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Thread: Naruto Shippuden Episode 36-37

  1. #21
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    There's really only 3 possiblities for the spy.

    1. Kabuto
    2. One of the Sound 4 if any of them somehow survived
    3. Someone new.

    Cause, Orochimaru isn't spying on Orochimaru, and Sasuke isn't spying for Akatsuke. And we don't know any other sound people.

  2. #22
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Maybe he's from an illegitimate lineage... The First probably hard no shortage of ladies considering he was The First Hokage - quite an accomplishment.

  3. #23
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Lol @ Darthender.

    Kraco just what are you insinuating.
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  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Maybe he's from an illegitimate lineage... The First probably hard no shortage of ladies considering he was The First Hokage - quite an accomplishment.
    He did plant the seed that became Konoha.

  5. #25
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    True so he must be potent.

    There are so many questions about Konoha and the Naruto world most of which I'm guessing won't ever be answered. Anyway we should have some good action coming up soon lets hope they stay the course and keep everything short and sweet, and the animation doesn't take a hit again.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  6. #26
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    What was the significance of the seeds Yamato had? They took some time to show them, and they're definitely part of his equipment. At first I thought he snuck it into the food they ate. 3 seeds, 3 team members, and he kinda looked at the food/Sai funny when they all finished. Maybe that was just him restraining himself to ask Sakura about Sasori though. If those seeds weren't used in the food, then the most likely thing is that's probably the source of his power, using seeds to perform wood techniques.

  7. #27
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpha826
    sasori's kinda dead though...but yeah, i doubt sasuke would be helping akatsuki too
    Yes thanks.
    Obviously the spy wouldn't know this....or else he wouldn't be going to the bridge now, would he?

    @DarthEnder: Why didn't you just say: "Anyone except Oro or Sasuke"? lol...
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #28
    sasuke is a betrayer (i think its write like that) so why couldnt he betray oro? oro wanna kill him and sasuke wants power, its like giving candy to a child, he will do anything for that

  9. #29
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Oro isn't Sasuke's enemy as such. If he were to betray Orochimaru, he would need to gain something more from whoever he would be covertly working for than what Oro is giving him. However, I don't really think Sasuke would like to learn puppet jutsu from Sasori... It doesn't exactly sound like the kind of thing that would give great power quickly.

  10. #30
    Well, Sasori could've had some info to trade... like info on his brother or something.

    Still, remember when Shippuden started we got a scene where Naruto and Sasuke meet, there was no bridge around as far as I remember so it doesn't seem they'll meet just yet.

  11. #31
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Yes thanks.
    Obviously the spy wouldn't know this....or else he wouldn't be going to the bridge now, would he?

    @DarthEnder: Why didn't you just say: "Anyone except Oro or Sasuke"? lol...
    I'm trying to post "content heavy".

  12. #32
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Sasuke has no reason to betray Oro. Sure Oro wants to take his boby but he already knows that and Oro is giving him power that is why he went there. Orochimaru is not Sasuke's enemy Itachi is, therefore so is Akatsuki so he would not help them. Besides for Sasuke to be Sasori's spy they would've had to have come into previous contact and that hasn't happened.

    Sasuke has been in the village all of his life and when he left he went to Orochimaru and Oro had already left Akatsuki so he has never met any of the members besides Orochimaru, Itachi and Kisame.

    @ForteCross: Sasuke isn't a betrayer he didn't betray anyone, it was clear from the very beginning that his only goal in life was to kill Itachi everyone knew that. Sure he left the village but he didn't give Orochimaru any information he didn't already know about the leaf and its not as if he tried to attack the village or anything. He left the village to gain enough power to achieve his goals, I don't consider that to be a betrayal. Naruto and the others are the ones who chose to come after him and try to stop him from leaving which didn't make any sense since he was leaving voluntarily so even if they did manage to stop him it would have only been delaying the inevitable.
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  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    Naruto and the others are the ones who chose to come after him and try to stop him from leaving which didn't make any sense since he was leaving voluntarily so even if they did manage to stop him it would have only been delaying the inevitable.
    Didn't make any sense? Even if we forget the fact many considered Sasuke a friend or at least an ally who was making the biggest mistake of his life, we still have the fact Orochimaru is Konoha's enemy and Sasuke was bringing one of the most dangerous Konoha weapons into his hands: Sharingan. So, I'd say that's plenty of reasons, no matter how much free will people are given (and considering it's a ninja village, that is, basically a military base, personal freedom might be lower in the list of priorities than somewhere else.

    It's kind of like in the 40's or 50's one of the top nuclear physicist of the USA would have liked to move to the Soviet Union. It wouldn't have made people happy back in the USA, not his friends nor his government.

  14. #34
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    A real world analogy doesn't fit this situation its an anime. What I was saying didn't make sense is that to this point the village doesn't seem to consider Sasuke a betrayer. They still have it as if he was kidnapped by Orochimaru and he wasn't. My point was what were they going to do if they had indeed brought Sasuke back because I know they weren't going to lock him up in a prison or anything, and if they had indeed stopped him from gaining the power that Oro would give him, he would have only ended up hating them.

    So while I do understand why they didn't want him to go to Oro, if they indeed intended to stop him there were only two ways of doing it. Either to imprison him which won't have worked not only because he is strong but that would've only meant that Oro would've came back for him sooner or later or kill him which, since we are talking about ninjas is the most logical choice.

    The leaf village doesn't view Sasuke as an enemy so they wouldn't have done either of those things so while sending a team to retrieve Sasuke may have been the right choice it definitely wasn't thought through enough, because the outcome would've been the same. Really if they didn't have enough ninjas in the village, so no high ranking ones could've been sent on the mission they would've been better off just leaving him alone because they nearly lost seven of their most promising genin instead of just one.
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  15. #35
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Actually... the fact that Sasuke left on his own marks him as a Missing-Nin... which is branded like a traitor on this anime.
    Don't know if he made the bingo book though.

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The real world analogy doesn't fit? Oh, well, I'm sorry but I grew up in the real world so I kind of tend to think in real world terms. Can't really help it, nor would I want it any other way.

    I don't see you providing a better solution, because obviously just letting him go wasn't one. If it had been just Naruto and Sakura alone who wanted him back then it would have been a different story, but it seemed to be the official stance. And as such their options were limited: Maybe they would have tried to get him to stay back willingly by assigning him to different work, like ANBU, and granting him exclusive teaching (from Kakashi or anybody skilled enough). It might have been worth it to retain the Uchiha bloodline. If it hadn't worked, at least they would have tried. Or maybe they would have brain washed him with some special jutsu.

    We already saw Itachi would be capable of beating any Konoha ninja. It would be foolish of Konoha to let similar potential to fall into Oro's hands without a fight. No matter if it goes against the free will of somebody.

  17. #37
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Sai clearly recognizes Sasuke as a missing-nin and a traitor. Plus he's part of roots, who, as it's been implied, seek to serve the bests interests of Konoha from beyond Konoha's narrow viewpoint.

    Maybe Danzou wants Sai to kill Sasuke, to ensure the sharingan doesn't fall into evil hands?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    There's really only 3 possiblities for the spy.

    1. Kabuto
    2. One of the Sound 4 if any of them somehow survived
    3. Someone new.

    Cause, Orochimaru isn't spying on Orochimaru, and Sasuke isn't spying for Akatsuke. And we don't know any other sound people.
    That was my first reaction when I heard Sasori saying that he has a spy working for him under Oro. I did posted it, but didn't really get equal minded people to react.
    I still think there's a possibility that's him, since he's the only one who works under Oro directly and it seems quite weird if they introduced someone out of the blue.

    About Yamato, he has a power only the First knew how AND Tsunade really trusts him. That kinda gives a hint about the fact that they're related in some way. It's hard to believe every relative of Tsunade is dead...
    Hakke Rokujūyon Shō!

  19. #39
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Kabuto would seem to be the most likely candidate...especially since he's always seemed so flaky in the past.

    Wouldn't that be interesting....
    Kabuto being a spy for akatsuki as a spy for orochimaru as a medic nin for Konoha.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #40
    Kabuto: Spy for Hire

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