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Thread: True Tears

  1. #21
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Hiromi obviously likes Shinichiro. She is just holding back because they are living together. While Im not sure about it, the stuff in the show indicate that this is the case.
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  2. #22
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Hiromi obviously likes Shinichiro. She is just holding back because they are living together. While Im not sure about it, the stuff in the show indicate that this is the case.
    To me she wanted to keep this a secret for her comrade. She maybe wanted is to blossom in her private garden (her dreams and desire) and let Sinichiro grow with it too.
    So she came up with the guy that would be loved by many girls around, because it was easy to think that name and that would sound normal. Although in that case, he comrade wasn't such a fool and knew that the womanizer choice sounded clearly wrong in Hiromi's speech.
    Sinichiro just happened to be there at the worst possible moment, which is very common in anime.

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  3. #23
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That doesnt seem to be the case since she denied remembering the childhood event before, which serves no purpose other than to put distance between them. Why would she do so? Only one thing comes to mind right now, which is the only drastic change that has happened in their relationship, specifically living together. What is it about living together that may cause her reaction is anybody's guess. Maybe the mother is involved somehow.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #24
    Couldn't the reason why she is acting all indifferent and cold be because she herself feels that she has changed because of the incident with her family. We don't know much about who she was before the incident, only that she cared a great deal for shinichiro.

    As for her not remembering I am pretty certain she lied about that part. She seemed very hesistant when answering.

    And her moving in being the only drastic change is very one sided. Of course, for him that is one big change, but for her maybe her family dying is a tad bigger.

  5. #25
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Of course she was lying. That is why I said "denied" that she remembered. That is pretty clear from her comment right after the flashback.

    As for the change, it can be the death of her family, but I dont see why such an event would make a relationship between them impossible or undesirable.

    She really is just acting indifferent and cold. She obviously still cares about Shinichiro as seen from the events of the last episode. Its almost as if she is trying to convince herself otherwise. Her feelings arent even in question here, but rather why she doesnt want to show them.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #26
    Yeshu, sorry for the missinterpretation. I would like to reserve any guesses about why she is acting indifferent because so far I think we know too little about her, the series has still mostly shown Shinichiros view of the situation.

  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Indifference and coldness, whether assumed or truthful, can be just as disastrous:

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  8. #28
    And a nigga thank you to you too. Just what I need on a Sunday afternoon before a week of midterms...

  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I like the calmness of this series. And how the characters stop to think and ponder every now and then (even Noe who certainly represents the active and unpredictable kind of personality in this series).

    There's some manner of melancholy in this series.

  10. #30
    I would've said the same thing that Shinichiro said to Hiromi.

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    nice episode.. nice series..

    there isn't a single character which i don't like and i love this very(!) detailed animation.. it's really great even though the facial-expressions are made so simple and plain (3 blue dashes or a big white drop), but they actually fit in and really manage to lighten up the mood a bit.
    jeez.... i can't decide which series is better.. Spice and Wolf or True Tears, hmmm..

    True Tears is definitively one of the more "realistic" series out there.. with some little exceptions it really feels like this could happen everyday or just 3 blocks away from your own house :P

    i think the reason for that lies within shinchirou and the reactions of everyone..they are somehow just "normal" they do things you would do yourself to and might even think the way you do..
    for example aiko and miyokishi.. i wonder what will happen if he finds out that aiko likes shinchirou... aiko doesn't really want to be with miyokishi but she also doesn't want to hurt his feelings (not only because he is shinchirous best friends)
    oh man i simply can't wait for the next episodes... i want to find out what will happen next and how the character-relationship will develop itsself.

    the shopping part was also very funny... at least for me.. "how do i look in that?" - "oh good.. take it" - "how do i look now!?" - "good take it (not paying attention anymore)" and then when you yourself pick something for her because she asked you to, "wtf? are you mad?"

    and is it just me or does somebody else think that they are using some new "camera"-angles? these close-ups, over-the-shoulder shots and "ego-perspective" are really rarley used normally... and its really rare to pay so much attention to the background, they really go into the detail here.. i havn't seen that very often, only in "the melachony of Haruhi" to be directly.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 01-28-2008 at 09:44 AM.

  12. #32
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    and is it just me or does somebody else think that they are using some new "camera"-angles? these close-ups, over-the-shoulder shots and "ego-perspective" are really rarley used normally... and its really rare to pay so much attention to the background, they really go into the detail here.. i havn't seen that very often, only in "the melachony of Haruhi" to be directly.
    I you watch carefully, it seems computers are used quite a lot for this series.
    It's nice for background, bacground characters movements*, different shades of colors, lighting, clouds, skies,cars and so on.

    All in all I have to say that it's done in a way you don't get distracted or would even think it was'nt computer assisted.
    However there's my asterisk mark *
    People while walking, when they are in the background or when a scene is on a very wide angle, look very robot like. In fact I guess that it's the movement that is the most intrusive, the most eye catching from what is done, and a tad annoying because I keep remarking it.
    But their technics improve the image and experience so much that I thank them for trying anything

    Back to the story:
    Shinichiro is wrong. Hiromi may think of another guy than him. However that doesn't mean the tears he felt with the imagination of his true heart (paraphrasing Noe) are gone or never existed.
    However this is a bit tricky with what we have yet. Because after all the tears Shinichiro sees in Hiromi's could be his... I mean we tend to see in others what we have inside, be it wrath, pain or bad habits for example. He may have been a bit shochked when Hiromi lost her mother, for whatever reason. Or he's sad that Hiromi isn't really in a happy household with his mother after her. It seems that Shinichiro's mother holds a grudge against himori's, and that she makes Hiromi pay.

    I don't know what to think about Aiko and Miyokichi, other than they are there to emphasize love misunderstandings.
    However here's the love line: Miyokichi has feelings for Aiko. But Aiko has feelings for Shinichiro. But Shinichiro has feelings for Hiromi, But Hiromi has feelings for Noe's Brother. But Noe's Brother would like Shinichiro to go out with his sister (Noe).

    Regarding that Brother, I wonder what was that helmet scene for. He wanted to caress his sister's face, but it felt no that right. It also seems that they are not real brother and sister. Maybe an adoption? because he even emphasized how much he doesn't ressemble Noe in front of Shinichiro.

    Well, all in all, when I watch True Tears, the ep seems like running too quickly, when everything seems so slow compared to many series. That's a big plus.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  13. #33
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    a big problem with this series is that it only has 13 episodes (if i m right).. since it is such a great story they should have made it like 25 episodes long...however when they do that then the animation will suffer (which i dont want to happen!!!)

    but isn't it somehow weird that hiromi is so open to shinchiro now? i know that she is very carefree at school but actually at home she was so shy in the first 3 episodes and shinchiro really had a hard time just talking to her... now its quiet the opposite and all because he overheard something?.. (btw they somehow destroyed the cliffhanger from episode 3... i exceptet something much more dramatic )

  14. #34
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    a big problem with this series is that it only has 13 episodes (if i m right).. since it is such a great story they should have made it like 25 episodes long...however when they do that then the animation will suffer (which i dont want to happen!!!)

    but isn't it somehow weird that hiromi is so open to shinchiro now? i know that she is very carefree at school but actually at home she was so shy in the first 3 episodes and shinchiro really had a hard time just talking to her... now its quiet the opposite and all because he overheard something?.. (btw they somehow destroyed the cliffhanger from episode 3... i exceptet something much more dramatic )
    Yes, I forgot to mention Hiromi had something to tell Shinichiro, and she never had the time to due to Shinichiro's reactions, then Shinichiro's mother.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  15. #35
    Dang it.... Licensed by Bandai, so m33w is dropping it.


    Although it'll be soon, DVDs will be expensive. First episode is $30, each next disc will have 2 eps for $40.

  16. #36
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tystic
    Dang it.... Licensed by Bandai, so m33w is dropping it.


    Although it'll be soon, DVDs will be expensive. First episode is $30, each next disc will have 2 eps for $40.
    Would the price be a consequence of the art quality discussed before?
    Or maybe a smaller fanbase that doesn't allow to reduce costs thanks to quantity?

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  17. #37
    I suspect the cost is based solely on the speed. I think two months from end of Japanese broadcast to English (subbed) DVD availability is fairly unprecedented.

    Still, it's always impressed me how paying large numbers of people to work 40+ hours a week gets so much slower results than letting people work on it for free whenever they feel like it. But I don't know maybe most of the time isn't spent translating, subbing and re encoding, but on making pretty packages and printing DVD's....

    As per the norm the price is completely prohibitive, in fact i'm amazed they posted something so ridiculous along with the announcement that they'd licensed it. Why would anyone in their right mind pay $30 for a single subbed 24 min episode of an anime they've never seen? Or drop $270 for a 13 episode series of any quality level...I don't care how pretty the art is, that's just ridiculous (and Shigofumi doesn't even have the pretty art True Tears does).

    Anyway, if m.3.3.w won't continue maybe one of the other 3 groups subbing it will. I wonder if you can C&D a group with no website, I can't imagine it would be very easy.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 01-31-2008 at 01:39 PM.

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    30$ for 1 epsiode?

    wait a sec... how much does it cost if you go to the cinema its about 5-10€ here? i don't know the course at the moment but isnt 1$ around 0,7€ ?

    so i have to pay like 21€ for 24 mins of animated pictures?
    i can go 3 times to the cinema for that, or buy 2 new movie-DvD's which have like 360 minutes playtime (if merged together)

    do animes always cost this much? i always thought its about ~50€ (+-20) for the whole package. (similiar to the cost of a new computer game)
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 01-31-2008 at 01:44 PM.

  19. #39
    Well if I go thursday it's $2.50 for the movies, so that's 12 major films I could see before I see the first ep of True Tears.

    Sucks, like usual they're only catering to people who make 5 times my income.

    Lets see, buy 20-some eps of Heroes for $44 or 13 eps of True Tears for double the car payment, hmm.

    They're in the business of making money, not entertaining people.

  20. #40
    What about Rozen-NiceBoat? Would they also be dropping it? They're a no-name group but with surprisingly good quality so far.

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