So I just went and saw this movie. I'd been looking forward to it, since I heard alot and it got some good reviews and all that.

Let me just say, I like slow movies. I like movies driven by realism and with characters that you can relate to. I like movies that have a message, but don't beat you over the head with it.

The movie was excellently made. I'm sure people will scream about it being slow or something like that, but, then again, it's likely these are the same people who think Transformers is the epitome of action cinema... It is a slow movie, but it's because it takes care of the details (those that it chooses to show...more on that in a bit...). It's shot wonderfully.

It's got some excellent acting in it (although I thought Tommy Lee Jones did rush a bit in some of his scenes towards the end... expected better from him). You feel like these characters are people you'd expect to see out there in the real world. The only one who is too surreal is the main character, but even he has some moments of normalcy that really bring the character into perspective.

It ends abruptly, and let's just say without some closure... Most my friends were complaining, about the ending and the lack of action in some segments. Most of these guys aren't excatly movie buffs. Hell, it surprised me that they wanted to see something like this instead of I AM LEGEND.

But I turn to one of my friends who is a quiet guy and say, "You know, this movie might not satisfy people. Hell, you know, it's not even going to entertain half the under 25 population that watches it. But, one thing that you can't take away from it is that it feels real. I mean, if anything like that setup took place in real life, it'd probably play out just like the movie does. You don't see that in movies. You're waiting for a big showdown, or some wizz-bang twist, or some other absolutely unbelievable movie staple. But life isn't like that."

and one of my friends who overhears shouts, "Yeah, but you don't pay fucking ten dollars to watch real life!"

It loses serious points for cutting out some scenes towards the end that you really, really, really feel like they should have included. A movie that is so thorough and gives seemingly random things screentime shouldn't just neglect pivotal moments like that...

When was the last time I watched a film that had no soundtrack?

The ending... leaves you feeling a bit unsatisfied. It's a plot driven story, but I'm pretty sure the main purpose of this film is to make an impression on viewers, even if it doesn't entertain them. I did think it should have ended better. Not differently... but, well, I dunno...

anyone else see this one?

Masa gives it a 7. It's a gritty and grinding movie that doesn't flinch. Excellent use of cinematography and sound effects. The acting is superb. Characters are a bit stereotypical, but have enough edge to them to make you care about them. The pacing is too slow at times, and some scenes that serve a 'message' purpose aren't incorporated into the story well enough. It loses a full point for omitting a critical scene and then being slightly confusing in another very important one.