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Thread: H2O ~Footprints in the Sand~

  1. #21
    It's been 2 episodes and people are complaining about lack of plot development already? Even without the the miraculously cured blindness, which I'm happy to ignore if the cast is willing to ignore, this show is still plenty mysterious and I want to know what the secret is. Why do they hate Hayami, to the point of shunning her to the other side of a bridge, why does the teacher condone her getting abused, why does she take it, even seek it, why is the guy important to the head family? There are too many questions I want the answers to to give this one up, and I'd hardly expect any answers from an episode 2, even from a 12 ep series.

    The way it's going to probably go is each of the next few episodes will develop Takuma's relationship with one of the girls in some way, all the while dropping hints towards the overall 'event' that ties everything together. Then by around the mid way point things will start to move forward more coherently and eventually Takuma will make a decision which lets him end up with one of the girls (Hayami) and he'll help her grow out of her current personage. I suspect the blindness will be back, but not for at least a few more eps.

  2. #22
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's not the lack of development so early in the series, it was the utter lack of any worthwhile information in this episode. What did we actually learn in this episode that wasn't established in the first:

    - Hinata is richer than Yui
    - Hayami lives in an abandoned train
    - Hinata and Hayami used to be friends

    I am generalizing to make my point, as there are refined points introduced in the first that we didn't know about. But a 12 episode series should not be wasting time so soon in a series. We learned absolutely nothing of value in this episode. Usually, episodes with this startling lack of content are loaded to the brim with fanservice, but there was more of that in the first episode.

    My two biggest problems are the utter lack of reaction to Takuma's sudden vision, and the way they are bullying Hayami. Hinata of all people seems very obsessed with Takuma's well being, seems to be the "childhood friend that knows everything about the protagonist" type of character, and dotes on him excessively. However, even after all the fufu-ing over him in the first episode (Lead him here, lead him there, call him -sama), she doesn't even remark on such a significant change?! This should be something amazing to her, like Hayami's reaction at the end of the first episode. But even she doesn't even seem to care that he can suddenly see by the beginning of the second episode.

    The second is the way they are bullying Hayami. Yes, it is supposed to bother the audience. I also believe they are supposed to be in middle school (if they are in high school, that makes it that much worse). However, they are acting like elementary schoolers. Name calling, throwing toilet water on her, and then going back to name calling are the best they can come up with after beating the shit out of her in the opening scene and at the end of first episode?

    Many of us have seen girls completely ruin each other's lives in series like Great Teacher Onizuka without a single punch thrown. Once you cross the line into violence, you can't backslide from there. It makes it look extremely childish. They already beat her up at the end of the first episode. Days later, they call her smelly. You can't take that kind of antagonism seriously anymore.

    If you want to keep the audience interested, you do not simply reiterate the mystery again, without any new information. In you want your antagonists to be taken seriously, you have to maintain their level of hostility or resolve whatever issue there was (and thus end their role as the antagonist).

  3. #23
    wow I wish I read this thread before watching episode 2... I agree it was a massive disappointment. I'd say the only good scene in this episode is what she did to him after him seeing her shower.

    they're definitely going to have to pull something out of their proverbial arse to get fans back after this stinker of an episode.

    Off topic... What's up with those guys dancing in horse heads before & after the show? that's one of the few things bout the anime that gave me the "WTF" moment...

  4. #24
    Sure, the fact that he has started seeing again is odd, especially since they didn't explain it. And yes, it is very odd that no one has questioned it. But I'd like to believe there's a reason to all of this, and the producers aren't stupid. I understand that it's only a 12 episodes series, but I think it's worth spending more time watching to see how they explain it. It may very well make sense afterwards.

    The interesting thing about the treatment towards Hayami is not only the students. Yes, they dislike her immensely. But there are certain factors that make it even more interesting. First, Hinata seems like a very nice person in general, but why is it that even she does not want to associate with Hayami? And why did the teacher not step in and do something about it? Those two points make this situation even more suspicious. Also, Hinata's father (I believe) may feel the same way. What exactly happened for everyone, including adults, to turn on Hayami? They showed a flashback of a fire, which may have some of the answers.

    So basically, I'm curious to see how this resolves. I don't think it's fair to judge this two episodes in.

  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    Sure, the fact that he has started seeing again is odd, especially since they didn't explain it. And yes, it is very odd that no one has questioned it.
    This part was obviously Otoha, she said she did it the two different times in the first episode.

    I don't think it's fair to judge this two episodes in.
    Yes, that's true. If I hadn't joined watching School Days, Higurashi, or ef - a tale of memories as late as I did, I may have dropped them early on and missed out. However, H2O has neither the reputation of School Days, the enormous story of Higurashi, or the visual innovations of ef to keep me entertained until the main story kicks in. (In the case of ef, it turned out to be a very short wait.)

    In fact, this episode was a dramatic drop in animation quality (forgivable, but it doesn't help it).

    Perhaps it is better to say I've become increasingly critical of what I watch. I have a lot less time now that I've graduated, and over the years, I've gotten tired of being let down by a series. However, 12 episode series are tend to have fast pacing and dense story lines, with the corresponding number of notable exceptions. Those exceptions made it clear from the start they weren't trying to make anything new, and were not attempting to do anything special. Most of them were comedy series anyway.

    Drama series are an entirely different matter. They don't have time to waste. Half-season series that fail to utilize the majority of the time in each episode show they lack the material keep the story going.

    Compare the two episodes. We learned a lot in the first episode. Otoha and what she can do (though we do not know why), that everyone hates Hayami, that Yui is the "queen bee" of the town, Hints at an uncomfortable relationship between Hinata and Hayami, etc. Here, we learned nothing other than Hinata's social position, and that she and Hayami had a past together.

    Has H2O Rocked my Soul? Decidedly not.

    As such, I'm not going to drag this on any further. This will be my last post in this thread for a while, or if I get enough of an indication that the third episode completely redeemed the series.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 01-12-2008 at 02:23 PM.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    This part was obviously Otoha, she said she did it the two different times in the first episode.

    Yeah I understand it was Otoha, but I'm more wondering why he can see again (for what reason), and more importantly the others' reaction

    I realize that this is only 12 episodes, so they do need to hurry with the plot. But I'm willing to wait this out a while longer to see. Hopefully they explain these events well.

  7. #27
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    There was massive screen time for the Takumi/Kohinata.
    I guess they really wanted to higlight their budding relation as it is a key to some major development later.
    As you said, they have no time to loose. If they choose to really put the stress on their relation-mostly being Takumi really pushing towards kohinata- that should be more than important.

    Why is there this monster thing? I thought that the bridge is well maintained... for a bridge leading to a monster.

    Why are Hayami's and Kagura's first names are so similar -Kohinata and Hinata (hinata meaning sunflower? I wonder what the "Ko" prefix adds)

    There's that house burning and Hinata turning on Kohinata.

    For Otoha, to me she isn't human or doesn't exist for anyone but Takumi.
    She is either a spirit or something related to the Monster... her being the
    balancing good. Or she is the link to a difficult time Takumi had.
    If she's a spirit, with some powers it seems, then maybe that would
    also explain why no one is making a fuss about him being able to see.
    Cheap explanation I know.

    I wonder where they are headed, but plot advancement is not only based on facts and elements. There are also relationships and feelings.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  8. #28
    Well I'm not dropping this one. Is to early to do that. everybody is complaining about his vision. You must remember that his lost of vision is emotional. He must overcome his psicologica problems to be abble to see. However, I still think there's something more misterious to it and I hope they dont ruin the serie by letting us know very late in the show.

  9. #29
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    There was massive screen time for the Takumi/Kohinata.

    Why are Hayami's and Kagura's first names are so similar -Kohinata and Hinata (hinata meaning sunflower? I wonder what the "Ko" prefix adds)

    Kohinata is Hayami's last name. Kohinata Haymi and Kagura Hinata. I would guess Kohi- is one character. Complete guess. Most likey wrong.

    As for the series, I'll stick to it for a while longer. I still want to find out what the Kohinata family did. I'm assuming it's now something Hayami did herself, by something similar to a family feud or such. Otoha said she was the wind spirit of time or something. Maybe that time aspect explains it. I bet they'll never realise it when he's back to blind neither.

  10. #30
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Kohinata is Hayami's last name. Kohinata Haymi and Kagura Hinata. I would guess Kohi- is one character. Complete guess. Most likey wrong.

    As for the series, I'll stick to it for a while longer. I still want to find out what the Kohinata family did. I'm assuming it's now something Hayami did herself, by something similar to a family feud or such. Otoha said she was the wind spirit of time or something. Maybe that time aspect explains it. I bet they'll never realise it when he's back to blind neither.
    Oh, I switched the name positions...
    Kohi as in black then... Well I wonder if it's worth scrutinizing this. It's fun at least

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, Hayami's hair is black, and Hinata's hair is a shade of yellow, but that's all I can come up with.

  12. #32
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 3 by m.3.3.w and BakaWolf. Lets see if it can win some fans back.

  13. #33
    That was an interesting episode. I still can't figure if he's blind or not. He says his illness is better, but he still has to use the speaking alarm clock in the beginning.

    And now we know some of why Hayami is disliked...status. They didn't want her and Hinata to become friends. Boy that sucks

  14. #34
    Wow Hinata is a little brain-washed bitch. Poor Hirose is just trying to be nice and she just bends over backwards trying to fuck things up for him.

    I refuse to believe even mountain villagers would be backwards enough burn down a house, , cast out a family, and completely ostracize a little girl just because she was friendly with the wrong person's daughter, but this is Japan so maybe it's not as weird there. But I think Hayami's family must have had something more that was wrong or unpopular about them which made Hinata associating with Kohinata that much more outrageous to the townsfolk.

    I felt like Hirose bringing up the sight thing really messed the show up too, he and everyone else seem to know he used to be blind and can now see, but no one marvels at all...maybe these mountain people are just that much more backwards then I had thought.

  15. #35
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Its confusing right now, but maybe they will elaborate later as to why and how he can see again, as in the actual specifics of the voodoo cast on him, and its effects on everyone.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I'll continue watching this. This episode was just pissing me off, and I had to fight against an urge to close the player in the middle of it. I particularly dislike the main character, which is not a good thing. I just can't figure out what he's thinking or trying to do, and why he sees even less with normal vision than when he was blind. And his goody-goody attitude isn't helping either, even if it's nothing new in anime in general, but at least in usual shows the goody-goody character is still somehow shounen strong. This dude is weaker than all of those brainless girls surrounding him, both mind and body.

  17. #37
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I'm not sure I'll continue watching this. This episode was just pissing me off, and I had to fight against an urge to close the player in the middle of it. I particularly dislike the main character, which is not a good thing. I just can't figure out what he's thinking or trying to do, and why he sees even less with normal vision than when he was blind. And his goody-goody attitude isn't helping either, even if it's nothing new in anime in general, but at least in usual shows the goody-goody character is still somehow shounen strong. This dude is weaker than all of those brainless girls surrounding him, both mind and body.
    I think he's just your usual guy trying to live in the community, being the least possible hypocrite, forced to close his eyes at times and weakly willing to improve things.
    Thats a very common way of reacting.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  18. #38
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    H20 OP Single. While the show has lost some of it's spark, I still find the OP quite catchy.

  19. #39
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    H2O ep 4 by BakaWolf/m.3.3.w Looks like a trip to the beach this episode.

  20. #40

    Now I truly understand what that word wrong.

    Anyway, cute ep, but once again the plot points from the previous episode are not addressed which is getting annoying, but it was still kindof fun i na more light hearted way.

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