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Thread: Kimi ga Nozomu Eien season 2

  1. #1

    Kimi ga Nozomu Eien season 2

    The promo is up on crunchyroll. I dont wanna link it because I got in trouble for linking something last time. So what are your thoughts on this guys?
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  2. #2
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Thanks for the news.
    I'm pleased with it, however, I wonder what trick they'll use to have an interresting plot to a story which end was quite closed.
    Well, it's always possible they say Haruka was lying to herself and Takayuki and that at some point the burden is too heavy and she storms back in Takayuki's life

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  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wasn't this just the alternative ending retelling that results in a happy end for Haruka?

    I believe it is also only an OVA.

    I'm still totally looking forward to it.

  4. #4
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... I don't really know what to think of it. While KGNE is a series worth its praise I only got a depressed and ugly feeling after watching it. I wonder if I could even dare look at the second season. According to the ANN article, it will be a retelling with a different ending, so chances are... well, chances are it will be just as depressing.

  5. #5
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Hmm... I don't really know what to think of it. While KGNE is a series worth its praise I only got a depressed and ugly feeling after watching it. I wonder if I could even dare look at the second season. According to the ANN article, it will be a retelling with a different ending, so chances are... well, chances are it will be just as depressing.
    I hope it will, with style and nicely done.
    After all, this anime in its 14 episodes is a gem.
    I wonder if they can be up to what the first series was. All the more with a short OAV.

    Since it's an anime where the main guy can't choose beetween 2 different yet both sweet girls and fate choose for him at first... I wonder if they'll have him suicide at the end of the OAV. That would be very dark, yet possible from what we had in the first season. But I guess killing the main character is never good on sales.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  6. #6
    I probably going to end up saying boo to any retelling but I'm excited to see the characters again. I felt the ending to KGNE was perfect. If it had happened any other way (i.e if Takayuki had decided to stick with Haruka instead) it would have resulted in an unfair situation for everyone involved. Haruka wouldn't get to take responsibility for her own state and would probably remain a coddled little princess, Mitsuki would get unfairly cheated out of her boyfriend, and Takayuki's life would become one of penance for something that ultimately wasn't his fault. Bad for everyone.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I probably going to end up saying boo to any retelling but I'm excited to see the characters again. I felt the ending to KGNE was perfect. If it had happened any other way (i.e if Takayuki had decided to stick with Haruka instead) it would have resulted in an unfair situation for everyone involved. Haruka wouldn't get to take responsibility for her own state and would probably remain a coddled little princess, Mitsuki would get unfairly cheated out of her boyfriend, and Takayuki's life would become one of penance for something that ultimately wasn't his fault. Bad for everyone.
    I still didnt like the ending of the first season. That doesnt mean it wasnt good IMO, it just means that I wanted Haruka to end up with Takayuki and also I hated Mitsuki. Friends dont do that to friends even if she was still looking for her own happiness, which she got, it still kinda felt messed up. I dont know its hard to judge, if you dont go through a similar situation yourself.
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  8. #8
    How come a majority of people hate Mitsuki? I certainly liked her a lot. I felt she was the most realistic character in the series.

  9. #9
    Your right she is doesnt mean we cant hate her. I know she had feelings for Takayuki even before Haruka and Takayuki were dating but still it just feels wrong that she took her best friend's boyfriend while Haruka was in a coma. Keyword: feels, many may argue that given the same situation, they would fight for their love no matter what. Its just my opinion that it was wrong of her to do so given the circumstances.
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  10. #10
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
    Your right she is doesnt mean we cant hate her. I know she had feelings for Takayuki even before Haruka and Takayuki were dating but still it just feels wrong that she took her best friend's boyfriend while Haruka was in a coma. Keyword: feels, many may argue that given the same situation, they would fight for their love no matter what. Its just my opinion that it was wrong of her to do so given the circumstances.
    If I remember correctly, Mitsuki did endure a lot of self torture before really starting to date Takayuki. We speak in months, years maybe...
    All the while, she had to support Takayuki on the verge of suicide, she had to care for him as if he were in an asylum, but she did it alone. This is an awful weight on a young girl becoming a woman. After winning against all of this, Takayuki gets better and then she just lets herself go... and thinks to herself she has the right to do so!

    Now for the Takayuki/Haruka relationship? in the first place, Takayuki wasn't deeply in love. It seems to me he liked her, no more. But it takes time as they say.
    I don't remember clearly, but Haruka and Takayuki are together for 4/6 months at max?
    Well, Mitsuki supported and lived with Takayuki a lot more.

    Any side you take it, Mitsuki didn't do things the wrond way for others, she only terribly torturred herself in the process.

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  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    How come a majority of people hate Mitsuki?
    Is that even true? I kept hoping for the whole time she would get Takayuki. It's too bad Haruka was in a coma, but such things happen in life, albeit rarely, but still it means the relationship can't go anywhere (that is, it will most likely diminish). And if the coma lasts for a very long time it's pretty selfish, even if understandable, for the patient to think everything will be as it was after all that time. Especially when we are talking about a high-school romance. Like David75 said, I also felt it was more like that between Haruka and Takayuki; they both wanted someone to date and seemed to find the other likable. But there was no doubt of how much Mitsuki cared for the zombie of a man, Takayuki.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Is that even true? I kept hoping for the whole time she would get Takayuki. It's too bad Haruka was in a coma, but such things happen in life, albeit rarely, but still it means the relationship can't go anywhere (that is, it will most likely diminish). And if the coma lasts for a very long time it's pretty selfish, even if understandable, for the patient to think everything will be as it was after all that time. Especially when we are talking about a high-school romance. Like David75 said, I also felt it was more like that between Haruka and Takayuki; they both wanted someone to date and seemed to find the other likable. But there was no doubt of how much Mitsuki cared for the zombie of a man, Takayuki.
    I think what it comes down to is your friend or the love of your life. She obviously chose the latter and ended up finding happiness. Haruka though she find her love she found some semblence of peace in the end. Personally I felt that love was blooseming between them when they were dating it just it didnt get anywhere because of her accident. All I know is that if your friend goes into a coma and you have a secret crush(or love) for his/her girl/boy-friend you dont go on a date with them.

    And ya Kraco, I do believe most people hate Mitsuki, I cant site my sources but when I look around various forums and sites hosting this series a lot more people hate Hayase then Haruka. I may be wrong though.
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  13. #13
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I personally like Mitsuki a lot mroe than Haruka.

    I do understand how many people would like Haruka more though, since she doesnt really show many dirty/dark sides of her personality, at least compared to Mitsuki. She simply didnt have the time to, being in a coma and stuck on a bed all ignorant for most of the series.

    It wasnt a choice of her friend over her desire for love. In the first place it wasnt determined whether Haruka would wake up or not. If lets say there was a set date or if the chances are high that she would return/wake up, I would agree that Mitsuki cheated Haruka in a way. But that is not the case in KGNE.
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  14. #14
    Dang its sounding more and more like people here like Mitsuki more then Haruka >.<

    Im obviously a Haruka sympathizer, I just seems out of all the characters, she seems to be the one that got royally screwed. Loss of her friends, boyfriend, and not to mention the loss of those 3 years.
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  15. #15
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Strictly technically speaking Mitsuki probably cheated by taking Haruka's boyfriend - after all, being in a coma Haruka wasn't there to let Takayuki go. A break-up could have happened at some point for one reason or another between them, who knows, like going to study in different, far away places. But the coma prevented that from happening cleanly.

    However, if we are totally realistic the zombie man Takayuki would have probably died if Mitsuki hadn't been taking care of him. So, Haruka would have found only a tombstone after waking up from her coma, and I doubt she would have been that happy when somebody would have eventually mentioned her Takayuki never learned to accept what happened and withered away.

  16. #16
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    The problem with an indefinite absence, like a coma, is the fact that it is indefinite. The high possibility that Haruka will never wake up ever again should be taken into consideration. Its like cheating on a dead person (since they will never wake up, interact, or do anything ever again), which is obviously not an issue of cheating at all.
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  17. #17
    If it were anyone else then I wouldnt dislike Mitsuki as much as I do. If she were some aquantance rather then Haruka's best friend then I wouldnt be so eh.....
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  18. #18
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That "no clean solution" love triangle is the core idea of the show. So I guess we can argue to death to wether T or M were right or not.

    What amazes me is that H can wake up from 3 years coma with seemingly no mental or physical dysfunctions. But again, that's what make the core idea work.

    So my opinion is that M was right. But I understand those who think it's wrong and she cheated on her best friend.

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  19. #19
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Now discussion on this series is something I haven't been involved in in a while. (Brings out the big guns)

    I find it hard to hate anyone in the series. They all have perfectly legitimate reasons for doing what they do. I used to hate Mitsuki for a long time. Subsequent rewatchings changed my mind.

    Mitsuki loved Takayuki because Mitsuki wanted to get close to him in order to make it easier for Haruka to confess. As a result, Mitsuki spent so much time with Takayuki that she fell in love with him. Takayuki also very clearly liked Mitsuki first, going as far to assume she was going to confess to him rather than Haruka. At this point, Haruka still only had an unrequited crush on him, but she understandably was too shy to ask him herself long ago.

    Mitsuki felt obligated to fulfill her self-imposed promise to Haruka, but couldn't help herself and selfishly asked for a present on her birthday, leading to Haruka's accident. Was it a terrible thing? Yes. But Haruka's lack of courage pushed her into that in the first place. I hated her for keeping the ring, but it was the only thing that she had ever received from someone she loved, and she cherished it so deeply, she couldn't part with it, even as it became a reminder of her guilt.

    Takayuki did fall in love with Haruka. At first, he wasn't sure whether he cared for her or not, but somehow, he fell deeply for her over time. He was incredibly hurt by her accident, blamed himself, and vowed to stand by her. Her family liked him a great deal too, but couldn't stand to see him so devastated by her condition. In order to prevent him from ruining his own life, having a tragic accident destroy two lives, they told him to go away.

    Mitsuki wanted to comfort him in his grief, but stay at a bit of a distance. As he became more and more dependent upon her, she fell more and more in love with him, vice versa with Takayuki. I found it (after a lot of reflection) perfectly understandable for two people who were not very close to become so involved when comforting each other in a time of grief. Mitsuki just looks bad because of the incident with the ring. When Haruka wakes up, Mitsuki is incredibly torn. She wants to go see her best friend, but Akane makes her feel so much worse about comforting Takayuki.

    In the end, Haruka realizes with her speech about the picture book that she fell behind. Selflessly, she unburdens all of them by withdrawing. Sad, but it was the right thing to do.

    One of the most interesting characters is Akane. She gets pulled in the most directions all at once, and it ends up hurting her the most. She loved all three in the triangle a great deal, and the aftermath of the accident tore her apart. She became very attached to Takayuki when he was dating her sister (perhaps bordering on love of her own) and Mitsuki was her idol of idols. She was probably hurt the most by seeing Takayuki's breakdown and that twisted worse and worse until she lost it, flipped out at her sister, and put her back into a coma. Akane loved her sister, was very happy to see her back, but hated seeing her ruin Takayuki's life again. She could see he was slipping into the same way he was during the breakdown.

    Her feelings about Mitsuki are the most important. Mitsuki was everything to her. A swimming goddess, her sister's best friend, someone to truly admire. Then she "stole" Takayuki from Haruka. Akane knew that in a coma, Haruka was ruining Takayuki's life, but she couldn't help but hate Mitsuki, who had gotten him out of all that.

    Finally, just as a footnote, we've got AyuAyu. A tsundere in its purest form, Ayu surprisingly is quite fond of Takayuki, and though she outwardly hates him, respects him. He's the only person who is harsh with her, perhaps the only person to ever be harsh with her. So, when he's in trouble, she uses her economic clout to get him the book.

    If you want to see a humorous version of Takayuki's inner thoughts, watch the second episode of the Akane Maniax OVA. A great imaginary mecha fight ensues.

    EDIT: Minor details corrected.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 12-10-2007 at 09:52 AM.

  20. #20
    I have to speak up since Iwon't let Mitsuki be dragged through the mud. Mitsuki was my favorite character by far in this series, even when she let me down by succumbing to the immense pressure she was under. Still, of all the characters in the show I feel like she made the least bad decisions for the group, while still trying to make the best decisions for herself. I don't assign blame to anyone because most of the decisions made in the show where made based purely on emotions and not on thinking things through so I can't hate anyone for being a douchebag.

    Takayuki made the wrong choice when Haruka woke up, it would have been better for everyone (except maybe himself) if he had stayed with Mitsuki and let Haruka's parents tell her that he had to move on while she was in the coma. It would have been hard for him since he did care about her, but in the end it would have destroyed Mitsuki and she didn't deserve to be tossed away like that.

    Haruka couldn't really make the choice to give him up since everyone lied to her, but you can't live in the past. She needed to accept reality or just go back into her coma or die. If she can't face reality why should everyone have to play along in her fantasy at the expense of their own happiness. Is it nice? Yes. Does it demonstrate a very deep love? Yes. But is it an ultimately stupid and doomed course of action, causing more aggregate pain to everyone involved then just forcing her to deal with life... YES!

    In taking care of Takayuki, Mitsuki started to become dependent on him. Her dealing with him seemed to help her deal with her own problems and feelings about what had happened and she was able to move past them while she was with him. When he started to leave her for Haruka she started losing her resolve and headed right down the path Takayuki took after the accident. I can't see anything that would validate Takayuki sentencing Mitsuki to the exact fate that she rescued him from, it's just too wrong. He may have felt he owed Haruka for their short relationship and for not being there to keep her from being hit by that car, but I think he owed Mitsuki his life and sanity which I feel counts more.

    I think everyone in this show made poor decisions based on their emotions, but in trying to look at it from an objective standpoint I think the final outcome of Haruka letting go and Takayuki staying with Tatsuki was the best course of action.

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