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Thread: Macross Frontier

  1. #141
    Considering that in the original Macross singing literally saved humanity from destruction I doubt that it is not going to play some major role in this series as well. I think singing is to the Macross franchise what giant space colonies or discovering that the side you were fighting for during the first half of the series isn't as sweet and noble as you thought are to the Gundam franchise.

    Just look at the scene around 19:15-19:35, Sheryl and Ranka's song managed to instantaneously travel across several light years so that Alto could hear it through an earring, and then it had a paralyzing affect on the alien attacking him allowing him to kill it and save Luca.

  2. #142
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Pure Win. All I could have asked is for it to air in true HD but meh, kick ass ep.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    One more thing to like about this episode. Captain Glass abusing his own daughter on the command deck for being a bossy, regular military know-it-all. He got her to puke, how sweet.
    Woah, I didn't know that Captain was the girl's dad.

    Has anyone been downloading Aone's subs? Just interested in seeing how well pic quality is comparing Aone/Gattai/Shinsen&gg. I already know Aone wins at sub quality, so no comparing that.

    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    That scene with Ranka and Sheryl in front of a galaxy-background was just a symbolism. There´s no actual connection as far as i got it. They simply sang at the same time, that´s it.
    At 13:50, after Sheryl speaks her announcement, she goes silent, while Ranka looks at her and gets her message. Sure the galaxy thing was probably symbolic, but the actual communication seemed real. Ranka understood it, but hesitated, and Sheryl then retold her to sing along.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimaru
    The Sheryl Ranka connection opens new doors as does the oddly human looking guy with his oddly VF looking mech. Was he on the side of the Vajra and booked it when they were cooked or is there a third party? I don't think we'll be finding out next week.
    I'd say third party. He started off outside the mothership, and zipped it's way in during the battle, which Michel saw as pink flashes at 15:22. It sort of looked it, but I don't think it was responsible for the missiles that forced Alto to strip it's armour, since they looked Vajraen.

    The carcasses which Alto first suggested as cannabalism were actually shot up by the pink aircraft, with still smoking bullet holes evident around the corridors. Exactly what it was doing watching over them and shooting Alto's weapon is beyond my understanding though.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 05-21-2008 at 03:36 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #143
    At this rate, MF is going to earn it's place in Series in Fuego

    Side Note : I've just noticed that Klan is voiced by the same person that voice Revy (Black Lagoon). Increased Badassness for our blue haired fighter.

  4. #144
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    At this rate, MF is going to earn it's place in Series in Fuego

    Side Note : I've just noticed that Klan is voiced by the same person that voice Revy (Black Lagoon). Increased Badassness for our blue haired fighter.
    And Michel is voiced by the same VA as Zetsubo Sensei... which I find interresting. I think it's the first time I was clearly able to tell.

    Regarding the locker scene, I love it!
    It's erotic, sensual, and not underage for once... which is a great plus. With such a scene, we're at the limit of the ecchi...
    Oh and the gigantic panty scene was fun too. It's sure that when you have an idea, a gigantic panty is the best place to write it down...

    The only trouble I have with the zentradi is that they would normaly cause multiple problems:
    Why can they exist in the first place? the human body can't be scaled that way, many unsolvable problems arise when you try to do so. Even some tricks from other know species can't apply... But who cares this is an anime.

    Huge body means huge needs. Water, food, cloth etc... the toll would be quite high for a closed system. But you could always say that the system was calculated with that in mind. Yet, micronised zentradi should be the norm because it's always easier to scale such a system with reduced needs.

    Isn't it dangerous to live around people that can crush you if they are careless, drunk, or just stumble and fall on someone? Because you can tell they weigh a lot from the pounding sounds they make when they walk. They seem to be 10 times taller than humans, that would mean 1,000 times heavier. Scary isn't it? But interresting

    Now the 400m Robot. Wow, and that thing moves easily and fast.
    I know there's no gravity in space, yet intertia works. So that would be impressive.
    Another matter is more around responsability.
    I mean, one pilot who fights with hundreds of people aboard his mech: now that's responsability. Try to imagine a fighting Boeing 777 or Airbus A380 packed with people...

    Overall this is fun and interresting to watch, worth every second of entertaining.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  5. #145
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I was quite surprised too that that one guy was in charge of steerring/piloting AND steering. Normally a job like this would be split across the entire bridge.

    What were the second fleet from Frontier doing though. They were the regular military, no? I just thought they looked kinda laid back, doing the info gathering that the SMS were supposed to do. They also gave us some shots of the heavily modified guy who seemed very interested in the Vajra. If he doesn't play a bad guy in the series, I'm guessing he'll be something of a chaotic good.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #146
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    This was awesome!, really... pure eye-candy and for some reason the scene in the vajra-mother ship reminded me of starcraft... it looked like a Space Marine fighting some zerglings.

    I don't have to Mention that the mothership itself was way beyond cool... I don't want to say it again but "*FREESPACE! incommiiiiiiing*". I'd like to see a spaceship ,similiar to the Colossus, to appear in Macross Frontier, that would be amazing ^^

    And that modified guy with the "green crystal eye" or whatever, reminded me of that guy from the game Supreme Commander... he looked fairly similiar, if not the same.

    But I missed some regularl military fighting there... I saw a few other S.M.S. planes shortly before the carrier transformed into a robot, but no regular-non-transformable-planes ( the normal one does look much cooler than the robot type)

    When skull 1 told Alto to stay back as much as possible and Alto complained you could see another 2 or 3 squads in the background, too bad we don't get to see some action from them sometimes they appear in the mess in the background, but nearly impossible to spot them while reading the subs

    I like it more when they show some grunts or side characters fighting now and then
    The same goes for the Zentradi squaid

    btw the 2 planes leaving with that red-type... that were those AI-controled planes from Luca, right? (and why did the camera focus on this weird "thing" on Luca's arm when he was shown captured by the vajra? what was that?)

    and one question.. the ending theme this time was different right? I can't check because my hard disk is fucked up and I had to reinstall everything and didn't get the older episodes back yet...

    It's the best song in macross frontier so far in my opinion and it fits so perfectly with that plane flying through hyperspace... flying through space with that music in the background is a dream of mine :P

    one last thing to the ending them. Is there no translation for the word "ruurerureiaa" ? what kind of noice is that? something like "la-la-la"? and the words after that? is this some weird language nobody knows about?

    @ buffalo

    could that red-plane guy be from Macross Galaxy?

    he looks like a normal human being, with modifications however... and has some kind of ultra-high-tech-fighting plane (judged on its movement)
    and the Base-Ship from Galaxy was also painted in a similiar colour.

    And if we take into consideration that macross galaxy is a high-technology colony it is possible that he wanted to gain some information about the vajra... maybe he wanted to watch him getting consumed by them.. for some weird new technology

    And that heavily modified guy was playing with his ring... I'm not sure but could this have been some kind of signal to the pilot? I bet he has some implants like sheryls manager.. and when he played with it, it made a "click" noise and not only that, it blinked! At first I thought it was a shiny jewel but now... after rewatching it, the *blink* could also have come from the inside of that stone
    Well who is that guy anyways? I thought implants and modifying is illegal in Frontier, so he might be from Galaxy too.

    And That guy in the red-plane...he knows the same song as Ranka... with that weird language in it... Zentradi? whatever it is, he knows it and can understand it.
    Here again, I can't check where she got that song from... because I don't have the older eps anymore... someone help here if there is something worthy to know? Maybe she said something like "my brother always sung this song to me" or so... and that red-guy is actually her REAL brother or something like that

    I remember that she said something about that song. when she was sitting near that stone.
    edit. Ha found it... "I don't remember anything from my childhood... only this song"

    so I guess, he has to do something with ranka! Thats actually very interesting, wouldn't have thought that such a connection would exist here! Now that I think about it.... his hair is really weird (like ranka's) and I don't believe they made him play this song just because it fits there... it has to mean something!
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 05-21-2008 at 11:16 AM.

  7. #147
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    ya know speaking of the guy in the purple vf reminds me of the macross saga with the tanks (cant remember name)

    as i recall in that series the bad guys had these mechs and later it was discovered that they were not controled via flight sticks and what not but through direct mind link or something. it was also explained that this allowed them to move all life like (not that vf move around like slugs mind you)

    also in macross plus the vf 21 that Gould (was that his name?) flew was controled buy linking with his brain or whatever if i remember. i wonder if the purple VF is the same set up i mean in the scene with alto watching skull 1 bouncing all around he was pulling some crazzy moves there. but later on the guy in the purple VF looked like he was spazzing out in his plane and at the end when hes sitting there in the cockpit it does not resemble a traditional set up hell he didn't even have on a helmet?
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  8. #148
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    The only trouble I have with the zentradi is that they would normaly cause multiple problems:
    Why can they exist in the first place? the human body can't be scaled that way, many unsolvable problems arise when you try to do so. Even some tricks from other know species can't apply... But who cares this is an anime.

    Huge body means huge needs. Water, food, cloth etc... the toll would be quite high for a closed system. But you could always say that the system was calculated with that in mind. Yet, micronised zentradi should be the norm because it's always easier to scale such a system with reduced needs.

    Isn't it dangerous to live around people that can crush you if they are careless, drunk, or just stumble and fall on someone? Because you can tell they weigh a lot from the pounding sounds they make when they walk. They seem to be 10 times taller than humans, that would mean 1,000 times heavier. Scary isn't it? But interresting
    Why do the Zentradi exist in the first place?
    They were a race manufactured by the Protoculture, the first civilization in the galaxy, and one that felt it should should perhaps be the only civilization in the galaxy. The are not humans (just "genetically equivalent" to allow for interbreeding in subsequent series). It's easier to think of Zentradi and humans as different "breeds," much like dogs. There are really tiny dogs, and really large dogs, and everyone one of them can breed with any of the others. Same thing...kinda.

    Huge body means huge needs.

    They seem to have that under control. It seemed like the section of the Frontier fleet that Alto took Sheryl to was mostly reserved for the Zentradi. They had their own farmers working on their own fields. It should be fairly clear that there are dramatically less Zentradi in the fleet than humans. Half-breeds, yes, but not too many pure bloods. There was a lot of open space on the ship they went to, and it should follow with the presence of the mall, that most of the Zentradi live on that ship.

    Now, Sheryl mentioned there aren't many (if any) Zentradi in the Galaxy Fleet where she comes from. She mentioned that Galaxy is a closed system, and while constantly upgrading, is way behind the Frontier Fleet. Such a system was not designed to care for a lot of Zentradi, and so it doesn't.

    Connecting with the first question, don't forget that a huge body that has huge needs also provides a lot of benefits. Heavy labor, lifting, and large scale construction (very useful in space fleets) is child's play to a Macro sized Zentradi. Humans would require huge cranes, whereas the other side is just the space and cost of food for a average Zentradi male or even a female. The hippo-cow was lifted like it was a cat, something that would be nearly impossible for a human (huge animal, not to mention in deep water).

    Isn't it dangerous to live around people that can crush you if they are careless, drunk, or just stumble and fall on someone?

    Like I mentioned in the paragraph above, they seem to have that under control. In the mall, there were segregated sections. Some walkways were much smaller, and the stores would accommodate humans or Micloned Zentradi, while the main stretch of the mall catered more to full-sized Zentradi.

    On the main ship, we hadn't seen any full-sized Zentradi. That city and ship is geared more towards human-sized citizens. The Frontier Fleet worked it out. Zentradi have a place where they can be themselves, humans aren't excluded, and since they are able to Miclone themselves down to human size, there's nothing stopping the Zentradi from visiting and enjoying the rest of the Fleet.

    It wouldn't be all that different if the Zentradi were human-sized fish people, for instance. Sections of the fleet would cater to each group, and for whichever group it was more numerous , the main sections would allow for plenty of intermingling, by making things convenient for both. Zentradi just have the advantage of not needing that with the micloning process. But they'd still want a place to be themselves.

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoBear
    also in macross plus the vf 21 that Gould (was that his name?) flew was controled buy linking with his brain or whatever if i remember. i wonder if the purple VF is the same set up i mean in the scene with alto watching skull 1 bouncing all around he was pulling some crazzy moves there. but later on the guy in the purple VF looked like he was spazzing out in his plane and at the end when hes sitting there in the cockpit it does not resemble a traditional set up hell he didn't even have on a helmet?
    Yep, Guld Goa Bowman.

    It's very possible that the YF-21 prototype plans were used somewhere else. It was two companies building the YF-21 and the YF-19. The YF-19 became the VF-19 Valkyries that were used in Macross 7. The company developing the YF-21 may have just taken their plans off to wherever this guy is from.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 05-21-2008 at 04:23 PM.

  9. #149
    Imagine having Klan as your girlfriend. You'd never be unsatisfied with those boobs when she's giant sized.

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Imagine having Klan as your girlfriend. You'd never be unsatisfied with those boobs when she's giant sized.
    You, kind sir, just won any argument about Klan or Zentradis.

  11. #151
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    Imagine having Klan as your girlfriend. You'd never be unsatisfied with those boobs when she's giant sized.
    Quote Originally Posted by Inazuma
    You, kind sir, just won any argument about Klan or Zentradis.
    Boobs aren't all there is to sexuality. But I can't go in futher details as this is not the place.

    @ Ryllharu

    Nice other view on pros/cons.
    We only need to know what's the energy requirements for micronisation/demicronisation. I guess that Entropy aside, they can come up with the idea that the loss is fairly small every two transformation. So maybe they can optimise things so that to keep low needs.

    In fact I realised the potential dangers when that zentradi stoop up with the cow underarm, and when sheryl was in a giant shoe... (please don't try that shoe, you giant hag!!!)

    I'll finish that here, unless they specifically point at things in the show. But I was interrested in Giants ever since I was little and first read the poem "The Giantess" by Charles Baudelaire.

    here it is:

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  12. #152
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Holy shit, these guys are on fire.

    Macross Frontier - 08 gg Fansubs

    The file's not upscaled right? The file size can be half way between the two.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 05-23-2008 at 10:01 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #153
    Lol, more Sheryl awesomeness. I don't know why she seems so awesome when she's not all that different from so many other diva types, but I just love her antics and personality.

    I kind of feel bad for the way she inadvertantly takes away pretty much everything Ranka desires but I find it hilarious that they mange to make it so she really takes away EVERYTHING Ranka desires in some way or another.

  14. #154
    The animation was all over the place.

    More slice of life I guess is always nice.

  15. #155
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yup, the animation was terrible in this episode, as if they ran out of money in the last one.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #156
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Lol, more Sheryl awesomeness. I don't know why she seems so awesome when she's not all that different from so many other diva types, but I just love her antics and personality.
    I think it is because Sheryl ends up being so earnest about everything. When we initially saw her, she complains about the flight, quickly snaps to being lovely for the cameras, then turns bitch again at the concert (complaining about them letting school kids backstage, and then complaining that she "Wasn't done" when the alarms went off).

    But then later at the mall, we see how serious she really is about all this. She sings because she "has to." That changes our perspective on her a bit. She was complaining, but there's no way she'd let that show in her public appearance. Her fans have an expectation, and like she said to Grace, "Who do you think I am?" and livens up immediately before the doors open. As for the concert, she was worried about the presence of schoolkids backstage disrupting the set up, but it was pre-show, so we all had to expect her to be a bitch.

    When Alto crashes into her, instead of making any kind of fuss, she immediately ad libs the whole stage number, and it turns out fine. Alto (coming from the entertainment stage himself) is thoroughly impressed. Then at the end, what could once have been viewed as egotistical, after the mall scenes, we view it as her being infuriated that her concert was cut short. She loves to sing, and loves being able to do it for others even more.

    The reason Sheryl is so likable is because her image is starting to blur. Yes, she's still fickle and kind of a bitch. But she really only messes with Alto. In front of everyone else, she tries to maintain her image, though in this episode, that is obviously beginning to slip.

    She's earnest and open with her feelings, unlike Ranka, Nanase (for Mikael?), and Cathy (for Ozma and that other a-hole, Leon). She holds nothing in reserve and holds nothing back.

    I did really like the part where Cathy gets all embarrassed about trying to set up a date with her superior while Ozma (her ex) is in the room and getting all nervous and flustered. Then she immediately checks for any wrinkles. Once a contestant for Miss Macross, always a contestant for Miss Macross.

  17. #157
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Watching gg's release in full screen wasn't that bad at all. Can those extra pixels really make such a difference?

    I think by now we all get the picture that Leon is up to no good, besides being an asshole. The green-eyed guy's probably with him. Whether the pilot of the red suit was the watchman he sent is another thing, since they don't usually expose themselves like that.

    I forgot the source, but I found the model number of the red suit:


    Suit number:VF-27(/spoiler)

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #158
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    well if its a VF i think it would make sense its so like the VF-21 the look and the way it seems to be controled. i wonder if Leon knows about it or if theres some (super secret SMS) type unit that operates under his controle there are still a few people who have been shown that we know nothing about, and we also still have no clear idea of whats really controling the Vajara.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  19. #159
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    funny episode,the pantsu-chase was cool ^^ Sheryls face @ 17:20 is pure awesome

    too bad that I have to wait another week (or even more) until I get to know why that guy in the red suit knows Ranka's song :/

    and where did this green-critter come from? I thought it was Ranka's mobile telephone at first and when she spotted it I though she'd say "Hey, you will become my new Nokia 3d35e" (that thing is damn cute btw :P)

    Btw the animation quality differs every minute... one time, its nice... then a few seconds later they draw faces which look extremely ugly and weird.

    I'm amazed @ how fast Sheryl wasa able to control "samson" (poor samson btw)... maybe she will be Altos Co-pilot or something, that would be cool

    Next episode sounds interesting too.

  20. #160
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Macross Frontier 8 by Gattai for the HD addicted

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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