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Thread: Game Recommendation (PC)

  1. #1

    Game Recommendation (PC)

    I need some RPG PC Single player game recommendation. I checked the other thread but there was nothing good on it.
    Basically a D&D type of game with magic/mystical creatures that has a good story.

    Some games I've played:
    Baldur's Gate II (Loved it!)
    Icewindale II
    Planescape: Torment
    Neverwinter Nights

    Basically, Icewindale had too much fighting and not enough story. Torment had too much dialogue and not enough action/good fighting system. Oblivion was good but it felt like the NPC's were not so interactive and was really lacking without the help of mods.

    Can anyone recommend me for anything? Even old games are fine!

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Haven't you played Morrowind, the previous Elder Scrolls before Oblivion? It was an excellent game (the core and both the expansions). Some things were changed in Oblivion (aside from the graphics, obviously), and not all of it was good. It really showed in Oblivion it was made compatible with those pesky consoles with their limited UI.

    There should be some mods for Morrowind that make it look a bit better on modern computers. I don't remember anymore. Maybe I should reinstall it one day and have a look.

  3. #3
    play Star wars KOTOR... best game of the xbox and its also out for the pc. don't read too much revieuws about it.. it will ruin the game.its perfect story wise.. but you might not like the fighting system... and you don't have to be into star wars to like this..

  4. #4
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'll definitely second Turkish's recommendation of the first KOTOR. Hands down the best writing I've seen in a RPG on the PC since...Baldur's Gate 2.

    Thanks, Bioware.

    KOTOR 2 is fun as well, but LucasArts forced Obsidian to rush the game out, and it shows in the main storyline, sadly. However, the individual character plot lines are a lot better and the combat engine is more responsive and certainly more satisfying (Force Crush).

    If you like the two of those, you may also want to give Jade Empire a try. Chinese mythology and martial arts inspired game for the xbox, again by Bioware.

  5. #5
    PC RPG single player games?

    I suggest YS: Oath in Felghana.


  6. #6
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I'll definitely second Turkish's recommendation of the first KOTOR. Hands down the best writing I've seen in a RPG on the PC since...Baldur's Gate 2.

    Thanks, Bioware.

    KOTOR 2 is fun as well, but LucasArts forced Obsidian to rush the game out, and it shows in the main storyline, sadly. However, the individual character plot lines are a lot better and the combat engine is more responsive and certainly more satisfying (Force Crush).

    If you like the two of those, you may also want to give Jade Empire a try. Chinese mythology and martial arts inspired game for the xbox, again by Bioware.

    Those 3 games are all you need, get those.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    If you like the two of those, you may also want to give Jade Empire a try. Chinese mythology and martial arts inspired game for the xbox, again by Bioware.
    Hmm... I might need to have a look at that one. Saying it's for the xbox tricked me for a moment but now that I checked it's also released for PC (special edition), it's viable.

    Thanks for the heads-up. I actually watched some promo movies back when it was fresh from the oven (or was it even released yet, I don't remember) but then forgot all about it.

  8. #8
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'd play it with a joypad or a controller, I never knew it was for PC as well. The combat system is definitely more geared towards consoles.

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I suppose that goes without saying because, if I interpret the situation correctly, the original version was for the xbox, the special edition, which is younger, is for PC. According to the Bioware web site (which is down when I'm writing this, btw) the Special Edition has Customizable, intuitive controls including support for game-pads and keyboard/mouse, so I'm not without hope with my lack of a console style controller, though. It might still pay off to read a review or two and see if they praise or insult the controls, I suppose...

    Well, as it is, the only extra controller I currently do have, in addition to mouse/keyboard, is a Sidewinder Precision 2 joystick for flight simulators. I doubt that will help much with Jade Empire... >_>

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ho... Found this today.

  11. #11
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    I remember summoner to be a decent gane, even though it came out about ten years ago.
    also, try Silver, I played through half of it, and rather enjoyed it.

    both games are more from the action/adventure/rpg genre, and are far away from the BG2 (bestest game ever, I wish i could play it again!) style, but are pretty good, if you don't mind old games.

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