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Thread: True Tears

  1. #41
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    30$ for 1 epsiode?

    wait a sec... how much does it cost if you go to the cinema its about 5-10€ here? i don't know the course at the moment but isnt 1$ around 0,7€ ?

    so i have to pay like 21€ for 24 mins of animated pictures?
    i can go 3 times to the cinema for that, or buy 2 new movie-DvD's which have like 360 minutes playtime (if merged together)

    do animes always cost this much? i always thought its about ~50€ (+-20) for the whole package. (similiar to the cost of a new computer game)
    It's true that I didn"t even do the math about that price.
    I wonder what they are thinking.
    It quite pricey, the best way from keeping people from buying it. Nice marketing strategy.
    Unless there's a mistake in the news or somewhere.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #42

  3. #43
    Haha, so I guess w00f is the new m33w?

  4. #44
    Man, I gotta say. This episode sure made the series take a bad turn. It seems the series have been taking a step forward in every step, but this episode made it feel like the story is now moving backwards a few steps.

  5. #45
    shinta|hikari and Shinji Ikari


  6. #46
    He's a sad copy, I was here before him.... 3 years before in fact :P

  7. #47
    I knew his name looked familiar when I first saw it show up. So it was you.

    As for the episode, I didn't quite understand the lunch part with Hiromi and Noe. Why did Noe decide to befriend Hiromi all of a sudden? It seemed kind of random.

  8. #48
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I knew his name looked familiar when I first saw it show up. So it was you.

    As for the episode, I didn't quite understand the lunch part with Hiromi and Noe. Why did Noe decide to befriend Hiromi all of a sudden? It seemed kind of random.
    She probably needs to get near Hiromi, to better understand Shinichiro for her goal.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  9. #49
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    And additionally she might be weird enough that when Shinichiro says girls eat their lunch with their friends (female), she then has to go and see what it's like to do that.

  10. #50
    Oka, Hiromi is Shin'ichiro's half sister... The poor mom, no wonder she hates her so much. Having the testament to your husbands infidelity living under the same roof wth you and eating your food and derailing your son has to bite.

    With that out of the way it now becomes a struggle between Ai, who's with his best friend, and Noe, who he doens't really like like that. But there's still hope that we'll get an awesome incest angle anyway, since he clearly likes Hiromi the best and his mom probably won't tell him, but we'll find out next ep when she tells Hiromi.

  11. #51
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @BoC and Shinji - Lol. At least I have more posts despite appearing 3 years later. And I have to wonder who the "sad copy" really is considering shinji ikari is a complete replication of an anime character name.

    Even if she is the half sister, it seems that she really likes Shinichiro as well, judging from her reaction.

    EDIT: Still, Im hoping that is not the case. Hiromi would just be too pitiful if that were so.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #52
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Oka, Hiromi is Shin'ichiro's half sister... The poor mom, no wonder she hates her so much. Having the testament to your husbands infidelity living under the same roof wth you and eating your food and derailing your son has to bite.

    With that out of the way it now becomes a struggle between Ai, who's with his best friend, and Noe, who he doens't really like like that. But there's still hope that we'll get an awesome incest angle anyway, since he clearly likes Hiromi the best and his mom probably won't tell him, but we'll find out next ep when she tells Hiromi.
    They seem to go that way, letting us think that Hiromi is Shinichiro's half sister.
    They displayed the fact very obviously, so I will just be a tad suspicious and wait for a very clear statement. Because I can't see why Shinichiro's father would impose such a living tho his wife. Unless she's involved in some way in Hiromi's mother death... but that doesn't fit with what we've seen of the show up to now.
    I admitt however it's the most obvious way, I probably don't need to stretch anything

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #53

  14. #54
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind if it's also true. Hiromi is a kind of passive emo girl. Maybe this will allow Shinichiro to grow some distance between his feeling and Hiromi and get together with Noe. She's a pretty bizarre and funny character. Although to be totally honest I somehow doubt this was the only "surprise" this series will deal out and the rest of the series would just smoothly flow to some safe harbour. Who knows what could still happen.

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    this is all so weird.. actually i wanted hiromi and shinichiro come together in the end but now it would feel weird if they really do...

    i hope it will be revealed at sometime that hiromi isn't his half sister (it seems that shinichiro's mother only thinks that this is the case)

    i've to disagree with hiromi being an emo girl... she's actually pretty normal, but shy at shinichiro's place becuase she is hated by shinichiro's mother, she's acting like a guest who is not welcome and thats pretty normal, i would feel the same way.

  16. #56
    So...Hiromi and Shinichiro are actually twins? That would mean Shinichiro's "mother" isn't his mother at all. How come she doesn't treat Shinichiro like shit?

  17. #57
    Where did you get twins from? She said her birthday was later, which would mean that they weren't born on the same day making them not twins.

    Something else that I forgot to comment on that I found interesting...Noe is not just a little bit obsessive though Shin'Ichoiro isn't really into her, Shin'ichiro's friend had that crazy guy look when Ai admitted she liked Shin'ichiro, Hiromi is under a lot of stress since che is always dumped on by the mom and she's get mxed up feelings. All these elements together could easily lead to a situation of potentially School Days levels of win (or fail, depending on your perspective).

  18. #58
    I thought she said her birthday was "a few minutes" later. Maybe I misread it. I deleted the file already...

  19. #59
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    i don't know what she said in japanese but it was subbed with "since my birthday is later, that makes you the big brother" (or something like that)

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    i don't know what she said in japanese but it was subbed with "since my birthday is later, that makes you the big brother" (or something like that)
    Since they are in the same class I would think they are the same age. But that doesn't mean their twins, it might just mean that Shin-san's daddy had a busy year. And on that note, Hiromi wasn't sure about them being siblings, there is a chance they might be, but not certain... I hope they are not, it would just be too weird being siblings and also being romantically involved (which I hope will be the case at the end of this run)... Although that outcome seems very remote at the moment since doing a paternal test in an anime just seems too weird to ever happen.

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