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Thread: Bleach Chapter 302

  1. #1
    If I could change my name
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    Bleach Chapter 302


    Pride.what makes a Death God raise his sword?
    image fail!

  2. #2
    Mayuri just die already. Ukitake(Or any other sexy captain, Kyouraku, Genryusai,...) should come, take his place and finish the figh already.

    Lame ending btw #7

  3. #3
    Byakuya you completely ROCK!

  4. #4
    Wow, Byakuya pulled out something new. Even though it was short, it was sweet, and he's actually growing on me as a cool character.

    Mayuri, I want to see what he's bringing to his fight. He's got all this weird stuff, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was semi- toying with the espada.

    Kenpachi for last ?? NOOO!!

  5. #5
    Wow Byakuya's fight was actually shorter then I thought it would be. I thought that espada would pull 1 more trick before he bought it. Anyway Mayuri losing already seems a little lame, im much more interested in Zaraki's fight and whether or not he will have to fight #4.
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  6. #6
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    This chapter was crap. #7 shouting accept my love and praise aizen-sama was ridiculous it didn't fit what I thought his personality was. Nothing interesting happened in this chapter.

    Mayuri is losing he hasn't even gone bankai yet and that idiot scientist arrancar has already released. Mayuri likes to draw things out anyway but I pretty sure he is going to win, although I'm not interested in this battle at all now.

    Again I'm just wanting this arc to be over and done with hopefully Zaraki's battle will be short and sweet but not likely because he likes to draw his battles out as well atleast until he thinks he has seen all of his opponent's power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kensee
    Wow, Byakuya pulled out something new. Even though it was short, it was sweet, and he's actually growing on me as a cool character.
    Wow, he is just starting to grow on you as a cool character. Did anything he did before impress you? I liked him from the very first time I saw him when he slashed Ichigo and insulted about how slow he was when falling that was all it took. His personality was great from the very beginning and that confrontation he had with the other captains,(I can't remember who it was, I think it was Gin and Zaraki) when Ichigo and the others first entered SS just completely sold him to me and he has only gotten better since then.
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  7. #7
    What is the point to Zomari Le Roux's short lived appearance?
    To be recognized on an equal level and feared is the same as love? (Espada and Captains)
    As is,
    To be recognized and fear that from a higher is the same as love? (Espada and Aizen)

    Hate and love are the same to Zomari Le Roux but indifference is unbearable.
    The Espada's definition of love is empty as compaired to,
    Byakuya’s love is authentic, finally overcoming his duty imperative. Rukia his Pride!

    Bleach’s ethic’s philosophy isn’t as refined as Naruto’s, but it is getting better and better.

    Looks like Mayuri will have a chance to figure out Szayel Aporro’s trick.

  8. #8
    What is the point to Zomari Le Roux's short lived appearance?
    To be recognized on an equal level and feared is the same as love? (Espada and Captains)
    As is,
    To be recognized and fear that from a higher is the same as love? (Espada and Aizen)

    Hate and love are the same to Zomari Le Roux but indifference is unbearable.
    The Espada's definition of love is empty as compaired to,
    Byakuya’s love is authentic, finally overcoming his duty imperative. Rukia his Pride!
    The purpose of Zomari was to just show there is a 7th espada, considering how much screentime the 6th espada took, and how powerful he was, there had to be a 7th to fight and kill.

    As for his 'ACCEPT MY LOVE' crap. I thought he was referring to his 'Amor' move (spanish for love), and how Byakuya rejected that move with his kido.

  9. #9
    I have a love hate thing going with Byakuya, the first time I saw him, I thought, yep, theres the bad ass of the show...then he releases pink petals which put me off him. Yet somehow he does such cool things. Dammit man, why can't you have blood red petals instead of pink, lol.

    As for Mayuri, he hasn't done bankai yet, I think he's toying about as someone mentioned. I think all the captains will win their battle. Be a nice twist if one of them lost though.

  10. #10
    Missing Nin
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    The purpose of Zomari was to just show there is a 7th espada, considering how much screentime the 6th espada took, and how powerful he was, there had to be a 7th to fight and kill.

    As for his 'ACCEPT MY LOVE' crap. I thought he was referring to his 'Amor' move (spanish for love), and how Byakuya rejected that move with his kido.
    Actually because of how recently Octopus boy the #6 who took Grimjaws place was killed I would of been ok with no #7 currently existing.

    That being said this chapter was basically pointless I don't see any reason to spend a chapter on a guy not dying just so he could find out he was totally helpless and die anyway.

    Also I was quite disappointed in this guy being the 7th in general as he should have been nearly as strong as Grimjaw assuming he wasn't the 8th and they shifted everyone around for the above mentioned reasons. Byakuya should be a little less powerful then Ichigo as a whole being Ichigo basically had to use Viazard mode to beat him the first time around so overall its at least acceptable that he can own a espada like that and it was certainly nice to see a captain just own someone for once instead of the constant struggle they have in every battle.

  11. #11
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    @Niner4959, DeathscytheVII, Konohamaru, DDBen

    Agreed, but Ichigo was always very powerful that isn't the the difference between him and Byakuya the differnce is skill and experience that is what makes Byakuya so strong.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    @Niner4959, DeathscytheVII, Konohamaru, DDBen

    Agreed, but Ichigo was always very powerful that isn't the the difference between him and Byakuya the differnce is skill and experience that is what makes Byakuya so strong.
    And yet byakuya lost to Ichigo in their lil fight. In theory, byakuya should trampled him.

  13. #13
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    lol byakuya lost? hahaha, you mustve had shit in your eyes or something xD.

  14. #14
    Personally, I dont think this fight between Byakuya and #7 has much to do with power levels. Zomari may have high power, but the simple case here is that he was matched up with an opponent that was the worst possible one for his fighting style. if he had fought, say Mayuri or Ichigo, they may have problems with him due to his special ability to control any object, which their zanpaktou cannot counter. Either SS had more intel on the espada than we thought when it came to having byakuya fight 7, or it was pure plot forwarding device by the author.

    I think this fight is a great example of how in bleach, power isn't everything, its also fighting style and matching them up with opponents. Of course, I also admit Byakuya is a powerhouse. He technically beat Ichigo if it weren't for the hollow one saving his butt.

  15. #15
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathscytheVII
    I think this fight is a great example of how in bleach, power isn't everything, its also fighting style and matching them up with opponents.
    I like that about Bleach now, in the beginning it was a lot like DBZ with the one with the highest power level winning everything. After SS the way the battle were done changed and thats a good thing its a bit more Naruto-esque now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Konohamaru
    And yet byakuya lost to Ichigo in their lil fight. In theory, byakuya should trampled him.
    How in the hell did Byakuay lose to Ichigo. I remember him whopping Ichigo ass and the only time he had any trouble was when Ichigo went hollow on him. Byakuya only stopped fighting because Ichigo broke his sword. How many times did that happen to Ichigo, huh?

    If I remember this correctly Byakuya walked away from that battle with minimal injuries and Ichigo's body was beaten to the point where he couldn't even control it anymore which is why the hollow took over in the first place. If I slash you to pieces and then you break my sword so I walk away and then you pass out, then you tell me who won. Byakuya could have and should have killed Ichigo he didn't because he realized that Ichigo wasn't his enemy as he put it.

    Anyway this is an anime/manga we are talking about, 9 times out of 10 the protagonist will win a battle simply because he is the protagonist, even when everything else suggests that he should lose horribly.
    Last edited by Abdula; Sun, 12-02-2007 at 10:07 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  16. #16
    Apparently the post I wrote either disappeared or never actually got posted, anyway Byakuya has always been my show in for least likely to be defeated Captain. He's just got too much talent. Characters like Ichigo and Zaraki rely on just strength and experience to do battle and that's all good, but Byakua has all that plus he literally has 'mad skills. No matter how much power you have if your opponent has the proper skills to counter or avoid your power attacks you will lose. Byakuya seems to never lack for an effective kidou to turn the tide of a situation in his favor (magic is so convenient isn't it...).

    As to the comments about Byakuya vs Ichigo, you can make a case that Byakuya 'lost' since he chose to stop fighting, but Byakuya demonstrated he was the superior fighter when he pinned Ichigo's foot with one of the Kageyoshi blades and shot lightening through his shoulder. If that had been Ichigo's head instead....

    EDIT Spelling = Fail
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 12-04-2007 at 10:36 AM.

  17. #17
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    "why won't you love me, Bakuya-same!?" clasic.
    since when is bakuya so profficent with Kidou? when Aizen did a 90lvl spell on the wererat captain, he said that it pracitcally fails without proper incaniation... but bakuya skips the spell chanting and it works so good,,, when did that happen?

    I'm still waiting to hear an hollow say "redemption" or "salivation".

  18. #18
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    That just shows you how talented Byakuya is with kIdou. The fact that Aizen is unable to properly use kidou without and incantation yet Byakuya does it all the time shows how just how talented he is. I don't remember Aizen using magic on Komamura though, and he is not a wererat.Lol.

    Byakuya has been proficient with magic since the very beginning.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  19. #19
    Or maybe Tite watched too many 1960' hollywood movies where the black guy dies early in a meaningless way.

  20. #20
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Konohamaru
    I have a love hate thing going with Byakuya, the first time I saw him, I thought, yep, theres the bad ass of the show...then he releases pink petals which put me off him. Yet somehow he does such cool things. Dammit man, why can't you have blood red petals instead of pink, lol.

    As for Mayuri, he hasn't done bankai yet, I think he's toying about as someone mentioned. I think all the captains will win their battle. Be a nice twist if one of them lost though.
    The whole point behind the pink petals is the 'SAKURA' on his attack. Sakura are naturally pink...

    Blood Red Sakura petals, I believe, have only been shown in anime (dunno about real life) when a corpse is buried under a Cherry Blossom (Sakura) and the tree absorbs the blood of its victim. This happened on Tokyo Babylon / X (from CLAMP) when Seishirou SAKURAzuka, the SAKURAzukamori killed his victims. And even he was shown besides pink petals...

    The thing here is not the color... remember Sakura trees are really common (and famous) in Japan. And its most revered version is the pink one. Japanese have a full holiday to watch them bloom.

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