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Thread: Rosario + Vampire

  1. #41
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I cant say I agree with the people that like this series. It seems too poorly done. The premise may be a tad different (well not really) but the setting and characters are way too sterotypical. It is true that many series like this are out there, but they dont take themselves nearly as seriously as this one. The mixture of comedy and action in this show just doesnt blend right. I havent read the manga, so maybe it is the adaptation that caused this to turn out so bad.
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  2. #42
    shinta|hikari I really think it's just the adaptation that's ticking people off. If you look at the show for what it is with no knowledge of the manga it appears to be another normal guy with a magical harem story so far, nothing new, but it's doing a good job at hitting all the staples of its genre. As long as one doesn't mind watching an old story with new characters they'll probably like this. If not, then you'd think people would criticize it for being derivative.

    However, much of the negative commentary I've read both here and elsewhere seems to bring up the differences between the tone of the show and the tone of the manga as evidence that the show is bad. Not being a manga-reader and being a fan of archetypal shows of the magical girl harem type, this show seems to be shaping up to to be a pretty entertaining instance of that genre. Whatever may happen in the manga doesn't really factor in for me because after two eps I'm not looking for any serious action or plot developments, I'm looking for Monster of the Week + Relationship Hurdle of the week with a slight chance of hidden past relationships, pantsu, and maybe some sappy drama mixed in.

  3. #43
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I can actually tolerate that formula as well, and I have watched practically all anime (yes all) shows with that formula. Its a bad habit of mine (finishing what I started, regardless of quality). Even with that standard, I cant say RxV is any good. It may be ranked mediocre to bad for me, simply because (aside from the white haired Moka) everything is just poorly done, which includes the transformation scenes, abruptness of the relationship of the two main characters, lack of tsundere, and many more. Still, its not bad enough to stop watching, at least for me, and probably for many others. I guess Im just stupefied as to how the manga got such a high rating while this show bombs this much.
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  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    There's nothing aside from the white haired Moka. Or should be.

    Episode 3 h264 - Ayako-BakaWolf
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  5. #45
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hmm, m.3.3.w says it's an upscale. Has it always been an upscale?

  6. #46
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hard to say. There are HD raws from different sources. Could they all be upscales? I have no idea. Maybe I should try to look at the picture quality more closely, but that's hard due to all the pantsu...

    Edit: What on earth are they doing to this story, for heaven's sake? I know I was lenient and understanding in my previous posts but during this third episode I'm beginning to really agree with shinta|hikari. Not only do some parts (many) look very cheap, like characters standing still for long times or waving around stiffly like some paper dolls but why on earth do they keep repeating the henshin scenes? Even in actual mahou shoujo shows, well at least in the respectable ones (not counting those for little kids), they are only shown for a few times, in the beginning and then prior to important events or after power ups and such. But here we have it every bloody time.

    I don't honestly understand how they are going to even manage to tell the story at all. It's rare that I've read the manga of an anime I'm watching and many people here probably have experienced something like this often, but I'm baffled. Grim action, decisions, and characters play quite a role not much later in the plot, and here were are watching witless ecchi, henshins, and cheap comedy. Had I drunk any of my sake before watching this I'd be weeping right now.
    Last edited by Kraco; Sun, 01-20-2008 at 07:17 PM.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Hmm, m.3.3.w says it's an upscale. Has it always been an upscale?
    It's very possible that it's an upscale. You can generally tell from the thickness and crispness of the edges. Hayate no Gotoku is an example of a true HD source, whereas H2O is a very shitty upscale.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    why on earth do they keep repeating the henshin scenes? Even in actual mahou shoujo shows, well at least in the respectable ones (not counting those for little kids), they are only shown for a few times, in the beginning and then prior to important events or after power ups and such. But here we have it every bloody time.
    I dunno, I'm kinda liking the anime. But then again, like the others, I really like the archetypal anime, and will watch almost anything.

    As for repeating the henshin scene (or transformation scene for those that don't know the lingo), we're 3 episodes into the anime... It might be that they think they're drawing in viewers for the first 5 episodes or so, and so need to show it for what might the viewers first time, and then after that, drop the transformation sequence. Or it could also be that this is trying to be a moderately ecchi anime, and the henshin scene has some ecchi components, so they're showing that to get some bonus "ecchi'ness" in.

  9. #49
    I don't see them using the henshin for half the anime. I can't say for certain of course, but to me this anime is kinda like Green Green and thus I think it will end after 12 or 13 eps since the story isn't really laying out any big questions or things to be achieved.

    Other than that, I think this ep sucked balls. I knew that little kid was gonna bring trouble from the first time I saw her on And not to my surprise, I hate her and she made this episode suck balls. I hope we see as little of her as possible in the future eps.

  10. #50
    for those of you that have read the manga, is it worth checking out?

  11. #51
    I've only read maybe 9 or 10 chapters, but it's kinda generic imo. Meet a new enemy/new member every chapter, recruit/defeat them and have random ecchi scenes here and there.

  12. #52
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I've read all the scanlated manga and it's one of the best mangas I'm reading currently. It seems quite generic especially in the beginning but that lessens somewhat afterwards (though not entirely), and it gets really good. While it doesn't ever get dead serious as such, it's a lot more serious and dark than this anime.

    Of course, I'm a huge vampire fan, so take my evaluation with a grain of salt.

  13. #53
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I wish Dark-Moka was as badass as Good-Moka is naïve, clueless and nice.

    Somehow what they've been showing from Dark-Moka let us think she's quite balanced.
    She warned good-moka when Tsukune was in great trouble through the rosario.
    She's there to deafeat vilains when the situation becomes dangerous.

    Her only badass lines were those when she thought of stripping wings and tail from the succubus

    Yay, more Dark-Moka deep action please!

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  14. #54
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Moka is a kind of peculiar character. Since her true identity is a vampire, that is, without the rosario, which is an artificial element, the Dark-Moka is the true form. And true personality as well. The rosario apparently not only seals her powers, or most of them, it's hard to say, but also a good portion of her personality, leaving behind that airheaded construction. I wonder just how fake Good-Moka is. Or could she be what the pre-rosario Moka would have wanted to become without some obviously tough past (that made Dark-Moka such an outwardly cold, badass kickboxer).

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Man they are skipping manga chapters here. I doubt that they are gonna show those. The past chapters of the Manga recently have been kickass thats for sure but I am hoping that they can bring out the same effect the manga had with this anime. And since the "biting" has changed into a kiss, I doubt it would have the same effect >.<;

    Anyway I keep on praying it will become alot cooler next time.

  16. #56
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Thats it. This anime is dropped for me. Knowing that the manga does real bites instead of that fucking kiss thing that doesnt even draw blood makes me regret even trying this anime out instead of reading the manga from the beginning.
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  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Give it a break. I could understand if it was cutting out massive amounts of quality content (I'm glad to say good riddance to the monster-of-the-week chapters), but the fact that they go with an implied bite instead of showing it?

    It's not like they have no reason to show it. They have shown blood. His back was sliced wide open in just the last episode. It's not censorship here. (Not to mention all the ecchi shots throughout).

    Aside from one of the very first bitings in the first episode, most of Moka's sucking is reserved for the end of the episode, they even rework episodes to put it there. Always with the ever present "To Be Continued..."

    It's being used as a stylized visual cue. Many episodic content series like R+V use them. Jigoku Shoujo had them, as did Lucky Star (in the form of the Lucky Channel sign dropping over the screen), and many others in the past.

    There are plenty of legitimate reasons to drop this series (weak plot, too much ecchi, irritating characters, etc). I used two of those to vehemently criticize H20. Dropping it because they don't actually show Moka sucking on his neck is weak at best.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Thats it. This anime is dropped for me. Knowing that the manga does real bites instead of that fucking kiss thing that doesnt even draw blood makes me regret even trying this anime out instead of reading the manga from the beginning.
    Of all the things to complain about...

  19. #59
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Me, I'm dropping the series because:

    1. Story is no good.
    2. Animation is mediocre.
    3. Characters are somewhat annoying.
    4. Too much ecchi. I don't mind little or some, but this is too much.

    If the series gets any better, I'll probably pick it up again.

  20. #60
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll and animus - You guys must not understand the beauty of vampire shows.

    It is the bite, the darkness in the transfer of blood, the atmosphere it projects, and what it implies that makes a vampire show good. Ive hated that fake bite thing since I saw it, since the vampire concept has been practically liquidated. I mean, Moka can be a freaking ghost that needs life energy or some kissing demon (which she is) with this presentation. If you read blood alone, or love vampire shows like me, you should know what Im talking about.

    Its true that it does not take away much from the "show" itself. but it totally ruins it as a "vampire show". And that is why I am dropping it for such a reason.

    EDIT: BTW, Im assuming that the manga doesnt just use the bite as a presentation device like in the anime, but actually has some plot and character relevance.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Fri, 01-25-2008 at 07:59 AM.
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