exactly because girls dont behave like that in real life. Its much like satisfying the fantasy for the viewers. Making it too realistic defeats the purpose.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  10. #70
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Btw, is the opening song available as download? i like it

  11. #71
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Sure it is.

    OP Single - Nipponsei

  12. #72
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Ah, thanks much!

    Also, when is usually the day a new episode is released?

  13. #73
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Regarding Ai-Chan, it's only normal the way she reacts with miyokichi...
    Because she doesn't even realize how serious he is. She probably even doesn't care much about him. She likes him as the guy who is the friend of the one she loves. It doesn't go further than this.

    It's only a bit too late she realizes and is mad "Because he is too nice". It only backfires at her that she also is careless about someone with feelings, as much as Shinichiro is with her.

    But honestly, if someone love you, but you have no feelings for them, there's not much you can do, except trying to cut links the quickest way... but that's only possible once you are aware of the "problem".
    There's no way you would go further than "friendship" towards someone you have no more feelings than friendship.

    So I do not feel Ai-chan is a bitch, rather she only came to realize what goes thru Miyokichi's mind and sees the mess she's in. It's still time to stop things abruptly, so that no deep scar remain.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #74
    @MFauli w.0.0.f usually releases sometime on the Sunday after it airs.

  15. #75
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Is´ nicht legaler oder illegaler als bisher
    so its a greyzone? i was caught for downloading music yesterday..... 6000 euros (if i m very unlucky)... yaaaaaaa..... (and no its not a fake "cease-and-desist warning" or something like that, its real 8[) you probably heard about "clemens rasch" before....

    god i m so stupid. *sob*


    Decided to watch this series, episode 1 yesterday, the rest up to episode 7 just now.

    First of all, once again i have to say something about girls in "such" anime: I cannot stand (well, i can, since i watch it, but you get it) the behaviour of girls in all those romantic anime series. Be it Myself Yourself, Clannad, School Days or now this one.

    I mean, i LOVE how they behave, but it´s just too unrealistic, in about any way. Girls in real life simply arent THAT cute and most importantly, obedient.
    I´d love to know such girls, but i dont, and even then i doubt that about every Japanese girl is like that, which these anime shows at least imply.
    well thats the good thing in animes.... you see things which you normaly won't in real life :P

    yet, i don't know how women act in japan... i heard that they are very respectful towards elder persons especially men, on the other hand, i don't know if it is true but that is what you see normally in nearly every movie or anime with japanese people in it.
    (the "all girls love 1 man" plot is unrealistic :P but i m not sure if it is the same with the behavior)

    Back to True Tears:

    It´s enjoyable, but it lacked that something "special" within the first few episodes. Well, now it seems we´re having 2 cases of incest and one real bitch.
    Really, im near tears with poor Miyokichi. I mean...WHY?!!?!?!?!
    He´d do ANYTHING for stupid bitch Ai-chan, but she...betrays him.
    It´s the worst when nice guys lose.
    The bad thing is, that most likely, Ai-chan will be rejected by Shinichiro, then realizes how nice Miyokichi acutally was and returns to him...and the poor fool even will accept that kind of dirty play. :-(
    i don't think Ai-chan is a bitch, its just that she doesn't love him so much as she does shinichiro..
    and on the other hand she doesn't really betray him, she already tried to tell Miyokichi 2 or 3 times that she doesn't "love" him, but Miyokichi doesn't want to hear that

    i read somewhere that miyokichi is "more nicely" than shinichiro, i can't find it now but i m pretty sure someone said it (lol....), i don't think that's the case... shinichiro is a very nice person and even miyokichi says that, its not his fault that the women react the way they do, he tries his best to understand everyones feelings and positions and you can see clearly that he doesn't want to take Ai-chan away from miyokichi or anything like that and he doesn't go out with Noe because of her brother. He WANTS to go out with her because he feels something towards her.

    its just a mess there right now, which is the thing i like about this series... its all so weird... nobody wants to hurt someones feelings but they can't avoid that.
    Because of this, i can't wait for the next episode to come... i want to know what happens next and who will be the "winner" and what happens to the one who lost?
    i m pretty sure that i'll cry in the end 8[

    btw, why "2" cases of incest?

    hiromi + shinichiro... and who else? Noe and her brother Oo?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 02-21-2008 at 02:36 PM.

  16. #76
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    so its a greyzone? i was caught for downloading music yesterday..... 6000 euros (if i m very unlucky)... yaaaaaaa..... (and no its not a fake "cease-and-desist warning" or something like that, its real 8[) you probably heard about "clemens rasch" before....

    god i m so stupid. *sob*
    Wtf, dude >_<
    Why do you download music, anyway. Of course that´s illegal anywhere in the world. Auweia...

    btw, why "2" cases of incest?

    hiromi + shinichiro... and who else? Noe and her brother Oo?
    Of course.
    I her brother had to held himself back from touching Noe´s face in that once scene...i dont doubt that there´s somthing on the way.

    And i disagree with those who defend Ai-chan. She knew that she loved Shinichiro already when she accepted Miyokichi´s begging of going with him. At that point she should have declined Miyokichi, or even revealed her love for Shinichiro. Well, i dont know, but from what we saw it looks like they´re a couple for quite some time already, so the point of return is long overdue. I cant see Ai-chan as anything else than a bitch, sorry.

    Oh, and i hate Shinichiro´s mum. Whatever there happened in the past, it´s got NOTHING to do with Hiromi, who´s just a nice girl. I hate such stupid people, who take their rage towards a honest person.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Wtf, dude >_<
    Why do you download music, anyway. Of course that´s illegal anywhere in the world. Auweia...
    no its not, it was ilegal to share your files (i forgot to decline the share-request one day, and thats when they caught me...
    since 1.1.2008 downloading is also prohibited.. but before only upload was not alowed and my lawyer confirmed it.

    to the "hate mom" part...

    yes i agree.... the thing i hate the most about her is that she keeps saying "you look like your mother" "your face is that of your mothers" WTF? WHO CARES?.

  18. #78
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The reason why Ai-chan is a bitch is because she agreed to go out with Miyokichi knowing full well that she likes Shinichiro (and a lot for that matter)
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    well but its not like she played with his feelings..

    she didn't want to hurt his feelings, well she made the wrong decision but i can't blame her for that.... maybe she thought that shinichrio is unreachable and wanted to try things out.

  20. #80
    If you say you'll go out with someone and continue to let them think you're their girlfriend (by not denying it) then you are playing with their feelings.

    She doesn't seem dense enough to not know how he felt about her, and he looked pretty shocked when she told him that she didn't return his feelings. Whatever her reasons for not telling him, she was wrong to willfully let him keep thinking something that wasn't the case. If she was trying to spare his feelings of figure out her own I can understand, but I don't think that absolves her of blame for the deception.

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