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Thread: Macross Frontier

  1. #61
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    uhm i have not watched all the macross series (is there a story anyways? for me Macross looks so random), but Robotech is based on it, so it shouldn't stray far away. Its another story but its pretty much like Macross Frontier in my opinion

    It reminded me of the game Freespace. (at least the fighting scenes )

  2. #62
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    Just a simple question. When does the weekly episode of Macross Frontier come out?
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Quit asking dumb questions that can be answered with a quick trip to ANN.

    Anyone seen Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles? Does it stray very far from what's happening in the Macross series?

    edit: Just watched it, has nothing to do with anything beyond expanding on the end of the Invid series and what possibly happens next. See that, Chodie? I took care of it myself, instead of relying on others, ya lazy sack.
    Funnily enough, ANN doesn't have that info. Neither does AniDB and whole bunch of other sites. I think it'll be 26 plus, judging from the length of previous series.(Macross 7 was 49 while Macross was 36)

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #63
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This site does. Nor is it very hard to find. And I personally have listed it many times in this forum.

    EDIT: As for the subs, that depends entirely on the group doing it, and as always, their personal lives will supersede the subbing process.

    I know we haven't been given too much to talk about, but staying more on topic might be nice.

    For example:
    What was with the guy sexing up the female military officer that Sheryl knows? He seems to be her superior, but her father it seems is also very prominent. Did I miss something, or do we know who that is and why might this be important to our overall storyline?
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 04-23-2008 at 06:32 PM.

  4. #64
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I really don't have an idea why that was in there, and in that much detail. At first I thought it was just to fit in some fanservice while they were at it. We'll be seeing some more of the female officer, since she's part of the official military. I foresee them having clashes with the SMS.

    I'm rather interested in how Alto's skills compare with those of the SMS, especially his peers who've been keeping their membership secret. It's been established that Alto's keenness and joy for flying surpasses theirs. He'll definitely be behind in weapon training. so the one thing that'll set him apart will have to be his piloting skills.

    @Ryll: I checked that website before, and it's not their neither.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #65
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    @Ryll: I checked that website before, and it's not their neither.
    You've got to be kidding me. I assume what "isn't there" is the total number of episodes. Chiodos didn't ask for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    Just a simple question. When does the weekly episode of Macross Frontier come out?
    Also known as "when does it air," since it would be impossible to know when whatever group releases because there are too many variables and I would not expect them to prioritize subbing over a variety of other things they may encounter in life. The answer to that question is "when it's done."

    However, the airtime is right on Mahou's site. You've got to be blind not to see it.

    Station: MBS
    Time: Friday 1:25AM

    So expect speedsubs on the weekends, and better versions later in the week, or weeks later in Shinsen's case.

  6. #66
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Urgh. Mistook what Chiodos was asking for. I seem to be doing that a lot of late. Sorry about that Ryll.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #67
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    Well, everyone loves to mistake everything I do becuse I'm having a hard time writing in a sense.

    About the blindness, well, sometimes you don't really see when it's infront of your nose. I guess I'm the most maturity in that ^^!
    little soul your dreams are waitin'
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  8. #68
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 2 brought to you by AonE, Menclave and Gekkostate.

    Macross Frontier 02

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  9. #69

  10. #70
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    dont post in this thread until ep 4 is subbed, dammit :P


    speak of the devil, here it is



    Watched the episode, great.
    a bit weird handled how Ranka looked totally down when Alto wasnt sitting in the audience and then still had no problems with her singing, but oh well.

    the action scenes are just beyond awsome, the best ive ever seen in my anime-life
    Last edited by MFauli; Sat, 04-26-2008 at 08:04 PM.

  11. #71
    I don't like the animation in the show... I wish they'd do it like Naruto's fillers. those were awesome!

    Zentradis are cool though (its my first macross show, so i didn't know what they were)

  12. #72
    Can I ask if anyone knows how to make the subtitle file with tc or sc .ass to display in vlc player. I tried to use the fonts available by default as well as the included fonts. Does not seem to work.

    The file that I was trying out is the below. I start to watch abit of it. I can see why some cringe at the thought of all the singing and love solving world problems. (I can only say that "yeah its a dream."


  13. #73
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Looks like Gattai heard our complaint and translated the song. I see where the other fellas were coming from now, the moment would have just been random singing accompanying the fight. I liked the action too, and the light off the helmet when the plane reached the launch pad was just nostalgic. That lieutenant with the genetic disorder is mixed (with Zentradi) blood, right? Do all mixed have such a disorder? If that was the case, then Ranka may not be as young as we think she is, making a love triangle more believable.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #74
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    no that disorder is not normal and i dont beleave you have to be mixed to be able to macro either.i have never seen a Zentran macro and it make them go (loli mode) but im also wondering are only Zentradi able to go macro and whatnot? i cant remember if humans can do it.

    also man the combat in this episode was awsome im sorry but watching valks flying around and transforming mid fight is why i love macross =)
    Last edited by NeoBear; Sat, 04-26-2008 at 11:35 PM.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  15. #75
    in reference to whether humans can go macro or not, in the DYRL movie Max was made to be big so he could fight along side milia in the quadrono power suit. but who knows, could just be because its a movie.

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Looks like Gattai heard our complaint and translated the song. I see where the other fellas were coming from now, the moment would have just been random singing accompanying the fight. I liked the action too, and the light off the helmet when the plane reached the launch pad was just nostalgic. That lieutenant with the genetic disorder is mixed (with Zentradi) blood, right? Do all mixed have such a disorder? If that was the case, then Ranka may not be as young as we think she is, making a love triangle more believable.
    As for the song, as the episode itself said, it was a cover of one of Minmay's songs from the 80s series. They timed it, and I'm very glad it was in there, I'm just still not so sure they translated it.

    Klan Klan (or Kuran Kuran, however you want to say it) is a full blood Zentradi. I believe that Zentradi are naturally giants. I don't think anyone but full bloods can even switch between. I've never seen any of the half-breeds do it. Though the full bloods certainly shrink down in order to breed with humans. Her genetic defect just makes her a loli when she's supposed to appear as a human sized version of her jumbo-boobied self.

    Ranka is really 16. Alto isn't far from that either, after all he's still in high school. Ranka's age is definitely 16 because it is again a reference to Minmay, who was also that age during most of the original series. Maybe Sheryl is a bit of a cradle-robber though.

  17. #77
    Alto is 17... it was said in that episode

  18. #78
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Wowowow... really thats all I can say to this, I m new to the macross series (all i watched before was macross zero and a bit macross plus) but this is awesome

    even the "miss macross contest" was cool!

    does anyone care to explain what those "elves" are about? Why was Klan "Klein" (lol) so big and why so a few seconds later small?
    And what kind of mechas are they using? Its not a fighting-plane is it? it looked like a robot from ghost in the shell for me.

    btw that beverage vending machine was cute "*beep* *beep* *beep* do you want something to drink? *beep* *beep* *beep*?" - "no go away *hush hush" - " *beep* *beep* *beep* "

  19. #79
    wow the varja kept coming one at a time. They will get wiped out soon. Even the Princess can take them down with some 700 year old gun pod?

  20. #80
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    does anyone care to explain what those "elves" are about? Why was Klan "Klein" (lol) so big and why so a few seconds later small?
    And what kind of mechas are they using? Its not a fighting-plane is it? it looked like a robot from ghost in the shell for me.
    They explain it partially in the intro sequence before the OP. The events were all chronicled in the original Macross series. The "elves" are the Zentradi, the race of giants that humanity was nearly wiped out by when they attacked Earth. They were created by and enslaved to another race to act as warriors and not allowed culture of any kind. Humanity developed the first variable fighters to combat them and their weapons suits (now seen here as the mechs, before they were more like giant, armored spacesuits). They eventually heard songs from the original Miss Macross, Minmay. I don't know all the details because I haven't seen most of the original, but sooner or later the Zentradi rebelled and joined the humans against their masters.

    Humans and Zentradi can interbreed because they are "genetically equivalent." Thus half-breeds like Mikael and quarters like Ranka. Zentradi are originally giants (as far as I know) and they can be micronized, where they change into more human-sized bodies, but maintaining their proportions. This is also how they interbreed with humans.

    That's why it's funny that Klan Klein (Kuran Kuran, whatever) turns into a loli from a genetic abnormality. Her proportions don't stay right and she turns into a kid.

    That should cover all the questions, either directly addressed or buried in one of those paragraphs.

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