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Thread: Macross Frontier

  1. #101
    Did anyone notice the Zentradi, pond with the hippo, looked like a moo moo milk cow?

    In additional, they have a mall for Zentradi?? If anything, I like to see more of Klan Klan. She is big.

    If Ranka is quarter Zentradi, is she also quarter human, quarter Varja and a quarter of some other alien life form?

    edited: actually the varja activation, does not seem to be caused by Ranka. As it happened only after her singing. I watched it again to confirm. In additional there is this oji-san that yelled "Deculture" hmm, I think it might be a third species we are talking about here. Protoculture, then Deculture???

    anyhow, the activation of the Varja in the jar, probably coincide with the attacked ordered on Macross Galaxy
    Last edited by depthcharge; Sun, 05-04-2008 at 09:20 PM.

  2. #102
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Ryll - I personally did not get what is embarrassing about it.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  3. #103
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    well dont get me wrong "I loves me (sum) Gundam" but i like watching valks go at it so much more then anything else. they are so much more versitial in the way they are used some times it seems like they transform just to show of, watching a valk in gerwalk mode cut a back flip never gets old =)

    @ DC im pretty sure they Deculture thing is ment to be like a way of saying something with an accent maybe?

    Like "oh Le romance" or maybe not but thats what i figured
    Last edited by NeoBear; Mon, 05-05-2008 at 01:09 AM.
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  4. #104
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Love triangel confirmed! Alto will have his hands full now. I think by the end of this series, Ranka will be able to rival Sherryl, both in romance and profession. The episodes was another good one. A break from the action, but character development was pretty solid. The phone scene in the locker was particularly funny.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #105
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Gattais translation was pretty weak this time Oo

    they didn't even translate everthing what was said... for example the scene were Sheryl explained that she goes back to galaxy etc.

    and "No!? Hmphf! Swing and Kiss" <--- ???????????
    how come ranka's and sheryls song are so different Oo?
    Sheryl was singing something similiar to "Move before excuse me" and Ranka clearly sings "Beautiful! Excuse me"

    this is really confusing, i speak engrish myself but this is even too much for me!
    is there a side which has the "real" lyrics?
    @ episode:

    at first I thought I downloaded some really good animated hentai when I saw the scene in the locker
    all in all it was a pretty cute episode... not much action, but the cliffhanger at the end sounds VERY promising! I hope the Galaxy-colonie is currently fighting the Vajra (or however they are spelled) and not wiped out alrdy. This sounds like a very promising fight! military planes and huge battleships already fighting those aliens.. and reinforcements (SMS, Battle Cruisers and normal military fighters) warping directly into the battlefield... if this is going to happen... I will die because of excitement!

    This is just what I want.. its like I m watching a movie of the game Freespace!

    and I want this "country-guitar" song... well i don't know if its really country... but the 2 songs when Alto got a call from SMS during the Miss Macross contest and when he flew out with his 2 friends...
    I think it was played in the very first episode too, when the trained their preformance for Sheryl's concert... It is also played in the preview.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Mon, 05-05-2008 at 09:36 AM.

  6. #106
    I'm loving this show. The "arrogant girl goes out for a day on the town with the main character who doesn't pander to her ego" episode is a pretty stock anime episode, yet with Macross F I was never bored or uninterested while watching it.

    I agree with whoever it was on the last page that mentioned the strength of the characterization as a big factor in the likeability of the series. The whole ep Sheryl managed to be interesting and funny and cute, and Alto's actions and reactions were also humorours at times but basically he just did a good job at being a catalyst for Sheryl to demonstrate more of her depth.

    The locker scene didn't really need to be there, yet it fit in with the episode and I for one am quite glad it was there. Seeing the giant Zentradi just going about their buisness like normal people was really interesting for it's novelty (to me at least) and then they used the giant setting quite effectively to showcase and increace the humor apparent in Sheryl's platfulness which was a nice touch. And finally, I really liked the relatively understated way the they set up the love triangle discovery scene. If Ranka had seen them togeather then just run off crying like a jealous lover it would have been very lame, instead she took it more like a girl who likes a guy but isn't in a relationship with him should.

    But as fun as galavanting around Frontier must be they action can't stay away for too long. Hopefully next ep we'll get some more fighting, preferably incorperating the Zentradi trio as well so we can see new stuff.

  7. #107
    I think Ranka is 3 parts human... being 1 part Vajra would be weird (the Vajra are solely the giant insect looking things with a giant gun on their back and the smaller support units, not the controllers)... as far as we know Ranka doesn't have a giant gun on her back (that'd be kinda cool tho!)

  8. #108
    Man you have got to get with the program. after the idea(human merged bird) that was implemented in Macross Zero. Guns embedded in "Zentradi"X"Human" should be the norm.

  9. #109
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Two versions of the same song in the same ep!!! This will be the greatest OST ever.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  10. #110
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #111
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Hell yes, this stuff is just too great! I simply CAN NOT wait for the next episode... really.. amazing!
    Really well done, the way they parted etc. it really felt like they were going into a war and might never come back again. (like in all the WW2 Movies!)

    And the next episodes does simply look awesome... much action there..
    Man it feels like I'm watching a freespace-movie here... *crys out of joy*

    this episode was also funny btw... but still, its so tense! sheryls and altos parting was so well done... nice music, nice scenes.

    I don't know but in my opinion, this series is a lot more emotional than others.. is it because of the music, or just the story? I don't know, but the funreal of that SMS guy who died in the first episode was really good too example.. with rankas song @ the background.

    And this heroic music when the radar-planes were sent out and spottet that *huge* flagship of Macross Galaxy... ya the music makes the great animation even better and it feels like I'm watching some nice sci-fi-movie every single episode.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 05-11-2008 at 07:32 PM.

  12. #112
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    @ KrayZ the fact that you even know what Freespace is makes you cool in my book man

    indeed i love macross and Frontier has been win and gold so far. next episode i expect to see more backfliping goodness =)
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  13. #113
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Another good set up episode. I might be a slow one to pick this up, but after they were talking about Ranka overthrowing Sheryl, I finally got the line: "Who is it that you'll kiss"

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #114
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Btw I want to have a table like they have there at the restaurant.... thats fucking cool way to annoy people!

    *tip tip tip tip tip* -> *ahhh the dots are attacking meeeeeh*

  15. #115
    ANBU NeoBear's Avatar
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    we are almost there man give it a few more years
    Favorite Gotwoot Mod moment: "Why is everyone in that show black? The art and music are pretty good, and the voice acting is alrite as well......but i can't stand that guy who follows afro around. Hes so, well, black, for the lack of a better term (well thats not true, there is a better term, but i wont use it here)" Assassin

    i was raised by this woman =O

  16. #116
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    lol cool!....

    oh man I can barely wait for the next episode... I hope I won't be disappointed with it, this is just too cool... the music really fit in the last episode "long long goodbye, sayonara sayonara" *sing*

    and when I saw this here

    my heart was filled with joy! I hope for a massive fight out there.... and I hope the military will also have some good fights, because their fighter-planes look soooo much cooler than that of the SMS-squad.... let's hope they don't die so easily like in the first episode and are more of a challange to the vajra like in episode 3(?) where the military came to their aid and killed the vajra.

    I can't understand why animes are so much focused on the skill of the main character... it's so much cooler to see some rather "weak" guy being awesome... like in the first episode of gundam seed.. where the main character went into a Zaku and was able to deal with 2 Gundams , until reinforcements came in.

    I hope the battle cruiser have some nice Lasercanons with them (like in freespace ^^)
    up until now everything is like I want it to be (Frontier coming to their aid with 10 ships and not only the SMS-squad)... I hope they'll keep that up

    this is really so much like a computer game... awesome

    edit: @Chiodos

    oh sry I meant "gundam seed destiny"
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 05-16-2008 at 08:59 AM.

  17. #117
    Chuunin Chiodos's Avatar
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    @Kray: Wait? Gundam Seed? That's totally wrong....he went into the Gundam itself at the end of the first ep...

    Am I the only one, thinking that in the next episode, they'll only show some teaser before the actuall battle start? Just guesses from the preview.

    And I still don't get why some folks in this show is bigger but I'll have to look up some info about that.
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  18. #118
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chiodos
    And I still don't get why some folks in this show is bigger but I'll have to look up some info about that.
    It's already in this thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    They explain it partially in the intro sequence before the OP. The events were all chronicled in the original Macross series. The "elves" are the Zentradi, the race of giants that humanity was nearly wiped out by when they attacked Earth. They were created by and enslaved to another race to act as warriors and not allowed culture of any kind. Humanity developed the first variable fighters to combat them and their weapons suits (now seen here as the mechs, before they were more like giant, armored spacesuits). They eventually heard songs from the original Miss Macross, Minmay. I don't know all the details because I haven't seen most of the original, but sooner or later the Zentradi rebelled and joined the humans against their masters.

    Humans and Zentradi can interbreed because they are "genetically equivalent." Thus half-breeds like Mikael and quarters like Ranka. Zentradi are originally giants (as far as I know) and they can be micronized, where they change into more human-sized bodies, but maintaining their proportions. This is also how they interbreed with humans.

    That's why it's funny that Klan Klein (Kuran Kuran, whatever) turns into a loli from a genetic abnormality. Her proportions don't stay right and she turns into a kid.

    That should cover all the questions, either directly addressed or buried in one of those paragraphs.
    They are a different race, the Zentraedi. A race of giants, meant to serve a different species as slaves more or less. Their encounter with humans was chronicled in the original Superdimensional Fortress Macross series from the 80s.

    They call humans Miclones, and so the procedure for making themselves smaller is called being Micloned, or 'made human sized.'

    They are a separate species, but are "genetically equivalent" to humans, and therefore they can breed with humans to make hybrids, like Ranka, Mikael, and some of the support crew.

    After the events of SDF Macross, the Zentraedi and humanity joined together and peacefully (for the most part) spread across the galaxy.

  19. #119
    I theorize that the Varja is either a de-evolved Zentradi/supervision army/ or the Protoculture creator's other "pet" project.

    Unlikely that the Varja is controlled by a superior bipod beings, or a collective minds... sound way to much like those Zerg alien storylines.

    Varja as a tool controlled by another - hmm dont think so
    Varja as a "trap" - a loose cannon set to just destroy living things without prejudice.

    What do you theorize as far as the main nemisis that has been presented in this Macross, the specie Varja really is, does it have a goal that will make this story interesting or just another alien "blockbuster" packaged differently.

    Would you want to have the Varja assimilated just like the Zentradi?

    I wonder why they did not remove the CNS/brain of the Varja they possesed?

  20. #120
    ops double posted. damn dsl connection broke.

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