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Thread: Macross Frontier

  1. #341
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I'm still not entirely sure of what Sheryl's disease state is like. Can she be cured? The thesis was about management and prevention, while we're not sure if that technology is entirely confined to Galaxy or not. Mind you, it doesn't mention cure, but seeing Sheryl's really tight dress and well-developed chest in the OP is promising.
    Fixed it for you

    It seemed to me that a V-type infection was something like Lyme Disease or Chickpox (but obviously a lot worse than both, fever the entire time). Something that you can never truly get out of your system but isn't contagious by normal means. Something she contracted from living in the gutters.

    For whatever reason, the Nome family, Grace, and what looked like Ranka's mother were involved in treating the disease through research. They had made some progress, but only got as far as supressing the symptoms. They in essence made something like the AIDS cocktail. But after that, they didn't make any progress and Grace went off on whatever plan this is.

    If Klan was right, they made huge progress, and it's possible to cure her, just not with the technology they have today.

  2. #342
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm liking Klan more and more with each episode. She gone from simply an annoying chibi in my books to, well, a cute one. I'm also assuming that just has Sheryl heard Alto's words, she heard Mihael's. This is first time I've noticed her with two different hair colours though. Can she change it at will or something?
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 08-17-2008 at 05:57 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #343
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    No she has always had pink/blonde hair. While she is preforming I'm sure there is some kind of technology that makes it look like she has other colours then that.

  4. #344
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    No she has always had pink/blonde hair. While she is preforming I'm sure there is some kind of technology that makes it look like she has other colours then that.
    I was referring to Klan. She always blue hair, but at the end she had green. I thought the green + clothing was quite cute.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #345
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That was just the lighting. When Klan and Mikael were looking at the sea lions at the marina (btw, wtf?) it was midday, and the "sun" was the usual bright and full spectrum. At the end of the episode, it was near sunset, and the "sun" was considerably more yellow. The considerably yellow light cast on her normally blue hair gives it a green hue. We've seen a similar effect with Sheryl's hair in different lightings as well, and I am not counting the holographic effects when she is performing.

    I figured Ai (the pet) was Vajra, though I did not expect it to be a larvae. We haven't seen any other forms of exobiology that were not already on the frontier (the hippo-cows or the chimera). Even the planet that Ranka, Sheryl and Alto went to, that was later destroyed, only seemed to have plants or small forms of Vajra.

    But that in itself is strange, because Brera gave it to Ranka. Since the Grace Cadre has known about Vajra for some considerable amount of time, I would have figured they'd have known all about it. Brera is probably watched as close as anyone other than Sheryl was and Ranka now is.

    It's not looking too good for Sheryl. Despite all the positives towards the Sheryl ending while she was at the Saotome mansion, it doesn't look like Sheryl confessed or anything, and now Ranka will run off...and inevitably Alto will chase her. Ugh. Now it looks like they are either going to turn Sheryl into a repeat of Alto's mother, or at best, some kind of a "big sister." Here I was hoping that we'd get to see another, "protagonist ultimately picks the more emotionally mature woman" like how SDF-1 ended. It just makes me angrier and angrier at Ranka.

    Which is a bad thing, because I tend to like the songs from Megumi Nakajima (Ranka) more than the ones from May'n (Sheryl). With the notable exception of Northern Cross, the new ED. Though I still hate the militant remix of Aimo, but I like the acoustic version.

  6. #346
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Ai being a Vajra was near confirmed a few eps ago, but is that thing we keep seeing an entire nest on Frontier?.

    One other thing that came to me about Sheryl. We've seen the flashback of when Grace picked her up from the slums of Galaxy. I am going to assume she was homeless and "adopted" by Grace to be a test subject, to later be a famous diva. Nome was probably the surname given to her by one of the scientists (who was also a Nome). That leaves the question about Sheryl's only family memento, for all we know, the Fold Quartz earrings.

    Who's where they, what are they for, and why does Sheryl wear them? I can't possibly see Sheryl scavenging the lows of Galaxy while in possession of those earrings.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #347
    I think the earrings were given to Sheryl so that her singing would resonate with the fold waves in space and affect the varja. She was intended to be the original weapon against them until Ranka was confirmed as the "little queen".

  8. #348
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's true, and seems to be the most likely answer. We saw the effect once before when Alto still had one of the earrings (that Grace/Mophead somehow reobtained). The end of Sheryl's farewell concert where Sheryl and Ranka both sang Infinity and that allowed Alto to escape death and save Luca.

    But I suppose the part that remains a mystery is which of the scientists gave them to her and why she cherished them so much. Sheryl certainly doesn't like Grace now, but even in the beginning it seemed like Sheryl did not view Grace in any special way outside of being her very useful, competent and multi-functional agent.

    Since the scientist and project leader Mao Nome adopted her, she undoubtedly treated Sheryl in a way that a gutter orphan never would be. Going from eating garbage to gaining a kind mother-figure and being treated well (all the researchers in the picture from eps 18 are female) would probably make quite the impression on her. It also seems like Mao Nome was one of the oldest researchers, so she may have died. Sheryl would certainly keep them safe if someone who was very much her mother/grandmother gave them to her. If Grace had an alterior motive out of it, then all the better for her to stay close to Sheryl.

    In fact, it's possible that Mao Nome was THE Mao Nome (from Macross Zero). The research project took place in 2053, which would be 55 years after Macross Zero took place (since Macross SDF-1 starts 1999). From the looks of the photograph, 10:16 in eps 18, the ages would be about right for that. It also looks like Ranka's mother was there...a Ranshe Mei.

    To Sheryl, they may just have always been a keepsake. To Grace, they were the beginning of her cadre's plot.

  9. #349
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Oh man, i wish they would do something about the "face-animation" sometimes... the series is nonetheless *great*, but I totally dislike that... because it looks sloppy and poorly made. It's as if they didn't care about how it looks in the end and wanted to finish it as fast as possible... I find that really annoying.

    They made really nice background images.. and beautiful characters and then, in the next second, they decided to give them a face like "( *_* )" out of the blue and it looks like some 5 years old drew them

    edit: btw will the new opening be avaible @ gendou or somewhere? I totally like it.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Sun, 08-17-2008 at 03:45 PM.

  10. #350
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    btw will the new opening be avaible @ gendou or somewhere? I totally like it.
    It's scheduled to be released on 20th August according to Nipponsei's schedule. It should be up on Gendou soon after that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    ...earrings that Grace/Mophead somehow reobtained.
    Where was this?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #351
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There have been fragments of the approximate shape/size of the Fold Quartz Sheryl's lost earring was in either Grace or Mophead's hands after episode 6, where Alto saved Luca. I think Grace had it first in eps 7, where they showed her holding it in hand.

    Mophead kept it in a little box on his desk. This was well before they started actively bring Vajra corpses back.

  12. #352
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hmm, I might have missed that. Since they're fragments though, any chance that they may be simply Fold Quartz extracted from the Vajra bodies they've been collecting?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #353
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Who's? Sheryl's originally or the one that I'm claiming Grace had reclaimed and may or may not be the same piece (presumably grabbed by Brera)?

    They are certainly extracting Fold Quartz now from all the vajra they kill, they spoke all about it and showed scenes of VFs towing vajra carcasses back to the Frontier. That's how Mophead had all the shards to give to Luca.

    As for Sheryl's in the first place, it seems to me there's pretty strong evidence that Ranka's mother and Grace had been involved in Vajra research for a long time. They had to have found the pieces that went into the earrings somewhere, and the government aboard Frontier certainly knew about the Vajra before they attacked the first time. Even the SMS Founder has a ring of the stuff.

  14. #354
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    They=Leon&Co, but I missed the second half of your post about it all happening before they started dragging in corpses. I don't think Grace had the same piece that was in Alto's cockpit. After all, that mothership was annihilated by the Macross Cannon.

    I agree that Grace would have known about the Fold Quartz, about extracting it and all. Given how advanced Galaxy is, she probably knows a whole lot more. What's still not shown yet is whether the Vajra are an alien race, or one created either intentionally, or by mistake by Galaxy's scientists (or the 117th research fleet).

    Grace knowing about Ranka tells me that she was on the Research Fleet that Ranka's parents died on, indicating again that her plot goes way back. If I remember correctly though, Grace was saying something about starting wars and all on Gala 4. It just seems a bit of a bloodthirsty/barbarian idea for a researcher like her

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #355
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Oops, the last several posts should refer to episodes 7 and 10 respectively, not 6 and 7.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    They=Leon&Co, but I missed the second half of your post about it all happening before they started dragging in corpses. I don't think Grace had the same piece that was in Alto's cockpit. After all, that mothership was annihilated by the Macross Cannon.

    Grace knowing about Ranka tells me that she was on the Research Fleet that Ranka's parents died on, indicating again that her plot goes way back. If I remember correctly though, Grace was saying something about starting wars and all on Gala 4. It just seems a bit of a bloodthirsty/barbarian idea for a researcher like her
    But Alto's VF blew up long before they used the Macross Cannon on the Vajra Carrier. Brera had been hiding inside the carrier for as long as Alto was inside it, and only saved Alto at the last possible moment and possibly only when he heard whatever resonance was coming along the fold quartz from Ranka and Sheryl. More than enough time to snag the shard from the explosion.

    Now for the proof. One of Grace's alter-egos meets with Leon (Mophead) to initiate their totally evil plan. In episode 10, 11:19, he asks what they want in return for the data on the Vajra. Man-Grace flicks a tiny case over his/her shoulder, and contained within is a shard of Fold Quartz, the exact cut of Sheryl's lost earring.

    As for Ranka, I agree, but I think that Grace's group thought the "Little Queen" was dead along with the rest of the Research Fleet. They only rediscovered her because of her budding idol status.

  16. #356
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    As I watched the new OP, I noticed they have Ranka and Sheryl singing side by side through most of it. Are they trying to tell us, them singing together, plays an intregal part of the story? Like a way to finally defeat the Vajra with the 2 of them singing?

  17. #357
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Skill
    As I watched the new OP, I noticed they have Ranka and Sheryl singing side by side through most of it. Are they trying to tell us, them singing together, plays an intregal part of the story? Like a way to finally defeat the Vajra with the 2 of them singing?
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Sheryl's popularity is doing down hill in comparison to the Songstress of Hope. If she is to make a comeback in her career, she'll need to become something equally figurative. Perhaps Ranka's singing may be somehow ineffective in the future, and it's only combined with Sheryl's singing (plus the Fold Quatz earing) that they finally defeat the Vajra.

    Random speculation.
    That's what I think. Talking about the OP, I realised from the position of Sheryl's dress, her nipples shouldn't be hidden.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #358
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    That's what I think. Talking about the OP, I realised from the position of Sheryl's dress, her nipples shouldn't be hidden.

    thats not necessarily right... they might slip out sometimes.. but the dress should barely hide them ^^

    interesting change of topic btw

  19. #359
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    A corset really keeps boobs well in place. You really have to move them quite a lot to have them out without untiying the corset

    Regarding Sheryl's problem... V-type infection. My hard working brain tells me that V stands for Vajra... does it?
    And for some reason the quartz she wears has the infection quiet. She probably needs both for the infection to be totally quiet. One is missing, she gets symptoms.
    Following this idea, yes she needs to team with Ranka that will have some kind of control over the symbiosis Sheryl needs to have with the infection.

    Yes now we know the Vajra are nesting on the Frontier. The strange thing is that no one noticed their activity/presence. Maybe they are deep down the dump/trash place which would give them material to feed/grow. But to me the Frontier is a closed ecosystem where everyhing is recycled, so it's hard to think of garbage or things that can't be recycled, but the vajra would be able to use for their growth/nest.

    Regarding klan, she mentionned the fact that in her zentran form she could be of some appeal to Mickael. Well just do it

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  20. #360
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David75
    A corset really keeps boobs well in place. You really have to move them quite a lot to have them out without untiying the corset

    Regarding Sheryl's problem... V-type infection. My hard working brain tells me that V stands for Vajra... does it?
    And for some reason the quartz she wears has the infection quiet. She probably needs both for the infection to be totally quiet. One is missing, she gets symptoms.
    Following this idea, yes she needs to team with Ranka that will have some kind of control over the symbiosis Sheryl needs to have with the infection.

    Regarding klan, she mentionned the fact that in her zentran form she could be of some appeal to Mickael. Well just do it
    Yes...corsets are lovely things, even on animated women.

    I believe Klan read that the research had only produced a way to mask/hide the symptoms, and the drugs that Mikael provided to her were a part of that treatment. So's a virus very much like the various strains of herpes or chickenpox (except chickenpox doesn't come back). The earrings [right now] appear to be completely unrelated to her illness, and seem to have more sentimental value than medicinal. The pills she was popping were the key.

    Sure, Klan could go full meltran (yes...I like to differentiate the terms because the Zentradi didn't seem to even realize male/female were the same species in SDF, much less procreate), but methinks Mikael might have a problem with intimate relations with a giantess. Kinda like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.
    [though we have all seen hentai that shows this is not that big of a problem]

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