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Thread: The Prices on FF7?

  1. #1

    The Prices on FF7?

    I've been trying to get my hands on this game ever since I've played it long time ago. I never got to beat it so I've been trying to look at online deals and such but stores no longer carry them and if you want a new one, the asking price is $200+ from shitty stores. If you say $200 is too much and try to buy a used one, the greedy sellers on ebay try to sell it for $60 minimum.

    What the hell is up with these ridiculous prices? As much as I love this game, I'd rather erase it from my memories than cough up 60 dollars for an old game that I could have bought long time ago for $13.

    Anyone had similiar experience?

  2. #2
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    It's a classic thats what happens. When catslevania:SoTN was rare and hard to find u would have had to pay a nice amount to get your hands on a copy, thankfully you can get it on xboxlive and PSN. ff tactics was the same, its all a matter of supply and demand. you can still find certain super nintendo games going for $200+ like chrono trigger.

  3. #3
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Valkyrie Profile for PSX goes for about 200~300dlls.

    60dlls is cheap for a classic like FF7.

  4. #4
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Castlevania Symphony of the Night was never rare, it was one of the most hyped and widely released titles early in the PS1's lifetime and also saw a Greatest Hits rerelease, flooding even more copies onto the market. People just got it into their heads that it was worth so much money because the game is good. Same deal for FFVII, there are tons and tons of copies, but nerds just assume that they have to pay a premium price for it, so the price is set so high.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    You could try your luck on Ebay, the price there, for a Used copy is about $60.(The ps1 version)

    If you are looking for the PC version.. well, the price is quite cheaper.. about $20.

    Beware though, of the low quality version, like this one, I got it, the game is working fine and all, but the graphics are mostly "corrupted", meaning it's all grainy and look like utter shit(I'm not the only one with that problem, I have looked a bit..) You can fix that by simply installing the game with a different Install disk.
    There's also the fact that you will have to find the patch for Windows XP.. which is quite rare(Or was.. didn't look for that in a while).. and there is just so many of them you may even get lost.

  6. #6
    If you're looking to own a real copy then meh.

    But if you're looking to just play and finish the game, there's shadier ways to get it. Download the ISO, play it on an emulator, or burn it and play it on your modded PSX or PS2, or play it on your Custom Firmware PSP.

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    wtf how can FF7 be so expensive? Here in Sweden it's still sold in stores for a less-than-average game price in it's Platinum incarnation. On Tradera (swedish equal to ebay) it's even cheaper. and in the US it should be even cheaper still since logically there should be more copies available there due to the larger population and sold units.

    Very weird...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    wtf how can FF7 be so expensive? Here in Sweden it's still sold in stores for a less-than-average game price in it's Platinum incarnation. On Tradera (swedish equal to ebay) it's even cheaper. and in the US it should be even cheaper still since logically there should be more copies available there due to the larger population and sold units.

    Very weird...
    hey Terra, does the Swedish FF7 come in English or Swedish? (Might be stupid question) Because often, there are games where you can go to settings and change the language.
    And if it does come in English, do you think a person who lives in the US like me can get hands on the swedish version somehow? Like a cheap swedish website that ships overseas or like your Tradera like you mentioned, would I be able to use it?

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Sweden uses PAL, like most of Europe, so you would need to have a console that supports that, or a freeloader for your PS1 or PS2.

  10. #10
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I live here.
    Eh... Just download the iso and play it on an emulator.

  11. #11

    Link of a local store... (in holland)

  12. #12
    O_O what terra said if you sell FF7 for that price here in Sweden whoever bought it is an idiot because there's no way it'd be that expensive. But it's in english when you buy it over here but as Ryllharu said you need a freeloader or such since it's in pal

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