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Thread: Kimi ga Nozomu Eien season 2

  1. #41
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    It's true that having the love of your life living with a scum when you wake up may be hard to accept... nice thought animus.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #42
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    Meh... I thought it was gonna be a full season 2.

  3. #43
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Watched the raw.

    Do not watch this unless you are an absolute Haruka lover, was what I thought until the last minute of the episode. I suggest for everyone who has watched KGNE to give it a try. Might be an interesting ride depending on the next episode.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #44
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    [Bakawolf-m.3.3.w] KgNE Next Season eps 1

    My biggest complaint is that the story jumps so far to create a Haruka epilogue. If you're not at least familiar with the ero-game's arcs, you'll be pretty confused. A quick synopsis for any who need it:

    Story is identical to the anime, up through the part where Haruka falls back into a coma and Mitsuki has sex with Shinji while she's drunk. The difference is that Mitsuki visits Haruka and leaves the ring that represents her guilt and the actual cause of the entire mess. She then leaves. The ring ultimately ends up on Haruka's finger

    Here, Mitsuki has kept the ring for now, but has still run away.

    More of a side note than anything, which they never mentioned it in either series, but the tiny nurse died from the terminal illness that was keeping her short. The other nurse did somewhat allude to her condition in the original series, but they skipped over the rest of the issue.

    The issue so far should be clear. Haruka still feels that she's dragging everyone down with her recovery. Akane's hobbies are suffering, Takayuki does nothing but care for her, and everyone else dotes on her a little as well. It's the same thing that happened in the original ending, only Mitsuki fled out of guilt.

    It hurts her, but Haruka was doing the right thing by breaking up with Takayuki at the end of the episode. Yes, it's his own choice to dote on her, but Haruka still feels awful for ruining the lives of everyone.

    I think this is off to a good start. I would like a little more time with Akane maybe, but she already had her own OVA.

  5. #45
    Oh thank God. I made it 8:13 in before I became fed up thinking about how this was going to play out with Haruka dragging everyone down and decided to see if anyone posted a synopsis. With your revelation about the ending I think I can stand to watch the rest.

    As a Mitsuki fan for life the scene at the beginning hurt especially bad.

    EDIT: Well after pretending Mitsuki is not a viable solution to this equation I must say I'm a bit skeptical about the turn of events at the end of the episode. I too think it would be better if Takayuki didn't devote his every waking moment to Haruka just on principle, but I don't see them not ending up together.

    Haruka never struck me as particularly hardy mentally, and Takayuki strikes me as a high level clinger. There's little doubt in my mind that he will simply keep pursuing her through the next ep. She is not in a mental state to keep having her desires pressed against over and over so she will probalbe end up giving in and staying with him, especially when she sees him start destroying himself without her.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 12-23-2007 at 12:28 AM.

  6. #46
    Episode 2 is out by Bakawolf&m33w, but I don't have a torrent link. I got it from IRC.

    Anyway, I'd just like to say that I'm completely at a loss for words here. As an OVA, this episode is completely garbage. For the first 5 minutes or so, I thought I downloaded the wrong file because it was pretty much identical to episode 1. I then skipped through the rest of the episode and found that it was indeed a different episode. They simply recapped episode 1 using episode 2. There's about 30 seconds of new footage.

    wtf is this shit?

  7. #47
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    Episode 2 is out by Bakawolf&m33w, but I don't have a torrent link. I got it from IRC.

    Anyway, I'd just like to say that I'm completely at a loss for words here. As an OVA, this episode is completely garbage. For the first 5 minutes or so, I thought I downloaded the wrong file because it was pretty much identical to episode 1. I then skipped through the rest of the episode and found that it was indeed a different episode. They simply recapped episode 1 using episode 2. There's about 30 seconds of new footage.

    wtf is this shit?
    I planned on waiting for all eps to be released before watching anything from it.

    I do hope it's a mistake or something... because they can't kill that show!

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  8. #48
    Lol this came out in March.

    Kimi ga Nozomu Eien OVA ~Next Season~ - 02 (H.264) - [BakaWolf-m.3.3.w]

    Basically Mitsuki explains the original series from her perspective (which was an interesting perspective) and some rude, jealous girl from the high school times listens to her. Then the rude jealous girl decides to stop being rude and jealous and says some useful stuff. The useful stuff at the end seemed worth sitting through the summary for me, though I will admit it was difficult to come to the decision it was worth it.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 06-25-2008 at 09:38 AM.

  9. #49
    Oh wait... I already saw episode 2 back in March. That's why it felt like a huge recap...

    Damn I'm trippin' out.

  10. #50
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Heart-wrenching(?) Finale.

    [m.3.3.w] Kimi ga Nozomu Eien OVA ~Next Season~ 04 - Final (H.264)
    [m.3.3.w] Kimi ga Nozomu Eien OVA ~Next Season~ 04 - Final (Xvid)

    EDIT: Content heavy below.

    I found this really hard to watch.

    It's been nearly 5 years since I watched the original series the last time, and quite frankly, I have next to no emtional attachment to any of these characters. It was hard to care about Haruka's reservations about still being in the past, her mother's worries, and Akane's guilt about following her own dreams. The scene at the train station was also unbearably lame. What the hell kind of bystander claps at that kind of situation? Where you've got one girl freaking out every time a car drives by, and another psycho going into a panic state because he didn't see his girlfriend the very second he stepped off the train. Narumi didn't even get 20 feet from the station before he starts yelling for her. Try and look maybe?

    I have to say, this ending really sucks compared to the original.

    Sure, Narumi and Haruka are fine, Akane is okay, but where does Mitsuki stand? She's alone, no job, living with a person who pretty much despises her. I can't help but forsee her untimely death, from alcohol poisoning. At least the original ending had Haruka (able to deal with her losses and move on with her life) knowing she'd be hurt, but able to survive, while two very broken people were able to heal each other's emotional scars.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 01-10-2009 at 11:47 PM.

  11. #51
    Well I went into this remake expecting to hate it and it didn't disappoint. Around a third of the way through the last ep I started to really look forward to deleting all four eps. I felt like there was just too much talking and not enough actions taken by people. For the first two eps my empathy for Mitsuki and my pity for Takayuki managed to carry me through and make their situations meaningful to me but eps 3 and 4 were all about Haruka and Akane. Considering how detached I have always been from Haruka and how loosely attached I am to Akane all their talk just didn't hold my attention as well. I'm glad that the Haruka fans got to see the ending they wanted though but I won't feel bad about forgetting about this OVA over the course of the next week or two.

  12. #52
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Well I went into this remake expecting to hate it and it didn't disappoint. Around a third of the way through the last ep I started to really look forward to deleting all four eps. I felt like there was just too much talking and not enough actions taken by people. For the first two eps my empathy for Mitsuki and my pity for Takayuki managed to carry me through and make their situations meaningful to me but eps 3 and 4 were all about Haruka and Akane. Considering how detached I have always been from Haruka and how loosely attached I am to Akane all their talk just didn't hold my attention as well. I'm glad that the Haruka fans got to see the ending they wanted though but I won't feel bad about forgetting about this OVA over the course of the next week or two.
    I feel the same, with a bit of anger for the wait that has been so long for just that.
    I would have liked to have a little more Mitsuki (nothing in that ep...) and Takayuki was almost totally absent too, which is very strange.

    All in all, those OVAs hold together and tell about a happy ending, but the first end was so much stronger.
    I guess that if they had flipped both ends, you'd have rage on the internets about how it's immoral to have such a last end with Mitsuki, but really I would have loved it.

    The problem with that last ep is that they were not able to cope with the greatness they accidently created in the first series... It was ok, but just ok.
    There's so much about character development they forgot to show that it pains me too (anime wise)

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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