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Thread: Bleach Chapter 302

  1. #21
    Aizen used Blast Spell #90 Black Coffin on Komamura back in c176. He mentions that since he didn't use the incantation it was less than a third as effective as it could have been (though it still completely devastated Komamura) and that it's harder to control level 90+ spells.

    It's been fairly strongly hinted now that Level 90+ blast spells are in a whole other league from the rest in terms of both complexity and power, first by Gin's surprised reaction to Aizen being able to use #90 at all without the incantation and more recently by Byakuya's statement that Binding Art #81 starts losing effectiveness against Blast Spells above 90.

    Now that I think about it Zommari's power seems more like a Binding Spell than a Destructive Spell, but maybe Binding Spell 81 just blocks Kidou energy in general unless it's above 90 level...Anyway, I wouldn't judge Byakuya better than Aizen at Kidou until I've seen him at least do a level 90+ Hadou even with the incantation. We've seen Byakuya toss out plenty of lower level Kidou with no incantation or but we've only seen Aizen botch a single high level spell so powerful that 'botching' it took out a Captain.

  2. #22
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Well Aizen did say that he mastered all aspects of shinigami power. That is why he started experimenting on hollows in the first place because after he mastered being a shinigami he stopped growing so learning hollow abilities was the next logical step.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  3. #23
    I kinda thought Byakuya lucked out when he used the Kidou #81, when he said he had a feeling the Arrancar's ability was related to a Kidou.

  4. #24
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Like One green suit wearing, weird posing ninja once said "Luck is a part of strength" just ask Ichigo.
    Last edited by Abdula; Tue, 12-04-2007 at 07:43 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Well Aizen did say that he mastered all aspects of shinigami power.

    Yeah, I can't understand that either, Aizen should have perfected casting Level 90+ spells with no incantation before he decided he'd reached the pinnacle of Shinigami power. I'd chock it up to either his massive arrogance talking for him or that he's come to the conclusion that spells that powerful simply can't be utilized at peak effectiveness without the chant.

  6. #26
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yeah I would think that spells that powerful can't be used effectively without chants or that would just defeat the whole purpose of the chants. Aizen is way too good for your other option to even be an option. Aizen is not more arrogant than Byakuya or most of the other captains.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  7. #27
    Aizen could be just an average tough captain acting big and being utterly arrogant. (Thus making him look like the best enemy out there).
    The only facts we know is that he is sneaky, smart, determinated and can talk big. (He used 90Class spell and downed an other captain ... Yeah remember that the fox dude was up against Zaraki earlier on and had to go bankai.)

    I think, that when it'll come to combat. Ukitake would be able to match Aizen strengh, and when it comes to defeat him (one on one) Kenpachi, Shunsui or Genryusai would do. (Yeah Ichigo too, because he's sorta the main char ...)

    And I would Like Yuki and Abdula opinions; Tessai (You know him ... Sandal'n hat's helper at the store.) used Bakudo99 without breaking a sweat. Then took Ichigo transformation's reiatsu blast head on without even being scratched while the vizards had to shield themselves behind some gigantic barrier.

    If Tessai had to face Aizen in a pure Kido Vs Kido battle, who would win ?

  8. #28
    Bakudou 99 is a binding art but it's still kidoh, so I assume the numbers mean the same thing, higher number = higher complecity. My theory is that Tessai is also a former Shinigami and he specialized in Binding Arts, but we've only seen Tessai cast one spell so there's no way to really know if he's good at anything else or if his entire skill set is just Bakudou #99 . We've also only seen Aizen cast a single spell and it was commented that that spell was very complex and was obviously very destructive and yet it wasn't completed due to his haste.

    As to the taking of the blast, HIchigo has grew in power as Ichigo grew in power, when he regained his powers he didn't even have a shikai, and when the Vaizards were with him he was captain level, it's hard to try and compare the two.

    With the lack of information I would say Aizen would wipe the floor with Tessai based mainly on story status. Maybe Aizen would have to work at it but what kind of villain would Aizen be if he could be beaten by some random side character. But I don't really like engaging in hypotheticals where you deny aspects of a character, it's like saying who would win between two people if you cut one of their hands off. It's pointless to stage a fight where neither fighter is using all the skills at their disposal unless it's done like Zaropolla where his skill is the denial of other peoples skills (it's gay, but it's not as pointless because that's just how he fights).
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 12-05-2007 at 12:52 AM.

  9. #29
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I don't think Yukimura left me with anything else to say. Its just hard to say who could win a battle when you don't know anything about the people involved. I will say however that based on Aizen's status and how difficult a time Ichigo had fighting Grimmjow and yet Tosen cut his arm of so easily, that Aizen and his captains are in leaps and bounds far stronger than any of the arrancar therefore they should be able to defeat anyone else.

    Tessai never seemed to me at least, like he specialized in combat so I don't think he would stand a chance against any captain class opponents.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    My theory is that Tessai is also a former Shinigami and he specialized in Binding Arts
    Its interesting that you mentioned that because seeing that Urahara and Yoruichi are originally from SS, its safe to assume that everyone else there is from SS aswell.
    I don't think that anyone in that shop is human.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  10. #30
    what ever happened to Ulquiorra? shouldn't the spell have worn off by now?

  11. #31
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yes. I mentioned that awhile ago and everyone seems to agree that not enough time has past. I think that between Ichigo fighting Grimmjow, that whole business with the other arrancars , Nel's battle and the people from SS showing up that enough time should've passed because it didn't appear that Grimmjow thought it would hold him for long.

    Anyway there is no way the judge the passage of time in a manga so it really doesn't matter. Maybe he will finally break out when all the fighting is over and then there will be a new enemy to fight. I certainly hope not because I want this arc to be over already, but it would be nice the see him back he is my favorite arrancar after all.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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