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Thread: Rosario + Vampire

  1. #141
    Missing Nin
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    Still disappointing but less so then last week. They have officially given up on the manga plot entirely at this point and that was made fairly clear with the disaster that was last weeks episode.

    Essentially my issue with last weeks episode is it was really a turning point for this series that arc had a lot of important moments that were crucial to the manga plot. Up to that point most of what the glossed over could be forgiven and while they did change around some things and greatly enhance the fanservice they still could continue with the real plot and my hopes were with the introduction of Ruby they would do so.

    Instead the episode threw away the awesome ending of episode 9 and on top of that the episode was virtually unwatchable no matter who you were. If you read the manga it was a entire volume crammed into a episode where they skipped many important moments and on top of that made it 100% impossible to continue the manga plot. If on the other hand you were taking the series as a stand alone the episode still made no sense at all everything happened WAY to fast and it was like someone stuck a tape in your VCR and hit fastforward giving you a vague voice over on what was happening.

    Now we have this episode and I'm just confused. I mean they have shown 7 major enemies and this is episode 11 of 13? Well at least I use to think this was a short series but for them to finish this in 2 episodes seems completely impossible. I assume spider woman was 1 of the 7 enemies and that leaves 6 more so what 3 fights a episode? Or maybe everyone gets one enemy in 2 episodes?

  2. #142
    DDBen, if I recall correctly within the manga they didn't fight all of them, they duked it out with a different monster & put it in the news paper, that monster gave tribute to the school goons to get vengence which brought up the fight with the Spider woman who sucked the blood outta those she caught & the head guy. That course of action leads to a darker path for T... lol not gonna try spelling his name out from memory.

  3. #143
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyro411
    DDBen, if I recall correctly within the manga they didn't fight all of them, they duked it out with a different monster & put it in the news paper, that monster gave tribute to the school goons to get vengence which brought up the fight with the Spider woman who sucked the blood outta those she caught & the head guy. That course of action leads to a darker path for T... lol not gonna try spelling his name out from memory.
    Would this be classed as spoiling? lol.

  4. #144
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm still pissed they cut out the character development chapter for Kurumu, thus making fanservice her sole purpose for being in the series. Shirayuki, Ruby, and Yukari all got their own development beyond their introductory episodes, but Kurumu gets nothing, and given how that scenario played out, there's no way to ever go back to it having already had both the Ruby arc and this episode.

    They took a character who is admittedly a little more shallow than the others, but kept her that way instead of doing anything useful with her.

    It's a shame, as she's my favorite right after Dark Moka.

    I highly doubt there will be a sequel, given how poorly the series is being done. Which is too bad because all the good storylines and developments start after this arc.

  5. #145
    erk sorry bout that Buffalobiian was tired when I wrote that. it'd be a spoiler for the manga ya but the anime seems not to have followed it at all other then for faces and a few guide posts.

    but if it turns out to be a spoiler for the next season I'll give someone my addy to punch me in the back of the head for retribution.

    well back off to packing for the move. Hopefully the next episode shows a good fight.

    Rhyllharu I'm hoping for a 2nd season, with any luck there'll be a 2nd season & we'll see more come from the anime that should be coming from a Vampire Flick
    Last edited by Pyro411; Sat, 03-22-2008 at 09:52 AM.

  6. #146
    Was it just the characters face, or was spiderwoman drawn really poorly right up until her transformation?

    Or maybe it was just me... *considers the manga instead at this point*

  7. #147
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pyro411
    erk sorry bout that Buffalobiian was tired when I wrote that. it'd be a spoiler for the manga ya but the anime seems not to have followed it at all other then for faces and a few guide posts.

    but if it turns out to be a spoiler for the next season I'll give someone my addy to punch me in the back of the head for retribution.

    well back off to packing for the move. Hopefully the next episode shows a good fight.

    Rhyllharu I'm hoping for a 2nd season, with any luck there'll be a 2nd season & we'll see more come from the anime that should be coming from a Vampire Flick
    Don't worry, I don't think spoiling will do much at this point. Good to know that the manga at least isn't as disappointing, so I'll have something to fall back on if I ever want to find out more. I really don't mind whether they come out with another season 2 or not, but whether I'll watch it depends on how they end this one I guess. I doubt DVD sales will go well though.

  8. #148
    Missing Nin
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    Apparently they decided to start subbing faster

    Episode 12

    edit: Doh miss numbered it.
    Last edited by DDBen; Sun, 03-23-2008 at 11:21 PM.

  9. #149
    It's actually episode 12.

    2 episodes left. This series is epic fail.

  10. #150
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    I haven't seen episode 12 yet but I have to agree...the series really had alot of potential from the beginning. And Kurumu has always been my favorite in the show. A shame they didn't stick with the manga. I'll finish this up anyway, came this far, might as well go all the way. But R+V is definetly not on par with Gundam 00 or Spicy Wolf.
    This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!

  11. #151
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NM
    I haven't seen episode 12 yet but I have to agree...the series really had alot of potential from the beginning. And Kurumu has always been my favorite in the show. A shame they didn't stick with the manga. I'll finish this up anyway, came this far, might as well go all the way. But R+V is definetly not on par with Gundam 00 or Spicy Wolf.
    Ep 12 is a bit better honestly. You are about to find out
    Let's hope this goes on to the end of the season and if we get a second one, they get consistent in having better quality arcs.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #152
    Missing Nin
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    The first half of this episode was pretty terrible animation wise. Then they kind of brought it back on track and I can see where they are trying to go at this point. The ending should be fine but the overall series still lacks. A big issue about trying to compare this to the manga at all is nothing is remotely in order so its very easy to be confused where you are I was confusing these guys with a later group. Of course that has to do with how they used and butchered arcs and events that should have taken place in a completely different order. I can also see what they would use for at least the start of a second much more serious season.

    I'm not happy with what they did to this but I'll finish it despite my regular complaints. Given I still feel they are all well founded and am not found of the fact they made this relatively plotless fanservice but whats done is done.

  13. #153
    I'll agree, this episode was much better then some of the mindless fanservice and if they finish the season with this Arc I believe it's a total of 5 volumes of Manga they blew through - sorry I don't have the manga infront of me right now, lol it's half hr away at my new place.

    I will say this route they took is different then the --omitted till I remember the spoiler tag code--

    For those of you who are disappointed in this series & haven't read the manga, I'd suggest you read it soon 8 Volumes plus a few chapters of Volume 9 have been scanlated so far..

  14. #154
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    #F1F1F1 <-- the color of the background. Gotwoot unfortunately has no spoiler tags, but it is kept that way for all the right reasons and to discourage the practice in general.

    Well, Shirayuki stalking the stalkers made me smile.

  15. #155
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, it's never too late to turn a series around. Better 2 eps than never. I've been spoiled into knowing something about Tsukune, the convicted human, so that's making me anxious to see if it'll show up in here. I wonder if the main police guy's a vampire too.

  16. #156
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    He can use fire, so I'd guess that he was something else. Maybe a generic demon or perhaps some obscure Japanese spirit I'm not so familiar with. Maybe a Nue (Japanese chimera) or maybe some form of Oni?

    He's got those Japanese eyebrows you usually only see on Princesses in Samurai period movies, so I'm going to guess the latter.

  17. #157
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm beginning to think it might be better if this thing didn't continue with a second season. With all the deviations from the manga (as has been mentioned) and generally only emphasizing secondary things (like boobs and pantsu), this is such a sad excuse for an adaptation of a decent manga that it could be better buried for good. Honestly, before these last eps the plots of the arc were somewhat irrelevant in the bigger picture, aside from introducting the heroes, but I don't think they can suddenly change their stupid approach and make it a good series in the second season (nor is it going to happen in these final eps).

    I'll have to agree with BoC. Too bad. Fortunately the manga continues exciting, though.

  18. #158
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The series (finally) ends:

    Episode 13 Final h264 - Ayako-BakaWolf
    Episode 13 Final xvid - Ayako-BakaWolf

    - - - - - - - - -

    I'm at a loss for appropriate words here. I mean, even in the manga the beginning of the story was pretty much "a monster of the week" kind of stuff and introducting the characters. But then eventually something tremendous and very very cool happened, and while you basically knew it was supposed to happen, it was still executed in an exquisite manner. And that is of course Tsukune's first awakening. And it was bloody nothing like what happened in this ultimate piece of shit sorry excuse for an anime. I really hope Gonzo paid good money to the manga author for the rights to rape this series and especially rape and mutilate beyond recognition the coolest moment the manga had in this final anime episode. Seriously, this is the first series I watched and am now thinking of not archiving at all. And I even watched and archived series like Soul Link so I do have some perspective.

    I seriously hope they won't make a second season. Unless they need to pay more money to the manga author.

  19. #159
    Missing Nin
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    I can't agree more with Kraco about this one I mean my god that was a trainwreck.

    Given episode 10 was still likely the single worst episode this one came in a close second and with a ending like that made a real run for the title. I'm also with you on deleting this pile of trash instead of archiving it. That depends on if the size of the series makes decent filler space wise on a DVD I'm burning anyway though.

    All I can say from this series is read the manga people its just WAY better its not even comparable at this point.

    I really feel like all I'm doing is bitching about series ends this season but man have they been bad almost across the board this time.

  20. #160
    Kraco, I agree I'd rather get bent over at the gas pump & fill a suburban then watch this series again. All it has is fanservice/pantsu oh & a loli :S ehh I guess that's what I get for hoping for a good manga translation to anime.

    hmm 13 episodes covering 3 to 5 volumes of content "trying to remember, don't have the manga infront of me right now"

    Kraco, I'm gonna disagree on 1 thing... I hope there's a 2nd season BUT it has to be done by someone else, and they have to release OVAs to re-tell everything up through the Ruby Arc. but... if they do release more episodes/ovas/movies/whatever & they screw it up this badly again I will swim to japan & shove my shoe up someone's butt then lecture them how they've destroyed a semi decent manga story.

    Well I'm back off to work and hope the next anime lineup doesn't have stinkers as bad as this was.

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