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Thread: Ah! My Goddess: Fighting Wings

  1. #21
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm not getting any of that jibberish stuff, all those links worked fine for me. Anyway, the episode. Rather interesting, guess they wanted to make a special focused on Lind. Hild makes her appearance again, but it looks like Marller will me comic relief next time. (can't really remember when he wasn't.)

    edit: Bread-sama, you didn't do the typesetting this time!!! You've been doing every episode up to this one though, haven't you. I remember you did the first series(now untrue, see next post. ). Thanks for the work on that one, and any of the others you've done. I know of a few people who don't like this anime. I like it, but I'm biased, since it's the series that got me into anime.

    edit2: rather, fansubbed anime.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 12-28-2007 at 01:24 AM.

  2. #22
    AonE Staff Bread-sama's Avatar
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    Yes, I did the 2 episodes of it. But i'm hiding with fakes nicks.

    And I didn't do the first series XD!

    Anyway, Hild's voice is horny.

  3. #23
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bread-sama
    Yes, I did the 2 episodes of it. But i'm hiding with fakes nicks.

    And I didn't do the first series XD!

    Anyway, Hild's voice is horny.
    Was wondering if Urd, Peorth and K1 voices had changed... seemed different. But that's maybe because I last head them a long time ago.

    Thanks for overcoming the fact you don't like this show, and still provide us with nice work.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #24
    ANN gives the voice credits to the same actors, and they're normally pretty accurate... As for me, I'm still DLing the episode, hope it's good!

  5. #25
    thanks shadow skill

  6. #26
    Thank you for taking the time to sub this

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    halfway to Sylt
    torrent for the second part:


  8. #28
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... So, Belldandy as well will now have two angels? Her original one and the demon turned angel. Convenient. You could imagine they would have pretty different manners of powers to grant to Belldandy, assuming the ex-demon still retained her original ones - and according to Belldandy it looks that way.

    Too bad Keiichi wasn't given an angel of his own permanently. He seemed to be capable of supporting one, after all (even if he looked a bit stressed and stretched while doing it, but I'm sure with time it would have worked out).

    Other than that I couldn't help but laugh every time I heard the names of Lind's angels: Cool Mint and Spear Mint. What the heck. Straight out of a pack of chewing gums...

  9. #29
    Kraco, Watch Season 2 of the TV series although they only kind of put it off in the back for a while 1 ep does show what happens to Bell's 2nd "Angel" If I ever get my NAS back from Linksys I'll be able to tell you more specifically what ep in season 2 has the data or what chapter(s) in the Manga to look out for.

  10. #30
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... So, you are saying this took place between the TV series seasons?

    Well, I don't remember the series well at all, so I'll take your word for whatever happened to the second angel in it.

  11. #31
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    That sure was a finale packed with a lot of things, maybe even too much. And the music a bit loud compared to voices.

    But seeing all angels at once is a great change.

    Regarding K1 having his own angel, Lind clearly tells him he his able thanks to his qualities AND the love he received from so many goddesses. I guess his love battery ran out. I know however than when the scenarists need to change that fact, they will change it
    K1 is the guy that is the most compatible with heaven, so he is able to host Celestin and now an Angel, though for a short period of time, since his body can't hold it for too long.

    Maybe the most important thing of the ep was Evil Bell (well was she really?) outfit and the face in breast scene. That's really a major change to me, because something like that would never have happened before... Twice even. I guess that wicked angel added spice to Bell's manners
    The scenarists need to find a way of freeing that couple from eternal flirting without even a kiss... but they need to do it cleverly so that the fanbase is not schocked loosing Bell as a potential girlfriend

    Well I hope we'll see more in the future.

    Regarding the video format, I wonder if it's possible to get the subs and apply them to the 720P raw... Just so that I store a high quality version

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

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