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Thread: Macross Frontier

  1. #161
    Btw the animation quality differs every minute... one time, its nice... then a few seconds later they draw faces which look extremely ugly and weird.
    Are you serious? I found nothing wrong with the animation. It went smooth and everyone looked cute. Sheryl was so awesome in this episode...

  2. #162
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Thats because you are either blind, or have a very loose idea of good animation.
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  3. #163
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Is it just a flawed notion on my part or is Alto almost totally disinterested in women? He seems to help Sheryl a lot, but it looks to me he does that because some sort of a traditional / good upbringing is "forcing" him to help people he knows, especially those who ask or assume he will help them (that is, push themselves on him), so, out of politeness and honour. Otherwise he makes no moves on his own nor does he show interest in Ranka, who is far more reserved than Sheryl and does little by herself. Sheryl is the kind of woman you can't avoid dealing with because she stops at nothing to get what she wants.

    Alto is only interested in flying. I'm surprised he even spends time with the others and is not using his free time to train.

  4. #164
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I felt the animation was actually very consistent throughout the episode. The issue is that it was not the same animation we've had the rest of the season. Characters were more gaunt, and limbs a bit more spindly. The motions were very fluid, but the drawing of the characters was done on the cheap.

    It's pretty much the same thing that happened to one of the episodes of Utawarerumono (eps 14). It's budget conservation.


    I think Alto is becoming increasingly aware of Sheryl and how much attention she gives him. Perhaps he views her as "out of reach," even though he never really cared in the first place about idols and the like. They are very open with each other, though I'm not sure if Sheryl likes him or is still just fooling around with him at this point. Then again, she did basically pull off the "knightly tribute" giving him her earing before they left for the Galaxy fleet. It might just be too early for their relationship to start growing for either one. I'm pretty sure it will at from here on out.

    As for Ranka, he just doesn't see her at all that way, so that may be a large part of it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 05-26-2008 at 02:58 PM.

  5. #165
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    So, while it seemed in the beginning Alto and Ranka would be the couple of this series, you think that's out of question for good? Ranka seems to be in love with Alto, though. But who knows, if the mystery pilot isn't her brother, maybe she will fall for him. In any case I always feel annoyed watching a one-sided affair so while I hoped for Alto+Ranka, it would be better if Ranka found somebody else as clearly she can't conquer Alto like Sheryl could with her slaver attitude.

  6. #166
    I've been on team Alto+Sheryl from the beginning. Ranka has no spine when it comes to romantic conflict and I can't in good conscience root for her to get a romantic handout from Alto.

    Sheryl takes what she wants when she wants but she clearly can't take Alto's heart tunless he decides to give it, so I'll root for her efforts to be rewarded, if she's actually aiming for him of course. I feel bad for Ranka though, she seems to have enough backbone to be somewhat respectable when Sheryl is not there, however the brilliance of Sheryl's aura just leaves her dumbstruck and useless. If she can get over that and put up a decent fight then the triangle will get a lot more interesting.

  7. #167
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I was firmly in the Alto x Ranka camp early on, but the date Sheryl dragged him into taking her on switched me to the Alto x Sheryl camp. It was a huge eye opener (as I have elucidated many times in this thread) into Sheryl's real personality, very open, very earnest, and unrestrained.

    What I had previously viewed as Ranka being the "pure" one, you could now plainly see in both. Ranka has one type, innocence, but Sheryl also has that innocence, just in a different delivery. The normally mature Sheryl was acting like a grade schooler, and didn't really seem to care who saw her acting that way. The opposite of what we saw in the beginning which was of someone who carefully manufactured her appearance and persona.

    But what it has finally come down to is compliment. Right now, Sheryl compliments Alto's personality a lot better. Alto, being a kabuki-trained brat, is the ultimate embodiment of control and precision. Every move is supposed to be carefully orchestrated to show off whatever the character is meant to (in Alto's case it appears to be women, hence "Hime" and his occasional mirror preening). Alto is quiet, reserved while a little hot headed when it comes to flying, and tends to give the air of sophistication, also contributing to his nickname.

    Sheryl's real personality is the total opposite. She runs around, playing pranks on Alto, pissing him off, bothering him, yelling at him, etc. Sheryl, dropping the airs surrounding her at the concert, embodies a feeling of chaos, unreserved emotion and delight at all the things she never spent time doing. An infectious lack of control.

    More importantly, Sheryl breaks Alto's equilibrium. Most of his outbursts outside the cockpit involve her. She gets that hidden fire out of him, breaks his composure.

    Ranka on the other hand, though she is finally realizing her affection for Alto, doesn't bring that passion out of him. Alto continues his "cool" persona, giving her plenty of advice, like a brother to a little sister. Ranka lacks that determination that Sheryl and Alto both possess, so there's no similar fire to resonate with him.

    It's definitely to early to say, but those are some of the reason I switched to the Alto x Sheryl camp.

  8. #168
    Alto also seems rather perturbed around Ranka.

  9. #169
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    I'd like to see a "alto+sheryl" couple...

    Ranka is nearly 18 years old (not too sure here, but her "brother" said that she is nearly an adult), yet she looks like a small child and thats actually pretty annoying in my opinion ^^... but even that aside, I think sheryl and alto fit together... and we saw that both like each other when he wanted to give her the earring back... and alto also showed us, that he cares much about here, since he always watched at the earring

    maybe ranka gets closer to that "special guy" @ the end of episode 8 (and 7)

    btw... which translation is the better one to keep?
    the quality of the raw is pretty much the same imho, but I always wonder if the translations from gg are actually right?

    for example "that clothing was my underwear" - "you're being to graphic!" - "whats the problem? you are just alto..."

    the problem might be ME, but what does being graphic to do with anything... and why "you are just alto" as an answer?
    someone cares to explain? (and answer the question which is the better subbing-group, that is if nobody already answered that in this thread before)

    I know what "you are being to graphic" means in german.. (the translation) but what does it say about someone if he is too graphic? that he cares to much about his appearance? if that's the case, then I don't understand why she says "you are just alto" after that.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 05-26-2008 at 06:12 PM.

  10. #170
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I'd like to see a "alto+sheryl" couple...

    Ranka is nearly 18 years old (not too sure here, but her "brother" said that she is nearly an adult), yet she looks like a small child and thats actually pretty annoying in my opinion ^^... but even that aside, I think sheryl and alto fit together... and we saw that both like each other when he wanted to give her the earring back... and alto also showed us, that he cares much about here, since he always watched at the earring.
    Alto is 17, Ranka is 16, Sheryl is 17.

  11. #171
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, its Macross, so I bet there will be a period when Ranka will take the lead with Alto just to make the triangle a lot more complicated. While I am 100 percent for Alto and Sheryl, I have a bad feeling it will end in another way...
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  12. #172
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I'd like to see a "alto+sheryl" couple...

    Ranka is nearly 18 years old (not too sure here, but her "brother" said that she is nearly an adult), yet she looks like a small child and thats actually pretty annoying in my opinion ^^... but even that aside, I think sheryl and alto fit together... and we saw that both like each other when he wanted to give her the earring back... and alto also showed us, that he cares much about here, since he always watched at the earring

    maybe ranka gets closer to that "special guy" @ the end of episode 8 (and 7)

    btw... which translation is the better one to keep?
    the quality of the raw is pretty much the same imho, but I always wonder if the translations from gg are actually right?

    for example "that clothing was my underwear" - "you're being to graphic!" - "whats the problem? you are just alto..."

    the problem might be ME, but what does being graphic to do with anything... and why "you are just alto" as an answer?
    someone cares to explain? (and answer the question which is the better subbing-group, that is if nobody already answered that in this thread before)

    I know what "you are being to graphic" means in german.. (the translation) but what does it say about someone if he is too graphic? that he cares to much about his appearance? if that's the case, then I don't understand why she says "you are just alto" after that.
    Being too graphic in the context: depicturing a too realistic sex related matter.
    "Hime" his shocked that Sheryl is going into so much detail about her panties...

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  13. #173
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I know what "you are being to graphic" means in german.. (the translation) but what does it say about someone if he is too graphic? that he cares to much about his appearance? if that's the case, then I don't understand why she says "you are just alto" after that.
    That shows that even Sheryl isn't entirely sure of her feelings for Alto. she knows she gets along with him, and feels no need to keep up her image around him, but from "You're only Alto", it indicates that she doesn't know (or fully accept) the importance that Alto is to herself.

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  14. #174
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Or she is just being the tsundere that she is.
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  15. #175
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Ah, ok... thx 4 the answers
    it was confusing for me

  16. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Thats because you are either blind, or have a very loose idea of good animation.

    No, I know good animation when i see it and this episode had good animation compared to bunch of other animes out there. Maybe you just have bad taste for animation. but on to more important things

    hmm Seems Macross Frontier is directly connected to Macross Zero maybe we'll get to know what happen to Shinn and Sara Nome from Zero, and maybe see or hear that Mao Nome is a relative (grandmother?) of Sheryl. Now Sheryl is going to flight school, maybe she will play a role similar to Nekki Basara from Macross 7? Ranka and the blond dude seem to be related in someway he could be the spy Leo sent to keep an eye on Ranka. Alto reminds me a lot of Kamille from Zeta Gundam, although more tsundere for Sheryl and Ranka. Next week episode seems we will get to know more about Micheal those the title friendly fire concerns me a bit...oh well see you next deculture!

  17. #177
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    I do hope they don't connect this show with the others becuse......

    I wouldn't understand a thing then becuse I havent watched them : (...
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  18. #178
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    they won't

    macross zero plays around ~2008 or so (the first episode proves that, the "nuke" exploded 1995 if I remember correctly and the main character was a small child back then) ... and I don't know which age Macross Frontier is from, but I don't think its anywhere near that

    Macross Zero plays 1 year before the Zentradi made their first appearance from what I've heard

    yet I never watched the original Series which plays 1 year after Macross Zero.. and from what I've read Macross Frontier is a direct sequel.

    edit: Frontier plays around 2059... hmm wow I didn't know that it is so close to the original series.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Thu, 05-29-2008 at 07:29 AM.

  19. #179
    Yes, Macross frontier is only, 48 years after Macross Zero 47 after SDF1, 13 years after Macross 7, You should watch macross Zero it's pretty good and the dog fights were incredibly well done, Also it seems that in frontier they did mention elements from Zero, If you can't watch zero or something, i think Macross F will explain it a bit for those who haven't watched it.

  20. #180
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think the only real connection in Frontier to Zero is Sheryl, being a descendant of the two female leads in Zero.

    I definitely noticed way more connections to SDF, from the blatant (Ranka singing Minmay's song at the Miss Macross competition, working at a Chinese restaurant, just about anything else with Ranka) to the more subtle (the Cathy-Ozma former relationship, the missing fleets). I know I'm missing a ton more of them.

    But the overall theme and feel of Frontier keeps screaming Plus at me. Sheryl's concerts heavily borrow elements of the really high technology used at Sharon Apple's concerts (copious amounts of holographics), Alto and Sheryl's attitude towards their respective careers is pure Isamu Dyson, and Ranka's song "Aimo" is "Voices" all over again.

    Now...I'm sure there are a few 7 references here and there, but I'm doing my best to ignore a lot of them.

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